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is there a simple way to show an svg image and have it use css from the web page?
currently, I use inlineSVG.js but it has a few quirks
I have already tried doing
- svg <use>
- <iframe>
- <object>
but none of them really work
1 hour later…
@Wietlol only the container should be touched with css
which style do you want to apply?
in my svg, I use fill coloring of css variables
fill="var(--my-variable, #ffffff)"
it works if I inline the svg, but havent found a way to get it to work otherwise
and SO isnt really helping me either
> if you want to change the color, just open the svg file in a text editor and change the color
assume that you have
> if you want to change the color, have it be transparant and change the background color of the element behind it
  <circle class="red" ...
you can simply set this in CSS
circle.red {
  fill: 'red';
this is an example svg
the colors will be set dynamically based on the user's chosen theme (or custom theme, so presets won't work)
however, I load this image by url
<img href="icons/my-image.svg"/>
love that design
but then it won't detect the css variables
neither if I use an iframe or object
ah you want to have it dynamically
how do you switch themes?
and adding a custom svg with <use> is going to be a pain due to security issues
is it not loading a different CSS sheet?
@KarelG from the user's perspective or from the application's perspective?
user, as you've said "user's chosen theme"
from the application, I just have different classes on the root element
it should be same for app side as well, if you track user's choice
I have a css with all the preset themes and their class
:root {
    --primary-color: blue;
html.theme-red {
    --primary-color: red;
html.theme-green {
    --primary-color: green;
normally, it will take the blue primary color
if I add the theme-red class on the html node, I suddenly have a red primary color
risky approach :P
if I remove the class again, it goes back to default blue
why risky?
better to use SASS or SCSS
and compile into multiple theme based CSS
sass and scss are compiled, right?
like dark.css / light.css
ye, useless then :D
what is risky about having the class name approach?
toggling with class names is a bit more effort than just loading in a correct stylesheet?
what if someone forgets one?
forgets what?
a conditional class string, so if dark meme is chosen; class="[inDark ? beDark : beLight]"
why would you need that?
I saw people doing that
conditions everywhere in the template
I saw people jumping in the river...
soooo... maybe you're doing that as well :P
heck no :D
the design is quite simple
you have a palette with a few colors and variants of that color
I just keep it to single class name and pick different css files based on user's choice.
but you're going further it seems
such as --palette-main-primary and --palette-main-secondary
in the code, you just use the values from the palette
if the palette changes, then so does your code
there is a layer between it though
for example in the svg image, we dont use the values from the palette
instead we use a value dedicated to the product icons
and that variable is set to the value from the palette
normally, you would never change it, but this would be for some of our tenants that want to change it even more
and perhaps want different colors for the products than for other places where the main primary color is used
but yea...
it is still a work in progress tho :D
we've side-tracked a bit
yes, we have :D
@Wietlol this one is strange to me
why so?
when an svg is loaded through img, it should apply the css post-rendering
that's ... the default behavior
but it does not at your end?
chrome says otherwise
as does SO
Q: SVG fill with css variables

sammieplsI am trying to use CSS variables in my SVG (which is set as a background image) for the fill color, but am having difficulty in getting it to work. It shows the default black, but when I inspect it I can see that the css variable is there and showing my desired color. HTML <div class="test"> ...

> In your example the svg is not part of the DOM. So you cannot use css to modify the attributes of the svg.
did you have tried that mask thing?
I need to check how it's done at my end.
> if you want to change the color, have it be transparant and change the background color of the element behind it
the mask stuff is basically adding a filter on the rendering
and they use the background as primary color
so you only see the background where the svg should be rendered
this way, it would work... for mono-colored images
obviously useless for my case
is it not an option to deliver the svg element instead?
I just saw that we just deliver the svg element
probably we did not encounter that problem you're facing :D
(or we did, but the dev working on that probably went that route)
the question is, how do you deliver the svg?
we just have an url
should the server side download the svg itself and inline it into the resulting document?
that would hurt ttfb
and still be a pain
@Wietlol there is a good entry about that: stackoverflow.com/questions/24933430/…
> To precisely answer the original question, just:
1. Open your logo.svg in a text editor.
2. look for fill: #fff and replace it with fill: #000
> You could set your SVG as a mask. That way setting a background-color would act as your fill color.
> filter: invert(1);
> <use href="logo.svg"
the fifth answer is what I currently use... just a different library
the problem is probably to find out which of the solutions are recent and feasible
@Wietlol each svg is being contained. When the template gets handled at application's side, the svg is added as part of the document. We do not change it. When the user switches between modes, we just load a different CSS
you have a different approach, so might be an un-explored field
It's weird that this feature is basically missing in the web. "tint" (coloring images f.e. like symbols for buttons and stuff) is such a basic functionality in f.e. mobile app development.
is that not just playing with hues?
(can you give an android code example?)
A: How to set tint for an image view programmatically in android?

ADevMost answers refer to using setColorFilter which is not what was originally asked. The user @Tad has his answer in the right direction but it only works on API 21+. To set the tint on all Android versions, use the ImageViewCompat: ImageViewCompat.setImageTintList(imageView, ColorStateList.val...

lol Android doc is still same: with barely information
> Applies a tint to the image drawable.
what is "tint" here >.<
Basically, changing the overall color. The simplest approach would be to have 1 (color + transparency) image where tint will change that color
ya know ... filter ?
hmm gotcha lookup
yep that's probably the same thing as tint
👉 https://stackoverflow.com/a/12546549
👉 https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/f/filter/
hrmm.. maybe if that "custom" would work
the others are just image filters like blur
@KarelG hmm.. filter: url() actually looks a bit useful.. althought it seems you need to dig more into SVG filtermodes, apply a custom filter matrix like here and maybe even more by selecting a blend mode and stuff
not sure if that would work with css variables thought
1 hour later…
hi everyone,
I have a weird issue with Angular 8x

The issue is exactly that from that link. The solution solves the JSON import issue. But when I had to import libraries like moment with "import * as moment from 'moment';" causes complilation error :(
@Ren Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Type originates at this import. A namespace-style import cannot be called or constructed, and will cause a failure at runtime. Consider using a default import or import require here instead.
That's the error
And importing using 'require' doesn't solve it
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Kind of did a work around. Using ts file with export const bla = [], instead of json files..
Hopefully Angular doesn't have more weird tricks up its sleeve
Hi. I need help regarding React
import { PropTypes } from "@material-ui/core";
import { createContext, useContext, useState } from "react";

type AppbarColor    = PropTypes.Color | "transparent";
type AppbarPosition = "fixed" | "absolute" | "sticky" | "static" | "relative";

type AppbarProps = {
    color: AppbarColor,
    position: AppbarPosition

type HeaderContextType = {
    appbar: AppbarProps,
    setAppbarColor: (color: AppbarColor) => void,
    setAppbarPosition: (position: AppbarPosition) => void,

export const HeaderContext = createContext <HeaderContextType>({
I have this Header context defined which I need to use in the <Header> component
So I wrapped the header component with the:

Now when I try to use the context.appbar.color inside the header component, I do get the default value of the context
But even after updating it, the context value NEVER updates
I debugged and found that my "State" functions are NEVER called
Instead the default function of the context are being called.
I thought that the <HeaderContext.Provider value=""> is passing the state props to the deeper level
ohh I see.

The defaultValue argument is only used when a component does not have a matching Provider above it in the tree. This can be helpful for testing components in isolation without wrapping them. Note: passing undefined as a Provider value does not cause consuming components to use defaultValue.
This cleared it up
What could cause a REST call to only pull some list items and not all of them? Esp when they have the same values?
Apparently oData limits the number of results to 100??
for learning angular, do i need to know typescript
@jeea if you are talking about Angular (Angular 2, Angular 3, ...) and not AngularJS then yes, it's a typescript framework so typescript is definitely beneficial
I have a question
So what are build tools for exactly
like esbuild
I built a chat app with socket io
and I have node modules dependencies
so I was wondering if I would copy the folder directly with node_modules
or would I do something else
and how to put the server code on aws
Build tools are for building your code
In a modern app that usually involved transpiling, minifying, bundling
OK, so I figured out the issue just needed to add to the end of my url $top=1000
so what would I do to publish a node module app
in html
@makadev can you recommend where to start, youtube or some documentation
@jeea if you don't mind spending money, look at pluralsight
@jeea Typescript itself has a pretty good documentation inclusive playground for testing around
o.o nomnom o/
But all in all Typecript is a superset of Javascript, if you already know Javascript you might as well just start an angular project and learn by reading that documentation and here and there check the typescript documentation about stuff that looks weird
althought chances are.. if it looks weird it is most likely something from angular
Naah, AngularJS is a weird thing
that seems logical, i do know basic javascript
@BeerusDev my org has given access to this maybe ill try this too..
htg i dont understand why do different companies hire so many web developers
what are so many web apps required for
@KarelG well.. I'm mostly doing react/react-native.. seeing all those "@" symbols and "ng-*" thingies and such make me really question the sanity of whoever came up with this
and afaik it's not much difference there between AngularJS and Angular ;)
@jeea huh, and we have only one pure front-end dev here 😀
there is even a website team (stalled under marketing dept) but that is now two persons atm
like it's another end of the specturm
When i was hired, there were 3 devs, one doubled as a graphic artist, and we had a writer and two other graphic artists on hand
There's a huge difference between Angular and AngularJS :)
now there's 2 of us
@KarelG I would dance with joy if my company had at least one front-end dev at disposal.. I really need someone to dump that 2 year old, completly broken react front-end at which I'm currently tasked to somehow fix :<
@jeea web apps make everything run smoother
Sure you can operate with out them
most the things we needed web apps for years ago exist as mostly free services online now days
or come as a part of some other service we're paying for
@makadev we have a portal here, for some services, built with webpack. I was going to check with the person that built that to comprehend the build. It was a custom gulp script with yarn and webpack
aaandd... he left earlier, on holidays because he has some remaining before signing off from the office
my job slowly shifted from solving problems by building/modifying web apps, to integrating our own systems with 3rd party tools
so there is nobody that knows the build process now. So I hope that nobody asks for some updates or even features for that portal otherwise I am screwed
ain't no time to figure it out
i'm in a similar situation kinda? i need to migrate an app built in angular 1.5 to a new server, and have it run alongside another node app that runs on a much newer version of node
yarr, you gotcha stick with ColdFusion 😁
so now i have to get that build process working
and ensure it actually runs on a new version of node, then migrate it all over to windows
where it will sit until it is obsolete with 0 future updates
at least, no updates by me
@KarelG it's something similar here... instead of a custom gulp script it's a (actually multiple) laravel-mix scripts which is some sort wrapper around a webpack/babel and so on, over the last 2 years a series of hacks was added to the babel config to to fix packages/targeting IE11 (or 10?) and so on
I don't know exactly where it started to break since the CI/CD still builds a valid prod build
i don't recall what build process the angular project is using
given it's age... probably grunt
but it's unusable in dev, either crashing or compiling to something that only throws random errors.. I really forgot how hard it is to do actual work without dev builds/watch/hot reload
does someone know if you have this
  <element with float:left>
   <another element, no float>
@KarelG Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
that the container with another element gets floated on the first one or not?
i have that situation and I am kinda surprised
the div is set as flexbox container with direction column
but nope, second div gets almost on same line as 1st
aha the other has inline flex
(yeah I should solve that float by float:none, but stupid legacy code styles...)
hrm.. floats.. didn't see those in a while
wasn't there some problem which needed solving with a clearfix (clear: both) to keep it from doing weird stuff?
it's a nightmare if not used properly
especially in an environment where a template consists of other templates
so it happens that some dynamically added element introduces a float, breaking your view
fortunately there is flex and grid
hmm.. I never really used grid
export default {
    colors = ["AliceBlue","AntiqueWhite","Yellow","YellowGreen"],
    randomColor : ()=>{
        return Math.ceil(Math.random()*colors.length);
does randomColor() function have access to colors like this?
* colors : [...]
flex and pre-flex (table and the like) layouts yes, but due to requirements still supporting oooooold devices and browser I never came to use grid.. is it similar to what a typical css framework like bootstrap adds for responsiveness (grid layout)?
yes @makadev they make bootstrap and co. useless
but I am also still using materializecss :(
never had enough energy to really learn grid and flexbox
we still have a layout that uses a super wide table to create a slideshow because it was the only way we could get it to function the way we intended in IE7
actually there is also grid in css - not just flexbox
but... it works, why replace it
why use angular why what ever.
the plain old stuff - if its still working - then use that
I am sick of this quick change
rapid change
not quite sure if you were responding to me or,
angular wouldn't be a good tool for a simple slideshow either, 😋
@KevinB I was.. because you said you use table.. I said yeah good old stuff if it still works than super.
hehe my opinion: angular is never a good tool
not a fan of angular, but i'm a fan of code structure, which angular provides
yeah than you go with react much better
but i'm not a fan of replacing things just for the hell of it, it has to make business sense
export default {
  colors: ["AliceBlue","AntiqueWhite","Yellow","YellowGreen"],
  randomColor : function() {
    return Math.ceil(Math.random()*this.colors.length);
@makadev with "this" it is in the function, which is not binded.. right? so this is not working
thats why I converted it into a class
export default class {

    static colors = ["AliceBlue","AntiqueWhite","Aqua","Aquamarine","Azure"];
    static randomColor = ()=>{
        return Math.ceil(Math.random()*this.colors.length);
but now.... strange thing is:
for(let i=0;i<10;i++){

      let rndColor = Color.randomColor()
I get always the same color
what happens with the randomness? because its a static function? or what
it doesn't return a color
return Math.ceil(Math.random()*this.colors.length);
ah god
but hey thx, export default {} with this.colors in the function did not work
in the end... does it matter if I abuse a abstract class as a module?
your conversion to class is weird
static makes randomColor a static (or class) method hence it has no this
@makadev I did not get it - it has no "this"?
but it works now with that static method and the static colors field, I have now a static class which I don't need to instianciate and can use everwhere I need a random color
It's an OOP concept, class is like a template for creating instances of that class (objects).
I really want to learn and understand this stuff.. since I am the only guy developing I have no one correcting my code
@makadev yeah but not necessary everytime?
Javascript is a prototypical language so you can create objects on the fly and recreate them without a class. But that is not the point.
what I found weird about it is your class can be represented by an object
with no loss in features that you're using
probably better than me trying to explain what static means ;)
class PickColor {

  static colors = ["AliceBlue","AntiqueWhite","Aqua","Aquamarine","Azure"];
  static randomColor = ()=>{
    const idx = Math.floor(Math.random()*PickColor.colors.length);
    return PickColor.colors[idx];
export default PickColor;
so rather something like this, where classproperties are referenced by a class name
also.. I believe Math.floor(Math.random()*...length) should be correct since Math.random() returns 0..<1 and floor is like truncating the positions after point so it's returning a number 0..(length-1)
aand to top it of, the other example with the object did not work because you used arrow function => and not function() hence it did not bind this to the object: see f.e. the first example of developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… and replace it with =>
@KevinB that is true, but I couldn't make the "this.color" work
@makadev wow thank you!
so my static class example is fine
@Suisse hmmmye.. I'm actually surprised that it seems to work with this instead of the classname.
ok.. then forget what I said about "this" in static (or class) methods as it seems this can be used to refer to the class in those.. hu
"In order to call a static method or property within another static method of the same class, you can use the this keyword." cool thx!!
^ Wonder if it will be rip chats, or if they will expand. Interesting news.
posted on June 02, 2021 by Daniel Gagnon

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Q: getServerSideProps is not updating data with import

HelpingHandI'm having a problem with getServerSideProps in NextJS not updating values on page load. It seems to be having the same effect as using getStaticProps when calling from data that is an imported json file. Here's the applicable code: /update/[...id].js import { hasPermission, getPermissions } from...

1 hour later…
how are you
posted on June 02, 2021 by Ben Mason

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posted on June 02, 2021 by Krishna Govind

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