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True, though some noobs are WAY more pro than others! ;)
< did sing it
@Raynos I posted my code above. Trying to simply get a website to connect to my Node server using WebSockets. That's completely wrong, right?
34 mins ago, by Amaan
Server side, Node: http://pastebin.com/jmuQY7z5
I want to learn how to do it without Socket.IO or something similar
@Amaan Raynos isn't even in here
He'll get the notification when he comes to SO
people.mozilla.com/~prouget/ie9 Please read and then tell me there is nothing wrong with IE9... — rlemon 8 secs ago
It's been over a year since Node was released. Wonder why it's so hard to find a tutorial for this
Maybe it's too easy and I just missed something.
nodes been out for a few years now hasnt it?
2 or 3 now I think
also there should be tuts
or at least code examples
I know @ivowetzel has used websockets and node before
Node.js is a software system designed for writing highly scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous I/O to minimize overhead and maximize scalability. Details Node.js consists of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, [http://github.com/joyent/libuv libUV], and several built-in libraries. Node.js was created by Ryan Dahl starting in 2009, and its growth is sponsored by Joyent, his employer.[http://mashable.com/2011/03/10/node-js/ Why Everyone Is Talking About Node], By Jolie O'Dell, March 10, 2011, Mashable Dahl...
I can't find anything that doesn't use Socket.IO or some other framework
gist: Pure Node.js WebSockets server, 2011-06-11 23:29:20Z
 * node-ws - pure Javascript WebSockets server
 * Copyright Bradley Wright <[email protected]>

// Use strict compilation rules - we're not animals
'use strict';

var net = require('net'),
    crypto = require('crypto');

function bigEndian(value) {
    var result = [
        String.fromCharCode(value >> 24 & 0xFF),
        String.fromCharCode(value >> 16 & 0xFF),
        String.fromCharCode(value >> 8 & 0xFF),
        String.fromCharCode(value & 0xFF)
    return result.join('');

function computeKey(key) {
     * For each of these fields, the server has to
     * take the digits from the value to obtain a
     * number, then divide that number by the number
     * of spaces characters in the value to obtain
     * a 32-bit number.
    var length = parseInt(key.match(/\s/g).length),
        chars = parseInt(key.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
    return (chars / length);

// protocol 00
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00
function HandshakeHYBI00(request) {
    // split up lines and parse
    var lines = request.split('\r\n'),
        headers = parseHeaders(lines);
    if ('sec-websocket-key1' in headers &&
        'sec-websocket-key2' in headers) {
        var key1 = computeKey(headers['sec-websocket-key1']),
            key2 = computeKey(headers['sec-websocket-key2']),
             * The third piece of information is given
             * after the fields, in the last eight
             * bytes of the handshake, expressed here
             * as they would be seen if interpreted as ASCII
            data = request.slice(-8, request.length),
            // md5 hhash
            hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
        // update hash with all values
        // TODO: make this a template maybe
        var response = [
            'HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake',
            'Upgrade: WebSocket',
            'Connection: Upgrade',
            'Sec-WebSocket-Origin: ' + headers['origin'],
            // TODO: ws or wss
            // TODO: add actual request path
            'Sec-WebSocket-Location: ws://' + headers['host'] + '/',
        return response;
    return false;

function parseHeaders(headers) {
    // splits a list of headers into key/value pairs
    var parsedHeaders = {};

    headers.forEach(function(header) {
        // might contain a colon, so limit split
        var toParse = header.split(':');
        if (toParse.length >= 2) {
            // it has to be Key: Value
            var key = toParse[0].toLowerCase(),
                // might be more than 1 colon
                value = toParse.slice(1).join(':')
                    .replace(/^\s\s*/, '')
                    .replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
            parsedHeaders[key] = value;
        else {
            // it might be a method request,
            // which we want to store and check
            if (header.indexOf('GET') === 0) {
                parsedHeaders['X-Request-Method'] = 'GET';

    return parsedHeaders;

var WebsocketServer = net.createServer(function (socket) {
    // listen for connections
    var wsConnected = false;

    socket.addListener('data', function (data) {
        // are we connected?
        if (wsConnected) {
        else {
            var response = HandshakeHYBI00(data.toString('binary'));
            if (response) {
                // handshake succeeded, open connection
                socket.write(response.join('\r\n'), 'binary');
                wsConnected = true;
            else {
                // close connection, handshake bad


WebsocketServer.listen(8080, "");
Nop ?
Pretty much everything I've seen used github.com/miksago/node-websocket-server
@dievardump Oh! That looks good! Thanks!
Also! More! Exclamations!
You're welcome.
"pure websocket node" on google
pure is the keyword man
@rlemon thanks, yeah I thought it had been a while, I made a little game like 2 years ago
multiplayer and everything!
but I did it a retarded way, so it ran like buttox
@Loktar no worries.
Okay. I give up.
I'll just use Socket.IO
Maybe come back to this if it seems like it'll make more sense later
Seriously, am I crazy to think if this guy is a professional and by choice uses IE9 as his main browser he needs a slap?
@rlemon - There is nothing wrong with IE9 millions of people use it by choice. I am one of those users. — Ramhound 25 mins ago
lol wtf
he must not be a web developer
@rlemon wat.
@Amaan now.js ?
IE9 is a serviceable browser, but I'd never choose it as my main browser.
ugh my coworker.... ..... ..... so yeah we got a code sample from an applicant. He uses tables EVERYWHERE. With a few divs sprinkled in. She says, well he has some divs so it looks like he might sort of know what hes doing.
she thinks divs are like some super awesome thing for new types of front ends I guess face palm
@Abhishek That looks pretty cool
Ah, I remember the first time I copy-pasted a div into a table-based layout.
yo guys its alright, hes got sum divz!
@RyanKinal lol that was prob the case here
the dudes in his mid 50's I guess
@Abhishek I really want to just make something without using a framework. But I guess I'd be going too low then?
Too low == low-level
** The best moment of today **
1. Compiles C++ Code , compiles in first attempt ,
2. Runs it [ no segmentation faults ]
3. Listens to the stream.... :D :D :D :D
4. Jumps out of my chair dancing like a monkey!
we keep getting such old applicants.. and Im always skeptical of >40 web devs
I was... 12 at the time?
Maybe 13
At what time?
lol nice. I dont think I did my first webpage until around 16 or so
at 12 I was writing line numbers on my c128
@Amaan the time when I copy-pasted a div into a table-based layout
I learned JavaScript before HTML :p
I was probably 13 or 14
Made bookmarklets and all
Then I "learned" HTML
I got a computer at 14 , played games till 15 [ with some darkbasic ] , just game dev on XNA and some insane C experiments ..... started serious code at like an year ago :-| :-|
i feel naive :-| :-|
I still don't play many games
I play so many games..
My computer was always too slow to play anything more than Flash games
I have > 50 hours logged on steam for the last 2 weeks alone :?
@Amaan pc's are never too slow! :P
Mine really was / is
I had a 286 for the longest time (like 12mhz)
And now I'm not all that interested in games to bother
and I played civilization, kings bounty, warcraft (original)
so many old classics man
@Amaan play counter strike 1.6
u will still rock!
with speed , and u can also try age of empires II : The conquerers expansion
// classics!
It's alright
Well then, now that that long weekend is over and I only have TODAY to finish fixing these bugs. cracks fingers
I probably won't end up playing any of those
youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA :: Flo Rida was promoting Nokia Lumia 900 :-| now i feel the song a waste
@Abhishek Hi.What is the use of widows and orphans in CSS
Hey guys, one question. Is loading external javascript file outside the head (between html code) a bad idea? I generally dont do this, but i have a plugin which is needed only for one page. Since i use same header for all pages, including in head would mean plugin for all pages. It is only 7KB, but still... What do you guys think?
@Jamaica Not possible i think
orphans: <integer>
widows: <integer>

These two properties are used primarily in paged media to control line breaks by specifying the number of lines in a paragraph that should be left at the top (widows) or bottom (orphans) of a page.

About.com has a decent article about the CSS orphans property.
@Abhishek thanks
@JamaicaBob you can always add a script tag in body
@Abhishek Yes thats what i meant - script tags, i just wanted to know if it is bad to load it outside the head tag?
actually it doesnt matter
@Abhishek rly? Okay, thanks :)
@JamaicaBob The only difference is the order of execution
the script tag is blocking [by default] so it will execute the scripts as soon as its encountered
when u add it in the head u load & run all scripts before loading the html
when you do it body it will be executed after loading the html code before it
it allows u to do some cool things though
<div ..... some html code ... />
/* U wont need an onload in here */
@Abhishek Yes i can understand that :) Thanks @Abhishek for the comprehensive explanation :))
@JamaicaBob np
@Amaan I've only used socket.io, sorry
@FlorianMargaine you free now :3
@Loktar first line of code was PRINT "HELLO WORLD" and the year iirc was ~1994
My first webpage was full of marquees and blinking text and fucking gifs... gifs were badass. (year ~1997/8ish)
free enough to install ffmpeg-dev on your computer o_O ? evil grin
wait a minute or so
I'll install an lxc vm
my module is done :D
lxc ?
Linux Containers
whats that ? // am drunk kindly try to explain in brief
chroot on steroids
advantages ?
closed environment
@Abhishek Linux has a little box underneath what some nerds refer to as the "kernel" - this box or container is for you to store your cookies (the tasty kind) and playboys.
makes no sense at the moment , i should probably go out and have some fun tonight :D
bbl ,
Do you know Money was the reason toilet paper was invented ?
@Abhishek I can just delete the lxc when I'm done testing and nothing related to ffmpeg will be left
@FlorianMargaine oh :D
thats great !
@Abhishek I would have thought to get the shit off your ass
The french person who invented mechanical paper mill was originally intending to create a faster way to print paper to create paper money after french revolution , without that well pretty much we had nearly anything related to paper cause producing paper by old method is damn too slow like processing a 1tb ps file via a Pentium 1
@rlemon gif killer launched
@Abhishek and instead produced (imo) the greatest invention to date.
because, really, I could do without a lot of things. TP is not one of them.
Pro tip: Using jQuery 1.2.6 instead of a modern version may cause plugins to fail.
@rlemon totally agreed
(should be sending that to my ex-boss, who just asked for help debugging some jQuery)
@RyanKinal Pro Tip: using jQuery may cause fail!
Truth :-)
@rlemon Pro Tip : using jQuery with jQuery UI with lots of plugins and loads of more plugins and loads of jQueries without caching garuntees your user to come to your house and slap you tight for shit UX.
anyways i am out for drinking :-3
@RyanKinal heh, drupal 6?
@FlorianMargaine Nope. Just a shitty old website.
Anyone know any good JavaScript forums?
We acquired a company in January, and now we're jury-rigging some new functionality into their website while a contractor rebuilds it.
@alvincrespo why?
@alvincrespo Here and Stackoverflow are really good to improve your skill.
@FlorianMargaine I'm just curious, I dont really use any forums and thought it would be a good way to get involved with the community.
@FlorianMargaine My gif killer is " Right Click -» Inspect Element -» Suppr
@dievardump Yeah, use Stackoverflow alot - its just awesome.
To give you an idea of how terrible this website is, I just came across a <table> within a <center>
woops, getting used to the ui here
@RyanKinal :?
that sucks man lol
Meh. We're having it rebuilt. I rarely have to deal with it.
as long as they have a div or 2 it will show they were clearly competent though
@RyanKinal I'm working on a site that doesn't have a backend :(
lol, yes!
@dievardump too many clicks... mines one.
@alvincrespo Doesn't have a backend? Like, it doesn't use a server-side language?
@RyanKinal Correct. Everything is done using SSI #FML
Oof. SSI kinda sucks.
I just finished re-writing one that also didn't have a backend. and their PHP includes were of auto generated pages so you ended up with this kinda garbage
@rlemon ha. that sucks, at leaster theres something like tidy
Oh man... the fix for his last issue was "add a doctype" -_-
hey @Amaan thanks for linking that video
was a good one
@Loktar Demise Of Guys?
I just realized there has been a fresh coffee on my desk for the better part of a half hour.... and I haven't opened it o_O
wtf is wrong with me?
/me needs coffee terribly
I feel very strange as someone who programs
got like 4 hours of sleep
I don't drink much coffee
I don't play many games
I haven't watched Star Trek
I dont drink "Coffee" either
Or Star Wars
I drink latte's
lots of lattes
wtf @Amaan
I like lattes
no star wars??
I tried
But I don't have the patience to watch movies when I'm home
I can only watch movies in the theater
yeah thats my favorite way to watch them for sure
The only way I've watched movies at home is in chunks of about 20 mins
Im going to get a red eye now
@Amaan sounds like you need a drink :)
@alvincrespo NO! Don't Loktar yourself!
Can anyone help me with a simple issue?
(Poke yourself in the eye)
@Amaan sounds like you need a drink :)
@alvincrespo I'm 16.
@Bane Shoot. We'll try.
@Abhishek chroot made, send me the instructions
@Amaan Noooooo! :)
Well, I'm trying to detect when a new story or comment appears on Facebook.
Is there an event or something?
(From a perspective of a Chrome contentscript.)
Never used the Facebook API, sorry.
Not with the Facebook API, bare Js.
You could use a DOM event
@Bane Unless they have some sort of "live" api I would think you'd need to call the api every few seconds/minutes
On that, check if it is a comment or story or whatever
Hmm, I'll look it up, thanks.
I wish my company would allow the IRC ports so I could be in the javascript irc channel
IRC - what is this 1998?
What should I register the event to? Also, IRC is still fine, @rlemon.
(At least some channels.)
@alvincrespo Are we not good enough for you?!
IRC is awesome
@rlemon Everyone uses IRC. Thats where you can connect with the community; such as jQuery, JavaScript, etc...
I idle on it all day.
@Bane if there is no jQuery channel then IRC can GTFO
@Bane body, I guess
I havent been in the js chan in forever.
Or the content containing div
(obviously the newbies do not know my trollesk nature)
@Amaan, oh, might do, I'm not really familiar with Facebook's HTML structure, but I'm sure that there is something more specific.
@Bane Just Inspect element
Simple enough
Doing that right now, @Amaan. :)
It's "contentArea". I could've guess that, lol.
@rlemon Do you Google for images?
Or do you have an external HD filled with images for you to pick?
@Amaan no I just have a huge ass collection of funny images.
Anyone ever use mediaelement.js?
every funny image I come a crossed I save. then I sync them from home/phone/work with Ubuntu One.
@rlemon, how big? Bet you can't beat mine.
Trolling at my finger tips.
@Bane you're GF would disagree. OHH BURN idk to be honest. maybe 10-20GB
Well that's not really quality trolling.
I've been collecting funny images for years.
Damn, that beats mine. I've only been casually saving them for a few years.
it's like if I asked you how many MP3's you had - you could tell me how many are in the known locations you save them
but rlemon is crazy
how many times does a music collection become so scattered
I have a LOT of media.
Hmm... Well, it's quality over quantity.
my ISP says $50/mo is the most overages they will charge me and no limiting or capping past that - so on my 100GB/mo bandwidth package I download probably 300-400GB a month of music/movies/games/TV
But anyway, I've got programming to do. See you later!
troll 4 life. damn gif is too big taking a long time
all this makes me want to go on 4chan
BS failed to upload
@rlemon I'm actually fairly good at managing my music collection. It doesn't become scattered often (unless, for some reason, I download music on my work computer and it doesn't make it to my home computer)
this image made me laugh
(removing it before I get too many flags, heh)
LOL you know him @FlorianMargaine ?
@dievardump nope, his face just makes me laugh with the text
@FlorianMargaine Pawn Stars
@FlorianMargaine I never saw how to use 4chan
It's just a million posts in a thread
That's the thing my roommates always look at...
looks cool
Well they always look at History TV
@Amaan doesn't matter, you don't need to be a /b/tard
I was actually watching that the other night.
Don't say that...
That's not cool
who needs cable. Netflix + streaming === save yourself $60/mo
(and there is almost 10 ads for 30 minutes of show.)
@dievardump yea that sucks.
@rlemon Sorry, Netflix is not available in your country yet.
Live in a better country
Yes, come live in a country where you can not have unlimited 100Mbits/s for 35$
yea but I get netflix.
@dievardump You've got that in France?!
@Amaan yep
Okay, everyone, hit speedtest.net
My internet speed sucks
well, that's unlimited 100Mbits/s + unlimited phone + tv
for $35
@Amaan Yes. That's less than what you can get at Teresko's place (Latvia) but that's good enough.
LOL from work i'll get a LOT LESS than home. work i'm getting like 5mbps down and at home i'm like 75mbps down
I get 0.89 MPBS
we have two major carriers. Bell and Rogers. for the same price Bell will give you 5 down, and .7 up - Rogers gives you 75 down, and 1.5 up (I say it again, FOR THE SAME PRICE)
howdy folks
Why does anyone pick Bell, then?
there are 4 major carriers in France: Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free
But I'm closer to the median than you guys
And I'm in Montréal, Quebec
@dievardump rage... in Ontario Rogers or Bell owns 90% of the lines... getting any other ISP depends on who is available to you.
for example: my house I can get Rogers, Bell, and some small company - work , the only line is Bell. no other choice.
<3 Amazon CloudPlayer

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