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the value of a hand
1 hour later…
anyone know how to get username/email and password in javascript? need to know for my new web browser ios app to save username and pass and reload it automatically for users
nevermind found it:]
3 hours later…
good sunday morning :D
Q: SCRIPT5: Access Denied on IE9 due to jQuery.min CDN file in Wordpress

voodooGQAsked this on Overflow but have a feeling I may have better luck here due to the nature. I've read quite a few other articles on the SCRIPT5: Access is Denied issue in IE9 but as far as I can tell this one is a little different and I'm not exactly sure why its happening. The situation arose on ...

2 hours later…
what is good font size to use for body part?
I mean then scale other font sizes to it like 120% etc.
@Olli depends on your awesome inredible content
sometimes 48 will look good
and sometimes 10px is decent
is there any copyright for colors? for example if I take colour from some common website to my own project, is that forbidden?
@Olli Of course not
They could sue you for copying the design
If your website looks very similar to theirs or something
And I'm not sure they can even do that yet
@Olli: It depends, if you want to do a lot of typography, then using variable sizes, however if you want to keep it simple, then perhaps 36 or 40px should fit best.
36 or 40px is huge size...
I chosen 12px
that is upto you
just try it out with some sizes
you know Poets of the fell ;)
The most expensive woman in the world - Jennifer Lopez. Her body was insured for an amount of EUR 1 billion.
WTF ? ???
Click anywhere to like!
lol :D
their goal is to spread website as much people as possible
Why SO chat won't support Spotify oneboxing?
Ask on Meta, I guess
Does Spotify have an API for embedding things?
And what do you expect the onebox to show?
SO doesn't gather information and present it that way for anything other than it's own questions
YouTube simply gets embedded
For this, they'll have to organize all the data
the onebox should show artist, track name
and maybe album name
guys, do you know drag and drop?
in html5?
@Olli Don't link to W3Schools
@Amaan w3schools is just ok
its very good site
if there is some small errors, they are acceptable
They're okay only when you know not to trust them entirely
I won't care it. The most important thing is that their examples work.
and try it editor is excellent
You do know JSFiddle exists, right?
There are plenty more
drunkenotter.com is pretty much the same as the Try-It editor
Except it's live
yes but seems to be quite slow
what is link for the meta
I would like to suggest spotify onebox
do you know drag and drop in html5?
@AnujKaithwas What about it are you having a problem with?
yep, I am looking for a way to change the source attribute of a video tag using that
but i am not getting what to do
For your drop event, change the source
already read that
So what is your problem?
i literally copied the script of loading local files in js, but it does not help in html5 video
i am using video.js
Why are you "literally copying" the scripts?
Understand how they work
Then implement them yourself
I have done that, that is what I meant to say.
What do you mean it doesn't help in HTML5 video?
hello everyone
i have a custom made html5 web player called Video js and to play video in that, you have to manually add source in the source attribute.
@tereško Teresko?
Troll ?
tereško, Riga, Latvia
13.9k 6 19 36
Maybe it's a common name
thats not me
but I want to change the source dybamically using dnd
I am looking to make a javascript video game
@AnujKaithwas SO WHAT?
Just change it using the dataTransfer object!
dude can't you understand what I am trying to say?
And ignore.
Morning everyone :D
any body home ? :P
@Abhishek or @rlemon @cHao
@AnujKaithwas I understand. I just don't get what you want us to do.
Please listen. I have a HTML5 video player called Video.js videojs.com. You can use it from the link for free. Now, in order to play a video in the web player, you have to specify the source of the file within the code manually.
Good to know.
which is okay if there is only one video, however, if we talk of something advanced, like playing video on demand or of the user's choice, it would be difficult to do so by code, since it is not good to let the user modify the code, it would suck as a product.
any clever person here ?
How would the user be giving you the video he wants to play?
In order to get things easy, I want to add the functionality of either dragging a video from the file system on to the web player, or by using a browse button which would play the file once it is added
And what's your problem in that?
@Amaan are you clever :D
@TimeToThine What do you need?

I want to create a blog like this
My problem is that I am not able to add that function in the main javascript. I have a code that makes me add only a single video from my computer to the video player in an array and when the user click on the link button, the player plays it. But this does not work when you have a huge collection to choose from and then play the video of your choice
@AnujKaithwas your problem is you being lazy, thats it
@TimeToThine Haven't we been over that before?
I got to go
See you guys later
@Amaan: This is what I have read.
@AnujKaithwas Show us your code for that
there is the js that makes me read local files on the dragndrop handler
I'm going now
yup hold on
I'll see if I can help when I'm back
@AnujKaithwas let him go, he isn't yur employee
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test Streamer</title>

<!-- Chang URLs to wherever Video.js files will be hosted -->
<link href="video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- video.js must be in the <head> for older IEs to work. -->
<script src="video.js"></script>

<!-- Unless using the CDN hosted version, update the URL to the Flash SWF -->
_V_.options.flash.swf = "video-js.swf";
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object
Hi guys , do you have any code which checks that date value is legal ?
new Date(2012,1,41) is transferring the value to the next month
but its not valid
@Olli they work, but promote bad practices
@FlorianMargaine , @Amaan o/
@Abhishek \o
whats up my friend ?
:D I am so happy and i know it
I'm about to try out Gnome 3
Hahaha, clap your hands then? :p
@Amaan go for it u will love it
Better than Unity?
Q: jQuery serializeObject function

kyogronI am working on a small serialization function which serializes form input to json. Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jdQfj/ As you see it is not working. I can't explain why. But somehow the second part (

Restarting my computer, brb
@Amaan 1million zillion times
@Abhishek sup?
you know it ,[related to yesterday]
tested it against .png
my extraction method is extremely exhaustive
@Abhishek Why?
I like Unity
Probably because I'm so used to it now
but it works incredibly high quality @FlorianMargaine
@Amaan Unity just doesnt feels good to me :-/
How do you minimize windows in Gnome 3?
alt + tab
there is no minimize natively btw
Not switch windows
There must be a way with keyboard shortcuts
depends on app
Oooh, this looks really classy
It should
But it doesn't
Right click and minimize does
@Abhishek been reading accelerated C++ last night, I've seen a lot (templates, struct, classes, etc etc) so do you have a hello world C++ module for node.js?
its on node.js website :P
this article shows how to write one in asynchronous and synchronous code
That's pretty outdated though; at least parts of it
kind of outdated but still works
@ThiefMaster but it explains the concept
For example, you don't use the waf/wscript stuff anymore but gyp instead to build it
@ThiefMaster i still use waf/wscript
Can a question related to Google maps api be asked here???
@Abhishek lol... quite funny :D
@Cdeez Give it a shot. As long as it's the JS SDK ;-)
I am looking for downloading the Google Maps API v3. I have been searching for a long while but ended up with sample codes and applications.. Where exactly can I find it
Don't download, you just link it straight from the Google APIs site:
This also ensures that you are using the most up-to-date version of the JS API. Of course, you could download it if you wanted, but IIRC, all it does is link to another script which is the main bulk of the API.
@CallumMcLean var drawFunc = thisObject.drawSpring(springs[i],view);
Like this we can call the object?.Like this we can pass the arguments
Yup, that's how it's done.
drawFunc will then contain the value returned by the function.
@ Callum How to be good in Javascript.Am practising daily about javascript functions.But while working on the projects i have to ask help from others.I cant do the project Independently.Is there any good link for Studying javascript?
This is useful, if you want to improve your knowledge of Javascript:
@callumMclean www.lukewallin.co.uk .See this site
In this site there is rope ,like it is tied to pentagon shapes.My intention is to do the flexible rope in HTML5
Sounds good =)
Our main intention is to do the rope and it should work like cut the rope game.But i have constructed the rope in html5 but my main intention is when we swipe it in IPAD the rope should cut ,This task is difficult to me
In all honesty, it would probably be best to start a question.
@callum How to use the counters in javascript?
In what way? A countdown/up? A for-loop?
@callum Countdown for a loop
@callum In google we have a rope.js file.How to code it for .html extension?
@Ritesh What do you mean? You want to add it to a web page?
@callum yes
<script type="javascript" src="path/to/script" />
@Callum no that dude,I want the source code for the rope
I'm sorry, I don't follow.
@callum i searched the source code for the rope in canvas html5 .But i got the rope.js script file.My intention is what to code in index.html page?
Without any knowledge of the rope.js file, I can't really help you.
You'd need to call the main function of the rope.js in script tags.
<script type="javascript">
document.onLoad = ropeJSMainFunction()
Also, regarding your countdown:
Q: Countdown timer?

001How do you make a Countdown timer? When the user loads the page, clock starts counting down, it reaches time, it redirects browser to a new page. Found this, it was not too useful. http://encosia.com/2007/07/25/display-data-updates-in-real-time-with-ajax/

hi all
@callum have you seen the rope.js file?
@callum This is the starting code of that js file
function Rope(x, y, angle) {
this.springnessConstant = 15;
this.frictionCoefConstant = 0.9;
this.ropePointDistance = 20;
this.ropeWeight = 1;
this.targetedLength = 0;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.angle = angle;
this.isHooked = false;
this.anchorPoint = new CollisionPoint(x, y);
this.ropePoints = new Array();
this.vShoot = 25;
this.strength = {
x: 0,
y: 0
<script type="text/javascript" src="rope.js"></script>
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
document.onLoad = ropeJSMainFunction()
</script> Is this correct?
@Abhishek indeed, docs are pretty good
something's weird though
Handle<Value> Method(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  return scope.Close(String::New("world"));
we define the function as Handle<Value> type but we return a HandleScope
<script type="text/javascript" src="rope.js"></script>
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
document.onLoad = ropeJSMainFunction()
</script> Is this correct?
@Ritesh That has grabbed the canvas context, which is a good start - now you have something to draw onto. However, you need to replace ropeJSMainFunction with the main runtime loop of your application. However, it looks like you haven't yet written one - only a class describing your rope.
@FlorianMargaine scope.Close doesnt returns a HandleScope
it returns a Handle < Value >
scope is kind of like a helper
which cleans up every mess u create inside it once its closed
// basically tells "hey gc now collect this"
oh, my bad, scope.Close returns a Handle<Value>
@Callum but i have to create the object for the rope correct?
Yes, but that's only a part of it.
There is more to it than creating a rope.
Once you have created the rope, it must be drawn on to the canvas and animated, before capturing input events.
@callum I will paste the rope.js file. Is it ok?
@FlorianMargaine try this nasty idea
Handle<value> omg(const Arguments& args){
 return String::New("Oh Lala");
will work same
@Ritesh Try putting it on PasteBin, to save cluttering up the chat.
but if u do some nasty coding before return
@Callum ok
with Local<Value>
@Abhishek so all the v8 methods return Handle<value>?
it wont get cleaned
@FlorianMargaine most does
but since Value is the parent class
all classes get converted to it
TypeCasting FTW
@Callum Did you get it?
Yes, I've got it.
I didn't realise that you had created the runtime - I thought the code you posted earlier was all you had!
I take it that app is the canvas in this case?
@Callum Is there any solution for it?
For what - what are you asking for?
@Callum Can you paste the .html page pls?
What HTML page? You'll need to be a bit more specific - what do you want?
@Callum ,I have given the .js file.Pls tell me what to add the code for .html page
@Abhishek looks like extern "C" isn't needed anymore with gyp
@FlorianMargaine i still keep it :$
<script type="text/javascript" src="rope.js"></script>
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
document.onLoad = function(){ Rope(0,0,0) };
You know more about your app than I do.
You have not yet defined what are drawing onto.
Nor what window.app is.
@Abhishek is there a way to use node.js API methods, such as fs etc?
@FlorianMargaine libuv
@Callum.This is my html pasge
@Callum Page*
@FlorianMargaine they wont be as smooth as in JavaScript but they will be fine
and besides you can actually use fopen now :-| if u are synchronously opening em :$
@Ritesh Ok, but in rope.js, what is the window.app that you are drawing onto? Is this defined somewhere else?
or just fopen and read in a different thread :$
makes sense ?
@Callum No dude
do I need to open a new thread or a new process can do?
Then what is it?
using fork()
app is not a standard property of window in Javascript.
@Abhishek ^
@FlorianMargaine u can use libuv for that
oh yeah, libuv takes care of spawning the new thread etc, and I can use fopen within libuv
@FlorianMargaine i know libuv has dedicated functions for em
but most of my time using libuv has created seg-faults [ sync c libraries which like fopen ]
yep, it has dedicated functions for pretty much anything nikhilm.github.com/uvbook
but well it's weird, libuv only provides C examples
i.sstatic.net/f6SG4.gif the courteous thing to do before the post times out is to make the gif a link
@FlorianMargaine cause its a c library :-|
@rlemon haha, I laughed so much my gf was woken up (taking a nap)
@FlorianMargaine :P made my gf lul
same, I showed her :3
@FlorianMargaine show your gf that.. if she is anything like mine she will die.
saw that one already
it's sunday, who's at work?
Some of us live with our parents, Florian
@rlemon lol @ xD
@Amaan tss
you said tss... I read tits
@FlorianMargaine it happens. but thankfully not today
ssh allows me to work anywhere and everywhere.. it's a super cool convenience and a horrible horrible illness all at the same time.
@GNi33 yeah but you can watch NSFW at work on sundays
@FlorianMargaine but you can read the weekend transcripts over monday morning meetings
hehe, probably, yeah
@rlemon who does that?!
i'm sorry i'm still in this boobs gif archive.
my favorite is the before last one
favorite = funniest
lol yea
upvotes out the ass!
now time to code something.
but dunno what
heh, eff it
I'm just lazy today
I should add session store support to tartempion
I'm taking pull requests ;>
@Amaan hi
@Ritesh Hi
@Amaan can you help me for html5 Canvas project?
What's the problem?
@Amaan i need to create the canvas html5 rope so that i should be flexible
Go on
help vampire spotted
@Amaan i got the rope.js file from google?.But i need the source file for that
@Amaan this is the rope.js file paste2.org/p/2180820
Great! Good luck with your project! I got to go. See you later, bye!
pats self
@Ritesh stop pinging everyone.
(pinging = mentioning the name)
@Florian Ok
@Florian i need the solution for the canvas html5
what did I just say?
stop pinging people
and that includes me
if someone wants to help you, they will
@Florian thats correct
@Ritesh i really hope you have sound turned on... now do you get it?
@FlorianMargaine best part is I already ignored him so any return fire will be unheard.
any who - i gave up on coding. now off to do some gaming.
@rlemon what do you mean?
@FlorianMargaine some things i must say in advance before u go too deep in lib uv
it is a c library so it will never use vector
which is the best thing happened in C++ ever
allows dynamic allocation for array
of a type
vector < dataType > name_of_vector( size ) ;
and other C++ only features , you might want to decide weather u wanna stick to pure libuv
or use libuv with better functions for some xyz task
I know vector :p
but yeah I get why you mean I shouldn't straightly use its API
Hi, any moderator in the room?
I need your help. Would you please move this question stackoverflow.com/q/12227504/863980 to sharepoint.stackexchange.com?
oh, that's what you mean by "moderator" :)
flag the question for migration
yes i did it.
then it will be taken care of :)
yep.. I thought you can bump the request :)
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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