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@JasonStackhouse Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
arr.push({one: Math.random(), two: Math.random(), three: Math.random(), four: Math.random()});

function shifting() {
for (let i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
arr[i - 1] = arr[i];

arr[5].one = Math.random();
arr[5].two = Math.random();
arr[5].three = Math.random();
arr[5].four = Math.random();
I have an array that I prefill with values. Why does this function end up replacing all of them after it's been run a couple of times?
I'm basically trying to add a new value to the array and delete the oldest entry
5 hours later…
posted on March 23, 2021 by Ben Mason

Hi, everyone! We've just released Chrome 89 (89.0.4389.105) for Android: it'll become available on Google Play over the next few weeks. This release includes stability and performance improvements. You can see a full list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Ben Mason Google Chrome

@JasonStackhouse Your second loop puts the same object in two different slots. The first time it runs, it makes the last, and second to last elements the same. The second time it runs, it's the second to last and third to last, etc.
You're never adding a new value - once you make the last two items the same, you just replace the values of the last item. Which means you modify the last two values because they are literally one object.
If you just want to bump off the lowest index value, you can arr.shift() and then arr.push({one: Math.random(), two: Math.random(), three: Math.random(), four: Math.random()})) again
Finally, I solved my problem :)
A: Nuxt.js program not running on the Main Domain with Apache in Ubuntu

MRS1367I did not understand why Nuxt.js does not run on the main domain, at least with Apache on the Ubuntu OS. But by writing a proper Redirect Rule, I was able to solve this problem which is as follows: <VirtualHost www.example.com:80> ServerName www.example.com ServerAlias example.com Ser...

A: Nuxt.js program not running on the Main Domain with Apache in Ubuntu

MRS1367I did not understand why Nuxt.js does not run on the main domain, at least with Apache on the Ubuntu OS. But by writing a proper Redirect Rule, I was able to solve this problem which is as follows: <VirtualHost www.example.com:80> ServerName www.example.com ServerAlias example.com Ser...

I leave the answer thanks to those who tried to guide me to solve it.
I thank all those people.
@VLAZ Ah, I see what you mean. If I replace the last lines with arr[5]= {one: Math.random(), two: Math.random(), three: Math.random(), four: Math.random()} it works
I was just trying to make it not allocate a new object and just replace it as an optimization. Guess that doesn't work.
Yes, that would work. You just don't need to do the manual shift down an index yourself.
I guess you're right because the allocations would probably be the same with a simple push and a shift
If you want it "optimised", get a double linked list and add/remove from either side.
But it's probably a huge overkill.
I'd personally just stick with the array and .shift() unless it turns out this code is a bottleneck.
I'm not too concerned about bottlenecks, more into trying to minimize garbage memory
|| shrug
You need to remove an item to add an item anyway.
I guess you could keep the objects and copy just the values down the array. But it might affect performance even more.
Actually, probably not.
At any rate, seems unnecessary.
Isn't that kind of what I did with the manual shifting?
You moved the objects. I meant keep the objects, move their keys/values.
Not sure if it's worth the effort, though - you save a GC cycle at best.
Well, "save" is a strong word.
GC would still run either way, it would just collect one less object.
True. Anyways, thanks for helping me understand why my "optimization" didn't work. Even a C++ programmer I asked didn't know why :P
Eh, a C++ programmer might have thought the object were passed around differently than they are.
I think for C++ people not having both references and values at the same time is a bit confusing. Seen many complain about that for JS and also Java.
Not enough pointers and so on.
Btw, would you shift() before push() or push() before shift()?
honestly doesn't matter much.
.shift() is O(n)
If you push then shift, you'll have to move one more index.
But compared with the rest of the array that needs to move, it wouldn't have much of an impact.
But I'd personally do shift -> push
Just seems more of a logical list of actions.
Ok thank you. Have a nice day/evening
2 hours later…
Hi All
im trying to get all the Ids from respective facebook URL posts
for all the above possible urls
i have followed two approaches,
1. get the value after last "/"
2. get the value of URL param which is condition based
if there is ?v the getParam("v")
if there is ?set the getParam("set")
if there is ?fbId the getParam("fbId")
but the problem im facing is, in the test account when i try to get the URL of my post by two ways
1. by right clicking on the time part of the post and opening in the new tab
2. by right clicking on the time part of the post and "copy link location"
right clicking on the time of the post like above.
when i open in new tab i get a URL like below
and when i go for copy link location i get the below
for any type of post be it plain text, video, image etc.. the open in new tab option generates similar URL / post/{postId}
how can i get the id for the URL generated in case of copy link location
as it not be ideal to completely be dependant on this pattern, as in future if FB changes something in it, it will not work with my logic.
what could possibly the best approach to get the postId/ videoId/imageId etc.. based on different kinds of FB shared urls
@TheJOKER use Facebook API?
@KarelG Oh gods, I just realised how that abbreviates to and it's...rather unfortunate.
unfortunate? o.o
FAPI sounds...not great when pronounced.
yes, using graph api's
graph api only is probably not sufficient
they have a lot extensions. there must be one that does the job for you
Hi guys. Are there any agreed-upon conventions on putting semicolons? What do most people do? I always put them everywhere but I am wondering if this is still what most people adhere to lately.
use semicolons.
not using them = plebs
there is no reason to rely on ASI.
:D Thanks for confirming my opinion!
I was just reviewing some code with some missing semicolons (only occasionally though!) and wondering if I am doing unjust criticism
Add ESLint, add the semi rule, and enable the autofix option.
No need to bother with adding semicolons ever again.
Well, you can still type them but ESLint will automatically insert them.
In general, run the code through ESLint before reviewing. If there are any problems, comment "cannot review before linter issues are solved"
Well, it also requires adopting common linter settings but it's usually an easy sell.
that rule is darn helpful if someone managed to get js code without ; commited
it annoys me a bit when I am going through the file and suddenly a block of code snippet is without ;
;-) Alright, I might need to look into ESLint. It's my first professional project with peers. Do you know if it is simple to setup for GitLab CI (free version)?
@KarelG It's also EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING when your entire build system spews crap because you've missed literally a single semicolon in exactly the correct (or "wrong") place, so when concatenating he files, you now get (iife1)()(iife2)() instead of (iife1)();(iife2)(). And obviously the former calls the result of executing iife1 with iifie2, whereas the latter just calls the two.
Not that it ever happened to me.
Multiple times.
OK, the build system we had was also very crappy to begin with, but still.
did not have experienced a failed bundling because of missing ;
Got that once though; final script did not work in some situations, it got verified but could not be reproduced in dev.
reason: obj['someKey'] and someKey.someKey got used in the same scope, leading to confusion
it took almost a whole day with three different people to find this culprit
Oh, the bundling succeeded. Just loading the bundle did a different thing.
||> (() => console.log("iife1"))();(() => console.log("iife2"))()
@VLAZ undefined Logged: "iife1", "iife2" Took: 0ms
|| (() => console.log("iife1"))()(() => console.log("iife2"))()
"TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is not a function" Logged: "iife1" Took: 0ms
One of our files didn't have a semicolon at the end. It was also the last one in the bundle, so it happened to work. The bundling system would just directly concatenate file output. But also tried to do a "smart" analysis and sometimes re-ordered the files. The semicolon had been missing for a while but at some point, the bundler decided to swap the order of the concatenated output and broke everything.
I've another question regarding bundling. What would be the simplest approach to transforming my single page application into an actual single file application? It should be able to resolve ES6 module import statements. Which tools can you recommend?
@purefanatic webpack + babel
currently webpack with babel support is the best one atm
browserify is good as well
tried parcel, lasso and ... bundel or something as well ... meh
I've heard of webpack but what is babel? Thanks for the suggestion!
webpack is the bundler, babel is the transpiler (transforming your es6 to es5 f.e.)
babel is a transpiler, helping you to use recent javascript features in your project while providing browser support because they often does not have a support for said feature (yet)
(please do not associate it with polyfill, it's different)
I see. Just to understand, which one of them would do the import resolving? Could webpack achieve this without babel?
no, you need babel
more babel-loader as plugin for webpack
there are numerous blogs/articles on that topic.
time for some reading :)
Don't want to read, just want make code go brrr ;-) Just one more understanding question, what does babel actually do once it encounters an import statement? Does it put the contents into the first file or does it transpile both or is it configurable in that regard?
I haven't used babel in so long
babel mostly covers experimental tech, it is not wise to use it for business purposes
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 still relevant to this day.
> This piece is just an opinion, and like any JavaScript framework, it shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
> -It’s 2016. No one codes HTML directly anymore.
if someone said that for real, idk what I could reply to
@KarelG Tbh it seems a little complicated to me :( Briefly having scanned webpack.js.org/concepts/loaders and github.com/babel/babel-loader/blob/main/README.md I am not entirely convinced it would take me less time reading and understanding all this stuff about babel-loader, webpack and npm in general (which I never used before) than implementing ES6 module loading from scratch to amalgamate a handful of files. I don't really need transpiling for older browsers either, so...
@KarelG You can reply nothing. There is not a single thing you can say to that.
@purefanatic some major browsers supports import syntax; caniuse.com/?search=javascript%20modules
in essence you can do that. But the approach is ... uhm
can be messy
Yes I know, it's what I am currently using ;-) Plain vanilla JS with ES6 modules. I only want to make a single file from it and maybe minify the JS for production
I am officially committed to the University of Michigan Class of 2025!!! 🔵🟡🔵🟡
@KarelG I dont :)
@KarelG But yeah you're right I should probably read up on all that stuff eventually, just wanted to vent some hard feelings about the work that is due
but on the other hand, I also dont use JS...
@JBis My sincere congratulations!
Wait, are you starting in four years?
@VLAZ thank you!
@VLAZ No, starting in a couple months. Plan to graduate in 2025. :)
Ah, gotcha.
That's what I wanted to verify.
I'm not used to people saying "class of X" meaning when they finish
@JBis going to study python?
(if you don't get it, lookup python logo)
No, it's Michigan, Ukraine
Hi All, i want to open a pdf file from my ionic 4 app, i m using file opener for it
this.fileOpener.open('assets/pdf/policy-statement.pdf', 'application/pdf')
      .then(() => console.log('File is opened'))
      .catch(e => console.log('Error opening file', e));
i have being trying it for a long time now, but could not find any solution for it
everytime i get an error : Path parameter not encoded. Building file URL encoding it...
looking for file at encodedUrl -- file:///
⚡️ [log] - Error opening file {"status":"9","message":"File does not exist"}
i also tried using documentviewer, but still no success
can anyone please help in this
error message is obvious
@KarelG lol, just realized
@KarelG i could not get it , can you please help
i have also tried encoding the path
it says that it is not able to open the file. Of course. the path is not correct.
if you want to open by uri, use geturi ionic.io/docs/premier-plugins/filesystem#geturi
when you got your result, get its uri
then use that
fileOpener.open(uriResult.uri, pdfmeta)
@VLAZ *cough* COBOL has some deaths outside earth though
ergo; it's deadlier than javascript? 😂
I can only agree. It's slipped containment and gone intergalactic.
don't forget the manhole as well!
For an industry that relies almost completely on UX, how does every main social media app have absolutely terrible UX. Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram are horrible
marketing expectations vs what-is-possible
my company has a marketing team that should be consulted for public oriented webpages. But ... they are not designers and come up with stuff that I just 🙄
@KarelG still no success, is there any example for it
@JBis What are the users going to do? Leave?
I'd use social media a lot more if UX was better
I like Twitter UX for the most part and I use it more.
@pooja_1205 uhm ... search on SO?
A: How to open a PDF File from Blob with Ionic FileOpener and Capacitor

jcesarmobileA blob url is an url only the app's WebView understands, you can't use that url to open it in another app. Instead of getting the file data and creating a blob url of it, just use getUri function to get the filesystem path of the file. Filesystem.getUri({ directory: FilesystemDirectory.Data, ...

heh, that avatar is a good one
I don't use social media at all. Partly because I find the UX exceptionally annoying. Partly because my mom is on there.
But me not using social media doesn't seem to hamper it at all.
@pooja_1205 Read the question closely and then the answer. Then implement your solution.
I'm still on FB
the FB group is very useful for communication around some leisure activities that I participating on
Thanks @KarelG
Hi, this is an ag-grid with angular query.

There is a data grid with one column containing product links in each row which upon clicking routes to a page with product info. The data grid also has a textbox which uses Quick Filter feature of ag grid so that user can filter grid rows based on text in that textbox.

User writes some text to filter and scrolls down to some position and then clicks the product link, after checking the product feature page user clicks back button and is routed back to product grid page. But, the filter text and scroll position values are gone (fi
@KarelG i m not sure, where i m going wrong but with the uri also i m getting the same error: {"status":"9","message":"File does not exist"}
then the file does not exist. With other words; check the path
hey, I have a script that pulls data that I'll need to (modify and then send it to the server using ajax) but on another script

What is the best way to connect the two js scripts in this case?
like, inject server-side values into it or something?
Basically, I have a script (lets call it table.js) that manages the initialization and definitions of tables and I wanna keep it clean and keep all the other AJAX functions on another script(lets call it ajax.js).

it's alot easier to get the data I need using table.js but then I need to send those data to the ajax script where I could manage them further or upload them to the server.
don't think of them as separate scripts
because to the browser, they're not
once they're loaded in, it's all part of the same window
all you have to think about is scope
I understand but for me to debug issues, I want to keep them away from eachother.
the scope issue, means it'd be far cleaner if it was all one, as t hen you don't need to stick stuff on window that you want both to be able to access
if you want to split them, do so with a build process
your src can have as many files as you want, and build process makes it one.
not sure what you mean by "build process"
gulp, grunt, webpack,
something that pulls all your code together into an organized package ready for the web
it would allow you to split your code up, and import/require code similar to node.js
then when compiling, you just make sure you're compiling with a sourcemap, that way when an error occurs, the browser knows where to look to find the file it occured in
Hi guys
What is the name of developer extension of Mozilla Firefox?
I dont like the default developer extension of Firefox
@KevinB oh that is awesome, I'll definitely use a build process script , gulp is the most recommended ones right ?
i don't know what the most recommended ones are
i tend to not follow opinions
@LoopingDev most popular nowadays is webpack
i don't know enough to know why that's the case
@JBis yup, thanks a lot !!
I forgot the name of developer(f12) extension in firefox to debug html, css and javascripts
F12 is built-in to the browser
it's not an extension
you can get extensions that modify it, but... an extension to replace it?
Is FireBug still a thing?
if it is, it's probably not maintained all that well now days
i think firebug became pretty much obsolete with the builtin dev tools
That's what my definition of "a thing" is. Is it maintained.
@KevinB I am looking for a extension to modify the default one. I don't like the default extension in firefox
Modify it in what way
No, I mean is I want to debug a js in Firefox so I just downloaded a firefox as 1 functionality is not working in firefox which is working fine in Chrome.
But I dont like the default developer console in firefox
I remember that there is a better developer console in firefox but I forgot the name of that extension in firefox
it was firebug
oh yes firebug
firebug is now the firefox dev tools, the F12 you're looking at
Thank you so much
If only all languages had as advanced dev tools
@JBis you should try batch scripting.
It would make you appreciate tools even more.
I was baffled when I found out how you do a "wait" in batch. The best way is, I kid you now, to run a ping to just localhost and set the timeout.
That's how you "wait".
Well, the most portable way.
There is, like, three other ways but each is supported in different version of Windows. And with different service pack and stuff.
2 hours later…
I made my first fullstack project!
now you can write full stack developer on your resume
2 hours later…
posted on March 23, 2021 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

 The Dev channel has been updated to 91.0.4455.2 for Windows,Linux and Mac. A partial list of changes is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Prudhvikumar Bommana Google Chrome

1 hour later…
> my code does x, how can i make it do y?
> Remove the code that does x, and add code that makes it do y
I think my favourite is from TS questions.
> "const foo: X = somethingThatReturnsY();" how do I fix it?
Either change foo to be of type Y or change the other thing to return X or change both to Z. How should we know what's correct for your program?
Actually, no. Scratch that. I was just reminded what my favourite is:
> Would this code work? <includes valid code>
If you RUN IT, then you'd see.
I was wondering if arguments in a function in JavaScript are mutable. For example, would the following work?

const randomFunction = function(x) {

    if (x > 0) {
      x = -x

randomFunction(5) // expected output: `-5` logged in console
@VLAZ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Actual question that was asked.

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