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I really like the white glow in this from world of warcraft: i.imgur.com/Ek0BL.png but have no idea how to do it :D
ffs ie get your shit right!
I tried with position:fixed . it doesn't work
and "lenear" easing is default one
so no need to pass it explicitly
Hey all
How would I run my node.js server as a service on my windows box?
with ability to restart it etc on a whim
wow why is some canvas shit a jQuery plugin
idk but I figure you can get what you need from it
@Neal looks like you didn't google
the effect looks pretty nice
"windows service node.js", third result: joseoncode.com/2012/04/06/…
maybe I'm just blind but where is the link to source
@FlorianMargaine I have. I am getting very confusing results...
there is an npm module for this
@FlorianMargaine ... have you used it before?
@FlorianMargaine I don't have a package.json
then create one
or do i?
@FlorianMargaine is this in the winser directory?
@dievardump nice
@Neal speak english please :p
@dievardump nice
@Esailija I cannot find the plugin on the authors website but I did find it uncompressed in a few unprotected directories
@FlorianMargaine better?
@Esailija the method is kind of weird.
and no, it's in your module directory
@rlemon yeah I see it's just a gradient
@FlorianMargaine what should be in package.json?
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "winser -i -s -c",
    "preuninstall": "winser -r -x -s",
@Neal learn to make a simple module that allows you to do require( 'mymodule' ), you'll be pleased :)
Every point of the dataset is filled with a radial black-to-transparent gradient to make a black-to-transparent spriteSheet.
Then you have the "colorPalette" for your map.
You go threw every pixel of the spriteSheet canvas, and you feel the color according to the current opacity of the pixel. The more it's opaque, the more it will go in the "warm" color
anyone ever tried doing windows authentication in node.js ?
@FlorianMargaine ahhh haaa
I see
I'm serious :/
you wouldn't ask about package.json if you had done this
I'm making one right now, I'll put it on github
I would've been pleased if I had gotten this
I'll do a configurable codepen.io.
@FlorianMargaine :-\ winsr keeps having errors abt my package.json
can I see your package.json? :)
@FlorianMargaine ok no more errors, but the script doesnt run right...
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/MCPekwmB
NO ERRORS.... just the server does not seem to be up
@dievardump awesome
@Neal you have to provide a bin, how do you want winser to know how to execute your module?
@FlorianMargaine node server.js is how i usually run it
yes, and what's in your server.js?
"Give me your email and your number, but that's for your security."
" Today, I decided to give the opportunity to companies to see if some of their customer (maybe you) have facebook, by using your email and phone number. If yes, I'll provide them a way to target you. xX "
var app = require('http').createServer(handler),
    io = require('socket.io').listen(app),
    fs = require('fs'),
    SERVER_VERSION = "1.0.19",
    SERVER_MESSAGE = "Now activate the topmost task if a task is hidden.";

app.listen(4444); //listen on port 4444
//io.set('log level', 1); // reduce logging
@FlorianMargaine ^
I am def doing something wrong...
maybe I have the package in the wrong place... idk
@Neal tried this? npm run-script install-windows-service
C:\inetpub\PPM\socketServer>npm run-script install-windows-service
npm WARN package.json [email protected] No README.md file found!

> [email protected] install-windows-service C:\inetpub\PPM\socketServer
> winser -i

The program ppm-socket-server was installed as a service.
@FlorianMargaine but the server wasn't up when I went to my site to connect the websocket.
so i did npm run-script uninstall-windows-service
did you start the service?
@FlorianMargaine huh?
what do you mean?
this command installs it, it doesn't start it
you have to manage the start etc from the windows interface
ooo crap
one sec
@FlorianMargaine AWESOME! THANKS
you're welcome :D
@dievardump oh, the firebug replacement for ff?
Not really
It's an add-on only for JavaScript
But with some good features
And maybe "faster" than firebug because there is not everything else
Only JavaScript and DOM visualitazion
@dievardump oh, k. Biggest problem of firebug is that is slows down ff a lot
@dievardump paulrouget.com/e/diet even better
@rlemon LOL
@FlorianMargaine forked it. thank you :-)
i like forking better than watching ^_^
I'll do that
i was thinking the same thing :P
eggs into pepper
Looks so good
most of it does
girlfriend wants us to get "healthier"
we're both so out of shape
*not fat, just out of shape
You don't look "out of shape" on your photograph
omfg that looks delicious
I'm sure it is
@Neal still, read the instructions :p
@dievardump out of shape as in I sit at a desk all day - I don't do much as far as exercise so i'm finding i'm sore in the mornings and tired throughout the day and shit - I just need to get some exercise going. P90X here I come
Howdy all, I am trying to detect a substring using if (curl.indexOf("foo bar") != -1)
it teaches about npm link, the greatest functionality to develop modules
where curl is just some string
and yea, I need to eat better - I just get lazy some nights and don't feel like cooking so i'll go pick up a frozen pasta dish or something easy
@mwmnj it works :)
curl = "foo bar yo"
"foo bar yo"
curl.indexOf("foo bar")
@rlemon Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I need to get back into cooking.
Ok, today, I'll do some Fajitas.
@mwmnj but prefer !== to !=
@florian: ok, just making sure it works with spaces, it seems to be failing on me when I try searching for a spaced substring
nope, it works
@RyanKinal i'm red seal certified cook/chef (tried my hand as a chef for a year. decided to go back to computers)
@rlemon Nice
I used to LOVE to cook - but when it's only for me... I don't see the point in going through it all.
@rlemon is there something you're not?
And Vampire is back :D, Afternoon everyone :D
@FlorianMargaine yes, he isn't mature :D
k ty :)
I am a techie (computers, robotics, general nerdism)
I was a roofer for a bit (certified)
chef (certified)
worked in a few factories (electroplating, and general manufacturing)
worked for a landscaping company
I enjoy setting up marine tanks (salt water fish)
I'm a particle physics and general space enthusiast
and on my spare time I am the hulk (but only when I get pissed off)
you got spare time?
not much it seems
@hulk :O ---SNEAKS Outs quietly --
ohh and my girlfriend does not live with me but also does not drive and refuses to take public transit or cabs so i'm her personal chauffeur
this is what happens when life gives you lemons.
@rlemon Life giving me watermelons, I can pass them to yu if yu want :P
@rlemon BOO
that made me laugh so hard
@FlorianMargaine :-P
@Neal I was serious, they teach you about npm link :)
@FlorianMargaine maybe
ill learn latr
what yur making ;)
When searching 'entries' from an addressbook (name, address, number, urls, emails, etc) would you expect the search term to search all fields? Would you omit anything?
I wont
CI uses activerecord pattern. here is what my 'query' looks like.. I just don't like it :P
$this->db->like('name', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('address_line1', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('address_line2', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('address_po', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('phone1', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('phone2', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('website', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('email', $text, 'both');
$this->db->or_like('fax', $text, 'both');
very limited addressbook btw :P hehe
search is just for displaying results and making changes to a result that came from Database can be hectic but it depends on requirements
use another form for modifications or different controls on same page, if i make sense :)
@TimeToThine not what i'm looking for at all dude. This is just for searching. generic model function public function get_by_term($term) {
Q: simple trial division in javascirpt

shauliI began programming recently. I am trying to implement a simple trial-division algorithm for finding all primes up to some number (it is much more "primitive" algorithm than the Sieve of Eratosthenes). can you please find what's wrong with my code? this is the code: #range function: range = fu...

no idea then, as its using PHP and mySQL,

In SQL server you can;t change search results unless you modify same query after
@TimeToThine i'm not asking about that - I know this. I'm trying to determine whether or not this is the best way to search a table for records based on a single search term.
I just hate the wall of or_like
but w/e
@rlemon the search on an addressbook searches the fields you specify, look at this whitepages.com/business
@FlorianMargaine ok but in lieu of offering such an interface my approach for searching all columns is appropriate?
i haven't actually checked but can you use wildcards on where conditions?
WHERE * LIKE '%term%'
you can use wildcards, but not for the fields ^^
oooh maybe
try db.field_*
dunno if that works though
to avoid WHERE foo LIKE '%bar%' OR foo2 LIKE '%bar%' OR foo3 LIKE '%bar%' .....
I suspect no because how does it know OR or AND
	shapgvba ebg13(sbb) {
		erghea [sbb].znc(shapgvba(n) {
			erghea (n = (n) ? n : guvf).fcyvg("").znc(shapgvba(o) {
				vs (!o.zngpu(/[N-Mn-m]/)) {
					erghea o
				p = o.punePbqrNg(0) >= 96;
				x = (o.gbYbjrePnfr().punePbqrNg(0) - 96 + 12) % 26 + 1;
				erghea Fgevat.sebzPunePbqr(x + (p ? 96 : 64))
@rlemon wth?
	function rot13(foo) {
		return [foo].map(function(a) {
			return (a = (a) ? a : this).split("").map(function(b) {
				if (!b.match(/[A-Za-z]/)) {
					return b
				c = b.charCodeAt(0) >= 96;
				k = (b.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) - 96 + 12) % 26 + 1;
				return String.fromCharCode(k + (c ? 96 : 64))
it reverses itself :-P
heavy sigh and finger cracks
Okay, I WILL get this sum-bitch working today!
@Nexion lol
I was working with guys in here last night for 5.5 hours trying to figure out why I couldn't reference this fucking img on a page that I HAVE to be able to
But I dont have access to the source
Totally hate today.
So it's been a royal pain
Today is an effing day
Today musn't exists.
@Nexion, I was wondering how you got on with that =)
Have you defenestrated you tablet yet?
googles definition
Definition for defenestrate:
Web definitions:
throw through or out of the window; "The rebels stormed the palace and defenestrated the President".
Best. Definition. Ever.
HAHAHAHAHA I didnt know there was an actual definition for that
That is fucking incredible
I am totally using that from now on
and only nearly
> ああああああキャッシュ削除したらFirefox固まったあああああ
I'm going to defenstrate this damn error!
@Nexion, out of curiosity, could you perhaps add the listener to the parent <a> instead of the <img>?
Lemme try
If the parent even has an element I can filter by
So, hold my hand here, because I know so little about html/js
It's in a block of <a href="javascript: doLogoff();">
Is that what you mean?
@Neal it's the magic of the rot13 with only 26 car ^^
@dievardump lol
Well, the parent <td> has an id of 'LogOut', so perhaps you could do:
var el = document.getElementByID('LogOut').childNodes[0];
and hook the Event Listener to that.
A bit hackish, but functional.
>.> how did you know the parent <td> has that id? Did you save the screenshot I took yesterday? lol
It's in the chat transcript.

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