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@rlemon serious ? you remove/add class instead off changind background-position-x ?
(yes I know, troll code, whatever)
lol it's just to demo the position.
and shut up! maybe I'm just retarded ok?!
@dievardump fuck I never thought of that
1 hour later…
posted on August 31, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Live from LinuxCon: How Well Do You Know Linux? The History of the Floppy Disk Effects of Einstein’s Elusive Gravity Waves Observed GNOMEbuntu is set to arrive in October, 18! Pila bomba tóxica en el Congreso Exigile a los diputados que desactiven la bomba !!

hm, i wonder why nobody created libcap bindings for nodejs yet
i.e. the library to set/modify POSIX capabilities
Combined with a PAM module that is pretty common it can be easily used to grant a non-root user e.g. access to privileged ports. But it requires either a flag on the binary (which is ugly) or the running program enabling it via libcap
Isn't this really easy to accomplish?
Q: How to parametrize setMedia in jPlayer?

Pollux KhafraI'm trying to use a jPlayer to trigger the player in my template. I need to pass a value to the mp3 option but I don't know how to set mp3 in setMedia to $music . $(document).ready(function(){ var music = $(".album-playlist li").first().find("input").val(); $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ ...

@SimonSarris https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676173

Maybe it's an error that it doesn't work anymore

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