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I have this:
how can i turn it into option where text is text and value is value +
[{"text":"mit navn","value":"6"},{"text":"peder mete","value":"7"}]
By writing code that converts your list to such an element :p
$($.map(yourlist, function(data){ return $('<option/>', data).get(); }));
^ that works in case you have jQuery available
Never quite sure when to give up on a question. stackoverflow.com/questions/12188300
Hey guys
hi, @sazpaz
History.js + Backbone.js - Is that fine?
anyone know how to point the location object to say, a png img that's being streamed to an ajax request?
so I have something like the following:
document.getElementById("myCanvas").toBlob(function (blob) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("fractal", blob);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open("POST", "/download", true);
xhr.onload = function (event) {
if(xhr.responseText) {
location = xhr.responseText;
but basically, I just need to know how the location can intercept the blob that I'm trying to prompt the browser to download.
@FlorianMargaine gonna pull it down and debug now
@FlorianMargaine HTML5 spec. SelectElement.add
@FlorianMargaine works for me ;)
5 hours later…
Is this a good or a foolish question, I can't quite decide:
A: Basic, Concrete Questions about jQuery Benefits and General Capabilities

Petah You say limited. But I think that is plenty to provide a foundation for your application. jQuery is JavaScript, a client side scripting language. It should not have to deal with image/sound/video encoding/decoding. Speed of development, and cross platform compatibility should be near the top of ...

RT @bassistance: Would you donate to a pledgie/kickstarter for the jQuery Validation Plugin?
@Raynos heh... I keep having problems with it :/
@Petah both wrong about question 2 though
whys that?
> jQuery is JavaScript, a client side scripting language. It should not have to deal with image/sound/video encoding/decoding.
maybe you know about html5 audio API?
but still it doesn't care about encoding does it
the audio file could be ogg or wav, either way it has a spectrum it can manipulate
1 hour later…
hello everyone
can anyone have a look here -> jsfiddle.net/nTfEL/3
what is ur problem?
@BeNdErR what is ur problem>
mm that fiddle is just a simplified example of what i want to do
first of all i'd like to run that fiddle with jquerymobile theme
how do i set properly jsfiddle to load that theme?
2nd: in my app i get this error:

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'parentPage[ 0 ][ $.expando ]')

while i try to "append" the ulList to the div
and i don't get why..
removing the "data-role='listview' data-filter='true'" part makes it work apparently
but i need those 2 attributes. i hate jquerymobile. any idea?
i think the problem is with the data-filter..
so is jQuery on topic in this room? i want to bounce around some ideas about Deferred
i'm working on an ehanced version of $.when() and wanted to see if anyone was interested to discuss the ideas
@hippietrail I'm interested
in 5 mins, k?
@FlorianMargaine: sure ping me when you're ready
@hippietrail go for it
@FlorianMargaine: so $.when() waits for either of two things to happen: 1) all subordinates resolve 2) first subordinate rejects
v gen question - I've just come to the project and noticed a load of global functions. I'd prefer to namespace everything. Anyone have links to articles on the pros/cons of doing so?
i want to add alternative semantics. i can dig up some links if you like
Hello :D
@FlorianMargaine wish me luck tomorrow i am going to speak about HTML 5
and i am going to refer this room especially in there
good luck :)
@FlorianMargaine: I have two alternate versions working but now i want to replace them with one generalized function. thinking of a) ways to implement it and b) whether there are use cases for any other semantics
@FlorianMargaine: lost interest? (-:
@hippietrail no, busy, sorry
@FlorianMargaine: no worries. let me know when you're unbusy and reinterested
unbusy ?
sometimes i increase the lexicon
@hippietrail re
@hippietrail one generalized function can be good or not, it depends
How do i pronouse telnet ?
Tell-Net ?
are the two versions close?
@Abhishek yeah
well, that's how I do it
ohkay thanks
@FlorianMargaine: i guess it's good because it will be smaller but anyway i can do it both ways as a programming exercise
@hippietrail each alternate version is smaller than the two combined however :)
Okay brb rehearsing
if the generalized function is a bunch of if, then yeah go for it
otherwise... heh, keep the two versions
@FlorianMargaine: here's the feature request i proposed recently: bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12325
or three combined if it were to be in the core or if there are more semantics i haven't thought of
in fact since that proposal i've thought of also having an optional timeout
well on the phone
i read something about the html5 audio api
so what were we discussing ?
ok so if i'm ssh'd into my server and I want to scp some files to it from my current machine... I imagine I would scp -r rlemon:ip-address:/some/folder /some/other/folder ??
@hippietrail I don't get what you want to talk about...
@rlemon your client would need an ssh server
they both have been setup
then it should be fine yeah
don't remember the order, but yeah
ok well iz no working :P
nodejs has no way to get all DNS records for a host? seriously?
@FlorianMargaine: actually i wanted to see if anybody could think of other meaningful semantics besides the ones in the feature request
remote-server-over-ssh$ scp -r rlemon@local-machine-public-ip:/var/www /var/www/html
@ThiefMaster uh?
not working
connection times out... :/
@FlorianMargaine: and i also wanted to talk about how to implement it as close to the current version of $.when() while still being concise and fast
Sleeping feels sooooooo good.
@rlemon can you ssh into your local machine from the remote machine?
@rlemon sudo ?
I have a host that has both A and AAAA records. And I certainly don't want two function calls for that
@FlorianMargaine this is what i'm thinking is the issue.
@ThiefMaster oh.
@ThiefMaster well, how do you think apache does it? :p
i would be going local -> ssh to -> remote -> ssh back to -> local
that's not a problem
just try to ssh, see your router PAT, maybe the issue's there
@FlorianMargaine: The OS-level functions give you an array containing all records
s/array/linked list/
@ThiefMaster you can just refer to the same function when calling listen on both records btw
@FlorianMargaine ooohhhhhhh yea - thanks mate - you just made me sanity check on connectbot on my phone and that reminded me I changed the port :P
specifying a port in scp is a pain though
@FlorianMargaine: Unless I missed something there is no way to tell .listen() to use IPV4/IPV6 when I specify a hostname instead of an IP address
looks like they are not going to add that
yeah... looks like you can use dns.lookup()
nope, that just returns the first matching result
You can hack away at lib/dns.js, it doesn't seem to bad unless I missed something aaawww, no hacking around? :(
pfft, two function calls are for pussies.
ah damn, doesn't work - kind of obvious, can't listen on two hosts with the same server instance
Hi all
If you ever lose the love for interpreters, fix an elusive bug in a giant, compiled system...and wait for it to re-compile. The tension is killing me.
upvote pls: stackoverflow.com/a/12191863/561731 <-- i think this answer solved my issue :-D
not sure entirely yet
Hello, quick question:

setting an input text value with $(input).val("something") will call the "change" trigger?
mmm do i have to call it manually?
That's probably the way to do it
I think you could also call focus() before you set the value, and then blur() afterward.
but I'm not sure on that one
ok, thanks
I found the character for my game :)
@BeNdErR $(input).val("something").trigger('change');
@rlemon thanks
mmm I have another problem now.. if i add an attribute to an input tag, ie $(input).attr("customer_id")
it seems i cant retrieve that value later..
because you're doing it wrong
!!/tell BeNdErR jquery data
sry i wrote it wrong
forgot the second part
you cannot set 'custom' attributes
they need to be data-* for custom attribs
damn input then :D
then you access them with $(element).data
@rlemon or you can do
element.dataset.whatEverFollowsdata // this is goodie goodie
$(input).data("customer_id","value") // set
$(input).data("customer_id") // get
@Abhishek supported almost no where by ie and very loosely implemented everywhere else
uhm maybe dumb question: why with select's option tag i can set attributes?
and with input not?
maybe in a year or so we can use the dataset interface
@BeNdErR coincidence? you shouldn't be doing this anywhere
this is why data-* attributes were made
it's currently working in my project
by coincidence
it shouldn't and you shouldn't rely on it working because if they correct this it will not
just change your code to use .data
seriously. then all will work
ok thanks!
from now on i'll use data
and asap i'll change old things too
read up on dataset
even tho it's not implemented yet.
kk thanks
<div data-some-long-name>
for non jQuery code you can use  element.dataset.someLongName (notice the camel case here)

on jQuery it would be

and for older ie it would be

howdy folks
could somebody please tell me why this jsfiddle.net/donovandigital/rAAgn/3 returns nothing?
@rlemon its implemented
firefox , chrome , safari , opera
support it
@jamesson because you never execute your function.
You just declare it.
@Abhishek not well enough to be readily used. i.e. no IE support
@dievardump hehehe
@rlemon sadly
ie sucks!
hehehe ?
yes yes it does
hehehe to not calling the function
in b/w my presentation i have kept a slide just to urge everybody to use Chrome / Firefox / Opera everywhere [ phones , pc , tablets ]
omg i'm so tired.
pfft. ff. Chrome or go home
nah Firefox or Opera are good enough
IE is just an escort
"good enough" is never good enough...
@rlemon aww comon firefox is actually more robust with 3d transforms then chrome
/ safari
"good enough" === I gave up on trying to find a better alternative
experimental features chrome will get on soon enough.
lol, nahh FF is ok. I just never liked the interface
@rlemon chrome has em since 10
but its method is just too stupid
it applies z-index to 3d transforms with z-index themselves
@Abhishek Chrome + Linux still seeing issues with em them though.
so pretty much results in unexpected mess
@rlemon transforms ?
yes they are sucker on chrome so far :-(
animations and some transforms
@dievardump; very strange, I thought I had that call in my thing, very strange
transitions/animations are cool to be used if available everywhere
3d transforms , nah needs much more work . though in iPhone / Android interfaces they can be perfectly used :D
@jamesson you can also do this jsfiddle.net/rlemon/rAAgn/5 IIFE
anyways i better go and rehearse my presentation a few times
wanan see all demo slides :?
@jamesson nd furthermore jsfiddle.net/rlemon/rAAgn/6
@Abhishek sure
@Loktar Nudge registered.
@dievardump, probably never saved it the first time - but in the case of the second one, why have I seen the first one so often if the second one fails?
@dievardump, and the second two are implicit calls, yes?
rather, why have I seen the second one so often if the first one fails?
@jamesson what you talking bout?
@rlemon, in other words, many sources give the correct way as clipStates != clipstates
that is checking clipStates (DOES NOT EQUAL) clipStates
@rlemon, but you say this doesnt work right?
you want clipStates = NOT clipStates
@rlemon, ah, ok
so foo = !foo;
google docs fucked my fonts :-\
@rlemon, automagically solved my original problem - schway!
Alright see yall rehearsal time
JavaScript: The Musical?
@ErikReppen My presentation bro
Oh, good luck. School final?
i dont wanna leave no loose points , tomorrow when i step in the room my mission is total domination :D
semester final
@jamesson truc != truc is a comparison. Not an assignation.
@dievardump, yea I got that. There were just a number of erroneous sites that led me astray
Or you didn't read well.
Who know.
know ? knows ?

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