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a question in 1
damn.. it should be count down!
@FlorianMargaine you too ?
Sorry for Party Rocking !
SO chat being down yesterday seems to of cleaned the room up a bit
I notice a lot less people
Today I feel like this
like nyan cat w/o the rainbow coming out of its ass?
hi all
The awkward moment when after a month of not working on a marvellous c++ code u see it again and say "Who the heck coded this shit,oh crap that was me"
haha Ive found JS like that..
going through our old app, Im like wow all this JS is shit wtf
I look to see if one of our devs who left wrote it..
is there any 3D charts API available in JS, that is to show data in 3-axis
@flex not that i know of but i heared three.js does a lot of 3d stuff
but its general purpose not just for charts
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. [css] [html] [javascript] [node.js]
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. [Please Read javascript.info/] [css] [html] [javascript] [node.js]
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. Please Read: javascript.info [css] [html] [javascript] [node.js]
stupid links
HTML5 is great. jQuery is cool. Node.JS is awesome.
Q: How to add images one on another image using javascript

user1211133I have small requirement: I need add image over(up) the another image through javascript. Please give me the suggestion! function sampleImage() { document.getElementById('img1').innerHTML='<img src="C:\Users\rajasekhark\Desktop\assets\images\Cock.png" />'; }

how's the competition going, or are you all keeping your entries to yourselves for now?
@Alnitak, cutest question I've seen for a while
yeah, shame about the crappy answers...
and is your answer downvoted?
@Alnitak here is what I've done github.com/Ralt/shooter so not much besides creating the files :>
I did create the game engine to handle collisions for circles only
but that's pretty much it
others are more advanced, and they don't care about showing them ^^
@Abhishek some sample? :p
I started looking for sprites today
can I run it straight from github or do I have to check it out?
it's not "running" yet
I love those github repos that have the demo right there
raynos has done a lot more though github.com/Raynos/shooter-game
but there is no demo :/
@rlemon After seeing several seasons of Doctor Who, for the first time ever, I wished I was born a girl, so that on the minute chance it's non-fiction, he'd take me with him.
Most of the "pro" projects on github have a link to the demo right in the README
yeah, too lazy
I'm not an expert on user experience, but I think it's a good idea
@Zirak My whole life I thought I was a straight man, As it turns out I really want to be David Tennant's wife.
lol @rlemon
@rlemon, that's going to the board!
meh, Tennant...
gah, some prat down-voted this one too
A: each within each within each

AlnitakThis sounds like it needs JPath or JSONPath var name = jpath(data, '//name');

I don't need the rep, BTW - I already hit the cap today
it just annoys me...
@rlemon hehe Doctor Who is awesome ^_^
Anyone wanna be a manager of a HUGE Doctor Who page?
any vim user there?
half assed
I'm trying to change the shortcuts for the ctrlp plugin github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim
@rlemon excellent comment :)
but I don't see how to specify the leader key
I think he should have gone with recursion instead. — rlemon 1 min ago
@FlorianMargaine I use vim, although I barely touch most of its features
@rlemon, fucking nice comment
@FlorianMargaine: e.g. let mapleader=','
@ThiefMaster no not this
in case you use gvim, that needs to go into the vimrc, not gvimrc
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
let g:ctrlp_map = '<Leader> t' # ??
yes, that should work
possibly without the space between
ah thanks
it adds a "t" right away, so that's not exactly it
perfect :)
@ThiefMaster to add a command, I should use let g:CtrlPBuffer = '<Leader>b'?
if I can use the CtrlPBuffer within vim
well, i have no idea what the plugin does with that variable
it's just a function to execute
doesn't work btw
oh, have to use nnoremap
@rlemon heartbreak sound
@dievardump lol, it's ok - I said his wife. There are other options.
@ThiefMaster I was looking for nnoremap <Leader>b CtrlPBuffer<CR>
@FlorianMargaine eh i was quouting the website rlemon added to room info
Don't try to fool me.
Little sexy canuk guy.
Why do people view polygamy with dismay?
yeah, sorry, brain-sludge
We want to be special to others
The website says

Adobe flash is Great stuff for networking (sockets, UDP for P2P)
that is just like saying websockets & webRTC is a myth and non-existent stuff.
@Zirak I love polygamy.
1/ that's still a reality, since only very recent browsers support this
2/ javascript.info is known to be outdated...
> There's a much better version of this tutorial at learn.javascript.ru in Russian. Here it is partially translated and outdated, because I don't really have the time to both continue with the Russian version and do the translation.
ah i knew the 1. but didnt knew about 2.
btw florian did u checked out css-filters ?
it's still very good
css filters?
Vu qu'ils sont tous à Londres, on peut se garer sur les places handicapés pendant les jeux paralympiques
@Abhishek wth is that picture?
@dievardump OMFG ROFLOL xD
@FlorianMargaine Justin beiber LOL
i wont e suprised if net-tuts loses its users
> Typically, though, this effect is applied to photos. Let’s see how the greatest artist who ever lived looks in sepia.
oh well, it's fun
:O this is the first time I hear this!
CSS Filters can be applied to videos
> According they're all in London for the Paralympics games, We can park on handicap parking.
@FlorianMargaine the best part u
can apply them to not just videos
but you can pretty much apply it to every single html element [ including svg and even canvases]
so pretty much they will beautify web even more [ even more photoshop realistic webpages ]
@Abhishek, oh my! this is fantastic
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
@FlorianMargaine you okay bro ?
you are being extremely musical today :-)
Do someone knows a really light Sharepoint-like ?
just launched grooveshark
@dievardump alfresco?
oh yes
I love groovshark! :D
I used css filters a few weeks ago. I wanted an animated jQuery progress bar, but the stock one is the wrong colour. So I just used a hue filter to change it :)
I remember installing that shit
It kills my already-dead CPU tho
@Alnitak :-D wohoo!
@dievardump never did
I just know it's the sharepoint os alternative
@FlorianMargaine seems like it
am off to work on "work"
cya later
btw your pies are tasty @FlorianMargaine
really? :)
I wanna see your code :p
yeap :-) i now am startng to understand em
not so quickly , let me do some running code ..
i havent got more then 20 minutes to work on tapeer for past 2 days :-/
@Abhishek it was far easier than trying to decompose the animated gif, retouch each frame, and then reconstruct the gif.
eeks , thats the reason i prefer css only graphics ;-D
Array(3).join('a').split('a').map(function(e){return 1});
better way to generate an array?
Is this true? en.paperblog.com/…
and just adding this CSS made it purple instead of orange: -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(240deg);
so that I can do w/e I want in the map
WTF is that @FlorianMargaine ?
@Alnitak I want to generate an array with three elements in it
but you want the elements to be the result of some function call?
I want the elements to be what's returned from the map
and the size of three is constant?
or could it be variable?
Array(3).join('a').split('a') is just the way to create an array
@Adnan I don't think so.
I made it a constant there, but it doesn't really matter, does it? :p
But if it is... WOW
Oh, turns out it's a hoax daily.bhaskar.com/article/…
damn, it would've been epic
well, it it were constant, you could just do [1,2,3].map(function() { return 1 });
oh, not bad
but it's not a constant :(
@Adnan epicly stupid
afk now\
I could use eval, but that'd seem ugly :D
oh well, doesn't matter
lab.simurai.com/stars/#bruno @FlorianMargaine just when i was hoping simurai to create an awesome Demo with filters he comes out with that.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, doing it with a variable is much harder.
@Abhishek haha nice
@Alnitak just using the old for then ;o)
and unfortunately .map() explicitly skips undefined values
are you sure?
oh, right
1 question . who the fuck invented doxygen ?
@FlorianMargaine does the output of your function change for each element?
I wouldn't use a function otherwise
based on the index, or a lexically scoped variable?
returning random values :)
ah, ok. Math.random() ?
You can make your own sugary method
Function.prototype.collect = function ( n ) {
    var ret = [];
    while ( n --> 0 ) {
        ret.push( this() );

    return ret;
Math.random.collect( 3 ); //[0.9890200544614345, 0.9885102126281708, 0.2925984102766961]
--> ?
oh, fun
The "going to" operator
heh, didn't know it :)
fun trick using n-- & >
@FlorianMargaine same
yes, ruin the magic will you
@Zirak You've always used it that way, haven't you?
No other way to use it.
Of course, there's the lesser fireworks operator --=>
Hahaha, remember that one
@FlorianMargaine @Zirak try this one:
function y(n) { return 0 <=-- n ? y(n).concat(n) : [] }
@dievardump I don't get it :/
really nice one, I like it ^^
I suspect it's not optimal, though...
@Alnitak hehe cool !
@Alnitak heh, cute
Are these in the same spec as the new 'isPsychic' method?
Hi people, just a litteral question, do you say "Company name" or "name of the company"
@Alnitak i always thought your photo is MasterChief from Halo then i clicked on it today >_>
@cyril What's the difference?
@cyril "company name"... but who cares?
@cyril depends on sentance
Context matters, but as a label, "Company Name."
@cyril english.stackexchange.com
ok right sorry
lol jk
In a sentence, "...the company name is..."
@Abhishek which photo? The one indirectly linked via my profile? [staring eyes...]
@rlemon \o/
@Alnitak the avatar here
@Rob for label
@Abhishek no, that's the horsehead nebula
in 18x18 it looks like mastercheif
which happens to be close to a star named...
@cyril 'Company Name' is a perfectly fine label.
wow thats soo cool!
@cyril Oh, in that case, you want ux.SE
there needs to be a
@ErikReppen I prefer "The title of which your organization or team is labelled and/or designated."
drunk.stackexchange.com , ask profesionals regarding your drinking requirement , share experiences and choices
ah, there r like too many SE sites now
@rlemon Well sure if you have like a feature phone form, but I was thinking more like on a big screen TV.
@Abhishek Put that on Area51. I'd vote for it.
I am generally surprised no one has taken this yet. trollexchange.com
@rlemon remember fapexchange ?
A good example of an on-topic question would be "Where did I put my phone?"
Or "Dude, what did I do last night?"
i might get baned for the idea
Yeah, true
FAPP (Fedora, Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL)
I'm FAPPing right now.
@rlemon whoa
that means i am faping ever since past 6 months
are you sore yet?
@RyanKinal Dude, Where's My Car?
no its pretty fine atm
@Alnitak no, but the data cleanup is awful.
@rlemon I kinda want to get one of these shirts and iron-on "Linux Apache MySQL, PHP" on the back
@FlorianMargaine the error will be wherever you called it
@dievardump How the heck did i got here
@Alnitak why?
because that's how this gets set
I thought this was the object itself when used in it
I want a shirt that says on the front "I FAPP" and on the back in small letters near the bottom (Fedora, Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL)
It's probably where you call the .move method
which then calls .add with whatever context .move() had
nope, it's for the add
@dievardump Who are you? And why are you wearing my pants?
I'm not calling move anywhere
@rlemon there is a website that lets make ur own design
I didn't want to use new
@Alnitak well, the .move shouldn't be able to call .add if it wasn't the good "this"
So, last night, my CEO/business-partner got drunk and built ryanbuysaniphone.com
@dievardump true
@RyanKinal LOL so good
@RyanKinal hahaha awesome
> And really, the ladies do love 'em. Ask Matt- that's how he got me.
uh, so you're a dancer?
> Copyright 2012. Ryan is difficult production.
@RyanKinal read my reason
You need to buy an iPhone cause u will like it! besides that it lets u use vim on iPhone and then SSH your servers.. oh yeah code form anywhere :D :D. .. one more addition to the already too geek developer life
Call me old-fashioned but I like being able to, you know... access my files.
@Abhishek Very nice
i knew ur mind wont say straight a no to that (XD)
and besides i am using that
Hey, in visual studio, is "rebuild solution" less of a complete rebuild than "build solution?"
... and it bothers the hell out of me
Ok, I almosrt never comment on Facebook. But when I do, I try to add a "nerd/geek" joke, like using "42" in my comment. I don't know why, but I always get Likes. So I think rlemon was right. The more nerd it is, the more "upvotes/likes" you get.
lol. Okay. At least I'm not alone.
Being a nerd become to be Fashion
Brogrammers, ALL THE THINGS
@Zirak did you notice I used the firework operator. I never saw that before you posdted it just now
really... SO is everything you need
@FlorianMargaine What? Are you saying there's this site where people ask and answer tech-related questions?
in a barbie world, yes
@FlorianMargaine Really... Jon Skeet is everything you need. FTW.
sencha touch anybody?
@kush Sencha doesn't touch me.
mind if i add ya people on facebook ?
I'm almost done touching Sencha. Almost. Dirty, nasty EXT....
@kush When i was about to touch Sencha i saw her boyfriend Ext and felt Nothing to do here
@rlemon android is getting sued by apple hehe
and microsoft
and Google is now suing Apple
and fujitsu
@rlemon Nice
@rlemon apple has 11 patents more :$
Apple: We invented everything, but innovated nothing.. (also we didn't actually invent anything, we just rounded the corners and made it white)
@Erick Reppen do you about jsonP
11billion is fine aint it ?
@Abhishek dude read the patents... they are fucking retarded.
@rlemon i know :D
tap to zoom?!?!?! why not just patent email
i read em but its just funny!
Google is involved now and not just silently sitting back - Apple does not know what it's in for
@rlemon Microsoft is involved aswell
MS is a joke in the year of 2012
oh comon its like half industry the software/hardware vs Google
soon we will all be using MacDroids.
i dislike android , why ?
horrible experience
Android is great.
dude, MS is doing wayside... Apple is soon to feel this as well. Android is the future of mobile OS's because they are the only ones to do it right.
Okay the device wasnt a NeXus of droid but still it was just horrible on indian network
it was never in network
how does network have to do with the OS?
like hating windows because you nic was broken.
don't hate the Device, hate the Network.
switching to iOS fixed it :P , and 3 androids had same issue
no they just don't tell you when you get network drops.
later i realized its my networks issue but still :P
androids were using WCDMA by default
meh regardless I prefer being able to do whatever the eff I want with devices I own
now it works fine but still ^_^
iOS: if( network.status != 'connected' ) { system.launch(angryBirds); }
aw comon
Google is the future
its just a matter of personal choice
Apple will be a relic, and w/o Steve Jobs they are nothing imo.
@Abhishek for which you use yes... for which is better.. no
i will end up using Linux on PC , iOS / Windows on Phone whatever happens
this is ugly :/
@Abhishek I've done the map generation for now :D margaine.com/shooter
Linux on my desktop, linux on my laptop, linux on my phone, and soon linux on my tv.
@FlorianMargaine nice :D
it sucks, as you can see
put it on a toothbrush and you have Linux in your mouth!
I am waiting on my buddy to send me old storyline for WAR
in 3 months I will start wearing tuxedos and speaking Penguin

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