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@rlemon xD
Once real androids are around youll be putting it in Linux
lunch - time for some sushi
full circle dude.
we need linux on condoms!
full circle.
so that they dont fail (XD)
aaaaaaaaaaah get it
If Apple made condoms theyd have to approve each female.
@Loktar what if microsoft made them ?
"only useable with Sarah and Carry"
enter product key to fuck ?
lol nah, most likely would get a virus.
linux fucked me over.... Wait for the Cylons to rise to power then I can return the favour...
Herpes pre installed.
"Thats what you get when you buy your condoms from China"
@Loktar oh and easily piratable not to metion
lol yeah
id get a volume license bro.
Can someone see if I'm implementing A* correctly?
@Alnitak got the problem, linked to forEach :)
hm, no
actually, it's still wrong
but at least it's an elegant solution
Either I'm implementing it wrong, or A* tends to horribly inaccurate at times
I'm pretty sure it's wrong
first of september and the contest is over
Okay i am being not an apple frenzy person
@Loktar Which contest?
I won't be done with it that's for sure :p
idk what to use..
@RyanKinal buy an HTC One S
the best phone atm IMHO
my gf owns it and is damn happy with its performance and price balance
// not to mention u can do calls too
/me is going to make something called tiny shooter
@Loktar me is making W.A.R
World Army Recruits
it was to be made 2 years back
going to have it done by Sept first?
nope i increased the date by 1 mo .
dont u remember ?
oh lol nope
1 oct ?
ah ok
oh well lets end it on 2nd Oct
one month is too much though
2nd October - Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday we make shooters on that day !!! to troll the noble soul!
@FlorianMargaine its more or less side projects
hmm Ill have to think of something
so everybody is squeezing time aint they ?
maybe Ill try a miliary esq one this time idk
im currently in the middle of trying to remake another game though, too bad its not overhead
@FlorianMargaine looking at your code makes me want to go through all of mine and change it
for my engine
Hi please how could I catch all alphanumeric characters ( \W) + the 'é', like this, "test pété toto".split(/[\Wé]+/) , I would like to get returned ["test", "pété", "toto"]
instead of ["test", "p", "t", "toto"]
might require javaapplet to play though .
Im not sure if I like require.js though idk
Im not all about amd
I just dont see the need but Im probably wrong
@FlorianMargaine i need a bit help
you said i am making too much global variables , aye ?
sry this is ok -> "test pété toto".split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_é]/)
I wanted to merge the effect of a special regex with a single char but seems too hard
how do i implement AI in Ai.js without having to create a global variable ?
or even globally accessible variable ?
Ok, I can't find it funny. HELP ME
I have to think it's funny or my friend will kill me... but no...
It's kinda clever
I wouldn't say it's funny
Yes but they do it to be funny, because of the "come in my head and screw my day" Call me maybe song
Yeah... I don't really know that song
you don't ?
@Everyone: I am having a bindind issue, can anyone help me out
> I would say NSFW
@uui11 what's your issue ?
@dievardump: Appending videos in an image gallery
@Loktar haha thanks
@Loktar it's not require.js, it's browserify, so commonJS and not amd
it's like being in node.js, and browserify "compiles" your files into one made for the browser
Today there is a big hoax concerning Samsung paying the $1 billion bill with 5cents coins.
But what is real is that there is no payment method specified. So, maybe Samsung could pay with Galaxy S2 phones ?
@dievardump dude stop making me die of laughter
@uui11 That doesn't help me at all.
Code ? Example ?
Yes I wii send a fiddle Example
@FlorianMargaine ah cool
@Loktar yep, I didn't like require.js because it makes you add another indentation
and the require thingy is weirdly done, it has to be done at the beginning et al
and besides, I can even use npm modules :p
node-uuid is an npm module
compatible with browsers, so I just did npm install node-uuid, and browserify included it because I required it :)
nice that sounds pretty cool
bleh I need to start using stuff outside of my comfort zone more
@dievardump: here is the demo jsfiddle.net/L7yKp/70
@dievardump: everything is fine in my gallery just what i need is to append the video div in the thumbnail gallery div thumbs. but it should append after the images
@Loktar allows me to do module.exports = Player in Player.js and then just use var Player = require( './Player.js' ); var player = new Player(); in another file
@Loktar whats living cost around where you live ?
and average salary for a dev :P
@FlorianMargaine same question for you.
yeah alone
you could make 1k5-7€ at starting and spend less than 1k
@dievardump that's wrong on a million levels
@FlorianMargaine hmm
wrong ?
It's a photograph
...the content of the photograph, buddy
@dievardump: Can issue be solved
It's a church center.
@Abhishek taxes already taken off etc
I'm not responsible for the name.
but the main thing you're paying is the appartment, so it depends
@Abhishek between 60-80k, avg cost of living is really low
apartments are on avg between 600-800 a month
but my salary taxes take retirement et al into account, so theoritically you don't have to save as much as in US
but still, there is a lot of taxes
I live in the midwest though
cost of living is crazy low
i am just researching cause if i have to migrate i wanna go into a place where its good to live
dont wanna end up in another INDIA
eastern and western coasts are much higher.
@Purmou Either I'm to open-minded, or you're too close minded. But In all case, someone is in one of the extrem to find it funny/particular or indecent/innapropriate.
Maybe both ^^'
I'm not saying it's not funny
@Loktar Last but not the least how are the people , friendly ?
`@FlorianMargaine ^
you two look like family ^_^ just asking a more common sample
"friendly"... yeah sure
depends on the people
some are, some aren't :/
@uui11 I'll look at it
@FlorianMargaine :-)
@uui11 $('#thumbs .UiUx3DSSVFlow:nth-child(n+'+i+'):nth-child(-n+'+Number(i+num_thumbs-1)+')')Y U MAKE ME BLIND ?
I am maintaining the images in that
@dievardump: Its a binding that I am doing to show the images of thumbnails
I'm sorry but I can not understand anything to your code...
@Loktar also, to finish off, I can use node basic packages such as events with browserify
you can't use :nth-child more than once
or can you?
i'm tired this morning
gotta go!
@dievardump: Its not a complex thing
Or you can change the script according the requirement
@FlorianMargaine well... I milit for the opening since some years so...
it's like saying "hey guys we're authorizing drug consumption in these rooms!"
well, it's not like, it's exactly it
It's like saying " Hey guys. You wanna drug ? Well, that's not good, we're here to speak with you. But in all case, we prefer you to do it in a sane environment, than doing it in a park with stuff you found on the floor and you'll let here... where Children play during the day. "
@dievardump: Is it wont fix
@uui11 I dunno. I can not really understand your code men... To much "ui jquery selector not caching lack of comments" things.
I don't even understand what is not working
any math function that increases slowlier with time?
No everything is working, Just to append the video div into the thumbnail div#thumbs
@dievardump No everything is working, Just to append the video div into the thumbnail div#thumbs
@Abhishek yeah people are friendly
And it's an IEP magazine. IEP guys are not known to be very socialist (I know some...)
Seriously, you should read some things about this "shoot rooms". Some country experienced it, and they have very good results.
I know it's not everywhere the same, but I hope and think this kind of room will be better for consumers and for children/people that use the parks where these people usually use and let their stuff after.
@dievardump Please help me out
@dievardump youtube.com/watch?v=YCiY1y3uJ3o&feature=youtu.be&t=37s BEST reaction in the entire video
bah, the socket.io documentation sucks
@rlemon the guy ?
@ThiefMaster Yes it does. You can do a lot with it, but the docs is... shitty.
There is also a bug with "chat room" and namespaces.
And so does the limit argument of split()
'a b c d'.split(' ', 2) should give me ['a', 'b c d'] and not ['a', 'b']
but i guess there are valid cases for both behaviours
I didn't now there was a limit argument...
I went with this:P i.imgur.com/RvAAz.png
still needs some tweaking though
I prefer the head like that ^^
what do the people here think about gwt?
@dievardump what is the bug?
@dievardump yeah I accidentally put the control point wrong in one case and thoght it looked pretty cool :D
@Neal problem with sending message to all of the people in the room when using namespaces.
But well, it's easy to fix
@Esailija It's what I wanted to do at the beginning but no time yesterday to think.
I also wanted to curve the face of the first "body block"
That is next to the head
@dievardump yea... I use chat.in(roomname).emit(...)
is that wrong?
You have problems ?
btw the shadows and shit are getting pretty tough in chrome, I get far less interpolation frames
Where chat = io.of('/chat').on('connection', function (socket) { ... });
Reposting Q: from PHP Room:
No I havent
will need to look into canvas optimizations already
my team is new to branching and merging and we are moving to a more organized structure, Master branch / Dev / Feature and changes are made on the master that dev must inherit how would I pull those changes from master to dev?
and what about cascading that to the feature branch as well?
but you said there are bugs
@CAM 42
Ahh nice ref to hitchhiker
@Esailija well, just draw ONE BLOCK, at the beginning, in a ghostCanvas. Then just drawImage of this ghostCanvas in the current canvas with some translate and rotate.
thanks @Neal
You'll gain a lot of framerate
@CAM np
I see
should have done like that from beginning
You gain a lot because you don't force it to "recalculate" the shadow. It just "put a png"
yep, it was at the time I put shadows it started to cough
problem is the shadows are somewhat outside the block as well
so it won't look cool if I just save the block
so @Neal, ... any ideas?
console.log doesnt logs prototype functions ?
console.trace maybe
log / info / trace / dir
too much.
No no no!
@Amaan Amaan has 3333 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 153 answers, for a q:a ratio of 8:153.
No one upvote / downvote any of my answers / questions now!
@CAM git checkout master && git merge dev
how do i spell persistent ?
p e r s i s t e n t ?
v8 >_>
@dievardump thanks
per·sist·ent /pÉ™rˈsistÉ™nt/
@CAM no?
@Neal Neal has 41045 reputation, earned 49 rep today, asked 79 questions, gave 2044 answers, for a q:a ratio of 79:2044.
can anyone explain this or help me debug it?
Hey, I just met you
And this is crazy,
But here's my number
So call me maybe.
@FlorianMargaine Math.log(1) + 1 and Math.log( 1 + 1 )
@FlorianMargaine 10 * Math.log(1) === 0 --> 0 + 1 === 1
I dont see a problem
thank you :D
You're welcome.
athile.net/library/wiki/index.php/Library/V8/Tutorial // to anybody who is intrested in understand v8
and doesnt want a direct knee strike at the face
My co-worker " BUT Y IS IT WORKING ? "
Should I ask him if he is ok ?
@dievardump hes atleast better then me
types a line on Eclipse : Eclipse says syntax error

removes the line , type the same like without any changes ..

Eclipse is happy!
Yes... but it's common with the shitty things that is called Eclipse, no ?
I'm sure you'd be 10x faster using Notepad++
@Abhishek v8 is a veggie juice
Since node is "server side", there is no way to create DOM element, right ?
Using Canvas could be a good alternative to "GD" (php) .
@Neal i love it
it allows me to make javascript kick ass
of those "java is gawd" hipsters
i just bind / wrap a C++ library and wohoo :D now JS is equivalent bitchez!
@Abhishek hehe
@dievardump jsdom kinda allows you to use a DOM, but I'm not sure it implements canvas
@dievardump omg this one
... I wanna do it
ProTip for V8 Users :: String::New , Number::New , <AnyThing>::New are extremely extremely exhaustive rather cache your frequently used strings with something like Persistent<String>bitRate = Persistent<String>::New(String::New("bitRate"));
"C# was created so that C++ developers could be productive." -Japikse #devlink
I like this one.
@dievardump add only on windows to it
"CoffeeScript is what JavaScript should have been." - Crockford #devlink
I cry for this one
@dievardump no way he said that.
I also think " no way "
I should look at the video
rlemon stalks.
rlemon is awesome is what you meant to say.
Yannis Rizos on August 29, 2012

One of the very first ideas we had for this blog was to convert some of the wonderful gems of the early era of our site, the undisciplined period, to blog posts. Questions that were once enthusiastically received by the community, but no longer fit Programmer’s scope.

The first deleted question I’ve chosen is Jon Skeet’s “What’s your most controversial programming opinion?” question, a +391 scored question that was originally asked on Stack Overflow on January 2, 2009. What follows are twenty of the highest voted answers, in random order… …

yeah saw that on reddit
pretty interesting
Ok, as rlemon said, I'll do a userscript to make reddit readable. Then I'll go on that website to find news.
I have 235 mail drafts full of links to sort...
The most intresting thing ever
@Abhishek old
@rlemon but still scary
@dievardump look at the source to reddit, wont be hard - however their naming conventions are fun
what will happen if apple gets patent of water bottle ?
@dievardump he certainly did, though he followed saying it wasn't ready for production as its more of an "experiment."
class="thing" onclick="click_thing()"
Bored to do that: sudo /etc/init.d/memcached restart
killer specs: 1.5Ghz dual-core processor, 1GB RAM
fuck thats antique .. samsung made me feel low :-(
@Abhishek old
13 mins ago, by Neal
@dievardump http://www.citrix.com/English/NE/news/news.asp?newsID=2328309
damn Neal stop stealing my reddit stories
or start saying useful shit here so i'll be enticed to unignore you so I can see I'm double posting
OMG @rlemon, big trololololol
(your tweet)
"CoffeeScript is what JavaScript should have been." - Crockford
lol you like that huh
Well that's no reason to play pretend.
@jonathansampson @dievardump Did he precede the word "experiment" with "failed" by any chance?
@rlemon I am the one that showed you the glory of reddit. don't blame me for a slow internet connection ^_^
what tweet is that referring to?
read the chain
@dievardump he certainly did, though he followed saying it wasn't ready for production as its more of an "experiment."
Why does my tweet never appears as an answer ?
@dievardump just post link
then it will onebox
@Neal I don't want it to onebox
lol amaan
@dievardump huh? then what do you want?
@dievardump You mean in the thread on Twitter?
It's easier to see the "full conversation" (without my response, :() like that
Yes the thread.
Did you reply by clicking reply on his tweet?
When I click on my tweet I can see that it is a response to his. But when I click on his, I can not see my response.
@jonathansampson @dievardump Any proof to this statement? Link or it did not happen.
@dievardump hmmm same here.
devlink is today
He can not link for the moment
@dievardump to proof that crockford said that? why not?
Q: What does this do in javascript?

Abe MiesslerI came across the function below in one of the SharePoint system javascript files. function RTE_InsertImage(strBaseElementID) {ULS1Lu:; //A bunch of javascript } I have never seen something like ULS1Lu:; in any of the javascript code I have worked with before. Does anyone know what this is...

Did you guys know about labels?
@Amaan yes...
It is a GOTO.
Don't use labels....
Yeah, figured
But I didn't know JS had GOTO
@Neal because devlink is a conference. It's the first day today.
It's obviously not already on the Internet if, and only if, it was recorded.
@dievardump still
I already posted it
But with the current data
It's crazy
Labels are fine to use if you need it, and it's not really a goto or we would have tail call optimization available.
Labels are very convenient for nested loops
They're for continue and break statements, right?
They mixed a washer and a printer description
It's like " Wash in 45 minutes, Black Ink, 100 paper slice... "
lol, nice
hehehe tooltip
lol didn't know that
Soooo 2:45pm - anyone have any funny / interesting anecdotes that will take up the remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes of my day?
@rlemon write the userscript for reddit
@dievardump seriously... just typing?
will I hear the occasional beep?
no ok
Try the " Angry dev coding " maybe
I thought it was music
lol that sounds like me every day
actually that is just the sound of me "Yell-Typing"
@dievardump hehe
boooo \o/ YaY
@rlemon hehe I think my father had that phone
in like 2000

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