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What's the most up to date solution for tooltips? Seems like all the options i see are out of date. I assume I'm using jquery. I want a simple fade/animation effect, some nice aesthetics, and ajax would be nice.
Q: Best way to organize Javascript for website?

Micky HulseI'm in the process of building a website for the company I work for and I'm trying to think of the best way to namespace and organize the site's javascript. I've written several jQuery/Javascript plugins for the big chunks of code, but now I'd like a namespaced place to "call" said plugins and a...

No way in hell is that a quadratic curve (I know I'm late)
1 hour later…
Can anyone here help me with a Bootstrap javascript question?
2 hours later…
@rlemon Totally gonna steal that
if I had a library called cake, what should it do?
@rlemon would your girlfriend even get it?
@Purmou Even if she doesn't, she'd probably like the end anyway
@rlemon You here?
Why does it only fill, even though the stroke is called?
(Console shows that stroke and fill have been called, but it only fills)
Never mind
Q: Is it a common practice to minimize javascript usage when building a website?

RyanI've been a web developer for almost 10 years and I've gotten into the habit of trying not to use javascript whenever possible. Is this a good/respected approach? And obviously we're not talking about building a "web app" here but just a database driven website.

here is my html file in which i am creating check box and label dynamically
u can see that at line number 294
check box & lable is gengeratiing nice
but i want to get check box checked value on button click event
at line num 267 i have made alert of check box selected value but not getting any result sorry for silly question but i am new to javascript can any one help me out please?
Q: Is my implementation of A* wrong?

BloodyaugustI've implemented the A* algorithm in my program. However, it would seem to be functioning incorrectly at times. Below is a screenshot of one such time. The obviously shorter line is to go immediately right at the second to last row. Instead, they move down, around the tower, and continue to th...

@Amaan (1)A* search algorithm
I'm using the following regex to find links within a text: /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-ZÅÄÖ0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-ZÅÄÖ0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig How can I modify it so that it cant begin with url=? Thanks!
@Amaan post on stackoverflow
@FlorianMargaine Post what? The fill problem?
I fixed it
Post what about it?
your question
It's just on my to-do list
That's not mine
oh right
my bad ^^
Totally random IRC message of the day.
> Amani> how to convert the sql results in json object?
json_encode($results);, what else?
hi, i am facing issue with ajax in safari 5.0.1, when i load the inner html page(outer html page is there, from there ajax is pulling the inner html) using ajax. When i use the head tag inside the inner html page, the page is not loaded only in 5.0.1 and work properly in 5.1.1, if i remove the head tag inside the inner html, the page works properly.
@FlorianMargaine PDO::FETCH_ASSOC?
@MohamedHussain What!?
@octavian: sry i hit enter halfway while i type..now i corrected it.please see above.Help me out if u can in this
i am using safari in win7
i am facing issue with ajax in safari 5.0.1 and 5.0.2, i am having three html pages, from my first page i pull the second page using ajax and from my second page i pull the third page via ajax.

in safari 5.0.1 and 5.0.2, my third page is not pulled by ajax if use the head tag inside the second page, inside that head tag in second page, i included a js file and the script to pull the third page.If i remove the head tag inside the second page, third page gets loaded properly.i.e i just placed the scripts (which pulls third page) inside the second page without head tag.(placed in top of the s
Pls help me guys.How to join two canvas html5 elements?
1 hour later…
my little brother did 101 points on my snake game
he really had nothing to do
dudes whats up
What css property do I need to address to change cursor property while the mouse is dragged?
Doesn't chrome recognize margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto; (for tables) ? works in FF
it does @AndersMetnik
@MeLight i think, you can create your cursor properties like .cursor-drag { cursor: pointer; } then you can add body this class when drag event occurs
@Raynos : What are you referring too?
@MeLight there was also :active pseudo-class to handle this
Q: Change cursor over HTML5 Canvas when dragging the mouse

Adi MathurI have made a paint brush type of application using the Canvas Tag . I wanted that when the mouse is on the canvas the Cursor Changes , <canvas id="draw" style="cursor: url(image/pencil.cur)"> I have accomplished this but i cant figure out how shall i change the cursor while I Drag the m...

Good morning
Good Morning
@RyanKinal where is ur repo ?
@Abhishek: Help me dude!
I jumped ship to "team canvas"
@RyanKinal: Do you live in Palo Alto ?
I almost did, though.
For some values of "almost"
Why do you ask?
@RyanKinal so i am the lone man standing for css ?
Ryan Kinal
100 E. St. Clair St.
Warren, PA 16365

Read this on your site , and got confused between Palo Alto and your PA
aww man
I will NOT let css lose in any way ... takes an oath !
css ;ike css3?
Does anyone around here know Tympanus? It is uber cool :D
yeah, I dunno when it is going to be live, it has been under re-construction for almost more than 2 months.
but codrops is the best place to find super awesome JS and CSS tuts
and examples, the typgraphy is amazing
Looks pretty cool
yeah, and most of the examples are from a lady, she is my hero :D
have they aired Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated Season 2 in the US yet?
@RyanKinal why u went to canvas ship though ?
Mostly because I'd never used it for anything serious. Not that I've used CSS3 for anything serious, but it's a completely different paradigm.
Consider the two functions, is it necessary to cache 'this'?
test.prototype.SayHello = function(){
this.divResult.html("blah blah");
//and so on

test.prototype.SayHello = function(){
var ctx = this;
ctx.divResult.html("blah blah");
//and so on
no, it's not
K, so we will get the same performance
it'd be "nice" if you were doing var ctx = this.ctx (although not mandatory), but in your case you're not caching anything
you're just adding a new reference to this, but you're not caching anything
what i mean is: Will using 'this' multiple time within the function give the same performance as adding a new reference? Or will it lead to poorer performance?
it's exactly the same
it's logic, isn't it?
@FlorianMargaine thanks for your clarification, much appreciated.
@FlorianMargaine now u confused me
according to you
this.ctx will take time
oh nvm are you meaning DOM based this.ctx ?
@jSang this is a variable.
It's a special variable, but it's a variable non-the-less. You can do var obj = {}; var objCache = obj;, but not to any particular effect.
@Abhishek this.ctx will take more time than ctx = this.ctx; ctx, yes
and no, this is never going to be your bottleneck
even for the canvas ctx
@Zirak, exactly my concern/question.
wtf kind of dog goes "waf"?
!!cowthink Moooooo?
( Moooooo? )
        O   ^__^
         O  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Is your dog a duck with severe speech impediment, by any chance?
in french, they do
what's the english word for this?
no in french they say "le woof"
depends on their size.
In any probably pronunciation of "waf", it sounds like a duck being squeezed
What kinds of torments do you put your dogs through!?
sounds like someone wants to say waffle but got punched in the stomach for thinking a dog says "waf" half way through it
A little question about SO chat.. The upload button needs a minimum rep to appear ?
I don't think so
Don't write anything, and it'll be functional.
Weird, I don't have it here, and people on C# room is telling
That it should be there.
It should be there yes.
I don't have it. :(
Just go to imgur.com and upload it yourself, then post a link to the image in the chat room.
I don't have that button. :(
What browser are you using?
Tried on FF too
Same result?
Then there might be a limit.
Its because of low rep?
That's the weird thing, on the rep thing on SO doesn't appear.
Yea, the chat isn't exactly a first class member of SO.
hopes no one noticed
!!/spec floor
Odd trick: Math.floor("12") === 12
Same goes for ceil and round.
not "odd"
> Returns the greatest (closest to +∞) Number value
What's odd about it?
Math.round = function( v ) {
    return Number( v );
    // + the "rounding" stuff
Because it's usually specified when a conversion happens, like in max
and Number( '12' ) === 12
Oh, you mean the reference page is odd.
Both. I half-expected it to be NaN
Nah, I mean it is kinda logical that it will convert strings to numbers if possible since it is a number operation.
it doesn't convert strings to numbers, it just returns a Number value
so it does Number(x)
which does convert strings, but I don't think that's the original intent
they're explicitly doing the conversion
Well, if (!IS_NUMBER(x)) x = NonNumberToNumber(x);
I'll check Spidermonkey if I can somehow scavage through that monster
<offtopic> After making it through all the difficult coding rounds, I'm stuck in the most difficult part of them all: salary negotiations. I absolutely LOATHE this part. Would happily do a few more rounds of technical if required. Dang! </offtopic>
Nothing makes me more uncomfortable!
@Zirak ("12"|0) === 12
that's the shortest way i know
@JoeriSebrechts The point was that passing a string to Math.floor did something I didn't think it would do.
it does make sense that it would convert to a number
!!> Math.floor("orly?");
@rlemon Maximum execution time exceeded
@rlemon Damnit, it's broken! Yes! I know! I'll tell you when I fix it
the js1k challenge is a goldmine for weird javascript trivia like that (it's where i learned the |0 trick)
also a goldmine for cool little projects
!!/tell Zirak nudge 15 "nudge 15"
^ nudgeception?
I need to remember to scrape that whole site
@Zirak Nudge registered.
I keep forgetting
!!> while (true) { new Array(); }
@OctavianDamiean Maximum execution time exceeded
Afternoon everyone
am back but with a decent erorr this time :D
the neatest trick was bypassing the need to fully specify the function names of the canvas drawing methods by indexing into them based on the 7th letter of the function name (or some other position, don't remember exactly), because each of the functions used had a unique letter at that position
Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page.
For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.
@rlemon Why? It'll ping me with nudge 15. The bot only listens to messages beginning with !!
@rlemon @Abhishek any idea about above error
that's what comes from following best practice and putting each piece of functionality in its own file
how can i use feddler to check what data server is sending back after or before a post back
akward silience
am feeling like the only alien here
@TimeToThine i would use chrome's network view to do that
@JoeriSebrechts this asp.net page works perfectly on IE but not working on fire fox
when i click on a calender date which is in a update panel I get the error I mentioned above
ProTip: When burning lots of files it is a good idea to group them all into a single folder.
ProTip #2: When copying files into a folder make sure you have selected the correct folder before you burn the empty one to the disc.
@TimeToThine then i would use the IE dev tools and their network view
@Zirak nudge 15
but now i'm not sure if those show the file content
@JoeriSebrechts thanks, I give it a go
i rarely have ie bugs at the network level, because my rendering is all in javascript
@rlemon Love it
@JoeriSebrechts I able to see network tool

when I click on a date, I get this response

505|error|500|Invalid postback or callback argument
and some more addition to exception
@RyanKinal I like this one i.imgur.com/5KOM9.jpg - titled "Humans"
@TimeToThine sounds asp.net specific, i would google for that error to find solutions, i doubt you need to solve this client-side
@rlemon pls help me in coding the canvas html5
@JoeriSebrechts could be, I thought we can check using feddler like what data we are posting and what data do we get back using feddler
yesterday, by rlemon
user image
HI @all
how to do treeview drag and drop in tree view in asp.net
using jquery]
how to do ?
I'm sure there is a lot of tuto on the web.
Try them, and come back when you have a real problem you can not fix
dude... i need to acomplish that... im seeking for ur help guyys
sounds like your seeking for someone to write the code for you
Yes, but before that, go on google, and TRY
It's a very general thing, so we can only give you a general solution. When you have a specific problem, we may be able to help you with that.
@rlemon sounds like a woman
@TimeToThine you mean wise , no ?
But it's like asking "how do I redecorate my house". Tons of stuff in it. But selecting a kitchen table is a little bit more specific.
@TimeToThine ...
@TimeToThine Better than sounding like a douch.
ohh burn
@TimeToThine You mean, sexy and seductive?
I am both of those things
Sexy and Seductive.
That's him, that's rlemon
with legs that go on for days
hrm, I wonder if there's a conversion rate, x(days) = z(km)
Find x/z
Lol @Zirak I mean noisy like a woman , @rlemon dont take it personal :P
He takes it however he likes
With extra bacon
Lol thats same with everyone :L
I've decided that Visual Studio is just a crappy tool.
I was just trying to make sure, if he didn't mind then he should :D
@RyanKinal Uhh, how so?
It just kinda randomly stops working. Try to open a menu, Not Responding. Try to use a dropdown, Not Responding. Try to use the recommended source control (TFS), Not Responding.
Hmm, I haven't ever had that on any machines I've developed on. When I moved to VS2010 it was extremely sluggish, but only on hardware without decent video (taking several seconds to open menus, presumably because of WPF and D3D rendering...)

this is the row that is rising error

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainForm$Calendar','4625')" style="color:Black" title="30 August">30</a>
and each date has same control, I wonder why is it posting back or where is it posting back
@rlemon what does it mean ?
@robjb Meh. Maybe it's just my machine.
Which is a shame because it's less than a year old.
Hmm, I'd hope not then :(
@TimeToThine not a clue, i've never used ASP.net
@RyanKinal You decided ? Like in " It was not an universal knowledge before now " ?
@dievardump I figured I'd give it a chance. You know... for... 2.5 years.
Wow that's a lot.
@RyanKinal Of course it's crappy, it isn't emacs runs
I'm totally impressed.
Unfortunately, I'll most likely have to continue using VS at work
@TimeToThine I don't take it personal. So long as me calling out your help vamparism is also not taken personally
> This website cost £ 94k
@rlemon I never take things personal :D
@dievardump O_O
@dievardump your from Uk too (facepalm)
@dievardump O_o
@TimeToThine you're*
@Aswan yes :|
since so many people from Uk here and non is helping, am so surprised -_-
@TimeToThine No I'm not.
@TimeToThine We're not helping because you look like a VAMPIRE. You don't ask for help, you ask for code. And, BTW, UK people are not internationally known to be very "helpful", like Frenchies.
(there is some exceptions, though)
I feel like a good Friday, Trolls will go out of my mouth all day long.
19 mins ago, by TimeToThine
@rlemon sounds like a woman
This is why I'm not helping
... also because I have no idea what your problem is
It is like saying chicken is almost the same as beef. — amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM A 11 secs ago
GM all ^_^
@dievardump am asking for code :S !
I "showed posts" only to see inline js... which I have told him to avoid before... so... yea, if they don't want to learn they are instantly labelled vampire
which code ? Loool
And we're not here to provide you code.
Anybody updated to Firefox 15?
heh, found a way to cheat on my snake game
Yes I did.
open the debugger > enlarge the penis canvas
Have you noticed anything strange with the placeholder attrib
google search placeholder
for example
<input type="text" placeholder="search here" />
The search on the upper right corner
I know how it works! :|
I was talking about how Firefox now treats it differently
@Adnan that was for @dievardump's benefit calm down mate
Because rlemon, knowing that I'm in love with him, does everything he can to keep me in that mood.
Now it won't be removed unless the user starts typing
In Firefox 14 and before it used to be removed on focus
No problems here
But maybe it's because i'm using Chrome right now
hm actually
even better way to cheat
it sort of screwed my <span> overlay thing
damn pixel-precesion
yeah if you dont use node, you can always cheat in any js game
easier than most flash games :(
same here Adnan
Oh you reminded me with Tamper Data
I used to cheat Flash games with it
Best Firefox Addon ever! :D
heh, that reminds me using a macros extension to "spend hours" on a english learning thing we had at school
I "studied" for 20 hours straight.
lmFao ?
Sure ?
You're sexy and you know it ?
damn it
got the music in my head now

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