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I'm guessing not
But I've done about a minute's worth of research into it :-D
fuck I never know when to add +0.5 or subtract 0.5 when using canvas
@RyanKinal i just tested it myself omg they are such an incredible copycats :$
Yeah, I did maybe 3 minutes before coming here :-)
@Abhishek IE also just implements filter, I think.
I know it's supported for opacity
IE 5.5+ supports
a bunch of em :$
i know for HSL , Matrix Transforms , blur , shadow
@Esailija ...?
to get straight lines you always need to 0.5 somewhere
Is that correct XML structure?
I mean, should <name> be an element, or an attribute?
Thanks @RyanKinal & @Abhishek!
You're welcome?
ua sniffing ?
@dievardump Nope. Tracking which UA's are causing the most errors
OMG longest 20 minutes of my life!
@rlemon sure. Nick Carver will be happy.
did you have a life in the first place then
@Esailija yes... meaningful? no....
I have given a few screenshots in my PPT
Esailija's media player , Lemons typesetting.js .. etc!
hope you dont mind ^_^
You'll discuss with my lawyer shortly
okay removed :D
it was a joke :P
next = this;
    while( next = next.next) {
mine too (XD)
next. next next. next next next next
@Abhishek PPT?
@RyanKinal yes.
@Abhishek Doing a presentation?
@RyanKinal yeap in college
On what?
The Future of the web
please be trolling, please be trolling.... damn.. I so wish there was a course on trolling.
here is lemon's sreenshot!
broken image!
@rlemon why is there a broken image on ur logo :D
fix it , then i will SS again :D
no more databases ?
Are you ok ?
Has @Neal been prevented from posting, or am I just seeing his posts as invisible, or what?
Because that's two blank messages I've seen.
I think he is just playing.
Star above, this is a test ^
2 messages moved to recycle bin
gif was annoying me
@Neal ... I'm not going to star a blank message
@RyanKinal it isn't blank!
Once you star it look at the starred list
twill do something special :-)
@rlemon "more information" does nothing: rlemon.github.com/typesetting.js/demos.html#
Strange indeed
@RyanKinal :-)
wish I added some more text to that
the div looks empty
This one should be a better ‮rats
@rlemon got that done already :-)
I noticed something was up when Chrome dev tools showed the closing tag as <vid/>
star should show up after my name on the starred list
@RyanKinal haha funny
Female webdevs do not exist. We merely wear wigs and parade as women. — Francesca Haselden 3 mins ago
@FlorianMargaine , @Loktar any demo of yours ?
that i can push in ?
haven't done anything
for my presentation on HTML 5
oh umm what kind of stuff are you looking for?
What is the new hotness in terms of typography? Any CSS3 stuff that is making for really nice text?
show them LeMEME
I want to high-five Stubbornella
@Abhishek use the snake :p
I am showing them typsetting ^^
and oh yes!
@dievardump the lib really doesn't do all of that. it takes out one step... wrapping all your text in elements so you can style it with CSS
@RyanKinal If one day I met her, I think I'll not be able to not kiss her.
lol one of my complete games
can somebody help me please ?
Old Tires :P pretty cool!
^ badass
Oh damn i forgot my own example
@rlemon ur lovin' reddit now rnt ya? :-P
@Neal yea, when my boss figures it out you'll be paying my bills for me
i am a fucking idiot
i forgot my own CSS faces!
@Loktar what the fruit. I keep tring to land with 0 angle and it always crashes
@rlemon want it as a tatoo !
that would be pretty sick tattoo
w00t landed
not bad
Phew 26 slides
Okay guys. Tonight, I start on my game. If I haven't made any progress by tomorrow (and have a linkable repository), you may berate me.
I think i should sleep because i have college tomorrow
Psh. I have work tomorrow. Does that mean I'll sleep? (Okay, probably)
I wish I could simultaneously enter every single persons computer and block out w3schools from their search results. just sayingrlemon 6 secs ago
7 secs ago, by Ryan Kinal
Just out of curiosity, I want to see what happens if a chat message references itself
@RyanKinal lol
@rlemon write a virus
would do better
ahhh cleared the screen
@Zirak You see, you can be useful.
@dievardump LOL
And i am done !
<the heading is tentative may change>
how could I make the triangle head not be ugly as fuck? i.imgur.com/oDAhH.png
Other color
(first of all)
for all parts or just the head?
Maybe just the head
(I don't know what you're douing here)
it's a snake
@Esailija , my devil intentions
make the head look like
a slightly curvy triangle
with smoothed edges
it will look more like a snake![ dont imagine wrong!]
can u make example :P
without the animation
I want it to be "geometric" feel, you know
not real animals
I would do something else
@rlemon dont make me make one at this hour
@Esailija I think you should model your snake after this
@Abhishek why u no use CSS3 neon lights?
@dievardump you mean something else, as in, not a triangle?
@rlemon cant they are too big (XD)
i will try to if i can get em squeezed into the time :-D
@Abhishek their*
and typesettings.js :p
oh christ , thanks @FlorianMargaine
more like that
yeah I am trying to integrate the reuleaux triangle atm
Okay my family , farewell for tonight
cya all tomorrow
What happend with the 3 star ?
Someone know that trick ?
how should I use the first two arguments
I used to draw the triangle with function triangle( ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ) {
so now I have:
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( ? , ? , x2, y2);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( ? , ? , x3, y3);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( ? , ? , x1, y1);
quadraticCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, x, y)
cp1x cp1y = position of the red point
I see
x, y = position of the end point
so looking at 25, 25 you seemed to put it in the "middle"
Now what about Cubic Bezier curves?
well no
well the sides are like that
middle x, same y as the end point for horizontal.
not always as end
arf... and I gotago
later :)
thanks for help
I think I should manage from here
mdn is pretty good
Hey guys I got a question regarding a Bootstrap Modal.
I'm using it to submit a PHP form, but when the page refreshes due to the form submission it obviously doesn't load the modal back up. Any ideas how I could make it re-open the modal after you hit the submit form button?
Hi !
Who can answer at this ? :
Q: jQuery mysterious problems

RochesterFoxI tried to male a generic validation function but i think i have a problem with the lenght validatinon : the function work on the second input but not in the first, you can see that here on jsFiddle : ======> http://jsfiddle.net/RochesterFox/N2HyE/1/ The Html : <input type="text" name="...

@AlexCastro why don't you just submit via ajax?
I'd think that's too much
It's fully functional right now with just PHP
I just need to toggle the modal, don't think I need to go all the way to AJAX for that.
Hey folks... something interesting just happened to me. I was trying to upgrade my phone, and it seems Verizon sucks at making websites. Instead of viewing my cart, I downloaded this file which appears to be in hex.
I decided it might be fun to figure out what it's supposed to be
Have a crack at it, if you'd like!
Hi, $.post("page.php",{},function(data){}); The response function is called in case of success request OR in any cases?,
posted on August 28, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Primeras condenas por fumigar con agroquímicos en América latina Announcement: Diaspora* Will Now Be A Community Project World’s first 3D printed racing car can pace at 140 km/h Flat lens offers a perfect image Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0 Simple, sleek, swift, smart. Gnome Do.

@rlemon your Bro-Video is awesome.
You are 28 in decimal
11100 in binary
1C in hex,
but #1 in my heart.
for my girlfriends birthday card.
would have been funnier if his two comments were further apart... like it took him a few to figure it all out
@rlemon roflomg
look at the second link :P
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. Ohh, and if you have not already.. Please Read [css] [html] [javascript] [jquery] [mootools]
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. [css] [html] [javascript] [jquery] [mootools]
too bad
@rlemon I just edited, but I don't have privileges to edit tag wikis
Q: How can I parse HTML with a regex?
A: [You don't](http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/851498).
added this to the FAQ ^

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