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but oh well its requestAnimationFrame 8-)
@Loktar have u ever used low level graphics in C ?
// anybody who has ever used lower level graphics in C / C++ / C# i can use a lil talk regarding canvas tag
@Abhishek just a bit
some with assembly too
to what i have seen using canvas is a little different from them , aint it ?
but nothing extensive at all.
i mean in assembly and c both we had a function like cleardevice();
to just clear all the buffer ? , but here x_?
canvas feels like most other 2d things ive used
like visual basic/blitz basic/c#
to me it feels a little bit slow
oh well yeah performance wise its not equal
but when you turn on HW accel in chrome its badass
nay slower then usual
@Loktar true that
its just too extensive to clear what u have created
just do clearRect
or use dirty rects
@SimonSarris has a nice article on performance differences when clearing the canvas
clearRect is slow , tried it against state one
@Abhishek What do you mean?
Compared to what is it slow?
@Amaan its just a comparision . i am comparing to c :P
like similar draw methods are comparable in C & canvas
but clearing canvas is slow .. much slower then usual
maybe just my device though x_x // no hw acceleration on linux for me
@Amaan It's fun to impose limitations on yourself, like "only use 3 colours"
aiight am off to code some css
@Amaan we still are working together
and working with him i learnt a LOT regarding good practise of code!
@Abhishek Yeah, I know. I'm asking you how you ended up working at the same company
@Amaan we didnt we started one
Oh. Tapeer was your idea or something?
Tapeer is um my concept for a chatsite :P dedicated to chat
not any other southwest voodoo just chatting!
@Abhishek Like WhatsApp?
I kinda lost it , then when i thought i am now mature enough to work on it , i talked to him about it he liked the concept and we ended up working together
Except as a website?
@Amaan whatsapp looks like a penny :$
its just text .. very limited
Why would people use your chat-site?
+ no proper computer landing for it
@Zirak let it finish you will see ^_^ , i wont discuss USP's in here just yet
What Zirak said
ctrl + c , ctrl + v my last message here
Hahaha, I read it
protip: Make an irc interface. if this chat had some irc compatibility, irssi would be my home.
@Abhishek How will you make your revenue?
@Zirak noted and added to 'todos'
@Amaan ads and "teenmentallity"
@Abhishek What's the teen mentality?
At least for India, you're going to have a lot of pirates
If you're expecting them to pay
@Amaan give them something for free ;-)
damnit sorry
coworkers talking to me
and u know what happens when u put "free" tag in India
@Neal It's yours ?
anyway @Abhishek idk man clearRect is fast for me
its okay bro
@Loktar >_> then its my not GPU accelerated canvas :-(
@dievardump yea. made it in an hour last year
at work I dotn have mine accelerated
I get 60fps
Can someone help me with an SVN problem?
send me
a test case @Loktar
I know i spam that damn game all the time
but its my best example
svn status
43 fps
!       imageName.png
I can't remove it, since I've moved the file to another folder
crazy, yeah on my crappy laptop here I get like 80fps
@dievardump haha why not? everything is resizable :-P
are you testing on a pc, or mobile device?
mobile its noticeably slower
I get 60 FPS
i always test on mobile </sarcasm>
let me close a few apps in b/g
@Neal ... mean.
@Loktar now after closing AVD and Windows Mobile vm its noticible faster upto 73- 8x
@dievardump ur on it?
boy i always overkill my pc :-|
@Neal Why?
Seems like a legit question
@rlemon hm...
Could be found with Google easily
But still a legitimate question
@FlorianMargaine need help with tartempion
tell me when u are free :-)
@Abhishek are you having problems with canvas performance old bean?
@SimonSarris yeap , its one of the reasons i dont use it :-/
ignore it though i am making my uni presentation :D
too tired to do anything productive , but i can use some awesome tutorials tomorrow :D
// minus i need to figure out florian's awesome pies aswell tomorrow
unhealthy obsession with ponies.
Not that bad.
> If Tim Burton would draw Pokemons
Yes, it's my twitter/google+ post inspection.
Not enough Johnny Depp..
@dievardump I'd play that game
So would I, as I played the real one some years ago.
It was not a bad game
@AndréSilva I definitely prefer Burton's wife roles to Johnny Depp's roles.
She is totally crazy.
@MattMcdonald select.add what's the browser support like?
@Greg lol i posted that earlier :-P
@Raynos Nice shot.
@Raynos ummm Matt has not been here in ages
Hi !
Who can help me :(
Q: jQuery split array problems

RochesterFoxi had try to make a split with jQuery on a array field but it dosen't work : var arr; arr[0] = 'size:256'; var vals = $(arr[0]).split(':'); alert(vals);​ Why ? Thanks !

Hey guys
I'm trying to send a form using ajax , on chrome and firefox it works just fine, on internet explorer it doesn't work at all...
A: Ajax Form Does Not Work With Internet Explorer 8,9

AbhishekWhen using ajax,ajax will works in background. You have to do what you want on success/error of ajax request, it will do nothing from itself. If you just want to reload the page af ter success. Just call document.location.reload(true); or whatever you want... OR Show a message and reload wi...

Any suggestion you have is helpful
@RochesterFox you have an answer.
@Raynos matt deleted his account a few months ago :P
wassup people!
@Esailija He did?
@Esailija He knows that. It was a troll/joke ^^
Maybe he misses Matt.
o i c
o i c ?
Oh, I see
Oh, I see
Keep up, man
@Amaan cos he didnt like so
@dievardump O.o
@FlorianMargaine To add an option to the select element
any doc about it?
3D first person shooter using JS and WebGL - developer.mozilla.org/en-US/demos/detail/bananabread
There was a problem starting Bananabread. Please see the Troubleshooting section below for more information.

Technical Details: texture compression is missing.
My computer doesn't support WebGL, so I can't see it :p
The screenshots look polished, though
@Amaan all my browsers do support WebGL, and... no one can launch this game.
@dievardump why noone?
seems to be stuck on preparing
but im sure it will work
@dievardump Not even FF?
it just Aw Snapped'
Same thing happened for me
But my computer has sub-par specs
@Amaan seems to only work on FF 16
Oh it works
FF 15 also
Probably the only browser he tested it with
still "Preparing..."
no Chrome also
but... seems to have some problems on my computer
I am in Chrome....
Still preparing....
ok, I'm a bit confused. Everything shows that I've got an amd CPU, except for uname -a...and I seem to recall installing this ubuntu with the intel iso, and things worked out fine.
hahaha this game is cool
cat /proc/cpuinfo proudly shows things like model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+. I recall the cpu box has amd drawn on it. This is odd.
@dievardump never loaded for me...
wow !
@FlorianMargaine nevermind now i figured it out :-)
@Abhishek still, tell me
what you wanted/how you did it x)
wanted to implement my "mobile" page
read ur tartempion blog
figured out how :-)
right now am converting the markup :-)
I wouldn't make a pie for it though
// the markup is not fully static
i will push it to assembla once it starts working :-)
you're using the last version?
/ i think so
downloaded it from ur repo
just get the one from npm
awh okay
npm install -g tartempion
you have a CLI available :p
:o oh didnt knew that
tartempion help to see the commands
am having to work on my presentation aswell btw :-/ due on friday :-'( i seriously dont wanna work but just wanna finish it once
just work on it
doing so :D
don't pass some stuff before your school
Just picked up the gf this bad boy canadacomputers.com/…
is there a way not to do these calculations 60 times per second ? jsfiddle.net/RyWBD/4
seems really expensive
probably draw it on a hidden canvas and drawImage from that?
@Esailija I think you can avoid a lot of "beginPath"
@SimonSarris answerd a question about that and this was kind of "obvious"
true but there is no need to do this, I'll look into hidden canvas and drawimage maybe
the bg is generated only once per game
but it needs to be redrawn every frame, so avoiding nested loop there is aces
"but it needs to be redrawn every frame, so avoiding nested loop there is aces"
Why ? juste make 2 canvas.
@Esailija generate it, dump it to base64 and use that 'image' to drawImage
@rlemon idd
2 canvas one upon the other.
@dievardump overkill considering Canvas uses the image interface to draw
No need to use a redraw
2 DOM elements is better than redrawing the exact same background at every frame.
ah you mean like zindex?
btw I like how no-one gave any shit for including jQuery just for $("canvas")[0]:DD
  canvas[absolute, top 0, left 0, z-index 1] «- contains background, only drawn the first time
  cavans[absolute, top 0, left 0, z-index 2] «- contains game, redrawn every frame
I already have the relative thing going on for some UI stuff
Actually using multiple canvases is a known way to improve performance
Sure it is.
My latest game uses 3 canvases
One for the background
One for static things that change every now and then
And one for continuous animations
yeah I generally just use one canvas because Im lazy and figure by the time I ever fully finish some awesome project performance issues wont be that big of an issue.
@rlemon How many GIFs do you have?
Oh, how do you guys pronounce GIF? Merriam Webster's pronunciation: merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/audio.pl?gggarf01.wav=GIF
The opposite of Jif.
Opposite of Jif?
Yeah idk how to properly write the pronounciation
/me looks
@rlemon I am gonna go with 2 canvases, no reason to redraw it all the time
I say jiff
Like jiffy without the eee
@Esailija i'm not - look at the code - one image behind - image is less expensive than canvas
oh wait
I say it like a hard G
what's going on
like Guy, but Gif.
I see
Canvas just uses the Image interface to render the image - so why add the canvas layer at all
hi to all
In French we say JiF
@rlemon because you are pushing less pixels
if you just have a static BG, no need to redraw it
@Loktar how so? the only thing i'm doing differently is pushing the canvas off to a image then reusing the same canvas element for the animation.s The image is layered behind the canvas tag
@Loktar What do you mean?
He could simply use an img tag instead
i am using split() function in javascript so var crawlurls=bgPage.crawlURLARR.split(',');
he could use an image your right
Or a div with the bg set
Q: Display a JSON-string as a table

Martin AleksanderI'm totally new to JSON, and have a json-string I need to display as a user-friendly table. I have this file, http://ish.tek.no/json_top_content.php?project_id=11&period=week, witch is showing ID-numbers for products (title) and the number of views. The Title-ID should be connected to this...

if the bg isnt dynamic at all then an image would be fine
@Esailija Do you see how that sentence makes sense though?
@Loktar it's @Esailija's code - he has a randomly generated bg for first view:
my thoughts were
generate the bg, grab the base64, make a static image from it, layer image behind canvas tag, and draw new animations on transparent background canvas element
var crawlurls=bgPage.crawlURLARR.split(','); thisl code mention is when i press , (comma) then split function occured so like wise when i click enter the same process will occur so how it is possible?
@Amaan gee-aye-eff; gif
@Zirak Did no one see the link?!
@Purmou yes :D
it's explained in the wikipedia article
yeah he could do that too @rlemon but hes taking an extra step by converting it to an image
@Esailija I posted that just yesterday!
@Amaan lulz
I mean if hes already creating it and adding it to a sep canvas, why not just leave it there.
@karthys Newline character \n, learn it 'n love it
@Esailija yeah but wikipedia complicates things, lol. it's a fairly interesting grammatical phenomenon
@Loktar let me try and find the article. I only say image vs second canvas tag because iirc recently I read that having canvas elements vs images are more expensive for memory (but I could be bat crap crazy)
yesterday, by Amaan
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically valid sentence in the English language, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature since 1972 when the sentence was used by William J. Rapaport, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo. It was posted to Linguist List by Rapaport in 1992. It was also featured in Steven Pinker's 1994 book The Language Instinct as an example of a sentence that is "seemingly nonsensical" but grammatical. The sen...
hi @Zirak i already used \n but its not working ya
Okay, who crashed SO?
@Neal done
its back
How's this for the room description: "JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help."
A lot pithier
Going once...going twice...
@Loktar , @RyanKinal if u havent already
go google -webkit-filters
omg pure CSS filters .. zomg zomg !
room topic changed to JavaScript: JavaScript, not Java, and general web-dev. Try not to be easily offended, we may be tired and weary but willing to help. [css] [html] [javascript] [jquery] [mootools]
apprtc.appspot.com/?r=04329687 if somebody has a webRTC come here
@Abhishek O_O
... I'll be in my bunk
What happend with Prince Harry ? That's crazy I just hear of it today. My Twitter Timeline must be too geeky.
@RyanKinal there is an example
soo finally chrome is following microsoft!
:D :D
@Abhishek why ? I think they made a W3C proposition for that.
Q: Loops running into each other

BaltimoreDrewI have 3 loops on one page, each pulling a different CPT into a portfolio like layout. Live: http://iassc.baltimoredrew.com/providers/ Gist: https://gist.github.com/3503334 However the tags for the second and third sections are inheriting the ones from the loop before it. Also when I click on...

@dievardump if they did then they are idiot to drop there own support for filters in IE 9
Webkit dev did
(I think)
wow because those features have been in IE since 5.5
google is good at copying , expectional!
Someone just asked me if you can use CSS Media Queries to do font detection (as in device will load a particular font) not just load font based on screen size, any thoughts? Thanks!
@jpgr i dont think so

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