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Q: How can I send AJAX request for the content which are loaded via Infinite Scroll?

JackI'm building a simple project something like Twitter but very simple :) There are a lot of tweets on user's homepage (timeline). So every tweet has favorite button. When user clicks to favorite button, it sends AJAX request to the server to store favorited tweet. So favorite buttons are somethin...

1 hour later…
helpppp :(
Q: How can I send AJAX request for the content which are loaded via Infinite Scroll?

JackI'm building a simple project something like Twitter but very simple :) There are a lot of tweets on user's homepage (timeline). So every tweet has favorite button. When user clicks to favorite button, it sends AJAX request to the server to store favorited tweet. So favorite buttons are somethin...

@Jack: You need to stop this.
@ThiefMaster to stop what ?
And you also need to stop abusing the ternary operator (x ? y : z) where if is appropriate
@Jack: Repeatedly posting your question in here; that just annoys people
@ThiefMaster ok, no problem. btw, the problem is not depend on ternary operator
@ThiefMaster could you help me please, if it is possible
First I'll comment on how you can make your code suck less ;)
the star block can be replaced with obj.toggleClass('icon-star').toggleClass('icon-star-empty')
then ?
i've just posted an answer
@ThiefMaster you saved my life, man! :) thank you very much!
HOLA. Goodnews :D WebRTC is almost out \m/
@RobW I recommend you use browserify instead
@AnujKaithwas what do you mean almost?
hey ya'll
Any one knows how to set the symbol from maskmoney.js to appear after the value?
@Purmou Is there any idea to construct the rope in canvas html5
This is the reference http://www.cuttherope.ie/index.html
sorry dude, I've never used canvas
@Purmou whether we can construct in Javascript?
no idea
you can check the source code to see how they do it, probably
@Ritesh check this out: cuttherope.ie/dev
@Purmou yes i googled it.But i didn't get any source code for it
@Purmou yes i checked it( cuttherope.ie/dev).but there is no source code for it
@Purmou Invalid command /
p!!/tell Amaan help
!!/tell Purmou help
@Purmou https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@Purmou https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@Purmou Any idea?
Why'd it do that twice?
!!/tell Purmou help
@Purmou https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@Purmou https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
hm, weird
also if you noticed, i have my own running
Yeah, of course
prefix messages with p!! for mine
p!!/tell Amaan nudge 3 "Hi there"
@Amaan Nudge registered.
He probably ran it twice or something
@Purmou You trying to add something to the bot?
not right now, but maybe in the future
@Amaan Hi there
@Amaan i'll add you as an admin
p!!/tell dievardump help
@dievardump Could've just used p!!/help
@Purmou Ooh, what can admins do?
I know they can kill the robot
ban, unban, die, live, and forget epic commands
though even if you forget stuff like learn
if i refresh the bot, they return :P
Hahaha, yeah
You can probably make it persistent by using localStorage
i could, yeah
but that makes it individual
You can't forget built-in commands.
!!/forget learn
@Zirak You are not authorized to delete the command learn
oh, and i can't set it for you
i mean, it would trigger on my localstorage
@Zirak makes sense
Yeah, that's how todo works too, doesn't it?
Stored on your localStorage
@Amaan (1)A* search algorithm
i doubt it
@Purmou No items on your todo.
@Purmou Where do you suppose it's stored then?
maaaaaaaybe in zirak's localstorage, or maybe in a javascript object
if you're on chrome, just check your local sotrage
Has to be
5 mins ago, by Amaan
Stored on your localStorage
But of course, it's on the browser of the person running the bot.
It's what he said " your " meant " bot runner "
Whoever's running the bot
ah lol
@Purmou Command online does not exist.
@Zirak does !!/online not exist yet?
how could I change the dots QTY
in that code
you can just add more elements
Ffs colg suckssss
@Abhishek Where are you?
In class
Where as in which state?
The teacher is confused about argand plane
Madhya pradesh
Any javascript question ?
@Abhishek what is jquery? how do i use it?
Jquery is a dom abstraction and u should never use it
2 hours later…
Any one working on Jquery Mobile?
i need help
Wt do u need ?
my application works fine in android device +emulator but not responsing well in android tablet
Anyone know a site I can temporarily upload pictures too ?
u can upload pictures temporarily here
@AamirKhan thanks
Hey guys
how could I avoid IE tendency to select first button in the webpage ?
Hi, I have used this ajax uploader in my site...(fineuploader.com/).I have the situation to use this ajax uploader in ajax content...Itried including neccessary file along with ajax content. but it always fails. Kindly advice
any one have an idea on this ?
Hi guys.Is there any better solution for this overriding scenario ? jsfiddle.net/tyR8Q
hwoohoo finally someone solved my mapproblem:
Just wanted to tell all ya lovely people what a wonderfull day this is :D
Can't imagine nobody asked this before on SO but it seems I'm lacking the right words to find more information. Given a jQuery-onHandler the callback function receives an event parameter which is a normalised "event object according to W3C standards." (http://api.jquery.com/category/event-object/)
So question: an easy way to re-execute the given event?
@yoshi $('#someEl').trigger(evt)?
hmm $(evt.target).trigger(evt); ... will give that a try :)
<3 aware off. let me write some code and I'll report back ^^
1 hour later…
Good morning.
Dilbert explains it all.
I survived
@lonesomeday works like a charm thanks for the help :*
hey guys
@Abhishek Survived that horse orgy from yesterday?
@yoshi Super -- you're very welcome
I survived another day! in college!
I feel so NSFW today. :(
worse then any horse orgy ever!
Horse orgy? WHUT!?
do any of you have an idea you could I disable Internet Explorer deafult first submit button choose?
@OctavianDamiean o/
Yeah. o/ I WTF'ed a brain today already. Feel so accomplished.
@Itamar What do you mean? The way that IE automatically focuses an element?
Is it just me or is the Sammy.js documentation quite poor?
@lonesomeday , when page is loaded internet explorer focus on the first submit button
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically valid sentence in the English language
@lonesomeday , thanks for helping , but there's a certain button I need to focus on
wtaf @Esailija any proofs ?
and it's not the first button
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically valid sentence in the English language, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature since 1972 when the sentence was used by William J. Rapaport, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo. It was posted to Linguist List by Rapaport in 1992. It was also featured in Steven Pinker's 1994 book The Language Instinct as an example of a sentence that is "seemingly nonsensical" but grammatical. The sen...
Hey people. Can anyone help me to get this working? $('.class input:checked').parent('label').toggleClass(...); I would like to add class to label, when its child radio is checked. Thanks
also see
"James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher" is an English sentence used to demonstrate lexical ambiguity and the necessity of punctuation, which serves as a substitute for the intonation, stress, and pauses found in human speech. In human information processing research, the sentence has been used to show how readers depend on punctuation to give sentences meaning, especially in the context of scanning across lines of text. The sentence is sometimes presented as a puzzle, where the solver must add the punctuation. The example refers to two ...
Hmm, text keeps being red all the time. Is there a way to make for example label border red WHEN radio is checked?
well that isn't what you asked :P
you want to listen for the click event and then toggle the class determinate on the status of the checkbox?
$('.foo').on("click","input", function(){
   $(this).parent('label').toggleClass('apple', this.checked);
Yes, when the radio is clicked, the parent label is changed. And when the other radio is clicked, the first label is back to normal and the newly checked label changes etc
well this should get you started.. try to figure out the rest. if you cannot get it working come back
Yes but that seems to be working, thanks
but you should try to understand why it worked.
Is it OK if i ask questions regarding jQuery here? I know there's a separate jQuery room but since there aren't anyone active there and i need a quick response, i was thinking if it's ok to post my question here.
Yes, i will, thank you for your help
I've been asked to train my colleagues about jQuery. Any advice on how/where to start? I'm very clear on the basics, just haven't done anything like this before. Any help would be great.
Do your colleagues know JavaScript?
@Purmou I removed it, since it's pretty useless
Thanks @RyanKinal for the suggestions. I'll definitely look into them. My concern is that i might flood them with too much info, i don't want to overwhelm them.
@jSang So read the tutorials yourself, and then teach the material at whatever pace you think is appropriate.
Q: PHP IF Dont work

user154961<?php function two() { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" > r=1+1;document.write(r)</script>" ; } $r=two(); if($r==2) { echo aaa; } ?> result should be "aaa" but result be "2". May be if loop dont work. plz help !!!

@RyanKinal, thanks for the links and tips, let's see how it turns out, very nervous rite now :D.
why the hell explorer auto selects the first submti button in the page
that code gave me cancer
I have half a mind to get 125 rep on superuser.SE, just so I can downvote that question
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. -Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh crap. Please keep this away from my designers:
Where has this been all my life? Magically convert Photoshop designs to valid HTML markup http://bit.ly/MWUvOk /via: @sitepointmatt ^hawk
@RyanKinal ta'werpwep234 23l4k 234 234o4 2k3434 234 sdsfewr 233 123
@RyanKinal doom it on sight!
@Abhishek O_O
@RyanKinal your amount of jQueries overloaded my brain
and it flushed random stuff out
Apologies. I shouldn't have done so many jQuery-queries
its fine
i am doing homework T_T
Heh. Sucker :-P
:-/ well last one , cause i am leaving college soon :D
I had a dream the other night that I was still in college. And I was going to fail. Because I had been skipping all my classes, or had forgotten about them or something.
... now that I think about it, it may have just been a flashback.
@RyanKinal Check out sitepoint.com 's source.
It may or may not be autogenerated
Good point
GM all
is this: stackoverflow.com/q/12159587/561731 even possible?
On the other hand, it is WP, so who knows
I doubt it's auto-generated with Markupwand, though
@Neal With jQueryUI? Who knows. With JavaScript (or just CSS), yes.
Also, I just discovered that I mentally confuse SharePoint and SitePoint
@RyanKinal i lived ur dream today
@Abhishek Oh no!
i have skipped this whole month because of illness and now what they were speaking sounded more greek then usual
oh btw the teacher today was telling exponential(e) to the power infinity is 0
to which i objected and \o/ was out of class \o
// for telling the correct stuff
So, x^infinity === 0 is what your teacher was saying?
RT @w3c: Yandex joined W3C http://dlvr.it/23ywTX
Math.pow(6,Infinity); // infinity
e is just another god damned number!
no wait
e is a pretty fascinating number, with lots of awesome attributes. But it's not the Chuck Norris of numbers.
so Math.exp(Infinity); should be e to the power infinity
!!> Math.exp(Infinity);
@Abhishek Maximum execution time exceeded
@Zirak fix ur bot
!!> 3 + 4
Fix your face
@Abhishek Maximum execution time exceeded
Dude, it's not working. The message passing is fucked.
oh sorry , my apologies
And Math.exp(Infinity) === Infinity
hi to all, i have some doubt in javascript so any one help me?
how to split innerText value ?
Off-topic question, are you by any chance Indian?
erm, from India.
Is that a "yes, why?" or a signal for the KGB to attack?
oh sorry, yes, why?
In the unlikely case it's the former, because of your wording. I've never heard any other nationality say "I have a doubt in x"
oh sorry , my apologies
I'll try and find room for forgiveness on such a horrible act (in other words, nothing to apologize about)
@RyanKinal lol
Oh hell, this is horrible: sitepoint.com/…
@Zirak hahhahahahaha
@FlorianMargaine o/
@karthys maybe using split? :)
@Abhishek o/
yo @dievardump
how are you doing?
effing tired
But good, and you ?
good too
last vacation week though :(
Poor little French guy :(
Wanna go to Vancouver
It has to be sson
Montréal begin to be a little bit boring
uh? why?
job sucks?
Oh yeah
It was plan that i'll go to Vancouver
But since my job is, every day, less interesting...
I begin to "wait" for the time I'll be able to move.
“We hate patents. They destroy innovation.” “Hurray. Apple won their patent lawsuit!” Tell me you see it.
"classical inheritance" made in a javascripty way
I can not understand how a website can consider itself professional, when you can determine, just in the 2 first seconds, that it has kept 50%+ of the bootstrap default theme.
Hey guys can you help me fix that red background dissapears when radio is not checked anymore? Thanks jsfiddle.net/ZwVA4
that make me really sad
$('.foo').on("click","input", function(){
   $(this).parent('label').toggleClass('apple', this.checked);
hm? that's not really bad, what don't you like about it?
well at least Google is suing Apple now
makes me happier, because eff Apple.
@BikerJohn you have to " removeClass " on all input. Then " addClass " on the current.
in CSS, 42 secs ago, by Greg
Should two 50% width inline-block elements with no margin/padding be able to sit next to eachother in a container?
borders ?
@dievardump Thank you :)
@BikerJohn You also can "store" the last in a var.
@dievardump borders are none too...
@dievardump Works perfect, thanks :)
@dievardump FACEPALM
you should add "input[type=radio]"
why this is not OK :
facepalm ? should ?
var code = '<div style="margin:30px 30px 30px 60px;">
				<span class="l-1"></span>
				<span class="l-2"></span>
				<span class="l-3"></span>
				<span class="l-4"></span>
				<span class="l-5"></span>
				<span class="l-6"></span>
javascript throws error on it
Hey guys
I am trying to create a onmouseover and onmouseout overlay on an advert
@Abhishek He provided me an example and I fixed his code. He has to be clever enough if he adds some elements.
The advert is loaded through an iframe
So i can add anything i need to it
@Olli because it's idiot to put HTML into JavaScript. FORGET IT
what is the correct way to do it
@dievardump ;-0
since I want the code to come ONLY if user has JS enabled
otherwise the code wont appeara at all
use document.createElement ?
is there jQuery alternative for it
or new Element( {
} );
and how the html?
How do I make an element show up next to another element on hover with just css?
@Neal after ?
See demo: jsfiddle.net/maniator/vjksn hover over "View" then "Open"
@Neal Which element? What do you mean "next to"?
I want the open menu to show up next to open, not under it.
@RyanKinal see fiddle: jsfiddle.net/maniator/vjksn and explanation above
@Olli well. display: none
And you remove the display with js
@dievardump yes but I have CSS3 animation. and it consume CPU & memory
@Neal insertAdjacent ?
InsertArfter ?
I will remove the animation after load has completed for JS-users, but Not-JS users only hide it. .and I would like to totally remove it
@dievardump huh ? I don't want to use js
just css
@Olli Well if you're are concern about that, forget jQuery alternatives.
so best option I think is to not display loader for non js just all
@Neal left: 100%; top: -30px;
Like that ? (it's quick, I think you can improve it)
@dievardump wth?
@dievardump so what you recommend as solution
@RyanKinal on what element?
@dievardump did you even look at that?
Ok it's not what you wanted.
@Neal Hmmm. Actually, that's screwing things up a bit. But it's close.
Yes I did. You asked for the menu element to show up next to not under
@RyanKinal yea... funky...
@dievardump no I didn't...

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