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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

I can't really help you
This will require more than just client side JS
What language are you using on the server?
@Sivashankar you know thats incredibly easy to do when u know the language
before using it :-)
on any server side language u can mantain a database
and in that database push something like random session ids'
on client side u can store these as cookies
now u can see if a user is logged in from a computer
if he is u can just simply use that cookie
if the requesting computer has the correct session key / id
@Amaan phph
then its the person serve it the content
:-) Makes sense ?
facepalm you can't figure that out in PHP ?
@Abhishek wut?
@Abhishek i didn't use cookies
@Raynos collision tester ?
Well its a bit better now
that one is dead
im going to sleep
okay lol
tunnel will be open again tomorrow
good night :D
i didnt commit the latest change
could someone say what does mean "inherited" in Chrome devtools
like inherited from a
@Olli google inheritance
in short inheritance is a feature of object oriented programming
in which a class inherits (obtains) some properties from its parent class
in css it means the css properties applied to the element becasue of its parent
ah ok.
in words of my computer science teacher ( who i respect ) " Inheritance is a "is a" reation "
@Zirak so Obama is of your race ?
I have to disagree. The only situation where inheriting makes a true "A is a B" happens when B (the parent) is an abstract class. Otherwise, you'll get tons of complications. Think of the standard inheritance example: Square is a Rectangle
//now, imagine this:
function doStuff ( Rectangle rect ) {
    rect.width = 4;
    rect.height = 6;
got it dw :-)
did u saw my terrain btw, zirak ?
yep. It looks awesome. You're insane
i just added trees , the old and gold image always facing towards u hack!
am thinking of shadows and lightning atm
@Zirak where is your shooter game
wer is it
!!/stat Esailija extended
@Esailija That dude sucks
:DDD nice easter egg dude, now send me teh stats
!!/stat 995876 extended
@Raynos I suck at making games, or anything to do with graphics
@Raynos its getting transferred to regular internet slowly from the intergalactic one he uses
@Esailija [Esailija](http://stackoverflow.com/users/995876/esailija) has 30733 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 1155 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:1155.
avg. rep/post: 26.585640138408305, 6 gold badges, 18 silver badges and 42 bronze badges.
@Zirak you should atleast give it a try though :D
your knowledge , jessh thats incredible amount inside your head!
Besides, down here in da 'hood, every day is a shootah game
aww comon man :D
after that i realized .. IDIOT ARE NOT MAKING IT IN C
@Zirak I suck too. but give it a go
@Abhishek @Raynos Here's a skeleton for something I thought of some time ago: jsfiddle.net/CSpnv
I got as far as making the basic grid and realized that: (1)Locally, it now runs ~40 FPS. before doing anything. (2)I had most fun making the pseudo-OO-pseudo-functional tile system and the rgba thing.
@Zirak Incomplete?
What was it supposed to be by the end?
Oh, btw, FPS isn't all that important. I have a game set to run at 12 FPS and looks and works great
@Zirak its laggy as hell
A pseudo-shooter. You basically kill colours
@Zirak it's jerky. Have you tried linear interprolation?
@Zirak -.-
That exactly wasn't the point I was making, about how I screwed up completely with the elementary principles of drawing a bunch of squares
I thought it was perfectly fine and got discouraged because there just wasn't enough pink
@Zirak :(
@Zirak but it isnt hard to make it super smooth. Just linearly interprolate the rendering of the circle with some latency
Linear interpolation? Is that where you make a line from two points? squints to see benefit
Morning everyone
does anyone know who can I check which wordpress theme is used by a website :D
Right-click -> view-source
its wordpress :L
plus they disabled right click haaha
Right-click -> view-source -> cry ?
@TimeToThine ctrl+shift+i
Hit F12
aw i got ninja'd
Is there currently anyone with good Excel knowledge?
@Olli i am not for sure
let me check 1 mintue :D
@Abhishek ok. Anyone else?
i dont think you will find em in here
this is javascript room not micrsoft room
irc #excel
what server?
Q: How to handle 3D collisions using raycasting (with a reflection vector?)

NickI'm making a game using THREE.JS, and I want my character to walk on the terrain, and collide with static 3D objects (=AABB boxes) that are on that terrain. The problem is: THREE.JS has only a raycasting class which can be used for collisions. I figured it would be possible if I casted 8 rays f...

@Raynos And really, the bottleneck is Tile.draw. The movement is laggy because Tile.draw hogs up everything.
@Abhishek what server in IRC
@Olli any
@Abhishek thanks I able to see the code but still dont know how to find which wordpress theme is being used lol
i dunno its hard to find some1 good in excel
@TimeToThine see the .css :P
speaks for self
@Zirak then optimize it :3
dunno if its just me being stupid but I can't find anything
I hate wordpress but I got no choice -_-
cant find which wordpress this website is using :(
@Loktar Teach me your secrets...and make this piece of crap better ~_~
perfect i found a way to disable js console
in chrome XD
return false;
ctrl+shift+i wont work :D
disable rmb and u get no console .. aye ?
You didn't disable it, you're just being annoying. Wrench->Tools->JavaScript Console
i know i didnt disabled it but atleast i had fun , and made it harder
It's important to learn something new every day. Here, let me help:
!!/urban love handle
@Zirak love handle: referring to the deposit of fat on the sides of your lower waist; a handle to hold onto, when making love.
Saw it as a reference...and went all wtf?
IE has more HTML 5 support hten chrome ??!@ wtf
How did you reach that god forsaken place?
i have been on that place for past 5 years
My condolences
there are a lot of young developers there
some good some bad (x
Uploadify experience anyone? :\
Q: How do I pass variables for uploadify to upload?

DariusI have this script : $(function() { $("#file_upload").uploadify({ auto : false, height : 30, swf : '/uploader/uploader.swf', uploader : '/uploadprocess.php', width : 120, method : 'post', f...

@Darius Shouldn't you be checking their documentation for that?
Yeah, been reading. I can't find any info about sending the parameters WITH the file, only on complete uploads
The information I've found and CAN do is once the file is uploaded, put the uploaded file name in a hidden input, but I see that it has the ability to send info to the upload php script with the video, just can't find a way to get the parameters before it sends out the request.
You'd pass the extra data in that, right?
Well, why don't you start the upload after formData has been filled?
That's what I'm trying to do, but I can't get any dynamic content into the formData, it's static in all the examples and the code I put up
I gtg now
It's seems simple enough
Np. Thanks. yeah, I tried $('input#tags').val(); inside there, it just didn't pick it up :\. Take care!
@FlorianMagrange you awake?
Even this guy won't get a response for what I'm asking -_- uploadify.com/forum/#/discussion/5352/…
Success. Finally.
@Raynos he must have been enjoying a sunday
or else hes always here / fb
1 hour later…
time to play a game after ages <3
Q: Less vs Stylus vs Sass

katieI'd like to start using a CSS pre-processor to cut down development time. Which one of these is the fastest from this perspective?

Skyline is a really bad movie.
but I love alien invasion films so I watched it anyway
Added Movement to my game :-/ now github is being a PITA
how do i update changes in one branch
from other ?
Unless he doesn't want to merge
Just switch the branch he's working on
You mean, you commited something on another branch, and you want to push both? Or as Esailija said, you want to merge? Or...?
@Esailija i am git noob :p
I actually want to update my gh-pages branch
with the changes master
i guess by the term i wanna merge
git checkout branch-name to switch branches
i know that :-)
switching to gh-pages gives me 1 day old code
@Abhishek Why are you working in master anyway?
Just work in gh-pages
yeah, because it's a different branch, and you didn't commit to it. You do changes in the branch you want and commit to them. That's the point of branches. Anyway: git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
@Amaan cause i like to work in master
gh-pages is more like the demo page
demo page should only be updated once the code is not broken
@Esailija I like invasion films too, but this one's just bad. The aliens were so lame and stupid, the characters sucked, the ending sucked even more, and nothing really happened.
Abducting a race to create soldiers is a good idea, but the execution was horrid.
They were so disorganised and clumsy and just...stupid.
$ git merge master
Auto-merging css/three.css
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in css/three.css
Auto-merging html/game.html
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in html/game.html
Auto-merging js/game.js
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in js/game.js
Auto-merging js/raycaster.js
Auto-merging js/three.css.js
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in js/three.css.js
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
now what ?
Fix the conflicts
how ? // i am a git newbie remember
Conflicts are pretty much as they sound: Something's screwed up with merging. I think some git distributions have a mergetool command, git mergetool or something like that, which is an annoying GUI. Otherwise, the manual is great help: kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/v1.7.3/…
Basically, it happens if say I'm a file which looks the same in both branches,
but crap, someone added THIS line here in branch A,
and another line here in branch B; I'm still line 2 there!
what's worse, *this* line appears in BOTH branches A and B.
That's a conflict.
@Zirak 'w','a','s','d' .. do the control works ?
@Abhishek Nope
refresh , u know gh-pages
Oh, yeah
A goes right?
D goes left?
is it smooth ?
Yeah, it's all good
you are moving
so object will move opposite to you :-)
wait ,.. urgh i messed it (XD)
Uhh, yeah, but that's not what you've done here
Ooh, you're using JS now :p
Why so many changes with the spacing?
@Abhishek bound, not binded
Your spacing varies a lot
Some places you use key[ value ];
Some, key[value ];
And some key[value];
@Amaan what did u thought those animations were using <input type="radio"> fixes ?
even if it is possible but i am not an idiot to do that (XD)
Na, I was just joking
overall did it lag on your system ?
Not at all
Why are you using == everywhere?
key = (special_keys[key] != undefined)?special_keys[key]: key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
key = (special_keys[key] !== undefined) ?
Or something that makes it more readable
Line 79
its much readble
@Abhishek Plan on trying to get it to work in IE?
IE 10 , yes!
IE 8-6 yes , chrome frame or u can see my 404
Their event.button is different
really ?
Microsoft uses 1 for the left button
And 2 for the righ
Does IE10 support array.map natviely? Or does it need a fix like 8?
no clue
let me check
Sounds like a miracle, good to hear though.
ah thanks :D
u saved me from pain of booting a VM
when i am already out of ram
Out of RAM why?
4 Gigs
@Amaan Thanks man, really helpful. Death to IE.
i have like ~3gb of it occupied
Windows \m/
1 hour later…
You can probably answer that
@Amaan out of my cup
hey can we create a fb.ui event to post "photo" on friends wall ?? (Facebook Javascript SDK)
@Abhishek hey can we create a fb.ui event to post "photo" on friends wall ?? (Facebook Javascript SDK)
@Amaan can you help me on it?
i have no clue never worked on fb.ui
@Surya .. read the docs!
@rlemon o/
@Abhishek actually.. I worked on it but there isn't well documented regarding fb.ui
then try and note down ur experiences
this one always works!
@dievardump xD
u made my day
Looks like someone finished @rlemon works codepen.io/agirton/pen/xguBy
@dievardump wanna help me finish lighting ?
i need lighting in that
my current idea is to use rayTrace
project ray from source for each tile
I don't know anything about lighting :(
calculate its luminance and then put a layer ( semi transparent ) of that color , using css multiple backgrounds
btw @dievardump view source :$
in my demo , if u haven't
:D , yeah baby CSS 3d only!
keeps the floor semantic xD
SO has divs with welovestackoverflow has their class
they know we will read it t:P
Ooh! 3K rep!
I can cast close votes now
lol, switch mood to serious then say congrats
My Eyes.... my eyes.... — rlemon 9 secs ago
Quick somebody he just had called Pennace Stare — Abhishek 27 secs ago
Okay now its time for me to seriously think if i really want to keep using css or switch to canvas
css garuntees awesomeness in terms of developer views
but its not just the right method for something like this
maybe for some parts of it like walls and stuff it is but for a 3d game css just lacks stuff
Can someone help me to understand this code
no problem.
A: Hidden object is shown on page reload

InspiredJWin CSS #commentweb { display: none !important; }

can we downvote this to death please
just me or the microsoft article
is written
in a better way then
safari blog?
jlongster.com/s/dom3d/example3.html wow this guy is crazier then me
@Abhishek the raphael looks 100x better jlongster.com/s/dom3d/example3.html#raphael
@rlemon i know
the canvas is even better
i think i should also be using canvas
a canvas version of this will be much better :-/
Can anyone help with Git?
How do I remove the README.md~ file?
just add
I deleted it before committing
to .gitignore
git rm *~
that will do
Oh, yeah
1 hour later…
Why is the room so silent ?
who used jQuery ??
jesus this is serious nobody alive at home :-(
If I specify a font-size to a class on a style sheet and later try to change the font-size in a click event, will it stick? When I debug it shows a change, but it disappears after the click event finishes
@atomSmasher yes, it should stick.
And finally i killed the 3d madness and came to basics darkyen.github.com/war-js/html/game
@Abhishek what's that?
@Nile 5 minutes ago it was a pure css 3d terrain
now its just a basic game engine
ah i see, okay.
pure css 3d is damn too complex to mantain after a limit , even for computers!
Q: Javascript based product customization app

j-man86http://duc.pagodabox.com/product.php I'm developing a JS based app that allows you to customize a product. I still consider myself a super newbie to javascript and especially to object oriented programming. So far, so good, the app does what I want it to do, so no trouble there. My background i...

@Abhishek Annoying part about that is your overkill function
I can't Shift+F5
@Abhishek please don't use wasd, use the arrow keys. <-- azerty keyboard user here
i used to know the qwerty layout by heart because there were so many games and programs that assumed it
I'm having a trouble in jquer UI.
when i input any value in input area the slider don't slide
check here http://jsfiddle.net/4bAek/ pls
Hey guys can you help me solve out why this doesnt work?
      location.replace('stop.php?stid=<?php echo $lastID; ?>');
error:_SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
insert a ) in your last line before the semicolon
oh ofcourse
stupid me
jsperf.com/indexof-multi-passString.prototype.indexOf is O((n-m+1)m) in all browsers (except possibly IE). :(
@dievardump I like it when you click the options
the "final size" kind of "updates"
and it's also kinda lying.
google et al are all using home made frameworks
what is wrong with this code?????
@FlorianMargaine yes but it's "Vanilla-JS plugins" :p
var filler = document.getElementById('pfiller');

if(filler.style.width === '0%')
   filler.style.border='0px solid #000';
   filler.style.border='1px solid #000';
I think you have to set borderStyle, borderWidth and borderColor
anyone know how can i creat a template for joomla
this code does not work...that was not the problem
some programe as Artisteer???
i am getting a border, instead of removing it
sexy guy is in da place
@EliteGamer 1/ This is the "javascript room, do you really expect help about joomla?
2/ Google. Really.
@FlorianMargaine how is it going?
@FlorianMargaine 3eme.localtunnel.com
heh, so you're doing this in svg?
going fine, thanks
what about you @Raynos? :)
pretty good
where is the progress
why you no code 24/7 ?
family stuff + games
haven't made any progress
@FlorianMargaine why you family
why it doesnt save data the first POST['buton'] when i click on second POST['second_boton'] ?
if i select first botton the data will be selected but when i submit the second button the selected option desapear
@Raynos y u
y u no code :D
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

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