I have to disagree. The only situation where inheriting makes a true "A is a B" happens when B (the parent) is an abstract class. Otherwise, you'll get tons of complications. Think of the standard inheritance example: Square is a Rectangle
@Esailija [Esailija](http://stackoverflow.com/users/995876/esailija) has 30733 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 1155 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:1155. avg. rep/post: 26.585640138408305, 6 gold badges, 18 silver badges and 42 bronze badges.
@Abhishek @Raynos Here's a skeleton for something I thought of some time ago: jsfiddle.net/CSpnv
I got as far as making the basic grid and realized that: (1)Locally, it now runs ~40 FPS. before doing anything. (2)I had most fun making the pseudo-OO-pseudo-functional tile system and the rgba thing.
I'm making a game using THREE.JS, and I want my character to walk on the terrain, and collide with static 3D objects (=AABB boxes) that are on that terrain.
The problem is: THREE.JS has only a raycasting class which can be used for collisions.
I figured it would be possible if I casted 8 rays f...
Yeah, been reading. I can't find any info about sending the parameters WITH the file, only on complete uploads
The information I've found and CAN do is once the file is uploaded, put the uploaded file name in a hidden input, but I see that it has the ability to send info to the upload php script with the video, just can't find a way to get the parameters before it sends out the request.
@Esailija I like invasion films too, but this one's just bad. The aliens were so lame and stupid, the characters sucked, the ending sucked even more, and nothing really happened.
Abducting a race to create soldiers is a good idea, but the execution was horrid.
They were so disorganised and clumsy and just...stupid.
Conflicts are pretty much as they sound: Something's screwed up with merging. I think some git distributions have a mergetool command, git mergetool or something like that, which is an annoying GUI. Otherwise, the manual is great help: kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/v1.7.3/…
Basically, it happens if say I'm a file which looks the same in both branches, but crap, someone added THIS line here in branch A, and another line here in branch B; I'm still line 2 there! what's worse, *this* line appears in BOTH branches A and B. That's a conflict.
If I specify a font-size to a class on a style sheet and later try to change the font-size in a click event, will it stick? When I debug it shows a change, but it disappears after the click event finishes
I'm developing a JS based app that allows you to customize a product. I still consider myself a super newbie to javascript and especially to object oriented programming. So far, so good, the app does what I want it to do, so no trouble there.
My background i...