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SecurityError: The operation is insecure.
[Stopper sur une erreur]

var imageData = this.ghostContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
@dievardump This happens if you wrote to the canvas from another domain.
I just thought of that
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
A: Why selecting by ID is not recommended in CSS?

Erik  ReppenFirst of all: CSS Lint, like JS lint is an opinion disguised as validation, not an authority. I've been at this for five years. I've worked on very large retail sites, at interactive agencies, as a solo contractor, and am currently at a SaaS firm. The idea that IDs are unequivocally bad, IMO i...

@ErikReppen Looks like your answer's going to be community wiki'd :P
Anyone know where I can access Bootstrap 2.0.X documentation?
1 hour later…
@Amaan good morning!
you up early :o
Hahaha, yeah, got to study
oh man
i know how that hurts!
@IvoWetzel you free this month?
@Abhishek You should probably tell him why you're asking
For the top-down shooter game, right?
oh hell yes mate
he probably has the most exp . with any sorta games in here
hello guys, how could i go to a specific <div> in my page.using js?? i would like to research it but i don't klnow what to call it
like pressing a link and would direct the page to the topic.
are u looking for the # ?
u know ....
window.top.location.hash = "#someId";
but i don't like any hash on my url, is that possible
yes then its a messy js but possible
just get the offsetTop
and scroll the page till it
@FlorianMargaine node is easy. front end is hard
@tomexsans window.scrollTo(document.getElementById('divId').offsetTop, 0);
@Amaan thanks i will try
@Zirak There needs to be some code somewhere that interacts with the DOM. I put it there. What would be a better place?
can i use this inside jquery??
@ErikReppen dataset support in IE8/9 is impossible to do. I tried, hard.
@FlorianMargaine o/
@Loktar o/
@FlorianMargaine Well yes. I grok node too much. client code feels like an ugly hack. It's hard to write elegant client-side code
@FlorianMargaine ivo is here more then @AndyE . @@AndyE is dead. DEAD TO ME.
@FlorianMargaine And it shall be done.
hello all
i have a main span with a class and i want to select child span which are in that span
$('.FreeTextControl > p > span') work fine
Good Morning , Raynos!
but i don't know at which level my child span is
6am is the usual time (GMT) when u are up ?
@Raynos can you please help me out
@Abhishek i'm in san francisco
@rahul i can barely understand ur question
@rahul lol no
@Raynos Whoa !? how comes did u got hired by wiki ?
I work here
for the last 8 weeks
okay :-)
didnt knew that (XD)
@Abhishek i have a main span which has class .FreeTextControl
okay so whats the problem ?
and i want to select child span
but it can be at any level in parent span
i wanna die after reading that
@rahul dont you know

$(".FreeTextControl span.childClass");
will do exactly what u need ?
html can be <span class="FreeTextControl"><p><span></span></p></span>
the " " free space signifies
or <span class="FreeTextControl"><span></span></span>
that the latter can be in the formers tree at any level
@rahul go read the topic CSS Selectors
and then read sizzle.js {jQuerys selectors} manual

@Abhishek thanks $(".FreeTextControl span.childClass"); works perfectly for me
@Abhishek one more question for you
i know body.onload event
what will be the event when it will complete
@Raynos Wikipedia?
hi to all
@Abhishek ?
@rahul @Amaan What the heck am i reading ?
i have some doubt in javascript so anyone guide me?
RT @erikdahlstrom: interesting proposal for ambient light sensors in css - http://fremycompany.com/BG/2012/Ambient-light-sensors-and-CSS-Media-Queries-971/
@Abhishek Don't ask me, I'm studying :P
@Amaan just clearify me
onload is fired only once loading is complete , right ?
@rahul what are u wanting to load bro ?
what will the first event when page load
i just want to show a please wait message
when user come to that page
and hide it when everything get loaded
Put that in the HTML
onload, remove the "Please wait" div or whatever
what will be the first event when we open a page
i question is export a xml data to excel using javascript or jquery or json , is it possible?
i can't delete it because i will need it again
Then hide it!
document.getElementById('divID').style.display = 'none';
what will be the first event when we open a page
can you please tell me
That depends
You don't need an event
Put your please wait message in the HTML
onload, hide the please wait message
you means that onload and document.ready is same
Yes, that's what I means.
Wow, people should really stop jumping to jQuery.
why so
Because you don't understand something as simple as this.
@Amaan no I dont work at wikipedia
@Amaan elem.hidden = true
@Raynos if u did then probably Tomasz would of thought moving wiki mobile to a node.js based better site :-|
@Raynos That's new, right?
every one is not experienced
instead of Hypertext preprocessor apemadness
@Amaan depends on what you think new means
so please let them understand
@rahul see what will happen if u give a 5year old a Nuclear bomb remote
he / she is going to press the button and Doom us !!!!!!
same happens when u give jQuery to a new person
simply u will use it
then u will start to abuse it
and ultimately you will create code u wont understand :P
thats why jQuery is a not so good idea for beginners
and as u learn u will realize there are a very very few cases where u actually need a part of jQuery ( whole jQuery .. nah never )
@Raynos What?
every one Was beginner at a time
you also
indeed i was
We're not saying it's wrong being a beginner
We're saying the way you're learning is wrong
and i raped DOM using jQUery myself , and was ranted by raynos twice !
@Abhishek Twice? Aww, you're slow. :P
so let's other learn jquery also
@Amaan lol it was in a quick succession
@rahul facepalm
@rahul Do whatever you want. Don't expect to be helped frequently, though, because most of your questions will be silly.
silly for people like you who don't care about beginners
jQuery is nothing but a DOM abstraction basically hiding what is actually going inside DOM and JavaScript once u learn javascript u can actually create something like jQuery yourself!
thanks by the way
@Amaan geez , we indians have a huge ego bro!
@Abhishek I hope some idiot goes ahead and creates a library using a library! That'd be pretty cool
@Amaan hehehehe
ur idea is evil !
but john resig did so!
Jquery UI
That's an extension to the library
I mean another library altogether
Which uses jQuery or something inside it

jQuery UI - Since jQuery's shit was not enough .. John the so called "GOD" of javascript ( no valid sources for this ) thought lets just give the browser diarrhea and hence he invented jQuery UI . making ur web browser die with cholera and diarrhea together!
No offence , Phun intended.
“Fixing appcache” raw meeting notes (attendees: Microsoft, Facebook, Mozilla, Google, Twitter) https://etherpad.mozilla.org/appcache (by way of @tobie)
@Raynos do you know ,how to give the z-index property to html5 canvas?
@Ritesh code it
I assume you are trying to render layers of graphics one after other , right ?
@Abhishek yes
so with javascript you can push all your objects to render inside an array which has objects like this

{ content_to_render:'some_content';
now u can sort this array using
where u can specify it to sort it using the zindex property of the object
and then render them in the order :-)
@Abhishek Good solution
But maybe he's using multiple canvases
In which case, it'd be just like other elements
add one more property to that object :-)
and just compexify the comparing function to handle that aswell
javascripts sort method appears to be a bubble sort
so its pretty efficient to handle this
Yeah, I remember reading that
Okay, I have to study now
@Amaan I remember reading it in v8 :D
its brilliantly done!
more like caching the function for sort and running it in a seriously hell optimized way using the hidden classes :$ just magnificient !
though exhaustive :P
@Abhishek My problem is that i am using the 1024*768px canvas for IPAD,upon that there is text and canvas image.The problem is i need to bring the canvas image above the text.But i have given the z-index property ,its not working!
@Ritesh can you show the code ?
@Abhishek document.getElementById("manX").innerHTML ="MAN X"+ manX + " "+manY;
twitterBird.src = "waveexample_files/walksheet.png";
context.drawImage(twitterBird, 97*counter1, 0, 97, 95, manX-150,manY-130, 100, 100)
//context.drawImage(twitterBird,manX-150,manY-130, 150, 150);
manimgX = manX-150;
manimgY = manY-130;
full code ?
@Ritesh general tip : DRY RUN IT!
basically think of what each line will do in your brain or on a paper
most of ur errors will be solved automatically
@Abhishek this is the image twitterBird.src="";This image is not moving above the text
@Amaan that scares me though that basically means i was more creative and efficient 2 years before then now :-(
@Ritesh i cant figure it out with that less code , sorry!
there are 200,000,000,000 possibilites where it can go wrong!
Details from @silviapfeiffer about WebVTT support in current browsers, as well as available polyfills http://www.w3.org/community/texttracks/2012/08/23/webvtt-support-in-browsers/
@Abhishek there is main image in the canvas
@Ritesh put ur code on a jsfiddle
and post
or just link if its already on internet
@Abhishek you are from which place?
Karnataka,India.Even me also
HTML spec now provides a handy index of all the interfaces it defines http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-index.html#all-interfaces (not just the HTML*Element interfaces).
See? Indians don't only take your jobs. They take over your chat rooms too!
@Amaan lmfao
you yourself are one !
So? :p
so behave ! [kidding]
Dave Hyatt & WebKit team implementing paged-x/paged-y, overflow, page floats from CSS Generated Content for Paged Media http://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2012-August/021988.html
Wow mozilla sucks for 3d
Q: Rush to client-side in web development

Vain FellowmanIn the past few months, I recognized a big excitement about client-side scripting in web development. But while server-side technologies are mature, stable and well accepted by backend-developers, client-side technologies are immature (i.e. compared to big server-side framework) and disliked by m...

@AndersMetnik o/
anybody wanna give it a go ? , can somebody explain me what the heck is going on with the panels looking like trapeziods
@Amaan lol
seems firefox is much more robust and failsafe for 3d transforms but slow as my grandma trying to do calculus .. And the nifty pretty fast webkit is damn fast but cant even handle rectangle maths properly!
oh satan webkit is damn too buggy with simple maths
hiiiii @Amaan lol
@Amaan your prophecy has turned true...
That's exactly what I was thinking :p
:$ hover over main body and then out , on the address bar
so catchy!'
Pro Css-3d Tip : webkits z-culling is broken badly use custom methods where applicable .. Firefox has better culling but it will just be too slow to work with.
@Amaan sorry to disturb u again but just wondering what are u going to use , i assume canvas ?
@Abhishek MOrning Abhis :)
Florian , Me , Loktar , Ryan , Amaan (Maybe) , lemon ( ihope) are in
// i seriously wish somebody types a good thing about it so that i can star it so that i dont have to paste it to every single cool person in this room :D
@Abhishek Yeah, canvas
Good Morning / Afternoon Esailija and congrats on owner :-)
@Amaan i am now realizing where its easy for yall and where for me :D
[ the canvas people ]
// my game can run lightyear fast on chrome but will die on firefox ( where it will actually look better ! )
@Abhishek wow I am room owner?
hai to all
@Esailija Hahahaha
i have some doubt in javascript
Raynos added a few of you as owners today
I am getting drunk on power
@Esailija u , florian are owner
3rd one .. the alien zirak
@Amaan (y)
@Zirak You're the owner of the room now! Run the bot so us common civilians can speak through you :p
!!/tell Abhishek You're going to be banned!
oh cool there is a chatroom in here
@Raynos *cries* I'm here in spirit (and in gravatar)!
Q: What is a currently a good game stack for simple Javascript 2D multiplatform game?

JacobusRI'm looking for advice from someone can help me avoid common pitfalls in developing light weight, quick-to-market games. Yeah, I've heard of Google ;-), but a trip down Google lane does not beat solid experience from someone who has been down this path. I'm looking for advice from someone who wor...

anyone willing to listen to a jquery question?
@AdamLynch Hahaha, just ask your question
If anyone can help, they will
@AmaanC troubled childhood.
I asked him why Firefox behaved strangely
@codepo8 Any clue why Firefox behaves this way? http://stackoverflow.com/q/12104711/401137
hi @Esailija
How ca I raise the window.resize event ? window.resize() ?
@Amaan Sorted it... I was trying to select non-empty placeholders; input[placeholder][placeholder!=""]
@Esailija if you remember I was talking here about adding the hash url to an Iframe so i can do cross iframe communications. After I set the inner Iframe URL , I need to raise the window.resize event so that the parent will check its child url...
var e = document.createEvent("UIEvents")
e.initUIEvent("resize", true, true, window, 1)
cross browser ie7+> ?? is there any jquery ver ?
Doesn't jquery knows how to raise events ?
IE uses window.fireEvent("resize", document.createEventObject({}) )
@Esailija I was hoping jquery will save me from this browsers incompatibility.... :-(
jQuery trigger only triggers jQuery events
@Esailija thats why I asked this question :stackoverflow.com/questions/11325165/…...
I tried to immetate the click on href
but no success
only $(".a")[0].click() worked
he suggests a plugin
$(".a").trigger('click')--didnt work
that's cos jQuery specifically does not call .click() on "a" elements
I dont need to add plugin for this simple click simulate....:-)
That is hard for me to understand
I click on href
what else ?
there is code in jQuery that checks if the element is "a"... if it is, it will not do .click()
If i click , just raise the click
Q: Random "month & day" with JS ( jQuery )

l2aelbasetInterval(function() { var days_array = [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; var m = randNum(12); var m_limit = days_array[m-1]; var d = randNum(m_limit); $("code").html("day = "+d+"<br>month = "+m); },1000); function randNum(limit){var r=Math.floor(Math.random()*limit)+1;return r;} h...

oh I didnt know that
so what jquery does when $(".a").trigger('click') ?
or its just activates my(!) bounded events ( click)
$(".a").on('click',function (){...}));
this line !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" ))
I.E. if it's "click" and the nodename is "a", do not call the native method .click() on the element
@Esailija you see why I love you ? you always got an answer :-)
you can do $("a").click( function(){ this.click()}).click();
@Esailija But what if I bound a click function by $(".a").on('click',function (){...})); ?
kinda pointless
wtf? I'm an owner?
@Zirak me too =D
now the trigger WILL activate the click ( my click)
of course
it's a jQuery event
o_o ...where's the kickban button?
you are a room owner, not SO owner
but but but...kickban :(
@Esailija will $(selector).resize() work ?
where selector==window?
it will just trigger jQuery resize event
if you have $(selector).on( "resize", fn ) then fn will be called
I got to find a way for triggering resize event (multibrowser)
So. Seriously. If someone is being an idiot. I can't kickban him? pfft. This italic text thing is useless!
What use is power if you can't abuse it?
anyone that can tell me what this does:
throw $break;
It throws an error, which is in the variable $break
!!/mdn throw
Thanks, seems to be something with prototype though :)
hai everyone my html5 video not working in ie browser example link: videojs.com
@Esailija we have a partial solution that does that in our software, but it cheats by requiring the user to perform a few steps manually. Never underestimate the usefulness of human intervention in solving a computational problem ;)
ok but the question is ridiculous
there is zero context
the answerers are supposed to make a program on the fly out of nothing and it will most likely be useless to the OP anyway, again, because there is no context :P
this is why I hate noobs making questions without code.. even if you answer with the right snippet they will not be able to integrate it
there's always some problem in including jQuery, doing it in document.ready.. using a cached js file etc etc
@JoeriSebrechts What is the input made out of? What is the desired output? Is it maybe a truth-map of pixels? A png? Flying horses? Canvas?
We know squat, except the abstract problem, which (while an interesting one) cannot be actually answered, except in a very abstract form.
@Zirak in our case it's a set of floorplan polygons, and we need to split that up into subunits and then merge the subunits into rentable space units, so that involves the splitting of some polygons and the merging of others
it's all nodes and edges
we've also run into this issue with self-intersecting polyogns (a polygon whose edges crosses over another edge of itself), where you need to find the outer perimeter of the polygon in order to be able to calculate its area (which you need to know to calculate the rentable area of a room)
See, you're defining the question parameters. He didn't.
to me the question is clear and obvious, it's a question for a software algorithm to solve a geometry problem, but maybe it's obvious because i've dealth with these algorithms before
the question is basically the same as "I need to make a chat. Thanks in advance"
i don't understand why it's being downvoted, as this is actually an area of active research at universities
because it's impossible to answer
any answer will likely end up in a trap with the OP, helping him build his app
learn to spot them early: slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires
well, i wouldn't say impossible, just improbable. i would like to know the answer myself. it's annoying to me how many questions are closed on SO to which i'd like to know the answer myself
i've noticed a trend that questions on SO have to be more and more specific or they get closed, but where should the generic questions go? programmers.se isn't meant to discuss algorithms. there is no SE website for those questions
what do you mean programmers isn't meant to discuss algorithms?
This isn't a "guess the question" site; if he had said it's a general thing, give me some pseudo-code, then there could be an answer. But as it stands, we just can't know.
What kind of questions can I ask here?

Programmers — Stack Exchange is a site for professional programmers who are interested in getting expert answers on conceptual questions about software development. If you have a question about...

algorithm and data structure concepts
Also, there's a CS site: cs.stackexchange.com
since it's tagged javascript and posted on SO, he is most likely expecting full implementation that he can copy paste
Don't get me wrong, general, abstract questions are full of fun, but they should be tagged as such.
algorithm concepts != algorithms, but that's nitpicking. if the question is mistagged its tags should be fixed, but it shouldn't be closed. if it's on the wrong SE site (e.g. should be on CS) it should be moved, not closed.
closing a question is in my opinion rarely the right way to solve a problem, as it basically amounts to a refusal to help
@JoeriSebrechts they are fine, for example programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/125966/…
But we don't know if it should be re-tagged, we don't know if it should be moved, because the OP didn't provide anything that'll let us know.
@Esailija ok, i'm find with programmers.SE being the place for general algorithms, i just want there to be a place and for questions to get moved there
@Zirak then ask him
there is also a problem that he is not showing any research effort
and be patient in waiting for an answer, if an answer doesn't come, then you close
The comments already asked him
@Zirak to move the text in next we use <br/> tag ,but its not working
@Zirak the question was posted less than an hour ago, SO is not twitter, no need to close it before the question gets a chance to be amended
That's why I didn't vote to close
I did
my personal opinion is that if questions aren't likely to get answers, it's ok if they just stay open indefinitely. a closed question weighs as many grams as an open question ;)
That's just not true.
An open unanswered question pollutes the unanswered question list thus pushes the unanswered questions count for that tag and the entire site.
Questions that aren't likely to get answered should be closed and deleted eventually.
well, it's the same discussion as firefox had about their bug database in the mid-2000's: should issues without a clear resolution be closed so someone can re-ask them with better information, or should they remain open because they haven't actually been solved. they came to a middle ground
SO is not a bug database
any programming problem is bug solving, the first commit is just fixing the first bug "no functionality at all"
There's valid questions that don't deal with bugs.
you need to actively work against a community becoming a help vampire fest
normal forums, when they become popular, always fail at that point
and moderated forums fail when the moderation gets overbearing, i've seen both kinds of failure
SO has a risk of trending towards the second category
in my opinion there has to be a balance, and the goal should be helping the people who ask questions to get their problem solved
Not exactly since the community is moderating it.
In classic forums you have a select group of moderators whereas here on SO the community itself is doing that.
Moderators on SO and just human exception handlers.
well, moderation failed at sites like digg and slashdot before, and those are community-moderated as well. they didn't solve their moderation problems until they changed their moderation algorithm
Because they weren't about facts but about opinions.
The discussion threads that is.
SO is about facts, it is either true or false.
There's no room for opinion which is the key point.
i could go into a whole meta-discussion about the blurry line between fact and opinion, and how that applies to SO, but my stomach is growling :)
going to lunch
anyway, i seem to have a different opinion from you guys on how SO should be moderated, but then i don't do much moderation, so ...
i'm not going to be an armchair moderator and going to eat my lunch instead
how many helpful flags do you have
my html5 video not working in ie browser example link: www.videojs.com
fml I already have withdrawal symptoms because of the lack of biking ...

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