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Anyone know how to use moment.js to keep the time/date but change the timezone? I have an app where users select timeslots and I want it to always use EST time regardless of their timezone, but date objects (pulled from firestore) are always initialized in the user timezone. Even doing moment().tz("America/New_York") doesnt change the timezone, just the offset
Its a firestore timestamp thats in UTC, and I try this:
date = moment.utc(day.toMillis()).tz("America/New_York");
But when I do date.format() its in local time instead of NY time (I spoofed my tz to check and in extreme cases it even shifts the day which is bad)
7 hours later…
HI All
im generating a number based on a fixed set of characters like below
Text = LEDGXX02

First 4 characters comes from a set = {LEDG}, it can be in any combination LEGD, EDLG, GDLE etc

XX = {A-Z},
02 = ranging from 0-9

the above im achieving using the below logic.
function generate(l)
     var text = "";
     var char_list = "LEDG";
     for(var i=0; i < l; i++ )
         text += char_list.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * char_list.length));
    return text;
from here what im trying to do is, keep a check whether all the possible combinations are completed, if yes then i will add another digit to the sequence LEDGXX023 else will continue on the same sequence
1 hour later…
and you expect to find, by randomness, the number that were not still used?
coz that is kinda... not efficient if they cannot repeat
jbis but wp is not offering:
cms add group --name rats
wp is each & every day, an obsolete tool
no plugins or themes can save php
i want you all to know what they do with people with no money to study but who create TOO MUCH like NaturalScript, the language, Skemator, or Plantomium CMS: they steal you, till the point i have 0 at the bank account
after having made a programming language that translates a subset of natural language to javascript
they just want slaves
daily slaves, not progress or evolution or poverty erradication, i hope you assume your role of obedient generator of value
souls for sale
you call it economy, but i can see the whipe hitting people when daily news r explained by that guys
you call it democracy but you did never vote a law xd
sorry guys, you dont seem to wanna know where u r
are you drunk?
@makadev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
but seriously, no clue what you talk about.. there is WP-CLI which offers commands or you just write your own, WP doesn't have much todo with PHP - in fact the devs aren't much on same terms - and there are other frameworks more likely to progress php rather than wp
also wp is a horrible backend for anything.. tried it.. feels like building a house in a minefield..
good comparison, yes, and no, i am not drunk, but i have the courage to speak loud my thoughts as if i was
i would really want to talk about the consequences on economy from the software field, but it seems i would be banned fastly here, wide perspective here the admins
slavery as flag and pride
I want to learn advanced JavaScript, I know old school js, but as I can see ECMA has upgraded the JavaScript standard. And new JavaScript you can compile to make it faster and smaller in size. So I need your suggestion where to start and which ECMA version should I take .. Thanks.
@CarlGentleman w3schools is a terrible resource. We suggest using MDN. Here's an potentially equivalent page: <span>New in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content | MDN</span>
js is acumulative
hahaha the bot is correcting me, coz we all know w3s is for newbies
we can hardcode that truth
benchmarks of async iteration vs async fors?
question about the addEventListener function
why does this method only takes functions without brackets as arguments ?
@Amundsen what do you mean with "without brackets"?
ocument.getElementById("start_button").addEventListener("click", wordcount);
wordcount is the function
i can only pass in arguments to taht function with bind ()
dont understand the behavior of addEventListener()
it's a callback/listener which will be called later and your current caller context (the moment you call addEventListener) most likely not exists anymore except if you send it along (capture via anonymous function or prebound parameters using bind)
hi @bigchungus
one question, do you know about any reliable ERP/CRM based on node.js?
im afraid i'll soon kick sap with simple js scripts & plantomium, their prices are insane for just some algorythms... it is so disgusting to have such advanced software, only available for richies
my goal of today, tho, is to create a programming language that translates to alda, a programming languagw to make music, but changing the musical scale, which does not represent semitones graphically, it will use numbers instead of letters to represent notes, avioding # and b symbols
upper civilizations obfuscated even musical armony, i am amazed this remains this way still today
Not to sure on that one big dog
Yo so when I send information to a sharepoint list via form/ajax POST, I enter the Date/Approved fields as they are in the sharepoint list. Date as mm/dd/yyyy and Approved as a Yes/No Choice.

But once posted, Date returns a value of yyyy/dd/mm and Approved returns a True/False value instead of a Yes/No
Also, @KevinB instead of your method for my multiple POSTs I used a switch case
creep 😁
Excuse me
@JBis that (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/50579319#50579319) is a nice and useful addition. But best to check that span element (might be escaped) in the message.
@bigchungus don't worry, I was joking. I hoped to get along in lurk mode without being detected
you can say that I've failed :-/
Maybe you can be of assistance
I am not that familiar with SharePoint.
More of an ajax issue
SP has replied with a date in different format, correct?
different issue
which issue do you have then?
I just went up in history and saw that comment about different date format.
I figured that out
But looking at it I guess it sort of has to do with SharePoint. My AJAX and getItemTypeForListName function is returning a different ListItemEntityTypeFullName than what is expected
for example.. this is what it actually is "SP.Data.DarQDeliverablesListItem" and my call is returning "SP.Data.Dar-Q_x0020_DeliverablesListName"
is that what you have received not a subset of your list?
seems a cursor thing
you have made a request for a list. It replied with a list. But that list in the response is a part of the whole list, known in the SP
for example you have 100 items in SP
request for list. You get a list with 10 items
that's pagination. The cursor is a term to indicate where the next row "starts" when you want to go to the next page
AFAIK sharepoint limits the list items to the response. But as said, it has been a while.
Hm. Its giving me a Error 400 and I though that could be why but Im not sure now
creep, big analyses
scott bike
yes, but u live too far for me to send it
bike it
i will today, yes
Q: SyntaxError: Missing catch or finally after try in ... while compiling ejs

user36339I am having the error in the title in my .ejs file starting from the line 27: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <%-include('layouts/header');-%> <body> <%-include('layouts/navbar');-%> <!-- Page Header --> <header class="masthead" style="background-image: url('img/home-bg.jpg')"> <div ...

@KarelG fixed it
Hey all
@Elmehdi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Anyone familiar with datatables? I have a button collection and was trying to find out if it is possible to add another custom one where I have a user guide clients can download
Or would it be easier for the button to open a modal?
and display it in that
7 messages moved to Trash can
whoa o.o
shots fired
I suggest to take some time to check our room rules
random question, anyone here listen to Phish
May I ask why you removed our messages @JBis
@CarlGentleman I think hes jealous of your bike
@bigchungus stop encouraging him
@JBis on a serious note. What do you think would be the easier route. Create a button in my DataTable button collection that downloads the user guide to the user's computer, or have the button open the user guide in a BS4 modal?
what format is the user guide?
1 hour later…
ok, i nuh wanna annoy ya
and i really need somebody interested in js 4 critical moments
i just sometimes feel curious about what do other people think about for example the fact that music, which r maths, is represented by flowerish musical syntax, instead of the real numbers it is, even at high level musicians
coz we just were born here, we are suposed to accept a lot of things, but... thinking twice about them... maybe they could improve
@KarelG some google engineer added a span to search results page, fixed
@CarlGentleman this is not the place you've been told this before
How to set date range picker to month range picker in angular zorro 8.5.x?
Q: How to set ng zorro daterange to monthrange

Beginner Coderhttps://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-8anirp?file=src/app/app.component.ts How to set this to month range in angular zorro 8.5.x? HTML <nz-range-picker [(ngModel)]="dateRange" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)"></nz-range-picker> for example:

1 message moved to Trash can
1 hour later…
posted on September 30, 2020 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

The beta channel has been updated to 86.0.4240.68 for Windows, Mac and Linux. A full list of changes in this build is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels?  Find out how here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Google Chrome Prudhvikum

Hi all
Anyone here use Visual Studio Pro for JS files?
Trying to figure out how to add summary comments to functions in a file. Thought three /// did it
Never mind. It's /** just above the function and a space. VS will replace it w/ the summary template
@JBis sorry I was in a meeting, but yes it is a pdf
Also anyone familiar with PDFObject?
@bigchungus my suggestion is just use an anchor and open the pdf in a new tab and let the browser handle it
1 hour later…
Has anyone used GitFront before? I've never used it before so I'm trying to see how safe it is. I'm trying to share private repos only with employers not make them public. If I post my github link would they be able to see the private repo? I've been looking around Stack and Google and I'm getting mixed answers, some are saying it's third party. Any help is appreciated!
When I embed a pdf file from another subsite on sharepoint and put it in a modal, why does it tell me 404 not found
Nvm figured it out
needs to be in same site collection
posted on September 30, 2020 by Bindu Suvarna

Hi, everyone! We've just released Chrome 86 (86.0.4240.65) for iOS: it'll become available on App Store in next few hours. This release includes stability and performance improvements. You can see a full list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Bindu Suvarna Google Chrome

there's really no way to break a forEach loop? I thought for sure ECMA would have something for that
you can use some and then return true to break
||> [2, 10, 5].some(num => {
   if(num > 5) return true;
@JBis true Logged: 2 Took: 0ms
Ah, a different iterator. Makes sense
lol, not ideal but it works
I'm iterating a short array of DOM nodes. I'll just let it run til the end. Too used to PHP where all loops can be terminated
I'm sorry.
Well, I'm still mucking out a project that was written about 2007-10
Lots of old school stuff. I'm pleased to see IE is dead JS finally standardized how to do some of this stuff
yes, js is now fun!
(at least on the backend)
But as a php dev, im sure you've gotten num to language inconsistencies XD
posted on September 30, 2020 by Bindu Suvarna

Hi, everyone! We've released Chrome Beta 86 (86.0.4240.68) for iOS: it'll become available on App Store in next few days. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Bindu Suvarna Google Chrome

@Machavity node
I missed a whole conversation about serverless a few days ago
That's what I get for not reading my notifications
lol, yeah i couldn't articulate the difference between serverless and shared web hosting
like i know, but i just couldn't communicate it to the guy
Interesting question
I think I'd probably say that "shared hosting" typically refers to serving static content only
Which is easy enough to do without messing with servers
I don't think I've heard the term refer to anything more sophisticated than serving files
iirc correctly he was using php, so im not sure it was all static. But could have misunderstood.
If he's just using PHP and he's not worried about scaling (and his shared hosting is cheap) then he should probably stick with what he has

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