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3:17 AM
Hello world! Are http requests put to the uv threadpool? #nodejs
3:29 AM
How to login with csrftoken in angular?
5:34 AM
Just a fun question (i dont know why),
console.log( ({ Object, Array, NaN }) ) // Works with NaN: NaN
console.log( ({ Object, Array, NaN, null }) ) // Uncaught SyntaxError: null is an invalid identifier
console.log( ({ Object, Array, NaN, null: null }) ) // Works with null: null
Why the heck ({ null }) doesn't work when ({ NaN }) works ?
1 hour later…
6:39 AM
@aXuser264: That's probably because null doesn't have a way of converting it to string.
But, `({ NaN })` -> `({ NaN: NaN })`
Here, `NaN` is not a string but `NaN`
That resulting object has a key, "NaN", with as value NaN
That Key is inferred from the value you passed to it
JS can't do that with null, as null has no way to be stringified.
7:32 AM
does anyone know who is Tim Post?
he seems to be a heartful guy
last day i could not get anyone who dares to test my new lil tool to restify sql databases
coz yesterday i found out that postgresql is also compatible, due to information schema common table
so, as you noticed, i say sql, and not mysql
i could give support to markets and plugins
today i'll test the self-generated axios client, fix and test completely the rest plurals, and hopefully add some "hooks" to the basics of the underlying framework
tomorrow comes the good shit
i think reality was written in javascript
I have one doubt, maybe you guys can help me
idk if it is better to do the backoffice of a website with vue, or directly with embedded js templates
i see tons of advantages of doing it in vue
but the seo is always there annoying me in the thought
idk if vue is compatible with a competitive seo
idk if i can kick a good seo with only metas
does anyone have any idea about this question? thanks in advanced
this is the problem of not sharing the algorithms in the industry... thanks, google
8:00 AM
lmao everytime I come in here it's just a wall of ramblings from you
8:15 AM
it is all technical, you see, technical stuff, like you like
no weed mention
i wonder if that is your surname, but... that is not technical stuff
It is
This room isn't all technical, you should see some of the shit we talked about before "The Welcoming"
ah cool, good one
Also Vue and EJS goes hand-in-hand
yes, is it true that this chat is public and open? xd
yep, completely publicly indexable
There are no "private" rooms here
8:18 AM
what you mean, that both can be used together?
oh, hehe okay
i should have guessed
but they can be mixed at different levels
People still like rendering HTML on the server
Then like with react, you can mount Vue and hydrate your data
so you do both in 1, html and the vue tag somewhere too
it is maybe the most effective solution to this problem
to mix both, a server-rendered wrapper, which can vary by request, and a vue tag inside, with the vue script and all
i did not think about that deeply, as i wanted to build some ui
to manage the page building
and mixin both makes this more complex
gud afternoon
8:23 AM
thanks ben
anyone has worked on ipa build file from ionic
good afternoon User
no, not me
@CarlGentleman It was just an idea, you can implement SSR down the line if you want
You can also render Vue directly on the server so you don't have to work with EJS
8:25 AM
have u worked with ionic ?
this ssr is what i was looking for, exactly
thank you
@User, i have had an overview, not really, just bootstrap, materialize, fa
2 hours later…
10:03 AM
I need regular expression of js. how can I get every new line
like this text "sum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to mak"
how can I add "..." every new line, please help me, I will appreciate you
@JBis mhm, not sure if those fragments after # can be named as "hashes" 😀
@NIKHILCHANDRAROY Uhm, what's the use case?
it is likely that you have problems with long text in a box. For that, there are CSS solutions (such as word-break)
Well, @NIKHILCHANDRAROY u can use this,
`str.replace(/$/m, '...');` made https://regex101.com/r/7xqs8y/1
CSS solutions;
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-overflow
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/word-break
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/overflow
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/white-space
- (kinda rarely used) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/line-break
pick your option 😁
1 hour later…
11:18 AM
@KarelG yeah I call it hash cause of window.location.hash but I guess that's the wrong term.
11:32 AM
I need 1 more solution regular expression like // with comment line
without comment line

need to convert

<!-- with comment line -->
without comment line
the regular expression is very critical to understand for me
11:43 AM
wait what
you want to go
from <!-- with comment line -->
to without comment line
with regex?
regex ain't a solution for this. Lookup how to select comment nodes in DOM
I want to convert // js comment to html comment by regular expression
ah okay... and why?
what's the use case to turn javascript comments into HTML comments?
HTML does not have any business with it. The script tag already cares about it. So ?
I am trying to convert it
when user type // inside textbox the text should be html comment
12:22 PM
should you not add a $ at the end?
should you not add a $ at the end?
depending on the regex settings, . can also catch new lines
[^\r\n]* would be better
really? i thought . is everything except line breaks
> Matches any character except linebreaks. Equivalent to [^\n\r].
[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]* if you want to go really crazy
||> (/[\n]/s).exec("\n")
@Wietlol ["\n"] Logged: `` Took: 0ms
12:32 PM
@JBis just depends on the settings
12:47 PM
What you y'all think about the style scoped attribute?
looks interesting... I have been using a similar feature for years
perhaps it could be optimized if it uses that style scoped as implementation
scoped style is very useful for component driven user interfaces
browsers added then remove it caniuse.com/style-scoped
@JBis been waiting for 5 years hehe
it got removed from the specs somewhere in 2017 AFAIK.
to be placed back in at a later moment.
odd, i've never heard of that happening
Why doesn't placeholder attribute work with a Date input type?
12:52 PM
the reason why I want that is because it happens that I have to use !important because of fixing a page that is a monstrosity of mixed templates within it. And my corp's CRM has many of these.
that keyword has a dang nasty side-effect and leads to a domino effect.
there was also a question about an alternative, that does not break the w3c specs
aaaandd that was the inline style attribute.
I still recall that I yelled to the screen
1:17 PM
I am creating an html form to input new data into a DataTable. After it is recorded I am sending it to the corresponding SharePoint list to update the DataTable. the AJAX "POST" would I just have to do an if statement saying if Program == Program 1, put the url of Prorgam 1 in the ajax, and then obviously else statements afterward
2:04 PM
Can someone help me figure out why my Approved: <div> and Notes: <div> are overlapping
that name sounded familiar until I checked the starred messages list
|| shrug
2:29 PM
@KarelG o/
3:01 PM
3:16 PM
jsfiddle.net/p6rkmez0 when I try to POST this to my sharepoint list, I get an error saying "HTTP error: status code 403, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE" what does that necessarily mean. I looked it up and I am not really understanding what its about
@ShrekOverflow ?
it means your request doesn't meet the requirements of the endpoint.
wrong url, wrong header(s), invalid data, etc
sometimes looking at it in the network tab can give you a clue, but not always.
3:33 PM
@KevinB appreciate it. Looked through it previously and wasn't able to find many clues. "The security validation for this page is invalid and might be corrupted. Please use your web browser's Back button to try your operation again." This was the only red message that arose
Hey, anyone familiar with electron and Node? I'm trying to wrap my code base, and I'm running into the issue, that objects shared through windows seem to loose their "this" binding in the renderer process. Has anyone encountered this?
@AxelRothe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
pretty sure stuff is serialized when passed between @AxelRothe
I haven't worked with that stuff myself... but i recall a recent similar case where one needed to pass another argument to specify what the this would be when passing a function to the renderer that person was using
not sure if that applies in any way to your case
4:24 PM
Yeah, it's what I suspected.
I got around it by moving everything that needed to keep its binding on the main process. And then passing in the reference to the renderer
this ties me into another corner though, because...well things like navigator aren't available in node
4:52 PM
5:09 PM
I think I figured out why I am getting the 403 error. But does anyone know what kind of data SharePoint sites expect?
Preferably sharepoint lists
Thats exactly what I needed thank you
2 hours later…
7:22 PM
2 hours later…
9:23 PM
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
9:47 PM
im really dumb
so i've had this problem in photoshop for years
today i thought, "hey why don't i google it". Low and behold, the first result had a super simple solution. game changer
why didn't i google this before
is this a lesson about anything being possible
sometimes, the easiest solution to a problem is to look for said solution
10:39 PM
@JBis knowing you (in this chat), you were eventually going to write a better photoshop clone to fix that lol
powered by wasm :P
but yes, there was a time where the solution to all problems for me was code it
now its google it and pay someone else to do it and then finally code it

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