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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

I created an npm account yesterday using an uppercase in it, was allowed to because I had an old npm version
How do you know the bot is present? Is it always present?
today I upgraded npm, and when I try to log back in, I got this issue github.com/isaacs/npm/issues/1787 <<
email sent to isaacs, let's see how long he takes to reply ^^
It's usually around when I'm around. When I get off my lazy ass and make it on a server, then it'll be up continuously
Also, you can try querying it - if you don't get a response, it's not there.
@KendallFrey You do not have permission to use the command die
You created that?
!!give Troy a lick
I created the CLI for tartempion, release 0.0.3 done, but I can't publish it to npm :(
@Zirak Mmmm! Troy tastes just like raisin
I get not lick
Freaking funny (rofl)
@Troy You do not have permission to use the command live
!!/tell Troy norris
@Troy Chuck Norris doesn't have disk latency because the hard drive knows to hurry the hell up.
!!/urban Chuck Norris
@KendallFrey [Chuck Norris](http://chuck-norris.urbanup.com/1521056): One Kick Ass Son of a Bitch!

Some random facts about Chuck Norris:

"Alien vs Predator" is an autobiographical depiction of Chuck Norris' first sexual experience.

While Chuck Norris was on holiday in Spain, he ate some bad paella causing him to take the largest shit known to man. That shit is now France.

Instead of having a cigarette after sex, Chuck Norris heads outside and brands his cattle.

Chuck Norris doesn't break up with his girlfriends... He punches them in the vagina and they leave.
@KendallFrey Is he some kind of bot? (rofl)
@Troy Command online does not exist.
@Troy Could not process input. Error: Object 927559 has no method 'toLowerCase'
aha, bug. odd.
Wasn't there a default?
Yeah, mine should be the default, as stated in the doc.
!!/define define
!!/define die
@KendallFrey Could not find definition for define
haha, the docs...boy. I last touched that when a mormon kissed a TV.
!!/define broken
@KendallFrey die: To cease existing, especially by degrees; fade: The sunlight died in the west. (source)
!!/define fuck
@KendallFrey broken: Forcibly separated into two or more pieces; fractured: a broken arm; broken glass. (source)
!!/define kiss
@Troy Could not find definition for fuck
@KendallFrey kiss: To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness. (source)
> While Chuck Norris was on holiday in Spain, he ate some bad paella causing him to take the largest shit known to man. That shit is now France.
Hmm. This at first looked like a massive troll, but it seems legit.
So, now you know. You should be honoured to have the right to live in Chuck Norris' dump.
How do I make the same thing?
!!/define otorhinolaryngologist
@Troy otorhinolaryngologist: otolaryngology. (source)
@KendallFrey lol, yeah, I made a giant script that does absolutely nothing for teh lulz.
you don't
having two bots would flood the room
In the docs page, go to the source.
Nah, I'd use another room.
playing hang already floods the room by itself...
Yeah, AVG just told me Chromium is using 315 MB
for a fixed layout what width do you guys use?
So, why does it sometimes @-reply and sometimes reply to messages?
@Demorus depends on the audience
but usually around 960px
@KendallFrey Just 'cause.
@KendallFrey click on the arrow at the left of a message and select "reply to this message"
@Demorus 960px
Oh I see Florian, Ive read some statistics and 960 still seems to be the best width
depends on your website, really
for a designers' blog, more would be better
ya true
@Zirak Can't find user 617762 in this chatroom.
gah, self, y u suck
@Troy When Chuck Norris talks, everybody listens. And dies.
Im thinking of skipping to flexible layouts. Only issue is resizing personal photos for bigger resolutions
LLol, u make no sense!
@Zirak I love that :D
the quality of images are lost when resized. that sucks
@Demorus Add max-width: 100%
For images Troy? like photos? what about proportions?
Most awesome thing about running it in the browser is hot-swapping. Man is it easy to test patches.
@Troy Fixed
wow 3.3k reputation? wow
@Zirak It's working really fine now, cool.
@Demorus not so much for the people in this room
I just got a lousy 21 points XD
!!/user Florian
@Troy Can't find user Florian in this chatroom.
how much do you have florian?
!!/user florian
!!/user "Florian Margaine"
@Troy Can't find user florian in this chatroom.
@troy - That is an abbreviation of his name
wow 6k
@FlorianMargaine Can't find user "FlorianMargaine" in this chatroom.
!!/user Florian Margaine
@Troy Can't find user FlorianMargaine in this chatroom.
:4984354 http://stackoverflow.com/users/851498
@FlorianMargaine right, inconsistency, I'll fix that as well
what does that do? /user
!!/tell Demorus help user
@Demorus Gets info about you.
@Demorus user: Fetches user-link for specified user. /user usr_id|usr_name
haven't answered anything in almost a month
!!/user Florian Margaine
@Troy Can't find user FlorianMargaine in this chatroom.
@Troy he's fixing this, wait for it :)
in the mean time, this works
Oh, vous etes de France?
C'est cool.
!!/user "Florian Margaine"
Lol, I'm not too good at French.. Even though it's one of my native languages.
Florian Margaine, Marseille, France
6.9k 1 5 25
@Troy "one of your native languages"?
congratz zirak
you can now go to sleep
@FlorianMargaine Yup.
I haven't slept in over 24 hours :D
Make that 36. 36?
!!/user gsnedders
@TravisJ Command sleep does not exist.
@Troy You do not have permission to use the command die
@Troy You do not have permission to use the command live
!!/**bold text echo**
@TravisJ Invalid command /**bold text echo**
!!/learn greet "Hello, $0!" \w+
isaacs (maintainer of npm) is quite fast to answer
@Troy Command greet learned
he replied to me in less than 10 minutes
@Zirak hahaha, cool.
How do I make it say hello now :P
!!/greet @Zirak
@FlorianMargaine Could not process input. Error: funcRegex is not defined
uuhh, I'm not sure if learn works right now that ^
your bot has a lot of bugs <<
!!/greet Florian Margaine
@Troy Could not process input. Error: funcRegex is not defined
Yeah I know...I revamped a giant portion without testing
Retrospect, that might have been a small mistake.
unit test for the good! especially when refactoring a lot
!!/todo steal Stackoverflow from its owners
@Troy Unidentified /todo action steal
Hmm, forgot the commands :P
!!/todo add "LOL"
@Troy Item(s) added.
!//todo get 0
!!/get 0
Gimme 10 minutes and I'll fix /learn; it's actually a bug in /parse
@Troy Invalid "getter" name 0
!!/todo get 0
@Troy (1)LOL
!!/todo get 1
@Troy No items on your todo.
!!/todo add "Say hi to the next person to enter that room :D"
@Troy Item(s) added.
Can other people see my TODOs?
Nope, it's per user
!!/todo get 0
@Zirak (1)Make /tell argument delegation not suck, (2)Make a last-n-messages cache for a user, don't continuously respond to same, (3)Add Eliza algo, (4)I like cheese, (5)Reminder: Per-user data storage, if using user-specific data becomes widespread
But I see yours!
!!/todo get 1
@Troy (1)Say hi to the next person to enter that room :D
Yeah, because the bot tells you it. But I can't just access your todo.
I see.
!!/todo add "Help Zirak on improving his bot :P"
Q: What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?

Ej.In javascript, when would you want to use this: (function(){ //Bunch of code... })(); over this: //Bunch of code...

@Troy Item(s) added.
Q: what is the best architecture to show the frontend of a pure js app?

shadow_of__soulBasically, if you have a purely JS app (that get info from socket.io, or from a server with ajax request), and you need to show this data after processing it, what technique are you using? Currently i'm creating the elements manually with code like var myDiv = new Element('div',{ /* options */)...

Was I too spazzy in that comment?
easy answer guys, enjoy it
It's 2009
@ErikReppen you know, you can link directly to a comment
And also for the benefit of many people out there including a whole bunch of Netflix Engineers: IT'S JUST A FUNCTION. It is not in and of itself representative of a closure. Sometimes auto-invokers are used in conjunction with closure-relevant scenarios to do neat stuff, but if you don't see something holding on to a reference that would be garbage-collected and gone in a non-closure language, it has nothing to freaking do with CLOSURES. — Erik Reppen 3 mins ago
!!/todo get 2
@Troy (1)Help Zirak on improving his bot :P
Ew. Everybody recommend !@#$ing backbone.js.
@Troy ok I updated my question with the code I'm trying to mimic via your example but I can't understand something.... the speed stays @ 0 or negative when the mouse position is to the right.... am i suppose to use the width of the outer div or the inner div i.e. div with the content?
!!/todo add "Improve my item on codecanyone.net because my clients are waiting"
@Troy Item(s) added.
@Florian the thing I still don't know how to do is link to a comment.
@ErikReppen see the "x mins ago" right next to the comment? that's the link to paste here
Oh, yeah, just figured that out. The only other link there :P
@Kendall Hold on.
Well, hopefully this works. It probably won't
@Kendall So, what's the problem with it?
So, your problem is the speed?
yes...controlling the speed with the mouse but also the acceleration and deceleration based on the size of the scrolling content....i can't have it go by too fast yet not to slow but there need to be some sort of acceleration and deceleration at some point to keep a desired momentum
kendallarneaud.me/timeline/index2.html i tried to mimic your e.g.
Well, in mine you have no control on the speed at some point (just how you want it). But I guess if you add a bit f jQuery, you can do it easily.
Anyone there?
@UnderDog everyone actually.
@UnderDog Yeah, I guess, if you consider me as someone :P
@Nile Yo Nile, what's up?
Great. I have this very small query.. stuck on this for hours now.. can you help?
Q: Accessing elements of embedded file

UnderDogI have a svg file which I am accessing through my javascript. Like this this.m_svg = new Element('embed'); this.m_svg.setAttribute("src","img/gauge.svg"); I was in-lining svg before, so I was able to access all the elements of it. But then it (svg image) didnt render on safari. So, I employe...

@Troy not much, waiting for my "soft rejected" script on codecanyon to be accepted
@Nile OOh, you're bad... You didn't even let me test it, not even tell me you'd upload it :(
!!/parse $someone stole my cookies!
@Troy Lol, it's not a big deal actually. It's not the pizza thing.
@Zirak Could not process input. Error: funcRegex is not defined
@Troy hmm you mean have jquery animate the coordinates and use the animates' step function to actually adjust the scroll positions? or alter the mouse position?
...build script
@Kendall The scroll position.
!!/todo get 3
@UnderDog what do you mean by "it does not recognize needle"
@Troy (1)Improve my item on codecanyone.net because my clients are waiting
Hmm, I should go do that now :D
@nile It is not able to access needle in svg file
@Nile See? It's even bigger, you didn't tell me you were creating something else :(
!!/parse $someone ate my cookies!
@Zirak UnderDog ate my cookies!
hahaha cool.
@UnderDog :o
@Troy nah it's smaller actually. it should be accepted tonight. i'll send it to you tomorrow when I see you on
@Nile I'm on SKype now, get on so I can see, please.
Anyway, that should fix /learn. Only, the bot forgets learned commands when I refresh. whoops
And I forgot whether I changed the regex thing...
@Zirak Learn still not working?
@Troy you won't be impressed, honestly... but if you insist :p
@Troy but if i use jquery's animate how do i control the speed?
@Kendall Easing
Let's see.
!!/learn ahoy "ahoy $0!"
@Zirak Invalid command name
@UnderDog this might actually be what you're looking for: stackoverflow.com/questions/2753732/…
@Zirak Command ahoy learned
!!/ahoy Troy
@Zirak ahoy Troy!
@Troy Fixed :P
@NILE I cant use anything in html.. There it uses object in html
@Nile If I am able to access svg file without html, there should be some way to access its elements too
@Troy but the thing about jquery is that i will queue the sequences until each one is complete... it didn't make sense when i 1st attempted it
@UnderDog i'll be back in ~1 hr, if your still on i'll try to help
Thanks.. Really appreciate it
@Zirak Cool.
@Troy i was not able to dynamically alter the course unless it had completed the original waypoint
@UnderDog Lol, I like your name :D
@UnderDog I like the movie actually :D
@Kendall I see..
Well, I gotta go now, work is calling :D
!!/todo get 3
@Troy (1)Improve my item on codecanyone.net because my clients are waiting
I' gonna do it now! :D Cya people.
You can call it without arguments to get all your list
OOh, cool.
@Troy (1)LOL, (2)Say hi to the next person to enter that room :D, (3)Help Zirak on improving his bot :P, (4)Improve my item on codecanyone.net because my clients are waiting
I love it dude.
You did a really great job on that thing :D Bye.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
Ok im going to sleep
Have a nice coding everyone xD
Hey guys
What do you think of this css animation jsfiddle.net/dievardump/rmxjd/show ?
@UnderDog I'm back early, still unresolved?
Hi, is anyone there?
@areke just ask a question if you have one...
How persistant is localStorage?
similar to cookies
will it remain as long as the user doesn't clear it? (This is for a phonegap app on android)
yes, probably
'/4'/, I was scared I was going to have to rewrite all my code...
@dievardump Looks good. What do you think of my old-school pre-CSS3 animation? erikreppen.com/experiments/game_sprites/index.htm
If you took out everything non-water out of the oceans and lakes, I wonder how far the water's surface will drop.
Not exactly "take out", since that's a process with physical ramifications; but if there were nothing but water in there.
If it were like a teleport where the vacant air in the shape of the thing being teleport were swapped... well, the bubbling would be pretty cool. Mass extinctions sure, but cool bubbling.
Yeah, that's the reason for the second condition.
If you're talking down to the molecule, I'll bet it would drop quite a bit.
And most of the mass wouldn't be whales and plankton and crap.
Not down to the molecule. You don't have a lot pure water in oceans. So let's say non-liquids.
And, of course, vacuum has to stay as well.
Then, given, the gunk on the bottom and the top and the life that cruises around between, I would guess it would not sink a whole lot.
God damnit. They better not insist on coffee script exclusively.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: The 'This' keyword in a form onsubmit call

Sherwin FlightI have been searching for an answer to this question for some time now, with no luck. It may be an easy one for some of you to answer. In this tag: <form method="post" action="" class="someclass" id="somethinghere" onsubmit="return validate(this)"> what does the 'this' keyword represent...

@Raynos Need help, you got a minute?
I put a javascript setTimeout method there to wait before the fadeOut script is executed but the script isn't waiting at all.
okay got it! Need to use an anonymous function in setTimeOut
thanks anyway
hola everyone
@Raynos nice
@FlorianMargaine it's kind of broken atm >_<
i joined the javascript room
it kinda worked
but I was alone, so dunno :x
@FlorianMargaine wait a sec
ok my clients are broken :P
oh btw @Raynos do you know that I pushed tartempion to npm? :p
redploying with bug fixes
@FlorianMargaine @TomShreds why do you write frameworks?
@Esailija o/
7 upvotes for incorrect answer \o
accepted answer sucks too
people doing php have no concept of request body it seems
1 hour later…
Hi Dude dude :P
guys, any way to load a local media file in a web browser using HTML5 and JS on a particular element. I have the code but I want to know if there is any way to change the src attribute of any element using this method.
1 hour later…
While email editing mail body from 1 and half our also during this period a continuously searching other emails in account after completion of editing in click on email sender box immediately showing login screen ...
is it pssible session out during editing email and searching viewing email account
@iHungry: what mail service were you using?
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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