I wonder why our website wouldn't allow scrolling "away" from the address bar before scrolling the internals - and I wonder how other websites make that work.
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We have the ability to set values (in case if needed) for native input elements such as checkboxes, text input etc..
It will be like this :
<input type="text" [value]="customValue">
In this way we can bind custom values to the native input elements.
How can I achieve similar result with a c...
guys, is java the only truly platform independet language in existence? is there any other language that has platform independent bytecode after compiling??
@Zombievirus there are many. Python and JS are also equally platform independent. They aren't compiled, though. As of relatively recently, .NET is also cross-OS compatible but Mono was a predecessor of that. Java wasn't even the first to have a universal platform but it did try to impose the model.
@VLAZ Nice, thanks for the heads up. I think you meant to say ${normalizedUrl}/${normalizedPath} instead of ${url}/${path} but thankfully my tests caught the error, I made this small change and now my tests are passing again.
Or more generally app.use((req, res) => last to catch all requests that haven't finished by that point or better app.use((err, req, res, next) => as a catch all
Any react native devs here familiar with Firebase... I have some issues trying to collect data from a Firebase database and given my lack of experience in React i'm finding it hard to determine a route for debugging
I've confirmed my authentication is working fine, but using the database doesn't seem to do anything. I'm using rnfirebase.io/database/usage