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maybe put a space on the end
Nope still treats it as a url. Google Chrome and Safari work, wonder why FF went the other way.
7 hours later…
hey a question:
let myUser = {name: 'Klaus', age: '44', job: 'IT', hobby: 'cooking'};
let newUserProperties = {name: 'Klaus', age: '44'};
how can I in one line replace properties in myUser with the newUserProperties and let the old ones stay (like job and hobby)... is it the spread operator?
2 hours later…
@Suisse {...myUser, ...newUserProperties}
Friends, I was hoping someone could take a glance and enlighten me as to why these race schedule tables are shrinking w my new fangled script
If you try expanding any past races, you'll see the issue and IDK what the fuq?
Shouldnt happen
Script roughly based off of w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_accordion.asp
and LIS, It shouldnt happen
blows my mind
and no manually inserted css corrects it
Good Morning! Does anyone know if there any major issues running node.js on a readonly system? I am trying to run Node.js on read only thin clients.
As long as you're not making any writes, you should be good. You can also try running your program as a user with no write permissions to see if it still runs. Or maybe create a docker container that closely resembles your thin client.
Hi guys, i have short question: what should i do with peer dependencies with typescript?
@svltmccc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I have an application with moment in peer dependencies
And i can't use typescript because i have not types for moment
I have moment in peer dependencies and @types/moment is deprecated
Because moment already have types
And typescript emit error "Module can't resolve"
Install a compatible version of the peer dependency manually.
Should I install moment just like dependencies without saving into package.json?
Thank you
There is other way for this case?
Delete the node_modules folder and try installing the dependencies again. See if it asks you to manually install any peers. If it does, install them.
@littlepootis Thanks! i was thinking about running Node.js on dockers. But if all i am running will ever be a single Node.js script i felt it would be useless overhead. What are your thoughts? @littlepootis
It lets you build containers that can be used as test environments. Build a container that mimics your target platform, set memory, CPU constraints. Create a user without write permissions and run programs using that and see if it still works.
I've only ever used docker for testing during development. It saves me a lot of manually setting things up on every computer I work on.
@Suisse spread works, also object.assign
2 hours later…
in an electron app, is it possible to make client code (the JS on the main page) and electron code (which create main window) communicate each other (eg : exchange data) ? for example if I want to save a file to harddrive, electron can access filesystem (using fs) while client cannot.
3 hours later…
could someone tell me how can I create a globally accessible type in typescript? I just want to have one file with types and use it without having to import it everywhere, is that possible?
1 hour later…
@tigrou yes, search it up. Common question.

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