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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

7:04 PM
@paul23 Err, if that's possible, then you have bigger problems
If the cookies persist, then all the authentication information presumably also persists?
You usually solve this by asking the user if they're on a computer where it's safe to remember their sessions
Meh I mean people click "remember me" on public computers by habit
You can assume the "most dangerous environment", but it's not generally good for your users or product to do so
If the vast majority of users are using your site at home, on their own computers, their experience is impacted in a very negative way if you refuse to support a "remember me" option
If you make your users type their password every time, they wind up choosing weaker passwords, and now you've exposed yourself to a different but equally severe security problem. If you make your password requirements very strict but still require users to type their password every time, nobody will use your product.
7:23 PM
@user220944 While that is true, "staying logged int" is much more explicit (and easier to solve) than a hidden cookie used to track them while they are not logged in.
@JBis I notice that the "remember me" often doesn't work anyways.. Chrome seems to have a life of its own and sometimes keeps cookies between computer reboots.
i mean, that's a setting
@paul23 Cookies are supposed to be kept between computer reboots, that's at the discretion of the site that sets the cookie
Uh if a cookie is "until session ends" I expect it to be removed when I close down my computer, what else is consider "end of session"?
Sometimes they are removed, sometimes not with chrome.
it doesn't go away when the browser is shutdown unless you have the browser settings such that they should.
Similarly sometimes chrome remembers what tabs I have open, sometimes it doesn't.
7:27 PM
at least in chrome
no idea what firefox is doin these days, they've gone off the deep end
@paul23 It's not random, if you've told Chrome to remember your tabs, it will
Well I haven't, yet it still does at times saying "it didn't shut down tidily". Even though I just closed my computer and even told the computer to "wait till chrome finally responds".
So chrome is crashing and restoring your tabs
var content = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = content;
None of this is random or surprising, it's Chrome operating as intended. If you want to prevent Chrome from remembering your tabs when crashes happen, that's an option too.
7:31 PM
guys please I have been doing a lot of learning in javascript for sometimes, am trying to stream a tv channel via the url, I have used the normal video element but that did not work please any idea on how to handle this ? please help me out here please
@KevinB where are you getting that from now lol?
To be honest in c++ that might actually be something useful.
but if I understand the specs correct (tc39.es/ecma262/…) that shouldn't even work, as the new content should be "invalid"?
testing in chrome shows assignment operator does return the original value though.
var content means content is undefined
7:39 PM
oh no misunderstood 12.15.3 - I should've looked at 12.15.4
what does .innerHTML = undefined even do
i assume it'd convert it into the string "undefined"
or empty string?
in react?
.innerHTML is DOM
Yeah but wont' react virtual dom be "clever" and sets the dom to an empty string?
there's no react in that question
7:41 PM
oh nvm, then I guess type coercion makes it "undefined" (string). My bet is on that.
x.innerHTML = undefined
It remains literal undefined, not "undefined".
But how is that displayed on the screen?
Like that ^
Oh wait, weird. MY first test was flawed somehow.
.innerHTML does return "undefined"
yeah, i get that too
7:48 PM
We sure content isn't set previously in the same file? it's using var after all, must be a reason for that over let or const.
well, var content sets it to undefined
regardless of whether it's set anywhere else
it gets hoisted to the top of that scope
see my fiddle, it doesn't appear the case if you use multiple "var" declarements
@paul23 Delete the second var. Makes no difference.
var foo; var foo; var foo == var foo
the second var is inconsequential (in other words it's basically ignored)
yeah but isn't he doing so somewhere else?
The original question asker
7:51 PM
he could be, but this is what he provided
function home(id) {
    var content = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = content;
it would have to be in that function for it to have any such effect
var content = foo.innerHTML = content; is identical to var content = undefined; content = foo.innerHTML = content;
8:03 PM
2 hours ago, by JBis
RO's do you want to wait a couple more days on this or can we move forward?
weird for there to be so little interaction by other ro's
Do you mean the inactive ones or the active ones who didn't vote?
both, they all get the email and notification of new activity
8:09 PM
inactive ones prob aren't going to vote on someone they have never talked to. Not sure about the active ones tho.
1 hour later…
9:11 PM
whoa I didn't recognize you for your new avatar
I thought you were Felix
lol o/
I joined the circle gang
oh man looks like it's only a matter of time for the rest of us
I need to get one of those hazmat avatars
anyone found any decent documentation on deno.land anywhere?
never heard of deno.land
its being worked on at present, but is basically a rival to NodeJS (being written by one of the original authors)
no where near prod ready, but i've started playing arorund, but the docs are....lacking
9:14 PM
but why
watch that
will explain better than i can
hmm I'll watch later
I'm on their site now and I see this
I'm not sold on it
anyway it looks like it's not meant for IO heavy apps like web servers, but more for scripts
disagree, but then its immature atm (actively in dev)
it doesnt use require because it supports TypeScript out of the box and you import your modules in that way
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
9:24 PM
now make it a James command
love it
I work with imagemagick quite a lot
so far that just looks like a whole lot of yuck (deno)
9:41 PM
Do the browser know the diference between a click from a funcion like .click() or a real click made by the user?
No but a fake click could be detected
check the location of button and the location of the mouse on the click. If they are not the same, its fake.
Is it possible to put a video in full screen automatically without showing this warning? Failed to execute 'requestFullscreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture.
I can put the video in full screen at the first time when the event is fired, but the second time it's blocked, and show this warning
I had this exact conversation a year or two ago
Jul 9 '18 at 18:12, by JBis
Question: I need a way to make a video toggle full screen after an AJAX request. (Basically, AJAX request will return JSON with a certain control: play, pause, volume up/down, or toggle full screen. )The others were easy, but the problem is browsers don't allow things to go in or out of full screen unless theres an event. Is there anyway to fix this?
tl;dr listen to the error. You cant make something full screen without user interaction.
9:56 PM
what i don't know is if you can delay user interaction triggers until you want full screen to occur
like someone clicks a button and you wait some time before making it full screen
i highly doubt that would work tho
i will try it
the action has to happen within the same event (not after an async action)
in other words, perform the ajax, then request the user click to activate full screen
10:23 PM
I want a javascript shell
open your terminal and type "node"
this looks decent
I want a JS shell that's usable as the default shell
$ ls('-l');
$ grep(cat('file'), 'ok');
$ ffmpeg('-i', 'video.mp4', '-c:v', 'libx264', 'video.mkv');
hmm maybe that's a bit much
@forresthopkinsa why?
I despise bash syntax
10:29 PM
have you worked with a lot of bash scripts?
i mean, the problem is handling async in your example
you'd need to do your own promise handling
@KevinB give me sync everything like you'd expect from a shell
heh, good luck with that
I don't understand. If you don't want to write a bash script write it in a different lang and just use a shebang.
a node script can't run executables on the path easily
it's a pita to run commands from a node script
10:32 PM
if I want to iterate through a map of paths to parameters and run a command on the given path with the given parameters, of course checking that the file exists first, and doing proper error handling... all of that is a major pain in bash, and it's a major pain in non-shell scripts too
make your own language?
that's just an example but neither JS nor Python have seamless bridging between commands and expressions
I'll do it
coldfusion can do it
I knew it
10:52 PM
@JBis, is that you irl?
Looks like we have a staff member who joined. Welcome Sara!
heyy it's Sara Chipps check that out
why is she here? is someone flagging messages
Is Sara known around here or something?
11:00 PM
shes an SO employee, otherwise dunno
Sara Chipps on October 10, 2019

Last year, we wrote about our important work to build a more welcoming and inclusive community. This summer, I wrote about how we are evolving our product to encourage better interactions and guidance. While there’s still a lot more to do, we’ve begun to take concrete steps toward a better coding community for everyone. This is the most important work we’re doing in our community, and our first wave of improvements are starting to show results.

Here’s one concrete example: For some time, we’ve been using machine learning to flag comments that might be potentially troublesome in the community, e …

^ this Sara Chipps
she ends up here from time to time, but no messages in years
hi all, long time JavaScripter, sometimes find myself here to see what's happening
11:01 PM
something that we're doing internally is teaching some of our sales folks how to code via free code camp
and we're going through the JS part now and they are hitting the "okay, I get what a variable is, but what do I use that for in real life"? part. It's always neat to see newbies figuring this stuff out.
That's a good idea. FWIW the code introduction that I always point people to -- the one that seems to make sense to non-coders -- is called Practical Javascript. Highly recommend taking a glance at that
I was trying to get my fiancee into programming but she was having a lot of trouble with questions like that -- "I understand what a variable/function/loop is, but what's the application?" -- Practical Javascript, as its name implies, was the first course that seemed to "click" for her
I've tried to explain variables by comparing them to mathematical variables. In algebra, people have encountered something like f(x) = x + 2.
just add a >
11:06 PM
it's always really challenging for me to explain these kinds of concepts to non-coders; I started coding really young (as many of us did) and so it's hard for me to understand the mental speed bumps that other people run into. Like Sara said, it's kind of fascinating to see the things that just make sense for you, but don't immediately click for newbies
the whole idea of functions and parameters is definitely one of those
yeah, for me i leanerd writing mIRC scripts, which turned into mIRC bots, but that's about all i did code-wise till... well, college
@SaraChipps Are the sales folks just interested in learning how to code or are they wanting to move to a different department?
maybe a little bit of ut99 modding
little bit of wc3 modding
You think any of it can't be taught? As in, you need a "certain type" of brain to understand it.
I thought everyone that worked for SO was a coding monster :/
11:15 PM
aaaannd shes gone
oh well
two messages every 9 years isn't so bad ;)
I don't think anyone is incapable of being taught coding, but... my experience thus far is that for some people it just clicks with less effort.
like most things really
Unfortunately, majority of the people in the comp sci classes at my school have restored to memorizing code instead of actually learning. I've tried to teach some of them but they just don't get it. Then again, I could just be a shitty teacher.
11:30 PM
@KevinB The camel has two humps
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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