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How do I quote a previous message in my comment? @KevinB
Any ideas?
On SE? Just @ the person
In an answer you can quote with the > symbol
> this is a quote
I mean here in chat
> aa
Oh you can quote by prefixing your message with the > symbol
@MyWrathAcademia You can also direct reply by clicking the arrow next to the message like this
Great, and is there anyway to link back to the location of the quote?
@JBis Let me try
there ya go :)
But how do I click on a quote so that it takes me back to where I pulled the quote from?
how you mean permalinks
27 secs ago, by MyWrathAcademia
But how do I click on a quote so that it takes me back to where I pulled the quote from?
click on the arrow and then copy the permalink link
he means the replies I think
click on the arrow next to the message you want to reply to, then click "reply to this message"
I mean for example you just quoted me. How do I click on that quote to send me to where the quote originated from?
See the "27 seconds ago" or whatever it is? That jumps you to the actual quote
I'm asking because someone in a different chat room was able to link me back to a comment I made several days ago.
how do I do that?
Oh @Neil that's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks
he probably just searched for your message and grabbed the permalink for it and pasted it in chat
if you click on the "info" under the Javascript at the top right, it leads you to a page where you can search in the chat by keyword
it'll show you who said what containing those keywords
then you grab the message's permalink and paste it where ever
4 mins ago, by JBis
how you mean permalinks
@Neil In "info" where do I go to search in the chat by keyword?
On the left in the main box for the chatroom towards the bottom "Search by messages containing"
@Neil when I copy and paste the permalink after ">" it doesn't insert the quote in-line with the text in the comment as well as providing a link to it, like @JBis last comment. How do I do that?
@MyWrathAcademia You either do a permalink or a quote. If you are doing a permalink don't include the >
21 mins ago, by JBis
how you mean permalinks
Thats it. Thanks @JBis it will be very useful
@user220944 I have some further questions about our conversation two days ago about the following recursive function:
yesterday, by MyWrathAcademia
    function walkTree(node) {
  if (node == null) //
  // do something with node
  for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
@KevinB took over answering for you and he gave three scenarios as examples
Just link to start of the conversation
You don't need to repeat a thousand messages here, I'm not reading them. I'm busy with my day job.
Okay. Oh right, apologies
@KarelG could you move those messages to trash?
@user220944 the start of that particular conversation with @KevinB is:
yesterday, by Kevin B
return returns undefined if no value comes after the return
In the thrid scenario he described where myDiv DOES have childnodes, if recursively you'd never have a case where the node was null wouldn't that result in an infinite recursion since the exit condition is never true?
The way he described scenario 2 makes it seem like the first if statement is a null check instead of an exit condition for a recursive function since node can only be null in the initial function call of walkTree. Is the first if statement a null check or an exit condition for this recursive function?
@KevinB also states that the if statement can be eliminated entirely but how can the if statement be eliminated entirely when you cannot predict or control what values get passed to the function parameter node?
The method does not recurse if there is no child nodes
there is no risk of infinite recusion
So if the method does not recurse (i.e. recursive call not executed) it just ends. Correct?
But what does the method return then? Does it return without a value like a void method?
My favorite professor used to say: "Computer science is an experimental science. Now get out of my office."
You can open the dev tools or visit JSFiddle or CodePen or run node in a termianl, and invoke a function that doesn't return anything, and see what its return value is.
@user220944 Your professor's totally right!
@JBis o.o
@MyWrathAcademia jsfiddle.net/sLhvw9yb
Make sure you open your developer tools so you can see the console output.
Please stop pinging me
I’m not available atm
    <mat-card-title contentEditable="true" (keyup)="onKey($event)" [textContent]="name">
hi there ^^
@user220944 A function in JavaScript that returns nothing prints undefined, mind blown. In Java I think you would just get an error if you tried printing a void method
I want to rxjs that event
@Suisse ask a normal question lol
how would that be possible?
@KarelG my enter key is very losely
If you're in doubt, check MDN. It's the best reference short of reading the actual specification, which is pretty dry.
@MyWrathAcademia a void method does return something in Java ...
a Void. I am not joking
the difference is that Java is type-strict and sees "oh it expects a String or Object but this method here is giving a Void! No way! Error time!"
if you want to prevent such oddities in JavaScript, feel free to explore TypeScript
@user220944 are you that moderator with name that starts with M?
(going to retire?)
or with R. There have been many leaving the scene :|
real question:
I try to use fromEvent in Angular:
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent';

Error: Can't resolve 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent'
idk the answer. sorry :)
@KarelG thank you very much KarleG
did you have tried to use doctor google on "rxjs angular key events"?
import {fromEvent} from 'rxjs';
yes yes now I did.. I am a bit tired and sleepy, I am very sorry
I found even out that you should do this since angular 6:
Since RxJS 6 you should import "creation" methods directly from 'rxjs':
*rxjs 6.. not angular.. man I am sooo tired, my 5. coffee
having deprived sleep is not a good state of mind.
makes you dumb and can lead you making wrong decisions. better to put things aside for a while if you are stuck
@KarelG Yes, and no I'm not retiring
you are right, thats why I am reading this book right now
Why We Sleep
but I am too tired to read
are you serious or trolling? 🙂
when do we write "too" and when "to"
@KarelG look in my face.. Do I look like I am trolling?
me too you too
to have
you can solve it by "tooo" and let the other fix it for you
too = also
or in javascript tooo
too good to be true
hmm forgot that I need to work further.
what its really too good? not to good? too good to be true?
to good too be tru
man. I need sleep. now.
but first let me... fix this rxjs after taking a selfie.
@KarelG At first I thought you were joking when you said:
12 mins ago, by KarelG
a Void. I am not joking
But then your explanation about type strictness made perfect sense
I see what you did there. ;)
trying to access an xml file from a local html file, getting "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at file:///C:/somefolder/Content/News/us.xml. (Reason: CORS request not http)"
My thinking going in is that if the xml is in the same folder or child folder, there will not be CORS issues? Is this true? (otherwise I can re-architect and maybe inject JSON data etc..)
@user220944 I think I am understanding how that recursive function works now. It iterates through each child node calling walkTree on each child node until there is no child node then ends.
Let's say after the 5th recursive call there is no child node and the method ends, does the method return back to the first recursive call (since there is a function stack) and then end or does it end after the last (i.e. 5th) recursive call?
When this happens I assume that the next iteration of the for loop begins and the first recursive function call takes node's second child, second call takes nodes second grand child etc. until there is no deeply nested child node (i.e. like that family line ending) then returns to the first recursive function call in the second iteration of the loop and the 3rd iteration of the loop iterates for the 3rd child of a node. Is this correct @user220944 ?
that broadly sounds correct
Is anyone able to take a look at this:
Q: Mock out imported Lazy React component

PureferretHere's my lazy component: const LazyBones = React.lazy(() => import('@graveyard/Bones') .then(module => ({default: module.BonesComponent})) export default LazyBones I'm importing it like this: import Bones from './LazyBones' export default () => ( <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading bones</p>}>

@KevinB thanks a lot. Please confirm that after the 5th recursive call if there is no child node and the method ends, the method returns back to the first recursive call (since there is a function stack) and then ends?
sounds right
it is a stack, and as the inner most in the stack "finish" it goes back up the stack returning all the way to the top
I'm trying to use typescript. I have a module phaser that stores the types in node_modules/phaser/types. The TS compiler can't find the type declerations so I am getting Error:(1, 18) TS2304: Cannot find name 'Phaser'.. How can I fix?
i think that's gonna be a tsconfig change
been a while since i've been able to mess with typescript (last year)
hmm, it seems if i download the type files manually and but them in an included dir it will work but then it will try to compile them and I don't want that.
Hello, anyone understands / has experience with video streaming & ever had issues with latency on production ?
Each function call returns to the function that invoked it
They're just functions, recursing doesn't change anything about how functions work
If I have a(b(c(())), when c() is done, b resumes, not a.
Does it help to think of it like this?
function walkRootNode(node) {
  for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; ++i) {

function walkChildLevel1(node) {
  for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; ++i) {

function walkChildLevel2(node) {
  for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; ++i) {

function walkChildLevel3(node) {
@Asadefa are you comparing to Java or C# minecraft?
the Java edition was decidedly not made with performance in mind
since when did they switch to c#?
it's a separate version
All of their platforms use the same codebase, which originated in MCPE
Win10, PC, Xbox, PS, Nintendo, mobile
however they also maintain the old Java codebase for PC as well
I don't actually know a lot about it
so the version on my mac is c#?
well I'm pretty sure you can play the C# or Java version on a Mac
hmm I just looked and maybe C# isn't PC-cross-platform after all
Not sure why. But when I go to the Download page on my Mac, I only get offered the Java edition
Yeah. I have Java version also.
It actually says C++ on the wiki page so maybe I was mistaken
figured out my first ts issue. Next is a webstorm issue.
isn't C# windows-only, no matter what you're building?
Webstorm thinks I'm using a DOM api because the function has the same name as a dom API. Is there a way to tell webstorm its not the DOM api?
@forresthopkinsa I am comparing my own C code to the Java edition
for (put 0 in a jar called i; look at the number in i; Add one) {}
greetings guys, please am trying to understanding these javascript constructors blob and media stream and also how they work with pipethrough and pipeto please any resource or explanation will be a great help
@forresthopkinsa However, I write my games with performance in mind
@Asadefa That's a very strange comparison. Is that game as wide reaching as Minecraft? Does you game feature a server that can serve localized strings to different clients for the same entities? Can that server manage as much objects as Minecraft?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Although I do not support servers yet, languages are entirely client side, so why should it take 10 seconds to switch languages?
I'm not defending the time it takes, I'm saying the comparison (and assumptions you seem to make) means nothing... Create a fully comparable minecraft clone, and then compare the time.
Maybe the time is taken while supporting one of the multiple features of the game that you'd discover if you were making a comparable game.
It's like if I were saying that firefox is slow because I can run a command line application in 0.4 seconds.
15 hours ago, by JBis
Or maybe your game isn't as powerful as minecraft and doesn't require as many resources?
Minecraft Java Edition was not designed with long-term optimization in mind, so it makes sense that part of the game would have been engineered in a way that changing localization might be a really expensive operation
> Minecraft Java Edition was not designed with long-term optimization in mind
there's a lot of very old code in the codebase
the codebase didn't start with the expectation that it would grow into what it is today
so it would make sense that e.g. localization would not have been implemented with the expectation that there would be thousands upon thousands of strings in the final product
I'd say that's a major reason Microsoft decided to devote their time to the "Bedrock" edition
4J knew what they were getting into from the initial commit, an advantage that Notch did not have
but bedrock edition has a bunch of broken shtuff
Didn't Notch go crazy or something
I never use it but I believe you
like, it's redstone stuff is all kinds of not like java edition at all
Notch was always crazy, that's probably why he built such a successful game
so a lot of the systems that you'd typically build end up being way bigger
@KevinB well I think a lot of the redstone technicalities in the Java edition were not by design
e.g. block update detection is an easy one
Fun fact, when I was in elementary school I found a really simple vuln in Minecraft that allowed you play it for free. It was the first vuln I found. I was so excited I made a youtube video and then they patched it. :(
the approach they ended up taking (last I saw anyone pirating it) was "make it easy to pirate but show a counterfeit watermark"
People go crazy with minecraft creating fully working calculators and crap
yeah I did a science fair project in high school, making a basic binary computer and then a basic ternary computer in Minecraft to compare their cost and performance
very fun project, I learned quite a lot from that
took way longer than I had expected it to
I ended up working all day the day of the science fair (didn't attend any classes that day) and finally submitted it after it was all over
so everyone else had already taken their poster boards or whatever down, but the teacher agreed to look at mine anyway
she was a chemistry teacher so she didn't really understand it, she was just like, hmm, ok, your project is fine
but then the math/computers teacher happened to walk in and he saw it and he was like
and the chem teacher was like, oh? okay good work Forrest
great experience
that reminds me of the time i made a game for a science project. Used a program similar to scratch. Basically you were a bird and had to dodge the pollution emitted by factories. If you hit it you died. Supposed to be an anti-pollution thing.
hey that's pretty neat
I wonder if i could find it....
if they would implement more.... logic blocks that took place of a lot of the weird mechianics of the java edition such that we could make the systems smaller, i'd be more in favor of the bedrock edition
for example, a lot of the features of the comparator and repeater added in the past few major versions
and the observer ofc
cant forget the observer
found it!
with a spelling error and everything
There was a mod I started making a long time ago but never finished that added "microchips" to the game, basically the idea was that you could make a circuit block that, when you right clicked with a soldering iron or whatever, would teleport you to another world where you're inside of the circuit block, and it's a 16x16x16 room or something, and each wall has an I/O port, and you can only put redstone stuff in the room
the observer is probably one of my favorite additions, right up there along with crawling and swimming
ah, kinda like the compact machines mod only just for circuits
and whenever the circuit block received a signal to any side, it internally sends that signal to the I/O port, and then you can copy a circuit..
Hey I never heard of that, is that what I'm describing
might be, but comptact machines you access it with a little pda looking tool
you go inside, it has 3 sizes
each side can IO fluids, solids, and/or power
and you can nest them
(just not recursively)
hey check that out that's totally what I'm talking about
I'm glad somebody made that
16 million downloads... dang I should've made that
yeah, it's wildly popular among kitchen sink modpacks
great way to modularize
on the one hand that's super cool and I'm really glad it's a thing
i like to put noisy machines into them so i don't have to listen to them
on the other hand I feel like such a moron for not finishing it myself
but last year or so i've been.. kinda bored of modpacks
with the exception of sevtech, there aren't really any "new" ones coming out
you just get more of the same stuff, just slightly modified with a different name
astroblocks was cool, but, it pretty quickly just becomes a automate all the stuff like anything else
I only play Minecraft infrequently, my friends and I spin up a server like once a year, we call each one a new "season"
so whenever we do play it's fresh
and we spend like a month or two with it and then get bored and start a new one a year later
yeah, that's kinda how i like to approach it
i'd like to do another playthrough of sevtech on a small-ish server
I really like this CompactMachines thing, it's totally what I've been dreaming of since like 2013, thanks for linking me
Heres the link to the game if you want to see XD joshbrown.info/Shcool.swf
oh gosh you can't open a shockwave file in a browser these days
you should be able to in chrome till december
just gotta enable it manually
whitelist the site (which doesn't save between session) and then a little icon will appear in the address bar that you have to click to play it
I dunno it's not working
just tries to download it
oh hold on i maybe able to fix
that should work on chrome.
oh yeah good work
oh very good, this is great
thanks lol
posted on January 28, 2020 by Sam Roberts

Summary The Node.js project will release new versions of all supported release lines on or shortly after Tuesday, February 4th, 2020. One Critical severity and two High severity issues will be fixed. The release also includes stricter HTTP parsing. Impact All supported versions (10.x, 12.x, and 13.x) of Node.js are vulnerable. Release timing Releases will be available at, or shortly after, T

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