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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

How did you manage the hurricane by the way?
Not bad
it was really easy actually
I thought itd be as bad as florence
Nope, we didnt even lose power.
Florence ripped apart our neighborhood last year, everyones shingles got torn off, so the roads and yards were lined with hundreds of Leaves and Shingles
Not this year tho..
Im thankful for it, the cost to redo our roof last year was around 10 Thousand.
and we also had to fix and repaint our walls, so thats around another 500$
yep, I imagine it would suck to leave close to the coast
I grew up in anderson, which is near the Appalachian mountains
the hurricanes are just really awful storms, but not that bad if your house is not near any rivers
we actually stayed during florence.
If we hadnt stayed, our house actually wouldve callapsed
Water damage is a pain
If you dont stop it where it starts, it will LITERALLY melt your walls ^_^
yep, for sure
I will say, it crawled under the paint in our front room, so our walls were squishy for a couple weeks
I was too young to remember, but hurricane Hugo was a big one that went straight inland
my mom just one day took a hammer and threw it against the wall and it poured out paste and water everywhere
left a path of destruction, was a level 5 hurricane when it hit land
there were boats miles away from the shore
Florence landed right on our town first, It hit Jacksonville NC first, but were like 20 miles a bit north of Jacksonville
Sneeds Ferry
hope you guys are insured against water damage
We all got hit with the inner storm
I feel bad for Carolinian reef islands
@Neil insurance in USA?
the border islands protecting us from tsunamis totally got destroyed, all the people there were hit so hard
@KarelG in the USA, insurance is love. Insurance is life.
as far I heard from reddit, insurance companies in USA likes to drip everything out their customers, massively avoiding maximum payment and ect
@KarelG Youd be surprised, it does exist.
Just hard to claim it first
When Katrina hit, a famous chef from Louisiana who's house was destroyed decide to pick up his shit and move to Anderson where he opened up a very remote but popular restaurant
it's all the rage now apparently
In the USA the phrase: "The early bird gets the worm" Means a lot for a LOT of things
@Neil sounds like one of those sweet recovery stories lol
Katrina was horrid
Most of lower Louisiana is actually below sea level
but Micheal, from here couple weeks ago, It actually made the Bohamas an ocean
so the water didn't naturally leave
When the storm was over them, the islands were considered part of the ocean because of how much flooding happened
like it literally made the islands not exist.. Sad man.
I feel bad for the bohemians con sidering all we got in NC was a light thunderstorm when it hit us
I've heard of islands being entirely submersed by the ocean, but then the levels slowly recede and it returns to normal
surely the same will happen in NC?
yeah, bohamas are alright here
bahamas or bohamas? ._.
oh no I think you dont realize what i meant XD, the Bohamas are way down south in the florida location
Oh... Bahamas, my bad
ah I thought so. Got it.
but yeah when it hit them down south, it covered them completely
cat 5
it was on my national news
when it hit our house, I think it was... a cat 1?
barely even that
ah ok, I thought Bohamas was the name of some island off of NC that I had never heard of :P
I have heard of the Bahamas :)
Anyways I got to go to next period now
Short day, short classes
you know, people who say that high school were the best days of their lives probably don't remember a whole lot
high school days were rough. memory fortunately only lets us remember the positive things
so as time passes, most people just assume it was their golden years
high school?
university live FTW
although ... in the last years of high school, discovering sexuality ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
definitely a high point for sure
@KarelG Nowadays, Sexuality is Discovered in Gradeschool...
Kids are so dirty nowadays, I already have seen enough things that I wish I didnt see, and this was 5th grade
highschool is just an extension of it, where kids talk about genitals and cussing off teachers
Its not fun :L
there wasn't a shortage of that when I was younger, but I think a lot of it was hearsay
Or at least I definitely wasn't doing anything that bad when I was in grade school
I think a lot of the boys in highschool are asses... I know im Taller and smarter, and somewhat good looking now, but even then, you still find the jerks in the school who just annoy you out of spite
yeah, don't resort to that
And Yes, I know im a boy, but I dont put myself in the same category as those... "Mouth Breathers" as referenced from stranger things
people who are jerks now will quickly see the reality of things in the real world
Heh... I was told that 3 years ago
then 2 years ago
and last year, and they are still acting the same
I just happened to go to school with a bad batch
oh I mean in 20 years
you don't obtain the things you want by being a jerk to everyone
Well by then, these smartasses in my school will be flipping grass-burgers in vegan mcDonalds while I investigate murder as a CSI and program as a living
you'd be amazed at what you can get accomplished with a kind word and a friendly chat
And I say grass burgers because most places sell plant based burgers now
its kinda gross
vegan burgers?
Ikr Neil
Is that a thing now?
yes vegan burgers
I believe Burger king has a whopper made of plants
Saw a few ads for it
vagens is concring the world xD
I don't have anything against vegans.. heck if they could make it taste like beef, I'd be onboard
Apparently its "exactly the same"
It's not the same
I bet they just made them with real beef and tricked the vegans into thinking it was plants
Not that I don't trust that, but I'll agree only once I've tried it
@TaylorSpark nothing technically illegal about that :)
yup ^_^
Ive seen companies sell vegan bacon, but in reality its just turkey bacon
to make it look and taste slightly different
I'd be curious to see if calling a product vegan necessarily means it doesn't have meat or if it is all marketing
Thank god they upgraded the vegan burgers, I remember here a couple years ago, vegan burgers apparently tasted like "Burnt Carrots" or "Mowed Grass"
A lot of it is marketing Neil
Seems silly that I don't know this ( I'm primarily a backend developer ) but what is the different between SPA and SSR?
technically tic-tacs are considered sugar-free, despite being purely made from sugar, because by law, any product containing less than a gram of sugar can be called sugar-free
and because each piece is seperated
it counts
our brilliant politicians strike again
Have you ever watched "Adam Ruins everything"
hey I'm pretty sure its less than 0.5 sugar @Neil
At least in the UK.
its on netflix, and theres an episode called "Adam Ruins Immigration"
Pretty sure I hate america now, and want to move to... idk.... canada -_-
Its sad how horrible our american immigration system is
@notatroll In the US I think it is 1 gram
still dumb that it wouldn't be percentage and weight-based
how hard is it to say that sugar-free can be given only to products with less than a gram and less than 5% of the product?
my guess is you've got people at 200kg downing tic-tacs because they like them and because they're sugar-free
Who the hell cares about 0.5 grams of sugar, Im sure the law allows it because they just dont want to bother having to start a law argument over TIC TACS
Just like how the government deals with plagiarism and cracking
it can be applied to any product, really
they just happily ignore it because its so common, they dont want to deal with it
I dont blame em
soon you'll start seeing "carbohydrate-free rice" or something
"GMO Free Gum!"
"Fat Free Carrots!!!"
"Suggggarrr FREEEE tomatoesss!"
Ey yi yi
This world, so cringey.
Is anyone able to either explain or link me to a question/post about the difference between SSR and SPA?
"Bio rice krispy treats"
People believe anything, for example, "GMOs cause Autism!!! Eughhh!"
I love how people think GMOs are bad, when its just food with genes from other natural food
I just respond with "there are already GMO based food", with a "shoulders shrug"
well there is a legitimate argument that GMOs can be dangerous if not studied carefully
Humans are somewhat GMOs believe it or not
But I don't think you should assume that it would cause some sort of long-term effects like cancer
Many bloodlines have had so many genetic alterations or gene therapy, that many people msot likely contain descendant genes
if you look at what fruit and vegetables looked like many years ago, they've changed dramatically
mhm... you don't know what GMO is.
Genetically Modified Organism
Anyways, there was a video i saw online here last year, and a TV Show host went to west america
and asked random people if they trusted GMOs
what you said about humans is not even related to GMO.
80% of them said, "GMOs are mysterious, and they cause illnesses" and such things
the carrots of old look nothing like the ones produced nowadays
but also, 80% of them didnt know what GMOs were made of
and 70% of them didnt even know what GMO stands for
Its seriously sad.

But it was funny watching him ask them "Whats a GMO then" and they just sit there silent
when it comes to such things, don't listen to people, listen to scientific studies and legitimate research by unbiased sources
regardless of whether or not people think GMOs are good or bad, it's irrelevant
"Introducing, The NEW 2022 Dictionary! TWITTER!!!"
Thats how people get their info nowadays
@Neil Well, Atleast I know your not one of those random crazies out there whole believe in everything they hear on the internet
Im tired now, time to go play with canvas
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Einstein said that. I saw it on a quote page.
Man for some reason Ive been really interesting in canvas in the last few days
dont ask me why, i dont really know why
canvas is fun to mess around with
it's got blending effects too, so you can obtain some really interesting things
I love making fun little converters or drawing programs
and you can even import it to an image that you can save
sort of fun for making art
I made this canvas exporter yesterday: codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/ZEzMMWK
Converts canvas to png in tis current state
Sadly I cant save the shapes
LIke the styles of the canvas
only the content of it
you've got these huge image data strings for the sun and earth though XD
very cool effect though
You cant export images with toDataURL
If its trusted
then yes, but because the source images were from Mozilla Web API
It wasnt able to be exported
so I turned them into Data URLs and it worked perfectly
Perhaps Ill implement a system to convert source URLS into Data URLs using my DataURL Converter, Implementing the two together would be perfect
Now with real content
this isn't accessible within the functions:
        this.timedScheduleObject = timedScheduleObject;
        Object.entries(exportMethods).forEach(([key,value]) => {
            this[key] = value.bind(this);
the value is a function that should have access to this.
but it's not working
you have used an arrow syntax there. this is not what you think it is
yes, I have used arrow syntax for the value functions. Is that an issue?
it seems if I used a named function for the value than it works
why is that?
Arrow functions bind this differently. It binds this lexically. Or briefly: It uses the context of the surrounding function
JS doesn't rebind "this" when you use arrow functions. That's why it worked when you used a normal function declaration
hi , iam using JS with bootstrap4
is there is any recommended library or method that i can use to help me create multiple steps form ?
@diamond see Elmer Template
@diamond Elmer - Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
@NoobDEV-GBL thank you so much i will check it out
@diamond np, there you have lots of exemples, you can start from there
but its not free and its an entire theme for 35$
i found a better alternitive for what iam looking for
i think i would just start with those and modify them as i like with bootstrap 4
What did one Japanese man say to the other?
I don't know. I can't speak Japanese.
now you have to pay that?
is pinging working in this chat?
try it
ho shit
Not worcking after all
At the rate my old content is getting upvoted, I should make it to 10k rep by 2025
I think the dev are poking at it
@StephanS candies <:|
Ndugger looooooool
Whats the difference between
function foo() { } and var foo = function () { }?
well i thick, one is tha name the other you are inserting on the var
my bad knolage is saying that
i thick too
it works
like if you say
@OTLT-LCar use a nested loop
Elaborate? Exemples?
Q: Understanding nested for loops in javascript

stellatoresI'm learning JavaScript at the moment on freecodecamp and they have an example for nested for loops in one of their excercises: var arr = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]; for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (var j=0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { console.log(arr[i][j]); } } With console.log =...

set a cap so when the loop's output adds up to 3.5k it stops
Is this guy @ThiefMaster?
user image
He was fired for posting religious texts on official communication
Just kidding
But ThiefMaster is an atheist 🤔
and LazyMod must be @MadaraUchiha
Hello! I was wonder how I would write to a JSON file using jQuery in GitHub Pages. My read code works, but my write doesn't. Site: virxec.github.io/CSWeek/JSONLoader Site code: github.com/VirxEC/CSWeek/blob/master/JSONLoader/index.html JSON: github.com/VirxEC/CSWeek/blob/master/users/test/game1.json
Hello guys
I need a help in fixing up the Jest seetup in my application
I have raised a question too in the forum, but people have not responded so far
can any one of you help me here please
Q: TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined, with node version v8.12.0

RONESimilar issue I can find every where, I have refered jest forums and stackoverflow but none of the solution helped me, so composing this question (Guys can you please let me know why down voting, if you really feel it is not a good question, please point out the issue and then mark your voting...

Voted to close; you need to supply code in your questions on stack overflow. As it stands, your question is technically off-topic.
Q: ajax post 500 internal server error using Node and Nginx

Shane D'SilvaI'm trying to post to my node server but I get a "Failed to load resource" 500 Internal Server Error code and I can't figure out why. Here is the error on what Node says. My server code: var db = null var app = null //console.error(config.mongohq) mongo.init( { name: config.mongo...

1 hour later…
> </message>
shoot me
pretty much
Oh kendall, I was watching a recent JRE podcast with a physicist talking about the many worlds theory and quantum mechanics, and it reminded me of something you said a while back about how the reality that you experience is the reality that you survive in, or something like that. Very intriguing stuff.
Sean Carroll? Yeah, his book about the topic came out just this week.
It was awesome
I'm about half way through it
I'm gonna pick it up
Definitely blew my mind a few times, but he explained it in such a way where I could wrap my head around it
The main problem is that people describe it as new universes being created, or splitting, or something of that sort. Whereas really it's just that all possibilities exist together.
@ndugger is it XML or is it HTML
is the message tag implied or something
it's a cake
the world needs to know
@BadgerCat the comment on the bottom answer is great
I need a book recommendation for integral calculus for beginners. I've got 3 other books in my cart
just take an online course
Sure, but I want a book to read
there are no books here
what is "book"
Why are stack overflow answers not sorted by votes?
Why are you not sorting answers by votes?
Ah, dont know why it was changed
you probably accidentally found the keybind
I never understand why websites would add keybinds to buttons
power users?
my favorite keybind is g m
am i allowed to ask for help here? dont know how to formulate my question to google for it
@UnknownPotato Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Guess i can ask atleast:P
Lets say im able to count how many imgs i got with the same class name by pressing on one of them. For example i got 8 and i press on nr 5 and it says i got 8 pictures. However i want it to say which nr i pressed on (5). What should i look up?
Your looking for the index of the element
Thanks for the help, il look into it:)
> By emptying the intestine and inflating it with a long balloon, we found that the local strain varies from 20 percent at the cube's corners to 75 percent at its edges. Thus, the intestine stretches preferentially at the walls to facilitate cube formation.
How would you approach fixing this? — Marcos 3 mins ago
betting the next comment is "Can i has code"
I'll take that bet, since I just tried it, and it's one character too short
pay up
Thanks kevin was able to solve my problem
What's for lunch?
@ndugger even there heads look square
your intentional typos give me autism
i mean, if their intentional, are they typos?
Jesus take the wheel
@KevinB that's next level stuff
2 hours later…
Anyone know on Chrome, Safari or Firefox when I have the element inspector up, if there's a way to click on the inspector without it also clicking on the webpage? This webpage has a dialog box that disappears if I click anywhere
@ndugger So bad. Let's count em up (not including invalid tags and attributes). <cake> has two opening tags and no closing tags implying theres two cakes. <message> has no opening tag but a closing tag. <font> tag is obsolete and is used improperly. Tags aren't booleans. <awesome>true</awesome> has no semantic value. true means nothing to user. Exclamation mark should html code &#33;. chocolate attribute is not in quotes, which isn't wrong but just bad practice.
But now I want cake
@SirCumference yea, F12, ctrl+shift+c, click element in chrome.
Also no web friendly font fall back.
@KevinB I mean to click within the inspector when I already have it open, without triggering a click on the webpage
E.g. if I want to change an attribute of an element that disappears if I click the webpage
from the dev tools you can do anything without clicking the page
@SirCumference force a state
@KevinB Hmm, in my case I have a YouTube video up and I'm hoping to automatically set the quality to 1080p. I'm trying to find the class of the quality choices, but whenever I click anywhere in the inspector, the dialog box for the quality selection goes away
youtube has a javascript API for that
@BenFortune Yeah but I've been finding things like this
Q: YouTube IFrame API - setPlaybackQuality() is not changing video resolution from current playback time

PhoenixI have been trying to change the video playback quality/resolution of an iframe embedded video from YouTube using YouTube IFrame API by simply calling player.setPlaybackQuality("hd720") in the middle of playback. According to YouTube: https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#se...

Q: YouTube iFrame API "setPlaybackQuality" or "suggestedQuality" not working

o01I'm having some trouble setting the quality settings on a video via the Youtube iFrame API. This is my code: var player; player = new YT.Player('player', { height: '490', width: '725', videoId: yturl, /* setPlaybackQuality: 'hd720', <-- DOES NOT WORK */ /* suggestedQuality: ...

Changing the quality with a userscript should only be a few lines though
there we go
@ndugger ^
thanks, I hate it
the fucking typos
come on, "iceing" looks like its spelled more correctly than "icing"
i like how align-items is misaligned
on top of all that, it's fake
your fake
my fake what
@BenFortune taxi
@BenFortune Hmm, comments on the top answer say it stopped working in 2018. Just tried it without luck :/
With regard to forcing a state, I am struggling to figure out the ID of the dialog box without being able to click on the inspector
So I can't really tell which element to go for
@nice cake @JBis
Ah never mind, disabling JS does the trick. Thanks though @BenFortune
1 hour later…
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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