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@NishargShah Good one
@mathes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
i am trying to move the mouse cursor from one coordinate to another...
dynamically by triggering the movemouse event in jquery
with a help of a timer...
but it's not moving even thought i increment and dcrement the coordinates
could you help me what i m missing here
the mouse cursor isnt controlled by the browser, so it isnt actually possible i dont think
youd have to interact with the OS
which you cant do from the browser
i don't know nodejs
what is it you are trying to achieve?
why do you need to control the cursor?
i m trying to move the mouse cursor using jquery
whats the end result you are after?
i need to control the cursor...for a user experience
you can't
youre not answering the question
it's simple browser security
why do you need to control the cursor?
doesn't any chrome add on doing that...
so my code is correct i changed something in code and checked it in console...
it's good the coordinates are changing...
it's not moving
what are you trying the restrict the user from doing?
It's not going to move
no theyre not you are triggering mousemove events and catching those events, it is very different
bruh we've been telling that you can't move a cursor from your webapp
And you're not going to find a way to do that from the browser
this seems like a very x/y problem
if you tell us what it is you are actually trying to do, we might have another solution
The only actual way you would, would be for the user to have a program on their PC listening for requests from the browser
what are you trying to achieve by moving the mouse, as Drogo asks
you can just hide the cursor and replace it with a fake cursor and trigger all of the same MouseEvent actions
that is what i was thinking @rlemon
@DrogoNevets, @Ikari and @Ben Fortune - i want to illustrate a tutorial for end user my showing the user the move movement while the user is interacting on browser
>_> that seems like a very convoluted way for some UX
@Ikari it's basically how any canvas fps works
however, if it is restricting a drag/drop thing to a container
well then you should be using an image of a cursor and move it around @CommonMan while hiding the user-agent one
@CommonMan would a picture of a cursor be enough? you could move that
well thats a hack...
Lemon has become wise in his old age
@CommonMan what you want is a hack
@Ikari and @DrogoNevets
take what you can get
@rlemon hijacking user's cursor in a normal web app will be very jarring, at least to me
if its for a demo......not really
@rlemon - ok....
why can't ES6 do this...
you wanna do something the browser is trying (not very) hard to not let you do
sad... is there any way i can take control of the cursor from the user...
so yea, it's a hack no matter how you look at it
its not a case of ES6 not being able to, its a case of the browser not letting you
by other programming languages
yes, but not within a browser
I wonder is wasm has a flag for it
@rlemon nothing immediate in google....cant be bothered doing an indepth search
is there anyother programming language that i can do... i m not a fan of btach scripting...
probably most of them
including JS
you're missing the point. it's not the language. it's the environment the language is being run in
so what environment will help me... in taht way...
build a native app
native app to OS that I am using?
@AlexHunter thanks
if you have the OS run the program then it can do it, the browser running it wont
well it can be written so it works in all OS's
what language @Ikari
Just write and distribute your own browser.
use codrova
xD rlemon
Java can do it too
@rlemon lets not start him on that path!
idk lmao, any you wanna write
you can write in javascript and use cordova to compile as native
@DrogoNevets no let's. He wants handouts at this point
@ColdFire wordpress.org has a good few of them
@rlemon but then he'll ask more questions
ok i guess that would be a good start
@CommonMan look at things like Electron or the likes of it
bye world
do you need the mouse or do you just need a tutorial for your site elements?
i want to move the mouse... like the java seilinum does
selenium doesn't do that does it?
it focuses elements
@BenFortune correct
and hijacks the scroll, it doesn't do any mouse movements
oh... @Ben Fortune...
anything that i can move the mouse like a user moves
the mouse port should know it's been moved by the user
honestly looks like intro.js is the exact thing you are looking for
how many times
are you listening at all? mousejacking is a security risk
you can't do it in the browser
:47296610 use the intro and than this code example var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
canvas.requestPointerLock = canvas.requestPointerLock || canvas.mozRequestPointerLock || canvas.webkitRequestPointerLock;
just imagine if that would be possible
sorry @Ben and rlemon
i was just discussing
@OtávioBarreto That's actually not a bad idea
Create a canvas background and simulate a mouse
you don't need canvas for that
you can hide and simulate a mouse all the same with just DOM
pointerlock is most beneficial when you need the area to be in control of the mouse
like in a game
what has pointerlock to do with a fake mouse pointer?
nothing afaik
you can't control the mouse any more than without it
you just hide the cursor and fake it
yeah. It's designed for canvas elements like games to not leave the element when moving. nothing else
using a canvas overlay to fake a mouse pointer and time the interaction with the dom elements in the background sounds unbelievably tedious
Hello, any free node.js express app hosting ideas?
heroku has a free tier
aws/gcloud have free tiers too
It's an api, I tried firebase hosting but I got stuck :(
which one is more suitable for beginners?
probably heroku
ATM I only have one api method
@grrigore why do you use node instead of php?
I want to learn some js
php is more powerfull for backend and also faster than node in many cases
well this is just a temporary solution
javascript is very powerfull for frontend
@OtávioBarreto Can you stop spreading bullshit, thank you
I'll take that into consideration when I decide to implement the real server
> php
> powerful
@OtávioBarreto And you're well aware that article is massively outdated?
> nodeJS 6
@BenFortune It's php 7 so it's updated
double the node version
I bet you're one of those jQuery Wordpress developers I've heard so much about.
So heroku ftw? Any noob solution?
and if you need Asynchronous programing just like node model , you can use AMP PHP amphp.org
I'm honestly just impressed someone is willing to go to bat over PHP in 2019.. That's a first since the start of the decade.
it's a loaded blog post
"comparison and benchmark 2018 2019" but is using nodejs 6
How much money on those tests being synchronous too
They aren't comparable
^ what Ben said
Back from my math test
we were doing literal equations, 2 step equations, etc
hopefully I get a 90 or above
PHP is totally synchronous, and unless you use those weird solutions like async-php or amphp you're stuck in the linear flow
All that shite the blog is spewing out too, that shitty article was written 100% for clickbait
@Ikari you don't need a code to be Asynchronous all the time
but when you do, what do you do?
that's what makes it intresting code synchronous and Asynchronous depends on your need
the one who talks bad about php is because doesn't know php, it's real powerfull
well, I'm talking about the times when you are in need of async stuff. I have tried making a websocket server with it and it was a real pain in the ass
@OtávioBarreto this is blatantly false.
the loudest critics of PHP (and JS for that matter) are often the ones who are involved in the language development
well I have plenty of experience of PHP, or at least as much to know of its places where it falls short
PHP is most mature thing for backend, JAVASCIPT is most mature thing for frontend
also false.
PHP is for quick websites that need dynamic content IMO, not full on complex business apps
@OtávioBarreto Java?
@DrogoNevets JAVA SUCKS
At this point I'm going to assume you are trolling
@OtávioBarreto dont deny it, but its VERY mature
Did Niel leave?
I was going to show him my line number textarea
@BenFortune agreed
oh, another language argument. How interesting...
no argument. some light php trolling
<random off topic rant>why does leg day hurt so much</random off topic rant>
@DrogoNevets it's a corporate language not a comunity language
@OtávioBarreto can you stop spreading misinformation? What you are saying is dangerous when read by people who don't have a knowledge on the topic. What is even worse, you don't seem to have any proper knowledge on that but you are VERY confident in what you say and you don't accept critique.
This is how people end up thinking mongodb is the best database for everything around.
I was a fanboy of PHP when I started programming but as I got to know the inside-outs it honestly lost its charm
@DrogoNevets because it has to
I did PHP for years before node.js
@GNi33 :'(
@Ikari i was the same, but it was more, as i learnt other languages
@rlemon in node you should write everything from scracth
<insert motivational comment along the lines of "if it would be easy, everyone would do it yaddayaddayadda />
Hey is there a way to disable selecting text in a textarea?
Ive been searching up and people say you cant.
@TaylorSpark all of it?
@OtávioBarreto what's that even supposed to mean?
@GNi33 he's going to rewrite express each time
@GNi33 iIt's not mature for backend yet
how so?
Yes all of it
I want to disable selecting of the entire textarea
Bored of you now, stop trolling.
I have user select off and cursor set to pointer, I also have it readonly
still selectable
@BenFortune in p you write the same thing in 10 lines of code, while in node you need 100
wat are you even talking about lmao
@TaylorSpark does it have to be a textarea?
@TaylorSpark how about an editable div?
^ this
I guess that could work, see my project to understand what Im doing codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/JjPZGLP
I somehow don't understand what you are doing after looking at this
same lol
user-select not work on textareas?
SO answers say its not possible
@TaylorSpark your line numbers dont always line up
Opera browser has an "unselectable" property in HTML
but Im on chrome.
@TaylorSpark have you tried yourself?
dont beleive everything on the internet
Oh right drago, I forgot, if Im running a function...
oof Ill have to implement that
especially when it comes to programming
things change regularly
Ill check
jsh.zirak.me look here for motivation.
was from 2015
"Unselectable="true"" it makes my cursor a pointer, but doesnt prevent selecting
why are you preventing selecting in your console output?
think hes trying to prevent on line numbers
might be wrong
well if you want any sort of formatting it should be a contentEditable
like all modern online IDEs use
"unselectable" - what a horrible name
@ankr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Someone wasn't picked for the school sports team
@BenFortune huh?
Thousands of kids are picked last for sports teams everyday.
Well what Im trying to make is a better newline system, the current one works fine, but Niel suggested I use a seperate textarea for them
Ben is just making us aware of this horrible statistic.
as a normal console would prevent selecting of those numbers
idea just popped into my head
@TaylorSpark if you plan on having any sort of formatting or interactivity (like devtools, or even colours) you'll wanna replace the textarea with a div
Hmm if I put a transparent colored div over the console, would that make it "sortof" unselectable?
Being picked last for a sports team means you are 40% more likely to defend PHP on the internet when you get older, it's a very frightening thing.
you're not the first or last person to do this
use a div with contenteditable
its a class project
stop trying to fight the advice given
div with contenteditable... HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS...
if the prof needs a textarea, have it offscreen and mirror the contents
you have heard of this. like 5 times in this conversation
i know, but I thought you guys meant "Just change innerHTML"
that would work, but it wouldnt be usable in the fashion that I want
@TaylorSpark no, thats something very different
what if you aren't even picked? @Michael
Then you're doomed to use jQuery.
@Michael i resent this - being picked last, doesnt that just mean youre 40% more likely to go into IT?
@Ikari truth burns!
it really do be like that
i need a cry - i was neve rpicked
(for the record, i dont ever use PHP or jQ for proper jobs - only quick and hacky things)
I was picked first for sports, primarily because kids learned that when you have the ugly kid on your team for kickball, no one is gonna stand on a base for the off chance the ugly kid might touch you.
They also had really small goals and it so happened that Michael was the only one covering all of it
@Michael youre not in the UK - we have no such logic
You don't know where I am.
but then i now live in a society that thought BREXIT was a good idea?! (not me!)
Chonky Florida man blocks goals by his BODY!
@Michael but i know the UK has no such logic as pick ugly kid first - ugly kid (me) gets picked last here
wth is kickball?
you have bol
apologies if im wrong, just banter
Its a game, where you kick a ball.
its like football with dodgeballs
you smack bol with leg
soccer + baseball
its something school coaches made up
Ah, football. I know it
kickball (how I played it) is baseball but with a soccerball
and no bats ofc.
@rlemon every soccer game features baseball (bats)
oh, my coaches said kickball time and they threw a bunch of foam balls or dodgeballs and let us kick em at each other
2 teams
Kickball (also known as soccer baseball in most of Canada) is a game and league game, similar to baseball, invented in the United States by Devin Stienman. As in baseball, one team tries to score by having its players return a ball from home base to the field and then circle the bases, while the other team tries to stop them by tagging them "out" with the ball before they can return to the home base. Instead of hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, players kick an inflated rubber ball; this makes it more accessible to young children. As in baseball, teams alternate half-innings. The team with...
and it looks like that is the traditional definition as well
oh yeah nvm I was thinking of dodgekick
weird games smh
I do remember playing kickball in the baseball field
I always never joined in cuz Im weak
i played command & conquer
"Soccer baseball" - think I'm too European to understand :P
broken knees
I was a nerd and a jock. I had to wedgie myself. it was an awkward time in my life.
ankr.... they roll a ball towards you, you kick it as far as possible and run around the field
rlemon i made a content editable div, and its font is huge.. cant seem to lower the size either
Hitting a kid when you kick the ball is what you aspire to in life.
You can legit drop a mother fucker.
What I used to apsire to kick a ball towards my bully's head
I got what I wanted a couple times
but i got in trouble for aiming towards the skull
@TaylorSpark it's just a div
you have all the control you have over any other HTML elements font size
get better at css
I know, but font-size 10px looks like font-size 100px
I know how to write css
I don't believe you
for both
ill just reload the project, its probably running on an old cache
sometimes if I close my laptop, it doesnt autoupdate the pen anymore
yup... that fixed it sigh
Have a good weekend everyone. Friday bar is finally here.
oh boy kick notifications
@TaylorSpark everyone knows how to write "css"
@rlemon must be nice to have a great life
@Dwigh it's hard work being this cool. 😎
Its easy to have a nice life when you spend your days drinking juiceboxes
well cool until you had to wedgie yourself
then that was just nerdy
@KarelG that was a cheap troll lol
@Michael I'm not drinking it
how do you think the juice gets into them
Professional Juice Squirter
is that what the kids are calling it these days?
@Michael in that case; it would be ideal for his GF if she likes lemon juice
Willing to bet she squeezes lemons on the reg
<insert bad joke here>
oh dear
Kickball was the ish
So was that big balloon thing
Oh god that PHP advocate...
How do I use a . (period) in my function name?\
you don't
nevermind, excuse what I said, it was for something else
had a brainfart, for some reason thought I needed a period in a name??
I mean, you can
but you shouldn't
I can see no reasonable need for it
I dont remember why I needed it, like I said, sometimes I just think I need something
that's the XY problem
you're focusing on what you think the solution should be instead of the problem
it's a very dangerous road to go down
wastes lots of time
@TaylorSpark Perhaps you should not use this chat as a hotline service so that such brainfarts would occur less often?
well, I know that, but I think the reason I was thinking of that was "I need to create this function" and I was also thinking of .split and I think I accidentally merged my thoughts
Aspergers can mix up thoughts sometimes
I think I've reached a new "plateau" in my understanding of MobX. The goal of the game, is to completely abuse of @computed properties.
MobX is a game? :3
yet AFAIK they claim it as a "simple state management" tool while it is not so true imo.
you have to understand it to use it right
yea but it's really not that much to understand
observables can be used in very complex situations
but the core concepts are pretty simple
make changes, shit happens.
is there a way to duplicate a string into 2 strings, then using regex, every other letter, replace with a space. Then on the 2nd string, do the same, except 1 further.
I know it sounds wierd, but its really important, I only know how to split into every other with 1 string
how do I do it every other 1 further
like.... push the effect 1 character further
so the two split strings are opposites
.split('').join(' ');
that just changes the first string
[s,s].map((x,i)=>Array.from(x, (y,j)=> (i+j)%2 ? y : ' ').join(''))
now, off to look up how that all works.
Well, I know its similar to split and join, that you just push the changes 1 character further into the array
I don't understand what you want to do the "one string into two strings"
!!> const s = 'abcdefg'; console.log( [s,s].map((x,i)=>Array.from(x, (y,j)=> (i+j)%2 ? y : ' ').join('')) );
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: [" b d f ","a c e g"]
basically im making a revolving encoder
placing different texts on transparent textareas over each other
and changing a range of where its located on the screen
Its an old thing we used to do in gradeschool
but I want to make it more... "complicated"
so what's wrong with my solution
duplicate the string, replace every second char with a space, shift that on the second string by 1 char
well actually, Im going to do more than 2 revolvers now, I should be able to just duplicate your solution per each revolve, and output each string to my encryptor?
Hello. I am new here. Is it appropriate to ask some Jquery help here ? I see the chat topic reads JavaScript so just confirming
@BadalSingh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I needed help regarding this question of mine - stackoverflow.com/q/57926156/11988417

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