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7:26 PM
should I always use PropTypes? Even if it adds some weight to my bundle for something that is not required?
also clsx would be handy to have, but it also adds weight for something that I can do without
8:13 PM
Hmm I'm wondering how does babel transpile normally? Does it always transpile towards the least common denominator, or does it transpile featuring multiple execution paths based on what browser is reading (like how compilers can also compile for different processors and at runtime execute the correct path taking advantage of specific features).
This is especially important for "dynamic import" - we have to keep supporting IE and edge. We like reducing the initial load. However if babel just transpiles dynamic import "away" there's no reason to implement this, IE will never support dynamic import anyways.
8:32 PM

Read a nice article speaking about modules/nomodule and dynamic imports
Might want to read this and see if it can go with your needs
8:55 PM
how can I shorten css class names in React/Next.js application?
for example from .long-class-name to .a
in order to save bundle size
I'm not really wondering about modules, I'm wondering if the code isn't just "transpiled away".

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