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PS C:\dev\project1> git pull
been like that for minutes. *shakes fist to github*
@ndugger fyi, if you want to commit some files only, you can issue git status in CLI, then do git add (don't press enter). Now, use your mouse to select the files by selecting it, hit right mouse click, paste it to the CLI line with another right mouse click. Add a space if you want to add more ect. If you want to add a whole folder, just select the part until the folder name, paste and press * ect
or tool it around by putting the output of git status into a file, open another screen, use vim to get the stuff you want (it has a shortcut for copying line) and switch back and forth to pick files
good day
good morning
G'day :)
I have this data Blob {size: 94139, type: "application/pdf"}
response.data = Blob {size: 94139, type: "application/pdf"}
is there any npm viewer for that?
it's actually pdf blob
you can create a pdf from that and download it?
no point in analyzing the whole byte chain
(unless there is a problem with creating a pdf from that, then you might need to check the first blocks)
Because I have this in my current code
      const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([response.data]))
      const link = document.createElement('a')
      link.href = url
it actually downloads a pdf file
but you cannot open it?
but my boss said, it's good to have a capability to view it
yes it can be opened, after it's downloaded
view in the browser itself? then use canvas or a plugin
do you have idea what kind of npm package should I use?
I just use pdf.js for that
npm is for Node.js, which is server side. You need a front-end solution (like that plugin I just linked)
but I'm using vue.js
that's why I'm looking for npm package for that
but thanks for the info
gotcha use google-fu for that :P
lemme check if there are vue extensions for that
I found two
@AppleCiderYummy ^ , still you have to check which one is good for you.
Oh thanks for these links :) I'm going to read them
thank you for the help senpai
pdfvuer has to be one of the worse puns today...
o.o? I don't get it?
pdf viewer
doesn't matter
@geisterfurz007 ^
it felt later. Now I see the pun
Guys, does anyone here know, how kalman filtering works?
@OlegMusijenko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
1 hour later…
@LiakatHossain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
How mentally challenged does one have to be to not make a multiline editor support Ctrl+A?
And scrolling
And indentation
In an SQL editor
Eh, that's usually OS or browser behaviour
Microsoft Access
that is garbage
Which is why my company uses it.
And because all other devs are out, I get to be the one fixing stuff in 500 year old databases with structures that even I as a noob start crying.
yours company is just using Office 365
it has useful features, but also less useful ones. And some garbage
My company started to use it recently.
Why can't one implement proper UI and proper databases in different applications (regarding my employer; not MS)?
Why cramp everything into one program, that is poorly maintainable, outdated, not well documented and runs with a 3000 year old language in the background if there is actually something you gotta code?
😛 despite having office 365, I (and some others) still use LibreOffice tools
I don't need it seriously. Office stuff is not my work. It can be that I have to do a presentation, but Impress is good enough (and has a better name)
1 hour later…
I'm a bit astonished how I still take this chat as a reference.

Read about a js tool I don't know => Open SO javascrit room to read what people said about it and if it's worth taking a look at
Hello room o/
ensure that the info is still fairly "recent" tho
a comment from 2015 might be not relevant anymore 😀
unless that comment is about jQuery
then it's probably still accurate
hey guys
> vue-cli-service build

-  Building for production...
 ERROR  Failed to compile with 5 errors14:28:18

 error  in ./src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css&

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js):
ModuleBuildError: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
BrowserslistError: Unknown browser query `basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's`. Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.
    at unknownQuery (C:\project\PenHistory\vue\node_modules\browserslist\index.js:176:10)
this browserslist.. it makes the error. when I delete it, it works.. but I don't know which npm script runs this browserslist
look a few lines higher?
> Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
@KarelG hm what does that exactly mean and how can I see more about this failing?
it is a "fresh" vue.js project.. I didn't change any modules
I deleted EVERYTHING related to BrowsesList in the package.json and in package-lock.json
now it works
what is that exactly? hmm I have NO clue what I'm doing
AFAIK a library that allows you to target one or multiple browsers manually
le google it -> got this github.com/browserslist/browserslist
now it means without this package my app won't work in internet explorer?
how did I survive before I knew this package??
what's your environment?
best to consult the repo for FAQ/known problems
@Suisse if you are using a bundler, then ie11 could be supported without problems. I don't know how you are building your vue project. A simple check is to visit the pages via IE (which is still on win10 PC's)
how can I make sure that I import only the needed function from a module?
module.exports = { fun1, fun2 }
import { fun1 } from './module'
will that also include fun2 in the javascript of the webpage?
in the case of using React for example?
with webpack etc.
only fun1
Hey everyone, unsure about updating an answer and I don't have enough reputation to leave a comment.
@user11750591 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@KarelG thank you
why do they recommend to do this then:
import useScrollTrigger from '@material-ui/core/useScrollTrigger';
instead of this
import { useScrollTrigger } from '@material-ui/core;
I use the second but the first one is probably more clear
that you can see that it is in that module and ect
meh. The second one is just more convenient imo
if you add another functionality, you can import it simply by adding a second variable in the second option while at the first option, you have to c/p the whole line and do two modifications
@KarelG it is not just looks apparently, read this
Sup JSers
I just started a job in a Ember shop.
What do you guys think of Ember today? I have experience with React and Vue and I'm finding it super weird
@Aurelius Pretty sure I've explained that before, it helps with tree shaking
So instead of exporting the entirety of core and looking for and importing useScrollTrigger they just include useScrollTrigger
@BenFortune yes you did, but I don't understand how to achieve the same in my modules
if I write a module with two functions, how can I export only one like they do?
If you check either core.js or core/index.js, I'm not sure which file it will be in, you'll see how it's done
Webpack actually explains it very well, webpack.js.org/guides/tree-shaking
@BenFortune Is one "better"? Should only affect compile time
I have private non-npm scoped packages in VScode that still come in with ../../path even though they are scoped in tsconfig.ts
Any ideas or web searches I can try?
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "paths": {
      "@core/*": ["app/core/*"],
      "@shared/*": ["app/shared/*"]
@JDonks Yes. It reduces your bundle size, bringing down load times and browser compile times.
that'll be it
But importing that file, which will be @material-ui/core, will import and resolve all the other modules.
one of my paths under /core/ is /guards/ that should not make a difference should it?
import { CanDeactivateGuard } from '../../core/guards/can-deactivate.guard';
Shouldn't it just be "@core": ["app/core/*"]?
I'll take a look, good lead.
No, they should follow this format:
  "compilerOptions": {

    // omitted...

    "baseUrl": "src",
    "paths": {
      "@services/*": ["app/path/to/services/*"],
      "@components/*": ["app/somewhere/deeply/nested/*"],
      "@environments/*": ["environments/*"]
phew.. finally closer with the google search:
Found the fix if anyone should run into this: in the .vscode\settings.json file for workspace add
  "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "non-relative"
@KarelG npm is a package manager. You can get package for your frontend from npm.
Good morning
i need a little bit of help
i'm trying to up a project in react
use Vue
Use Mithril
use Svelte
Angular 1
lol, jk. don't use that
@EduardoHerrera and what's the problem? Tell us a bit more about what you actually need
i'm trying to run locally a project build in react
body-parser deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares api\auth.js:16:12
body-parser deprecated undefined extended: provide extended option node_modules\body-parser\index.js:105:29
body-parser deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares api\routes.js:35:11
app listening on port 3000
SSL listening on port 3443
e { SequelizeConnectionError: password authentication failed for user "REACT_APP_DB_USER"
    at connection.connect.err (C:\Users\eduardo.herrera\codes\codefrompanama\node_modules\sequelize\lib\dialects\postgres\connection-manager.js:182:24)
your backend can't connect to your DB, doesn't seem to be a React problem
how can i connect to db
here is the project
and i have the ssl
but still cannont to db
I'm guessing you didn't write that
Seems a bit complicated for a code, seeing you don't even know how to connect to a DB
not i didnt write that
Also don't store credentials in git.
Do you have the right to publicly share this code?
Rly no one has an opinion on Ember?
Everyone has your github credentials now by the way.
i hate ember
but i've never used it or looked into it, so...
maybe @SterlingArcher would have an opinion on ember
@BenFortune It's not productive to make it even more obvious.
should this be public?
@JDonks yes it is
live and learn
@JDonks Sure it is, they'll learn their lesson
If you're pushing harmful code on someone, I'm sure as shit going to speak out against it
Agro man
Seeing this guy didn't write this code, I'm not sure those are his credentials.
@KevinB @SterlingArcher what do u think of ember
@EduardoHerrera you should change this repository into a private repo.
@EduardoHerrera You are working on this? aviaria.wixsite.com/aviaria-lodge
Those credentials are probably not yours
@Loktar huh
Q: Portal to another component

JaxCzeI've found this example on official site which describes how to use portal. In this example is being created new 'root' div for modals with use of ReactDOM.createPortal(). Is there a way to teleport component to another component (not just different root). It might not be done with portal - I ju...

This place is weird everyone gets mad at the thing or attacks a new user
Slack is better
You're weird
Someone attack you?
What is the thing ?
No they atatck the other guy
who is the other guy
Right above
no one attacked anyone
Noone attacked the other guy. They showed him that he publicly shared his(or someone's) github credentials. That's HELPING
he attac, he prottec, he show users when they're being fucking stupid
we showed him that he's exposing security creds
didn't that happen like 3 days ago
silly flag is silly
if you don't like the room, leave. simple as that
if you want help, I'm more than willing to oblige
i just needed add require('dotenv').config()
in the index.js
@JDonks I'm surprised at the name.. I mean J really?
lol anyway glad to see you back
Dodge Challengers suck
@JDonks I got a new 1500, they're so much bigger now..
That's not all that's bigger..
got rid of the stupid 300
@JDonks as long as it's not tied to the other in anyway it doesn't matter
which it isn't.. so just stay dude
How do you feel about goats?
I know how to milk one
I heard of a guy who got milked by a goat
@Cereal maybe it was a sick goat

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