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Gotta fall in line
it's dissent
I will spell it how I want to
the only reason you're not getting kicked for bitching about downvotes and closures is because you're a regular here. we kick almost all new users who do exactly what you're doing now. that isn't a threat, it's me letting you know we're showing you respect here.
please don't make that end.
@CapricaSix delet this
It was completely removed by a moderator, not simply closed. But sure, bro
you started off by posting that we would all downvote you, then speculated that we did
then popped off on the mods
I don't know if it still works
don't play innocent here
maybe it just takes a long time to load
nah it's throwing 500s
yeah it's broke
I didn't do any bitching other than a joke about it being a coincidence, but sure, if you want to keep carrying on about it
@JBis I do quite regularly. Currently I'm listening to Never Really Over by Katy Perry on repeat, which is only doable by ignoring that it's Katy Perry
I make songs that are stuck in my head 10X worse by doing that
but it has to be stuck first
I think allowing yourself to listen to a song on repeat is a mild form of gluttony
Did I successfuly evade a kick by leaving on my own?
quick someone kick him
No, I'm good now. All is right in the world again now that both questions were removed
@forresthopkinsa the alternative is to open up a radio station and skip each song until I get back to the one I seeded it with
takes longer tho
have you tried just listening to the album on repeat
you might come to enjoy the other songs as well
> tool is on spotify
I don't think you know how radio stations work
you don't get the album
you get what the algo thinks works next
just download the radio station
I do
with some more ram
offline play
play music lets you do that, and when you regain wifi it will pull a few more songs
I'm not suggesting a radio station
but google music radio stations are like 90% of my music discovery
I want new music.. just not that new
GPM is our glorious leader
that's a weird way to spell ndugger
11 mins ago, by ndugger
I will spell it how I want to
people using my own words against me
a guy tried to do that to me on Twitter a couple days ago
he just made himself look like an idiot
let me see if I can find it
I love when people unironically try to correct my Canadian English to American English
@rlemon eh
*ehs, you know, to be inclusive
I'm actually quite impressed that translates
@rlemon Does Google Music have the ability to play albums or have stations based on genres or "moods"?
yes yes and yes
but the mood genres are hit or miss
people not using google music are missing out
the activities radio stations are not bad tho
and you get no ads on youtube
there was one for coding that was basically all edm
was pretty good
@ndugger only in america
yea, that's a bummer
we never got red or anything like that
now I have to buy youtube Premium on top of my play subscription
i don't get ads on youtube
@ndugger you also get no ads on YouTube if you use an adblocker browser extension, and/or something like PiHole
Chrome decided to be twats though and killed adblocker extensions
well, no
that's not true either
i'm on chrome, and i get no ads
I'm morally against ad blockers. so if a payment model doesn't exist, I don't visit the site or deal with the ads
You still using ublock or whatever?
ublock and abp
Which chrome version?
would have been super nice to have red avail in Canada (when it was a thing)
Did they rollback that decision?
version 75.0.something
they didn't block it, they blocked an api they used tmk
I'm sure they've worked around it
it was never as bad as people were claiming
I dunno, adblock was automatically uninstalled for me
seemed aggressive
a lot of stuff was
mine didn't get uninstalled
because of a store policy change
I had like 4 extensions uninstall on me
none were ad blockers tho
@rlemon agree
ads support a free and open web
i'm all for sites serving ads
i just don't have to look at them
I prefer to pay for sites I use enough, like youtube premium
@rlemon I'm less sympathetic especially in cases where people request ad-free payment tiers for free products and the companies don't respond
But otherwise I will block your ads and sleep perfectly sound at night
> so if a payment model doesn't exist, I don't visit the site or deal with the ads
I had an adblock extension a while back that would only block ads if there was an unreasonable number of them, or if they were impeding the page content
if a payment model does exist, I often go for it
in the case of youtube. I just deal tbh.
that's more me being stubborn tho
I'm still salty about youtube red
it would block every ad after, like, eight ads. or something like that
Luckily YouTube ads in video are a per channel/video thing so you can fairly easily curate your subscription list to people who don't monetize their videos
I just don't visit those sites anymore
@rlemon what's the difference between Red and Premium? I thought they were the same
if they're making a living from their videos they often have a direct way to donate anyway
@ndugger holy shit since when?
and in the case of fringe news sites I know I will visit again in the late future. I block all audio
that seems to do enough
1 ad is 1 too many. I'm fragile, you know
@BenFortune Since last week I think
@forresthopkinsa Red came bundled with google music for americans.
so I feel like I shouldn't have to pay for Premium because I pay for music
It was announced on JRE, which I consume often
And premium isn't bundled with it? How weird
that's awesome, I just ended up using ytdl and uploading them to my spotify
it's 100% my entitlement that's stopping me
but that entitlement is making me watch ads.
@BenFortune didn't know you could upload your own music to spotify
JRE is like my only source of information for what's going on in the world. It's probably why I'm so retarded.
@forresthopkinsa you can to most services
@ndugger but have you tried DMT?
I got upset with Spotify recently. I used to be able to listen to entire albums/specific songs on the mobile app with my level of subscription. Apparently that's changed and now I can only listen to 30 secs of a song when trying to listen to an entire album, or I can shuffle.
That's always been one of my favorite advantages of GPM over Spotify -- even if I stop paying, I still have all my music
I fucking wish
i hate that there are a lot of videos from producers i used to watch behind a paywall now... i'd like to watch them, but i'm not gonna pay for it.
@ndugger that explains a lot
a few people on youtube I am leaning towards ditching them on YT and just going to Patreon
I've tried an eighth of shrooms twice. It's not nearly enough to make me go full trip, but it's a good time
more content and more money in their pockets
@TylerH michaelscottjamesblunt.mp3
the new Youtube paid channel subscription thing is pretty neat
it's gonna put a dent in Patreon's userbase
it's ok, not great
oh that, thought you were talking about youtube music
Oh right, forgot about that
I don't pay individual creators
@ndugger do you just not want content creators to make any money at all lmao
@BenFortune I understood that reference
I had thought that youtube premium revenue was gonna go to the people you subscribe to, but I think that that's either not true or they get pennies
i've also heard a lot of good things about mixer, as an alternative to twitch, but i've also seen a lot of the people pushing for mixer being adamantly against twitch because amazon
I will occasionally donate to creators I like, but not all that often
Twitch and Amazon partnership? was a wonderful thing for me
@KevinB there's a ton of competitors, MS tried with Beam
I got Twitch perks for having Prime :D
that was cool
I feel like there should be a content aggregation service for web content
i mean, i prefer twitch, because that's where all the people i watch are
Pay $20 a month and it'll get automatically divvied up to the creators you consume the most work from
@forresthopkinsa like reddit, twitter, digg, ..
i'm not gonna notice you start streaming on mixer unless you @everyone in discord
ohh like that
oh lol, beam is mixer
right, like patreon if it was using a netflix model
you want like a group patreon
yeah mixer is microsoft
like patreon meets humble bundle
I think it's not a bad idea
and apparently it has pretty good traffic, in terms of getting people to your stream
I think Medium is really going in the right direction with that
I always knew mixer as beam, I contributed to one of their api clients
@forresthopkinsa people still use Medium?
Medium went to the shitter
medium doesn't let me downvote garbage
therefore i hate medium
time to look on Google Trends
dev.to is always premium top notch content, and if you disagree, you're a bigot and a bully
the register is a fun read
Medium has been pretty consistently gaining steam for the past five years
not seeing any real dents in their search share
The clapping thing is really smart
I saw an email from dev.to recently with some woman's article titled something like, "Why I became a front end engineer in 3 years" or something stupid like that
those stories are on every platform. People like to tell their stories. Nothing wrong with it
dev.to is just one giant circle jerk of people who have no idea what they're doing; they just got their first job and think they're an expert in the field
literally the first article on the site dev.to/carlillo/…
Right I just opened it and I was like, wow, no kidding
> 1. Patience
@KevinB took longer than was worth it for the joke
but I've created a mockup of your future childs mobile
someone gets it
If you don't name it Jake Weary then he's not good enough for you
Hey look, that post is back on meta with the bible verse still attached
big oof
Someone else take up the fight this time
i mean, why a mobile, i get the axe turned into a fox face and the doritos
@forresthopkinsa eh, I just feel like right off the bat Medium became the exclusive place to go for thoughtfluencer shitposts/pseudoprofound bullshit, but maybe that's just me.
yea I've seen a lot more bullshit on Medium in the past two years
I end up there from Google searches pretty freqiently
The text version of an Instagram influencer in other words
I dunno, I guess I just don't run into that side of it very much
it's like quora, but with less accuracy
Half the medium articles I've read have just been plain wrong
Or how X is the new massive framework to use
or how I'm using Y wrong
but the article just shows they don't understand Y
They forget to mention they wrote X
Oh, I see what happened. They can't have an official employee post with a bible verse, so they had a mod who isn't an employee do it
Or maybe there isn't a dark Bible warrior conspiracy
One of the most frustrating early experiences I had with it was when I was trying to learn how to do something with coding and there was a conveniently titled article "how to do the thing from the absolute beginning" or something like that. Except it started with stuff like "first just grab the dependencies via npm git push blah blah" and I was like wtf is npm? Where do I type that?
Everything is a conspiracy, man
The moon isn't even real, it's a projection
A more appropriate title would've been "How to do the thing on Linux if you're already familiar with NodeJS and have NPM installed"
a projection of my insecurities maybe
You believe in projections.
everyone knows that
@MadaraUchiha don't feed it
If the moon were made of spare ribs, would you eat it?
no, it's too far away
If the projector projecting it was made out of cheese, would you eat it?
How can projections be real if our eyes aren't real?
@BenFortune What, cheese?
Yeah, it gives you gas
:looks around: fuzz is here
cheese it
doesn't that mean fart?
Fart in front of the cops then run away?
I mean, it's not illegal
I think we're getting somewhere
farting on someone is (arguably) assault.
and people have been charged for it
not on them, just close enough so they can smell it
> Bro, the wind just carried it to your nose, that's on mother nature and you
If you've been detained in their car and you fart, can they charge you with assault then? You literally could not fart anywhere else
If the concern is about exchanging body particles, then you can't breathe either
I would either make a really good lawyer, or a really awful lawyer. I can't tell
Probably. That's why I'm just a lowly software engineer
Also because I refuse to pay for education
Aside from taxes, that is
wasn't disparaging
I don't think your personality would work as a lawyer
not everyone is cut out for every job
You can say I'd be shit at it, I'm not gonna write a meta post about it
I'll just call you out on twitter instead
also, I did make a new shameoverflow post
Q: I am stressing to download jQuery on my Windows 7

Sam NatangweI am trying to download jQuery on my Windows 7 machine; I saved the file but when offline is not responding. In Chrome I get an message saying jQuery is not installed. <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> The shorthand. <script src="js/add-content.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

@ndugger The title is dumber than the question.
  handleFemaleClick = () => {
    this.setState({ gender: 1, femaleSelected: true, maleSelected: false });

  handleMaleClick = () => {
    this.setState({ gender: 2, femaleSelected: false, maleSelected: true });

<button onClick={() => this.handleFemaleClick()} style={{ background: this.state.femaleSelected ? 'red' : 'green' }}>Female</button>
<button onClick={() => this.handleMaleClick()} style={{ background: this.state.maleSelected ? 'red' : 'green' }}>Male</button>
Any tips on how I could write this "custom made" radio buttons in a cleaner way?
why do you have three properties for the same value
style={{ background: this.state.gender === 1 ? 'red' : 'green' }}
Boy do I feel stupid now, thank you :)
haha it happens
:) today, I think I'm going to make custom dev-trix ball caps and t-shirts, with
a big skull and flag that says rex piratis at the bottom
however, I think you might mean to say "rex piratarum"
"king of the pirates"
"rex piratis" is nonsense, though one could conceivably argue its translation as "the king for pirates"
the bottom line is: don't use Google Translate for Latin. It doesn't make any effort to decline or conjugate properly.
my goto when rlemon is taken is to use rrrrrlemon, because they've turned me into a pirate
also, upon googling that, there is a twitter handle with it. that's not me
but I did have to use it on .. twitch? and blogger
always 5 r's
a guy has to have standards
Thanks @forresthopkinsa!!!
@rlemon looks like there's an impostor on the loose
well, the reason I use rrrrrlemon is when rlemon is taken
stands to reason there are a few of us out there
this was a fun exchange
no, he never forwarded me any
he did mention tho that he gets email for a bunch of rlemons
So this question isn't worth of poluting stack overflow with a post, but I have a noob question regarding HTML/CSS (I think).
@Goku Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I built an angular app, and I have a component with HTML that has prime-ng elements inside of it. I noticed <p-dropdown [style]="{'width': '100%'}"></p-dropdown> effects the width, but using the syntax <p-dropdown style="width: 100%"></p-dropdown> does not work
if i was using a button then <button style="width: 100%"></button> would work fine. Anyone know what these two syntaxes are actually doing
posted on August 06, 2019 by Ruben Bridgewater

Notable changes assert: Legacy mode deprecation (DEP0089) is revoked (Colin Ihrig) #28892 crypto: The outputLength option is added to crypto.createHash (Tobias Nießen) #28805 The maxmem range is increased from 32 to 53 bits (Tobias Nießen) #28799 n-api: Added APIs for per-instance state management (Gabriel Schulhof) #28682 report: Network interfaces get included in the report (Colin Ihri

@Goku inspect the element in chrome
Will do
in the css it will tell you what styles are not being applied and which are
they will be crossed out or w/e
you can also see the difference in how the inline styles are applied
so just do both, and look for the difference.
i noticed in the <p-dropdown [style]="{'width': '100%'}"></p-dropdown> it is setting the width to 100% in chrome
when i try the other way then the other way style="width: 100%"
I get ERROR Error: Cannot find a differ supporting object 'width: 100%'
this is for the p-dropdown, not the HTML button
posted on August 06, 2019 by Bethany Nicolle Griggs

Notable changes This release patches a regression in the OpenSSL upgrade to 1.1.1c that causes intermittent hangs in machines that have low entropy. Commits [894a9dd230] - deps: cherry-pick c19c5a6 from openssl upstream (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #28983 Windows 32-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.16.2/node-v10.16.2-x86.msi Windows 64-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.16.2/node-v10

@rlemon that's hysterical
@forresthopkinsa yea, but also I'm miffed he got rlemon@gmail.
I'm stuck with rob.lemon
blackmail him
no, no we won't be doing that now
sadly I also had rlemon.com at one point.
let it expire
now someone is holding it for like 2K
of course
I have .ca
no one wants to type that
I'm not Canadian, there's nothing in it for me
ugh it's 4pm and I said I'd have a PR ready today
wasted too much time this morning
did jhawins delete his account? -.-

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