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Works fine for me on the client-side web but I've never worked in any other environment.
And I didn't say there weren't disadvantages. It's just a design tradeoff, IMO. I imagine it would be pretty stupid in a lower-level language.
Should I just shut down my site because JavaScript does not support Multi-Threading?
@user1426486 what
Jul 21 at 16:38, by Esailija
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms.
hey i just setup opensearch just like stackoverflow has.
But when i search something CHROME is not discovering it.
ok i'm suing my test server may i know why.??
Someone needs to make a git parody of Daft Punk's Technologic
git it ?
I hate the other browsers than Chrome. I cannot use all the cool feautures
@ErikReppen Blocking/non-blocking is an API thing.
I was recently thinking that someone needs to write Georgia On My Mind
Clone it, push it, branch it, pull it
Make it better, open-source it?
ya me to. but i'm having trouble with it now. related to open search.
`<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Stack Overflow" href="/opensearch.xml">
Make it, break it, fix it, share it, git it, tweet it, change it, upgrade it, Trash it!
Nice daft
Whats the correct spec for document.location ?
is it whatwg html ?
init it, touch it, commit it, break it, check it, fix it, push it, build it.
fuck it, fuck it, fuck it
function onKeyPress(event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
// enter key

document.addEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress, false);
Is this a good click code?
document.onkeypress = onKeyPress;
commit it => comm it
however I would rename my function to keyPressHandler
@user1426486 ot sure event.which is cross-browser
@dievardump clone it, branch it, patch it, fixed it, comm it, push it, pull it, close it.
Hm... oh ok... I used to do the old way (onclick="onKeyPress") I am not sure if I want to stick with it.

event listner is not cross browser.. how should I do this?
in it too
@FlorianMargaine bullshit. there is no need for boilerplate when working with lots of little modules
bullsh it
write it, build, debug, and then release it.
@user1426486 document.onkeypress = keyPressHandlerFunction;
good one
@Raynos what are you replying to?
whoops, found it
@SimonSarris click on the little arrow
@rlemon Thank you! Would this work in any browser?
@user1426486 It's an issue with early versions of Netscape
Oh ok. But like all the way down to IE 6?
It also will fail with Lynx
Who care's about ie6 O_o
Are you Chinese ?
Lynx. I must get it to work!
No. Norwegian
Do you plan to have Chinese customers ?
Nope :)
Only people living in China use IE6.
Oh Thank you! :D I should have a text shown to IE users to make them go fuck themselves
IE7- yes.
IE8 can be gracefully degraded
Why can't everyone just use Chrome... it will make everything easier!
IE9 is not a bad browser when you need to do a "website" and not a demonstration of skill
@Zirak OMG I may have to have a 5% party when it gets down there.
Well... IE sucks. Sucks balls. I am glad Chrome is going up
@dievardump 'strue
Why does a lot of Chinese use IE6?
@dievardump ok finished.
Fork it, use it, break it, fix it,
Comm it, push it, pull - request it,
Fetch it, branch it, patch it, fake it,
Merge it, ssh it, never - https it.

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Build it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Clone it, crack it, crop it, comp it,
Drag and drop it, gzip - gzlib it.

Protect it, pub it, grep it, drop it,
view it, code it, bug - just doc it,
Scrape it, scroll it, refresh and click it,
Copy it, paste it, rm - and erase it.

Name it, watch it, follow it, star it,
Gist it, encode it, salt - md5 shit,
New name for JavaScript: CScript!
ECMAScript works well for me
Yeah. I just hate the name JavaScript
Sounds like a cheap version of Java. The web is the future.... what would our children think?
What's in a name? that which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet;
So JavaScript would, were it not JavaScript call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which it owes
Without that title. JavaScript, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
I am calling it CScript
I just hate the name
But people with lisps will hate you
we don't need another CS abbrevivation
also if you ascribe so much import to names, why are you user142648?
@Esailija WDNACSA
I do not like to call myself something that people can track me down
blog that anyone can post to or edit
it's wiki without auth
> And with no auth your pages are going to be the subject of trollery
was able to edit his post
who removed my trollery
What do you mean rlemon?
The web is the future
random users randomly talking about randomness is kinda... well... random.
@rlemon wow. that's really coll stuff any one can change anything on go.
no that is shitty design
cool meaning - no auth??
or cool meaning he's rebuilding the static site each submission
site has even https warning by chrome
rlemon whats this?
any one can tell me good chat room for SEO.. need help owwwwnmm
@user1426486 The web is the future? I hope not
Can you really not imagine a better alternative to information sharing?
@Zirak yes yes there is one. tell something about something or some to a GIRL. lol :P
The Singularity is the future
@BasicBridge What does that even mean?
I too am confused by @BasicBridge's last sentence
My uncle says Java is the future
@Zirak that's an old joke. That girls are the fastest means of information sharing. JUST A JOKE.
@user1426486 Could go back to calling it Mocha.
@user1426486 You should request another uncle
@BasicBridge oooooooooooooooh
@BasicBridge okay, that makes more sense
Java is a terrible language
It takes forever to get anything done
What would you recomend?
One doesn't need profiling to figure out that coding-hours are the real bottleneck in any project
@user1426486 Haskell
Java manifested because people wanted something better; they were in pain from C. People are now noticing they're feeling pain from Java, so something else is coming (Ruby seems to be hitting it off, but there should be something else.)
@user1426486 F#.
@user1426486 See the top right corner
Is it Cross platform?
'The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs.' -- Alan Kay
Who gives a shit?
The claim that java is good because it's "cross platform" is absolute bullshit.
Woah. Zirak had an opportunity to reference anal sex and he didn't?
If you want cross-platform, use C.
@SomeKittens I don't want to discuss your sex life
@Zirak me to think so. My all friends do JAVA coding i'm alone do PHP and related sutff
> Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders. Unknown
Well... to conclude JavaScript is awesome
Your refrigerator has a C compiler.
My watch has more processing power than the last space shuttle.
People dont download exec files antmore... :)
To conclude, Java has outlived itself by miles, because while before C filled a developer niche and less a business niche, Java is now a complete storm of bloody monkey feces flying everywhere (also known as Enterprise.)
So therefore the web !
@user1426486 See my prior quotation. :-)
@Zirak so what's the future of JAVA. what you thing. right now i'm just thinking about HTML5
@user1426486 OCaml for .NET.
The web is also not good. Fuck, there's so many things wrong with the WWW to employ 4 town criers for a life-time, starting with the two major problems of staleness and broken links. The web just has to die, it has to be replaced
@xtal ... I seriously doubt it has a C compiler. It may have software that was written in C, but why the hell would it have a compiler?
Of all my chats to get starred....
@RyanKinal Well, you could interpret that sentence one of two ways! I meant there's a cross-compiler for it.
I thought xtal was joking
Ummm. Sure.
AFAIK most embedded systems are written in C.
Why not? You could upload the C source code to your refrigerator to extend it's software features.
@BasicBridge The future of java is to start dying with the generation that brought it, and then slowly decompose.
It's like compiling it beforehand, but more hip.
@xtal So... systems run compiled code. Shocker.
@Zirak is joke?
@xtal I work for an embedded systems designer. Most of it is not even coded but some dufus is using some HMI software to design it (Think design mode in VS) - Wonderware and winCC are big names
@rlemon OH GOD WHY
@RyanKinal Thingy wanted a cross-platform language ...
it is all translated down. but very little code is written by hand for these things. it's all logical states
is it recommended in the other languages
I just pulled that out of my ass
Ok. My uncle says now you are wrong - Java is scaleable
@rlemon VS?
Visual Studio
Just like C, C#, C++, Javascript, QBASIC 4.5...
@RaphaelR. hhhahahaha if anyone remembers the dickbar 'plugin'
Any software feature called design mode should die. Anyone using it should die slowly.
this was my 'fix' for it
Lol... @rlemon nice script :)
@xtal dude, 99% of the embedded industry or anyone making HMI software does it this way
I don't, i'm all up in my assembly and c
@BasicBridge @SimonSarris No jokes. I don't value myself enough to call anything I say a prediction, but whatever: I expect, hope, that in the next 10 years there will be a replacement for the HTTP protocol and all the mess it has caused. Most problems of the www are because of HTTP. I'm not saying it will replace the web, but it will exist, and catch on, because if I'm feeling the pain of the WWW, then others do, too. And then the web stack will die. JS will live as a niche.
but this is the world we live in
@user1426486 What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Oh ok... Well what is the future?
@Zirak What, on a high level, do you think could possibly replace it in that time?
Zirak is my dogs god fathers sisters brothers mothers cousins friends neighbour, and he says you are wrong.
@SimonSarris Not something that exists now (at least not that I'm aware of.)
Can't we all just go back to usenet?
@rlemon I was more referring the visual design mode often present in Microsoft sw dev products.
EVERYONE THIS IS FROM MY UNCLE: youtube.com/watch?v=yl1f1-Da0OI
@Zirak I mean if your beef is with things like dead links, which are bad, I'm not so sure there's a possible replacement
I don't aspire to know what the future is. I'm just a 92 year-old ranter with foam coming out of my mouth. But really, if the web is the best we can accomplish...
@SimonSarris There is no replacement in HTTP
Which is one of the reasons why HTTP has to die
Hey guys
HTTP was supposed to be about content, but it forgot context. And even for plain content it's overkill.
@Zirak Connection: Upgrade, Upgrade: Usenet
@Zirak but I think the web is pretty good, I have a hard time visualizing a reasonable replacement to HTTP/urls
@user1426486 funny vid, but if that is his position you're uncle is a tool . Java is only popular because Sun crammed that shit down everyones throat. There are other interpreted languages that work and can be used. and besides that Java just plain old sucks.
"Pretty good" isn't good enough. And it's fine that you can't, I only have a vague idea too, and that's because we're corrupted by it.
I have a dumb question over here about form validation: how do we select the form's lements if we grab our whole form withing our function? (ie: function test(myForm){


I tried doing myForm.input1.value but it does not work..
myForm.elements.input1 or myForm.elements['input1'];
@rlemon Hm... well, he might have been pushed Java down his throath when he was working for a company.
@rlemon thanks a lot sir.
Woah there... I almost started learning Java
there isn't anything wrong with java
'PowerPoint is just simulated acetate overhead slides, and to me, that is a kind of a moral crime.' -- Alan Kay
That interview is pure gold.
there isn't anything wrong with backhoes or scythes or pickaxes
Java isn't a scythe. It's a kind of scythe. A double-edged scythe which rips your anus out.
So... what should I learn?
Java as a language is not horrible java, as used: horrible.
Java is a ScytheFactory.
@user1426486 Whadya mean?
Q: JavaScript application design patterns

micadelliI need to write a PhoneGap application with JavaScript and I'm thinking of the code design patterns. I've read some books of JavaScript design patterns but can't really see the advantages/disadvantages on them and I think I don't understand the implementation and usage right. I would like to ha...

Jul 21 at 16:39, by Esailija
Some people see a problem and think "I know, I'll use Java!" Now they have a ProblemFactory.
Which is an interface, and you need an RealScytheFactoryAspect to instantiate one.
@Zirak What language should I learn if not web is the future.... WHAT IS?
web is
http protocol is not (hopefully)
@rlemon well people are the issue then, not java :D:D:D
@SimonSarris no java is still an issue.
@user1426486 I told you, it either doesn't exist yet, or I don't know of its existence.
rlemon do you have the jsfiddle for the markdown to tables somewhere
PHP is not a bad programming language (in concept) however the bastardization of it has made it so.... well Java in theory sounds awesome... once you start to use it and benchmark it.... eff that
I forgot it
@Esailija transcript history
@rlemon what do you hope is the new web?
@Zirak what about spedy protocol?
@user1426486 If you want the next 5 years, learn the web stack. The web is the immediate future.
@Feeds 'So extracting patterns from today's programming practices ennobles them in a way they don't deserve.' -- Alan Kay
No websites anymore, except reddit, 4chan (only /b/, of course) and quakenet.
found it:Dhttp://jsfiddle.net/Ukvx8/10/
@user1426486 Never heard of it
@Zirak its a faster protocol
Speed isn't the problem, design is
@Esailija I was looking - not just being a dick and going "Look yourself"
HTTP sucks
you just found it first :P
I made a web app. It's made in HTML5... can I do it in something else then?
Like IE6, it didn't suck at the time it was made; it was brilliant, compared to the needs and availability then. But now, it just sucks.
I was actually stupid for asking in the first place, my google fu is pretty strong
@SimonSarris Java => garbage. c# => awesome :P mono c# project.... less than awesome
@rlemon I love C#. Here is an old comment by myself: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3746863
@user1426486 you could do it in HTML 4 Transitional
1 min ago, by user1426486
I made a web app. It's made in HTML5... can I do it in something else then?
i don't know you're the one who asked
Hahah xD
: /
C# will give you RSI and make your eyes bleed. So will Java.
I just want to ... I JUST WANT A GOOD PROGRAMMING lanugage :(
For someone who appears to be trolling the room, you're not very good at being trolled yourself.
dude, they all fucking suck
we've been developing spoken and written languages for 30K years (give or take 20 thousand years) and we're still struggling to lock them down.
Because none of them express what you mean, only what you say.
ok what you guys think about PHP need last reviews.
programming languages have evolved for what? 30 some odd years? most only seeing light in the last 20
@rlemon I should make my own. This is the start of something great!
how do you expect any of them to a) last, and b) work well... the best we can do is keep learning them all in the hopes to have a better understanding of low and high level language agnostics.
When you found a language which does what you mean in a way that caters to you, which just flows out of you without stopping at any given moment, which actually expresses your ideas, then you've found a good programming language.
@Zirak whitespace does this for me
I didn't find one. js is the closest I've come. But I'm still looking, and I'm learning language design (at a turtle's pace.) You should do the same.
Whitespace sucks. There's no IDE with syntax-highlighting or debugging support.
@Zirak ya i know js is currently used in game development by software like UNITY. but you always need some connectivity via internet in any means
Because what I said about the future? It probably won't just come. So I'm trying to angle my way into it.
@BasicBridge squints eyes to see the point and relation to subject, fails horribly
@Zirak The problem is that I am a 16 year old who is still learning, but the possiblities is not here.
I'm 92 and I'm still learning, the possibilities are still not here, no matter what you are.
@rlemon JS is based on a language from the 70s.
@Zirak during your radical hip replacement surgery last month they embedded a small micro controller and supporting system board in your colon... They loaded it with a jvm ... now you shit Java bytecode
@xtal you're missing the point here - programming languages are YOUNG
thanks @Zirak !
compared to other languages
Oh yes, of course.
I am going to be wired from now... programming on my awesome web app...
@rlemon But only slowly, since everything is handled through 20 layers of indirection and Factories.
well the CrapFactory is optimized for Java bytecode soooo
... perfect reaction.
@user1426486 Enjoy. And there's something I've learned over my journeys strokes non-existing-beard The things people say about doors? They lie. There are no doors. You're in a room without a way out. So you gotta hit and punch the walls until you make a door out of it.
@rlemon LOL
I should learn SmallTalk
I'm gonna flag that!
Programming languages are about design tradeoffs. There's no one perfect language to rule them all and there never will be. There will of course be languages that mostly suck at everything like Java, but there's no accounting for taste.
Still not sure if I should be hating on TDD as publicly as I often do but I really just think it's the stupidest idea in programming.
but the question is about unit tests, not tdd?
tdd is this fanatic idea that you write tests before code, so you take a 10x producitivity hit
but I upvote anyway because I love me some TDD bashing
@ErikReppen Upvoted.
@ErikReppen I disagree.... binary. 0000 language to rule them all.
TDD makes sense if you've got a clear, firm design in mind before doing anything. It's usually accompanied by unicorn sauce.
I currently have twclaimer.com/twopcenter/internal/index.html and I wanted to allow a drag and drop layout. How can I get it fit better? Currently as you see the Ad on the right causing everything to be pushed down. But as you notice on the bottom of the page it lays the boxes nicely
Unit tests make sense. TDD doesn't so much to me.
var test_add = function(){ assertequal(add(1,2), 3); };
var add = function(a,b){ return 3; };
testing assumes you're not developing under FDD
FDD === "it's QA's problem"
Fear Driven Development.
Fuck driven development?
I actually googled that and it's feature driven development
@rlemon I think you definitely want tests then!
!!what's FDD?
@Esailija because there is one acronym to rule them all!
@Zirak FDD A transmission method that uses separate channels for the uplink and downlink. (source)
@rlemon lol, google fdd programming
7/10 results say feature driven
it's a thing
So what's featureless software then?
No, notepad can do many things.
Sorry, just answered my own question.
Featureless software would be like... an HTML only website.
I think notepad is the one windows program I have never had crash on me.
On Windows you can create processes without any threads.
@Collecter try to open a ~1gig text file
system crash
@rlemon Maybe if I had a 1gig text file. I could generate one, but eh.
It still won't open a file with unix line endings properly.
notepad dies on extreamley large files.
how can it die
it doesn't do anything
Nvr open massive files with Notepad
I expect js fiddle to die very early because it syntax highlights by creating dom elements around everything
So does any editor I know of (including notepad++). You can either filter the file before opening it or use a specialized tool for reading large files.
How do you change notepad's default syntax highlighting? It's a bit plain.
It's not the use case of a fucking NOTEPAD.
@Esailija it does. I think it's just the way it loads the files into memory? idk but I had to open a 3 year old log file that had grown out of control. was like 900meg.
I tried to open a 600,000 line xml file with notepad it crashed each time
same with large log files
@RaphaelR. Emacs never died on me
I have done regex searches on 60mb access.log with textpad.. no problem
vedit.com is the only application I have ever used that handled MASSIVE files with ease.
however the program itself is a pita
DOS had a better text editor.
never tried anything larger though
Yeah, I don't use emacs and I never tried to open a 1gig file in vim ;)
Oh I remember. EDIT had virtual space!
@Esailija welll.... the massive log files should never exist. so that I understand. however there are times when I have to 'hand' parse some large data files... I def can't do this is most windows (or any other) editors currently. even VI chugs a bit.
try textpad.. it should handle large files well, that's what I hear
vedit is just a dated editor which is over priced but works so well for the specific tasks I use it for
didn't crash on a 700mb file..
(note: I didn't pay for it, an older versions ships as part of QNX4)
this is awesome

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