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so it is just for embedded applications?
Woot just got Tenacious
Yeah I got that yesterday ><
kinda sad :*(
I want my sweet votesrep
hahaha, yeah but thats what the CSS tag is like :/
At least we can get Unsung Hero
gyar, going for the 100 consecutive days thing is annoying
i get worried over weekends that i might not remember to log in quickly to keep it going ><
ie1.5 in action
@Shaz No way! :P
Google is just a big red x now xD
...or was
Depending on which way you look at it ^^
A: Using jQuery animate on canvas objects

rspUnfortunately what you want to do would be very difficult using canvas, because once you draw a path on canvas it's just pixels so you can't just attach event handlers to it like with the DOM. Fortunately you can do it if instead of canvas you use SVG because all of the shapes in SVG are DOM nod...

@david if you were proper addicted you wouldnt worry, you just log in one day and go "hey gold badge"
fortunately... unfortunately... fortunately... unfortunately...
@MylesGray Sounds like me!
@YiJiang I just get badges for commitment now and go oh hey.. i really have a a problem :)
someone dun broke careers:
@MylesGray oh noes!!!
how wil mIcRoSoFt se mah ceeveez
(Check the HTML source of the page, there should be a comment somewhere in the middle of the page with the actual error message)
no such luck herr capitan
Ah well, what were you doing anyway? Post a bug report on MSO?
Just trying to edit my CV
im posting up a bug now
It's a test, if you fix it you get the job. ;)
ahhh cunning...
Howday everyone !
i know its slightly off topic
but is there any on-fly zip that i can enter the files ur l!?
I can't download .exe (school has blocked it)
What OS are you on?
nice online one there :)
i am on windows 7 (64bit)
If you're in Win you can use the online one @Myles posted and in the filename dialog paste the url.
@MylesGray thanks but it dosn't accept URL :(
you can only select files from your computer
ohh you need to zip an exe froma url?
Yes...in the filename dialog paste the entire url
it DL's to temp and then uploads.
the problem is that i can't download .exe
I hate "Content Keeper" !!!
yes @MylesGray i want to zip exe from a url.
I hate questions like this:
Q: Creating s style sheet with either 2 columns or 4 columns for iPhone or iPad

user663519Hi All, I am creating a web page to be accessed on both iPhone and iPad. In iPhone I want to display a 2 column web page and on iPad I want to display using a 4 column web page. iPhone layout would be <label width=30%>Name</label> <input width=70% value="John Smith"></inp...

why !?
Plz give me teh codeez
@OmeidHerat not at you man, haha
He makes NO attempt to do the CSS/@media queries himself, I dont even think he knows what @media queries are
haha I thought you said that for me @MylesGray
@MylesGray Downvote, dammit! You have teh powa!
its kind even a stupid try to make cross platform apps without @media queries
@YiJiang oh yes...
But thats mah hard earned repz
It takes your rep if you downvote?
@MylesGray Why do ya care about teh repz, imma mean, what iz tis rep thingadongdong anyway!? If ya can't eat it, it ain't worth caring for man!
@YiJiang i am sorry but your need serious help
@YiJiang Ahhz you speakz sense man, but heyz if i wuz the skeet id be king of the world
end 13-year-old kid
@jon3laze yeah -1 rep
@MylesGray But you see, nobody beats the Skeet. Nobody!
@YiJiang given that space is curved the skeets rep will one day wrap round the universe and hit him in the face thus leaving his position vulnerable to attack
Organizer :P
@MylesGray Me?
it seems like every day I'm greeted with a new spam email from my site's contact form
I just add their IP to the blacklist, save the file, upload, and smile. :)
A: Javascript in a website

Raynos<script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Should go in your <head>. This will load the script for you and then the code gets executed. Your also going to need something like <div id="countdownDisplay"></div> in your <body> for the countdown ...

4 votes :\ For such a simple answer
6 now :P
no comment on the lack of brackets in the if blocks?
why people write Javascript syntactically like a whitespace-based language boggles my mind
no comment on the evil use of setTimeout?
@david I wasnt going to fix his js code.
@MattMcDonald coffeescript?
Technically it's not broken, just, not ideal
@david its messy. and ew.
and it really needs some mvc
You need a count down view
and a count down model
and a controller to start the count down
Then you need a jQuery UI count down widget to display the countdown
preferably with some jquery tmplt aswell
You probably also need to use prototype to bring in some real OOP because thats missing aswell
might aswell include YUI for defining modules
and load head.js for loading javascript asynchronously
And you defiantly need a large test suite using zombie and node.js
To make sure that count down works!
Man, I need to start posting answers again.
@Raynos No way man! Just stick vapour.js in there, it'll work like a charm
@MattMcDonald get moar rep. Its so easy
I get rep by posting in here and helping certain people
75 rep for mentioning that you need to include it :D
I'm up 130 rep in about a week having only one recent answer
and that answer only got me a pity upvote
I guess it's because the as3 questions suck and every JS question I try to get in on gets answered by 1-3 lines of jQuery in 2 minutes or less.
Learn jQUery
I've used it before. That's beside the point.
You dont like jQuery do you
Make a fake SO account
"Is it any Good"
I think it has its uses, but I've found a lot more enjoyment learning about browser scripting for IE and beyond.
"I heard about this thing jQuery, is it any good?!"
@MattMcDonald you like doing cross browser compliance manually>?
It makes me angry trying to remember what parts of the DOM work in which browsers :\
I've been reading MSDN's docs a ton and putting together a DB with the differences between IE and other browsers for certain things
These are already in existance :)
yeah, but I like doing things myself as you've already inferred
Q: Display "Enable JavaScript" message only when JavaScript is disabled

MichaelI want to display to the user a message that says "please enable JavaScript" in the case that JavaScript is disabled. I want that message, and nothing else to be displayed when JavaScript is disabled. So, to do this, I can put the message in the DOM and hide all other elements with display:none....

His solution to not having JS enabled: add stuff to the DOM
@MattMcDonald <noscript>!! <noscript> dammit!!
haha yep
A: Display "Enable JavaScript" message only when JavaScript is disabled

DAYou really can't. The flicker is just the way it is...especially on slow mobile devices (namely Nokia...OH HOW I HATE NOKIA!) The only other option is to load a splash page first. In the HEAD add a meta refresh of several seconds that will refresh to a 'turn on javascript error'. On the BODY, ad...

I get the feeling DA really does not like Nokia ;)
can you close the document in a <noscript> tag?
<noscript> End </body></html> </noscript> ... </body></html>
@Raynos That would be invalid XHTML, but it might work.
that would make me cry
Yes it is invalid
but would it work
I don't see how it would be useful, though.
@TannerOttinger and XHTML is for losers!
@TannerOttinger it stops rendering the document if noscript is on
@Raynos Really? Why?
@TannerOttinger real people use HTML5
XHTML is so 1999.
XHTML and DHTML go hand in hand. along with Microsoft FrontPage and <marquee>
Please don't pollute chat with foul language...like the FP word.
@Raynos DHTML??? Why is DHTML filed with FP now?
DHTML is horrible microsoft terminology that goes hand in hand with HTC. It's full of IE specific hackish javascript
Well, AJAX got it's dumb term from some dumb blogger, yet people use it.
ajax is fine.
Well, dumb might not be the term, but the term AJAX is.
@Raynos And DHTML isn't?
I don't see DHTML as being used these days.
@Raynos Yeah, and HTML4 is so 2001. What's your point?
@YiJiang use HTML5. Actually use HTML6
Isn't DHTML just the oldschool term for using scripting on a page?
@david Dynamic HTML.
@david But yes, pretty much.
@david yes. But every reference i've found to it has horrible IE only code attached to it :)
Yeah i know what it stands for :p
I have a different opinion of what DHTML is.
@Raynos Which doesn't mean anything, except that the term is old and has fell out of use
@YiJiang pretty much.
The same applies to XHTML
it's old and should fall out of use. Besides it's hidious to treat HTML as XML
Whatever. People still do use XHTML, though.
I don't write complete XHTML, but I try to keep it as clean as possible.
@Raynos Meh, 99% of the time when people say XHTML they mean HTML - there is no difference whatsoever, and the browsers don't care
I see writing XHTML as insisting your HTML is valid XML.
to make it valid XML is pretty easy though
Which is not exactly a bad thing
but you have to do annoying things like closing all your tags and <div id="foo" name="foo">
HTML allow you to do some pretty horrible stuff that would confuse both people and machine
and the extra discipline is probably good.
<p>Hello there
<p>This is another paragraph! Amazing, right?
^ Valid HTML! Woo hoo!
@david That's a new one.
The junk people used to puke out and call HTML is part of the reason why browsers are so inconsistant
I personally find treating it as XML a right pain
@david used to puke out are still puking out. FTFY
besides W3C moved away from XHTML for a reaosn
Maybe it's a personal dislike of XHTML
I guess HTML 4 vs XHTML is a personal choice. If possible take HTML5 though
HTML5 has an xhtml variant doesn't it?
Q: At the end of the day, why choose XHTML over HTML?

WebDevHoboI wonder why I should use XHTML instead of HTML. XHTML is supposed to be "modularized", but I haven't seen any server side language take advantage of any of that. XHTML is also more strict, and I don't see the advantage. What does XHTML offer that I need so bad? How does it make my code "better...

@david <div align="center"><table><tbody><tr><td><font face="Arial"><p>Hello, World!</p></font></td></tr></tbody></table></div>
Oh my, tables...
that reads like a bad SQL query
great, now I'm going to think of any all-caps post as an SQL query from now on
i think everyone should drop tables...
I remember when I first started working with HTML
I would use a <table> as a "container" in the body :s
Thankfully, that's not the case anymore. ;)
Not on the topic, but this is hilarious: youtube.com/watch?v=wjpQ-oYf8oo&feature=relmfu
@Matt why would you @ something like that at me?
@Tanner ahah yeah, "This video is not available in your country" gets me every time, giggle
Really? What country are you in?
@Raynos XHTML2 was dropped beacuse it would have destroyed HTML4< compatability
not becasue it was obselete
closing tags etc i find very good for readability
It was a direct reply to your "html junk comment"
I'm in newzillland
when JSON doesn't need a parser, it'll be adopted far more
but for me, it's like having E4X in-browser
@david Is youtube not available, or is it the video?
+1 on that shaz xml parsing is hideous
if you've used e4x, XML parsing isn't difficult at all
XML needs a parser too :S it just gets done in the background... much like the JSON parsing gets done in the background if you use $.getJSON
but only FF supports it
i have yet to work out how to parse xml with php without referring to online instructions
oh good god... im 20 in 2 days ;( so old
best just go die now :P
>< don't make me smack you
i'm 25!
quarter of a centuary
i was waiting for that :P
@MylesGray what the hell? I'm 20 tomorrow.
@MattMcDonald 18th?
evil twins! you must kill each other to absorb their power!
oh its the 17th here
St. Paddy's day
hes my anti-matter counterpart
yes sir
and i live in ireland :P
Green beer
oh goodness no
it's like eating a whole loaf of bread, in a cup
definitely anti-matter
half-scottish, hate beer
highlander is coming up in my head right now
@david what more do you want?
deanliou.com/WinRG/WinRG2.htm Windows Really good edition
have a good night
night all
im off too
Night all
2 hours later…
aw, you hurt his feelings and scared him off Rebecca
12 messages moved to bin
Wooo @IvoWetzel \o
@YiJiang Hey there
@IvoWetzel The number of issue on garden is piling up a bit
:O it's like it never happened
@david Just star @RebeccaChernoff's message and move on...
@YiJiang I know, I'll take care of them on Saturday
I only have 3 hours of spare time per day at the moment, and I'm busy looking for a flat or something which is a bit closer to work
is it because it's like the only thing she has said in a month?
@david No, because its the right thing to do. Seriously.
(Also because it'll annoy her, but hey, its still the right thing to do, right?)
damnit, i always cook too much pasta
hi, experimentX. here I am . but how can I found you?
@Moumita well i just wanted to tell you that you can also get help from here
can I post my problem here
yes sure ... but i am not the expert. people will help if they can
thanks again
@Moumita i think you should ask to @YiJiang he is quite expert you know
first type @ and then username - hit tab to autocomplete and then ask for help
hello @Yi Jiang , I have a problem about jquery.. can you plz solve it
Hello @YiJiang
@Moumita Pop your question
someone might help ya
@Moumita do you know how to create image with javascript?
@experimentX what type image ? are ask about my posted question?
My Question is "How to save grid created by jquery"
@Moumita i think you want to save image of the grid.
including that grid also
@Moumita .. i meant to say that you should first be able to create image ... from a page. I mean you should know the basics first.
actually i also don't know
and wanting to know
I 'm not able to save those dropped images.
@experimentX are you check my site?
yes i have looked into your site .... and quite complicated application.
i think you want to save the picture of the grid with the figures
yes I want to save both grid and the dropped images.
I wrote a javascript but only the webpage will convert to .png format. that grid and images are not showing
@experimentX you can check it on my site. go to file > save
of course you will not be able to do that
and the application will look for this url
without any parameters
and it will generate blank ...
I didn't understand
i meant that images and grids are generated later as we do our stuff on the page
in the beginning it's blank. so the application that you are using will get the blank ...
If I want to save it after drop the image
i mean you are asking the solution, well ... i don't know with javascript to be honest
me too
however if you are really good with other server side scripting then i ... might help you
then how can I solve it?
so you are using php
well with php and ajax you might be able to do
I tried it with php also. but If I add php code with this page then the page is not runing
well can you do with php? i mean on some other page, ... you must really be proficient with GD functions
i mean can you create similar applications as ... testing with php?
if you can do that then integrating would be not so difficult
but that would be a big trouble ... so i was suggesting if there is a javascript to generate image from page.
ok I will try it
@Moumita i still i think you should ask question if you can create image with javascript or not. maybe your question might catch attention of right answer
I ask that question but there also no reply
yup i saw .. i guess we have to wait
I think no one will help me
i don't know i knew the answer i would have
i know with php .. that will take around 4 days to code
how long????
of course, first you have to create grid with php
I don't know how to do it
but the lines????
you have to create similar grid using gd functions and insert image bases on the image id and position you get
just click image to view large, moreover, its a graph not a grid that i created for .... purpose which i didn't use
still very very far from perfect
can you provide some code. and I need grid
hahaha sure ...
thanks @experimentX I will see it
sure .. modify it .... and if found anything useful, also send a copy to me.
still javascript would have been a better solution
alright catch you later ... see you around
ok see you
4 hours later…
3 more 0 score accepted answers and i get me unsung hero :)
its 25% of your ACCEPTED answers not 25% of your total answers
so its not as hard to get as everyone makes out
Didn't even know that was a badge :P
It's virtually impossible to get for those who have a lot of answers. There was a big to do about the badge when it was first added as a feature.
@AndyE Its really not that hard, its only 25% of your total accepted answers
@gsnedders wheres the docs for Carakan
In general do we have implementation documentation for Carakan, nitro and v8 ?
@MylesGray: I would have to post answers in niche tags only for several months before I could earn the badge, which means I would have to take my focus off answering questions that would be almost certainly guaranteed up votes.
Does .preventDefault() (on a <a href=""></a> link) prevent bots, for example Google Bot, from navigating to the page? Or does it find the url then go directly there?
@AndyE CSS and HTML are FULL of non-up voters :P
@MylesGray, this is me: 595 accepted, 46 unscored, 8.2%
@AndyE so you have tenacious?
your should do?
oh wait
my idiocy just kicked in
yeah that is virtually impossible
tenacious is 20%
yeah i was just working off my figures... i needed 8.2 questions with no votes for tenacious
i need 10.2 for unsung hero
and 2 more upvotes on that google question for great answer :D
I would work out how many unscored answers I'd need to reach 25% from now on, but I cba tbh :-p
Although perhaps it would be an interesting challenge :-)
Go for it.
@AndyE you could use some easy simultanious equations to work it out
Are there any other javascript documentation sources apart from MDC, MSDN & ECMA?
@MylesGray: I meant the challenge would be trying to obtain the badge
@Raynos The specs themselves?
@Raynos: i've heard w3schools is good.
You're looking for guides or references?
We all know w3schools is the best ...*cough* ;)
@AndyE you need 137 answers unscored
@AndyE that is sarcasm right?
@YiJiang The specs are ECMA.
@Raynos: sarcasm, me? I have no idea what you're talking about.
I meant a documentation for chrome/opera/safari telling me what non-standard quirky features they implement.
@MylesGray: easy.
i has 45 accepted answers :D
so i need... 3 more
@Raynos Apple has one for Safari I think
That's the one thing that's missing from Chrome, IMO - a good JS/DOM reference. Most of the time if I need to see if something is implemented in Chrome, I just use the console though.
@AndyE I know what you mean
A wiki like MDC would be good enough.
In fact, a wiki-like quirksmode.org style site would be quite good
We should set one up and call it sextupleuschools.com
We should set up something tbh
We could expand MDC with browser information
@Raynos: you'd have to get many people on board
@AndyE maybe set up a w3schools that doesn't suck.
An openly collaborated site could be a very useful reference
Someone is suggesting to use jQuery to get all elements with the same ID. :/
A: Get multiple elements by Id

Sean Patrick FloydUse a library like jQuery, it will make your life easier: var anchors = $('a[name][id=test]') // find all anchors with id test // and map them to the anchor name .map(function(unused,item){return item.name}); // this should even work around your multiple-id problem

pretty sure that's a dupe
How do we go about setting up a collaborated wiki website for this?

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