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Should use `.css({"style": "value", "style2": "value2"})` instead of `.css("style", "value").css("style2", "value2")`

Sorry about the dings. :P
its all good :)
Wow cant format the code in multiline
SO is offline?
@MylesGray thanks
Wow, been a while since I last looked at my userscript
Installed 638 times now :3
I think it only works on firefox
@MylesGray I just noticed SO uses <table>'s for its layouts :p
it seems to be using divs to me :S
\oooh, inside questions it has tables
Yeah :/
@Shaz ill deal with that tomorrow
wow they really are for layout too, at least the top one is.
Putting the comments in a table isn't objectionable imho.
I'm kinda sad that their questions on the main page aren't in a list
yeah, not very semantic; div-itis.
speaking of semantic markup, I finished Jeremy Keith's excellent little html5 book yesterday.
Admirably well-written and concise.
You an editor?
or do you have two different names?
ahah! we swordfight again!
I am your father.
OK I've got to go; we shall duel again tomorrow!
I'd sympathize with you, but you're just going to kill me, so...
what do people normally discuss in the SO chat rooms?
have been using SO, but never gone on the chat boards
very AOL days
It varies, usually what sparks a discussion is someone coming in with a question
it's also more active earlier on, quietens down around now
so one question for me would be what framework is this board built on
i'm seeing jquery
seems like is good for quick questions for beginners in here or discussion of relative merits for the code du jour
@Scott Probably node.js (my guess)
Unless you meant client specific
@Shaz this is rails or php. not node
"We are looking for a number of really great developers* to develop the next generation of Stack Overflow features. We work with C#, ASP.NET MVC and Microsoft SQL Server…"
They use asp and C#? Sheesh, I kinda assumed they used PHP, my fav language.
C#/ASP.NET has quite a lot of advantages over PHP, to be fair. Though that'll probably get me flamed.
Well, I can understand opinion.
@gsnedders I've coded in both and I agree with you.
(It's not exactly a secret that I'm no fan of PHP. gsnedders.com/php-grievances etc.)
I use it for my personal projects, but professionally I use .NET/C#
The only lang I really use is PHP. Plus, of course, CSS and JS.
@gsnedders Are you using a CMS for your blog?
@jon3laze Yes. One written in PHP. :) habariproject.org
I like it...looks very clean.
Heh, I wrote one in flat files.
@jon3laze Custom theme. But the whole thing is pretty damned clean — esp. the admin panel. Also the whole it's-not-my-fault-if-it's-broken thing kinda keeps me not really motivated enough to write something that I'd like even more.
I hear you there, I'm too lazy to roll my own. Don't want to have to maintain it.
I started writing a template language in JS once…
@gsnedders Ajax?
@Nathan awesome just picked both of those books up.
does IE just ignore caching headers?
somehting is overwriting it
2 hours later…
Happy St. Patty's I'm out!
6 hours later…
@Nathan i have both css3 and html5 books, they are really good
Hey guys
ASP.NET/C# does indeed have advantages over PHP.
I HATE .net over php.
wants to karate kick .net
I hate the nasty markup it generates
1 hour later…
Anyone know an equivalent to chr(1) in JS? Basically, I want to generate a character of ASCII code 1
String.fromCharCode(num);, nevermind
@Loktar dont use ASP controls. Use html & javascript
Use C# to store models of data
@ircmaxell have you tried (char) 1 ? You know you can do C style casts in JS right?
@ircmaxell just got your answer. .fromcharcode(<int>)
I find myself doing that ALOT @Raynos many of my aspx's will have like one or two literals
but idk it feels dirty
we are stuck on 2.0, so im stuck with literals/repeaters
the listview sounds ok.
Any way I could proxy gravatar :p
@ircmaxell I was having a laugh. That was a bad joke
Really, hrm...
Images are blocked; filter thinks it's a social network
@Loktar I'm stuck on 2.0 as well. Just seperate your HTML/JS from your ASP stuff. Ignore the auto generated HTML and never try to interact with it through javascript. It's just on the page in <div id="AutoGeneratedAspJunk"> ... </div>
What character set does JS regex work on by default?
Dont know
yeah I know @Raynos thing is with PHP I dont have to ignore it like that :P
@ircmaxell Ask on SO!
I do just ignore it, I just hate when my pages "feel" dirty
(I can't seem to find a question)
is trying to hack something
@Loktar I dont care about html though. I mean we have to nest down through FOUR <table>'s to get to our website content
Howdy everyone !
that sucks man
yeah I control how the development works here
Now the code I write rather then maintain is a lot better
so there are no tables
unless its tabular data
@ircmaxell I think the characterset of javascript is defined by the one specified in html page
I just maintain a large website from 2001 :)
i want to ask something thought its slightly off topic
that sucks @Raynos :? Ive done that maintenance stuff before at a previous job
meh its ok @OmeidHerat were talking about asp.net :P
is there any kind of website test inveronment to see how your website looks on mobile devices in your PC ?
@Loktar hahah, I know I usually don't stick with room topics, but I really don't like to interrupt when everyone is talking on same issue.
was it that hard !? :P
no one has anything to say ?
thats all i can find
but its not all webbased
@OmeidHerat I haven't seen one like that yet
There are some tools out there.
the android sdk lets emulate an android
the iphone sdk must do the same
do you care about things like nokia?
@Raynos that is a bit overwhelming to install android sdk or even move to Mac for iphone sdk to see how your website will look like
@Raynos not really
cause people who are still on nokia (andriood powered is included if there is any !) they probably don't need internet.
@OmeidHerat oh cmon. You got to be able to run the iphone sdk on windows
@Raynos virtual machine !?
@Raynos No you can't, at least not the 'official' one
@YiJiang @OmeidHerat then apple is evil
Thanks @shaz and @Raynos for websites, but i am wondring if the output is effected by browser or not
@OmeidHerat it is. Test it in safari for iphone
and opera mobile for android
thanks alot @Raynos
@YiJiang have a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/113547/…
the top answer first comment
"So I can install it as long as my computer does not have the label "non-Apple"?"
@Raynos have you ever used OS x on windows/pc ?
@OmeidHerat Awww damn! goes off to peel off Apple sticker from computer
@ircmaxell It works on the string, and all JS strings are a series UTF-16 codeunits
hahaha, yeah man i got lots of kids around with apple computers i will peel off one from they are laptop/machines and stick it to my computer and go OS x legally all the way !
@OmeidHerat god no
@ircmaxell The fact it is UTF-16 code units should only become obvious when you see surrogates.
ok anyone good in physics !?
i have a physics question
its about momentum :P
@gsnedders Really? UTF-16?
Ohh, that helps me out quite a bit
@ircmaxell What are you trying to do? How it's encoded is really irrelevant, everything in JS works on an abstract Unicode string type.
Well, it's not quite irrelivent
since if it's parsing as UTF-16, I should be able to pass a < through a regex that looks for it by appending a code-point before it
Then, if I can get the browser to treat it as UTF-8, I'm done
@ircmaxell It's only relevant insofar as non-BMP codepoints are represented by surrogates. Nothing else should be obvious at a JS level. (If you find anything where it shows through, that is a bug.)
@ircmaxell Perhaps just think about maybe think about strings as an ordered series of 16-bit unsigned words.
"Perhaps just think about maybe think about"
@OmeidHerat What's the question?
a billiard ball collides with an identical stationary ball, which moves off at an angel ofr 30 deg to the orginal direction
the total kinetic energy before the collision is the same as the the kinetic energy after the collision
prove that the first ball must be deflected through 60deg
[you can use scale diagram]
ok here is the question @ircmaxell ^^
@OmeidHerat In general, that's not true
The total energy before and after must be the same
Some of it will be converted to heat, some to sound. etc
@ircmaxell I think the question assumes a perfect system. i.e. no loss of kinetic energy
Pretty much; most physics question at this level should
@RyanKinal ture that
Well, it's still no loss of energy. You'd need to say perfectly inelastic collision for there to be no loss of kinetic energy
its a complate isloated system, no external net force
@ircmaxell my bad i should have stated that, as we assume all the question in Isolated system.
Well, isolated system doesn't matter as much as perfectly inelastic collision
perfectly inelastic collision means that all momentum is conserved. As opposed to an elastic collision where only total energy is conserved
but isn't momentum always conserved ?
I think its
if we think about newtons 2nd and 3rd law of motion
Ok, inelastic collisions mean kinetic energy is concerved
elastic means that it is not
(it's been a few years)
ok then that question covers that
thought in words not in scientific way of using the right term.
So, was the point of this conversation to determine the answer to the question, or to determine whether the question was correct?
Ok, so to start...
to determine the answer :D
The initial velocity can be described by a vector. Let's call it <0, 100>
(x, y)
Now, pre collision, you have momentum = mass * (<0, 100>)
Let's call that M0 = mass * (<0, 100)
Now, after, the collided ball goes off at 30* to vertical
dam, it's been a while
@OmeidHerat What? Did I do something wrong?
i said ok
Ok, Now, let's call the original ball b1 and the newly moving one b2
b2 travels off at an angle of 30* to the vertical.
i can't /dont know how to Prove that the first ball will deflecte with an angle of 60 and why ?
We're getting to that
so b2 has a post-collision speed |v2| which can be represetned by <cos(30) * |v2|, sin(30) * |v2|>
Now, b1 has a post collision speed |v1| which can be represented by <cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>
So, since momentum is concerved, we know that M0 = M1
quick question thats off topic. My coworker is working on a project, and he is being prodded about getting it done. He spends most time on Yahoo IM, instead of learning basic JS principles (its a js project) he has asked me for help. I can easily figure it out and have it done, but I dont think its right that as of right now Im working on this, and hes still talking on IM surfing sports sites. What is the right approach in your guys opinions who work with other devs?
so mass * <0, 100> = mass * (<cos(30) * |v2|, sin(30) * |v2|> + <cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>)
Therefore, <0, 100> = <cos(30) * |v2|, sin(30) * |v2|> + <cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>
Hmm would programmers.stackexchange.com be the best place to ask a question like that you think?
Therefore, 0 = cos(30) * |v2| + cos(Θ) * |v1| and 100 = sin(30) * |v2| + sin(Θ) * |v1|
@Loktar i reckon that is the right place though usaly this kind of question gets down voted as its "what you think" question.
can you explain this line please ,
"so mass * <0, 100> = mass * (<cos(30) * |v2|, sin(30) * |v2|> + <cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>)"
i don't quite get it
probably i don't understand the notation
M0 = M1
M1 = mass * <cos(30) * |v2|, sin(30) * |v2|> + mass * <cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>
so I simply factored out mass
ooh you guys are working on fun stuff
yes but i actully don't get this "<cos(Θ) * |v1|, sin(Θ) * |v1|>"
Well, that's the vector for the ball post-collision
@Loktar That's a tough one. You could take the sneaky, backhanded route, just do the work, and when he's asked about it, he'll obviously have no idea what the's talking about.
@Loktar Or, you could take the benevolent route and help him out, at his machine.
ok now i got it
Push him in the right direction
So, now we have 2 equations with three unknowns, so we have a problem?
a vector from cos(Θ) * |v1| to sin(Θ) * |v1|
@ircmaxell Do we care about the mass of the balls? Can't we assume it's 1, since they're all identical?
Now, here's the 60 million dollar question... Where are we going to find another equation?
@RyanKinal Correct, it will all cancel out in the end. I kept it in for consistency
So, what are the unknowns?
@OmeidHerat: any idea where we can find another equation?
from the fact that KEnergy initial = KEnergy final ?
@RyanKinal Theta, |v1| and |v2|
@OmeidHerat Exactly. That's why the inelastic part was critical
So, ke0 = m * |v0| ^ 2
or ke0 = 100 ^ 2
@OmeidHerat You want to try the rest?
0.5*m1*v1^2 = 0.5*m2*v2^2
not precisely. ke0 = ke1 + ke2
so 0.5 * m * v0^2 = 0.5 * m * v1^2 + 0.5 * m * v2^2
then [(0.5*m1*v1^2) + (0.5*m2*v2^2)]
So, now you have 3 equations, and 3 unknowns
simply solve them all and you're done
hemm sounds good !
@OmeidHerat Make sense?
yup yup !
this will help me fine theta it means the angle !
Thanks alot !
No problem!
loves physics (even though it's been a few years)
guys what's the best way to have a clock with server time on a web page!?
if i couldn't get my Electronics eng probably it will be my last year for a long time
@luca, i would say finding out the client time zone works the best
@ajax is always an option but its a bit expensive
@RyanKinal yeah I considered that, but I dont know, I think Im just going to treat it as he treats all his work
Im just not going to do it.
I have my own projects im currently working on, and this is a relatively easy one hes doing.
lol as I type this he is looking at softball shirt designs
@luca or the other way is to add the time and increment it by one every second
getting the other developers opinion lol.
hahahah @Loktar
Kick him in the butt !
i wish man... he was stuck for 2 weeks on an error.. i fixed it in 2 minutes. The error was he was using a forward slash when calling his js file.
damn it !
the first one it's a clean solution should work..
@Loktar Yeah, that is the third option. Just let him not do his work, and eventually get canned :-P
Speaking of work, I have a meeting
Hey guys.
Anyone have experience with Sencha Touch?
@luca its clean but a bit tricky thought, you can't really on your client information or even GeoIP could be wrong sometimes
the best option is to ask the user/client to enter they are timezone if its possible for you
now i was having a doubt..Im quite new with js..so my question might seem stupid..I have stored in DB a bunch of data with individual datetimes.Now i have all of them displayed on a web page.but whenever the user loads the page automatically phpscript deletes from db expired datetime-rows...so I was wondering ..the deletetion relies on server time..right?? and how should be handled this scenario with users from different timezones?
Anyone with Sencha Touch experience at all?
awh man i missed some kinematics!
no way i love physics
wasnt being sarcastic
I do actually love solving equations
@MylesGray I can't for the life of me remember any of the equations
So I just doodle graphs instead
@YiJiang I just have them embedded in my head, we don't have a choice here we have to learn them
I did Math, Physics and Technology + Design for my A-Levels so im very theory orientated
where are @MylesGray ?
cause i am exactly in your shoes !
S = UT+(1/2)A(T^2) how i've missed you
@OmeidHerat Im in Northern Ireland - We do the UK board stuff here
i am doing math (studies + specialist ) , physics and technology + design
hemm fair enough
so we do here in Australia as well
@MylesGray I'd probably need to memorize the equation for tests but for now 90% of the the homework can be solved with graphs, so that's what I do
@OmeidHerat awesome, physics is great fun at A-level the more theoretical it gets the better it is
@YiJiang I learned them like rhymes
Guys I love this MS math !
its soo good !
has anyone tried ?
MS math?
Microsoft Mathematics
@OmeidHerat what is that?
it actully shows the steps for lots of problems
its a kind of super extra advanced awesome graphic calc/ problem solver !
pah, if you cant solve a triple integration in your head you arent a man
I'm doing the 'standard' Math Physics Chemistry Economics subjects
@MylesGray glares
@YiJiang not serious
@MylesGray I couldn't survive without this MS math
@OmeidHerat whats wrong with pen+paper?
i have to do some kind of invigorations and then prove the Formula and gets too messy !
when it comes to exams thats all you have, your best jsut sticking to basics cause if you dont youll get catught out
look at this (y-(-abc/2+ab^2/8+ba^2/8+ca^2/4+cb^2/4-a^3/8-b^3/8))/(x-(a+b)/2))
thats pretty ugly, what are we deriving it to?
that has to be a differential/integral or = to something surely?
its starts from a simple thing
or do you just have to reduce it?
and we have to prove that the tangent to the middle point between of most negative and middle zero will intersect the curve again at the 3rd zero.
or in numbers prove that Mt of (x-a)(x-b)(x-c) at x= (a-b)/2 will intersect the curve (which (x-a)(x-b)(x-c) ) at the c
and it gets too ugly !
btw, microsoft mathmetatics is free and it worths a try !
hmm ill take a look :)
anyhoo im off home :)
ciao all
@MylesGray Bye!
@YiJiang @OmeidHerat later guys :)
@YiJiang wanna give that a try ?
later mang !
@OmeidHerat Not on Windows right now, unfortunately
no the question
or better said, the problem
Uh, no. My math isn't very good, and I don't think the teachers have covered anything like that, so no
have you studied derivation ?
slope of tangent and stuff like this ?
@OmeidHerat Yes
its all about that
just a super complicted one :(D
I'm not sure what the problem meant by 'middle zero' and '3rd zero'
zero means root
UGh. lol going through this devs code and he has this in a for loop, i<array.length-1
he gets paid around 80k a year mind you.
ah mang !
that is not fair !
And Mt would be derivation?
slope of tangent
so the roots are a,b and c
the most negative one is a and of course the middle one is b
i should have also stated that it says a<b<c
I don't think I've seen a problem like this, nothing this complicated at least
its actuly simple but gets ugly
you will find the slope of tangent at (a+b)/2 [which is middle point of most negative and middle zero, a and b]
then you will find the function of the slope of the tangent to that point
then you find when the function of slope of the tangent is equal to the function (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)
and it should be c !
simple nah ?
OK mang @YiJiang i am out now
catch you latter !
proofs suck
no shit !
it does !
Q: Eeeeeeek! How does this question have 20 (and growing!) close votes without being closed?

marcogShould I use a 64Bit or 32Bit Linux for a high throughput LAMP server? has 20 close votes. Here's a screenshot from when it was on 9: All of them are for off-topic SF (this was at least true when I casted the 9th vote). How come it hasn't been closed yet?

Any 3k'ers want to throw in a few more votes? :P

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