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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

@TaylorSpark who has been mean to you......
FFS... the fricking root links were REMOVED from my projects page... Fricking crappy github pages synchronization...
all my /links were turned to links .... so it justs goes from /projects/links instead of redirecting to /links... REEE now I gotta add em back again bec fricking github desktop didnt upload correctly LIKE 20 COMMITS AGO
@rlemon I just got your So Dark Chat. Do you have one that work on all of chrome?
that's a shame
that would also be next to impossible.
you want a dark chat? just get stylus or a personal CSS changers and change the colors
thanks tips
Should I get rid of this... blue... to everything? change it to something a bit more modern or natural looking? skylerspark.github.io Also Im probably going to delete that background, as it goes against true HTML markdown, and IDK who owns it, so I cant give credit
HTML chat literally hasnt had people in it in 10 hours except me, and its dead rn
so I cant ask for design tips there
that's a shame
@Cereal thanks, but Im removing it. on ios it literally runs the website at like 2 fps bec ios sucks
so Yeah going back to plain boring background I guess
Did you just...literally type out "Reee"?
if no one visits the site then why do you care what it looks like?
@StephanS oml did you not understand the first time, Its just a TEST. Once I finish it, if I really like it, i will start using it as my official website
rn its just a template im building off of
@Cereal the page is empty, just tons of text
the css must be dead
works fine for me
there's 511 pages, and you can navigate through them to see all the designs
Works for me too
The common denominator in all these issues and things "sucking" as you like to say...is you.
I'm also getting 502 on the stylesheet
me too
only 1 of the images is appearing
the stylesheet though isn't required for the images to show up
only 1 image is showing up
ohh sure. I'm just sayin
Weird, works for me
many of the images on the first page are almost white
If it ever starts working, that's a good place to get static backgrounds
if you're looking at them with a white background, it might be hard for you to see them.
If you hover over the preview, a button will appear that you can click to apply the background to the entire site
ok but there is an argument to be made that webdesign doesn't have to be amazing for a site to get traffic
I found a few places with some good tips on background design and such
also how do you do the whole "images/text fade in as you scroll down"
noticed alot of pages do that
a white background is probably the best way to go
and some css
it'd look nice on an intro page
@rlemon some html too
use xhtml
html too?
nahh I'm out
that's too much
no html
You're in luck! Modern websites do it all in javascript
insert with javascript
javascript generating svg's
ill search it up later
interactivity is actually in an image map
image maps don't get enough credit
there's a website that really helps with plotting image map points
you could literally make a whole webpage out of an image map as long as it's not a dynamic webpage
@StephanS yeah as long as you NEVER want to update the data
Image maps are shit for actual websites with any text data for a multitude of reasons
no i always use image maps
- my code is working fine with reduce method.
- but I am not able to make it work using reduce method.
Q: convert reduce to map for api call

zi zi my code is working fine with reduce method. but I am not able to make it work using reduce method. I debugged the code but still no luck. I read through the below links for map method but still not able to fix it. https://medium.com/@JeffLombardJr/understanding-foreach-map-filter-and-find-in-jav...

i assume the second bullet should read "but I am not able to make it work using map method"
a true poet
map and reduce don't do the same thing though
but my work vpn won't load so so I'll never know what he's trying to do
reduce does everything
except expand
I wrote some terrible code for parsing csv's
Well I guess it could actually, if you were running it into an array
with bad reduces
function parseCSV(csvString) {
  const [headerString, ...lines] = csvString.trim().split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
  const headers = headerString.split(',');
  return lines.reduce((arr, line) => {
    const entry = line.split(',').reduce((obj, value, index) => {
      obj[headers[index]] = value;
      return obj;
    }, {});
    return arr;
  }, []);
super nice code.
doesn't handle quotes
doesn't need to
parsing csv files with only ints
ruby has a csv lib in the stdlib
there are (ofc) free libs to do this in node and front end
I actually use it on yuela to parse arguments
hm, must have replaced it with something, it's not coming up
Oh there it is
name, output, *rest = CSV.parse_line(args.join(' '), col_sep: ' ')
how do I clear the cache of a specific site
devtools can do all the things
For chrome, open dev tools, right click refresh and empty cache and hard reload
I think my website is running a cached CSS file from before
I completely changed the design
the new html appeared, but after 20 minutes
still no new design
I put it all in the css
ctrl+f5 is usually enough for stylesheets
That fixed it, but now my background looks like shit
offline it looks much different
trying an ambient style
wtf is wrong with the backgggground
@StephanS ^ will save you heartache
disables cache when dev tools are open.
@Loktar what?
You and @TaylorSpark look the same to me
Was in response to "how do I clear the cache of a specific site"
skylerspark.github.io this looks much better now.... 100% height doesnt seem to register correctly on github pages
Other background looked way better
is there a way to always get a css attribute 100% to the page height?
@Loktar everyone else said it was a shitty background and shitty website
so I changed to a "pre made" style
who cares what they say, it was way cooler looking
It wasnt even my background
I practically stole it
As opposed to this one?
Did you take this picture lol
       padding: 0 ;
       margin: 0;
       height: 100%;

lol looks a bit funky
@TaylorSpark white back ground
I don't like backgrounds that draw attention
I didn't say it was a shitty background, I just said credit the guy who made it
The whole reason I looked up who madeit was because it was cool
if it's gonna have a texture, it shouldn't be so loud that it draws your eyes toward it
that's myspace territory
If you want a good background
personal websites are a place to show off, they can be guady
as long as you're not applying for a design/ux position
i can't read that site lol
yeah that background is annoying af
The one I linked, yours is whatever
@Loktar I mean like benji or lemon's site
the backgrounds are 10000% just showing off
its a fuckin bland background from the sky... opposed to the super performance munching blue blob rolling animation thing before
It's the last thing I'd focus on
I like it the way i like it... dont gotta say "its anoyying af"
we use a white background
let the content do the talking
@TaylorSpark you're mis-interpreting what he's saying
@TaylorSpark wasn't talking about yours
yours is just butt ugly
Huh, @rlemon the clouds on your website run at like 1fps now
look at google, facebook or any other site
the webgl one was annoying af
white background
wdym "funky
looks fine to me
personally, i don't like how obvious it is that it is tiled
Who said funky besides you?
Maybe your screens resolution outweighs the design
Ah that explains it you're on a really small resolution apparently
idk how to center shit so its universal
5 mins ago, by Loktar
lol looks a bit funky
Oh yeah the sizing is fucked :p
well yeah i have like the worst pc screen ever
@TaylorSpark margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto
or uhh... margin: 0 auto
I never learned the shorthands :(
or display: flex, justify-content: center
whenever I try to center stuff with tricks like "margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" it never works
it always glitches out
sometimes does nothing
Remove position: absolute
Do a few HTML/CSS tutorials
I dont have that on there cereal
that's pretty basic stuff you want to get nailed down
you dont get it
No YOU don't clearly..
> whenever I try to center stuff with tricks like "margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" it never works
it always glitches out
IVE DONE THE TUTORIALS... it just doesnt work bec my pc is crap or something :l
You need to do more then, read a book
need more info
read mdn
hit f12
omfg, you guys are starting to turn into rlemon
@TaylorSpark who says we aren't him already
You're just throwing code at a wall to see what happens
that's not the way to go about it you need to understand it
rlemon made us
all I did was remove position: absolute, and add margin: 0 auto;
we're bots
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
trick aren't stupid
omfg I just dont want to continue to try all these stupid tricks, and have to apply them to all my sites, only to find out it doesnt work, and then remake it again
So... take some time to get some understanding
they aren't "Tricks"
stupid tricks lol
traps are stupid
A margin is space around an element
> I just threw tires at my car and it won't even start still!!!
If you set the left and right margins to auto, they will fill the available space
thereby centering the element
Im simply wondering why if I go to a blank HTMl slate, and try to center an element with something so simple, it fucking flies off into the corner, or it does nothing
unless you're using IE8
Euw no
latest chrome
no one uses IE kevin
why would you even suggest that
that's not true unfortunately
I mean no one whos not living under a rock uses IE
the Patricks of our world are the only ones stuck in IE
anyone want to play hangman rlemon fixed it earlier
They probably know how to center a webpage though
badum tish
oh stfu :/
huh. we had a support ticket come in recently about a redirect from paypal back to our site was resulting in the user being no longer logged in. Firefox was the culplrit
that's a problem that used to only happen in old versions of IE
  |   |

!!hang e
  |   |
  |   O
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
e, o
@KevinB firefox disconnects websockets if you click on a file download link. Like if you have an anchor that points to a attachment, it will disonnect the websocket and reconnect immediately, as if you left the page
!!hang i
Keep getting reports about that because the user gets notified when the websocket disconnects..
  |   |
  |   O
e, i, o
!!ban Stephans
@Cereal The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
this damn privacy crusade theyre on is causing headaches
How do i make sure the background will stick to the whole size of the page no matter what?
100% 100% only works offline
css background cover (that's a search term)
Ive been gone for like a month from coding
 height: 100%;
I need a few reminders on things
I went like 4k miles away
def kinda forgot about programming entirely for a while
do the same with the body and the background element
The first 6 results i got were relevant
Javascript chatroom isn't the place to ask HTML/CSS questions
eh, no, HTML/CSS questions are fine here.
the room name is JavaScript, the room scope is NOT just javascript.
btw @StephanS the webdev server is dead
I kinda am forced to ask here, or hope in the name of god that HTML gets enough people to chat
something as simple as making a background fit a page ca be answered by google
Also @StephanS I think your "solution" is a bit off, when applying that css to both body and html, the background will leave a small white bar at the bottom of the screen
use your dev tools
they will quite efficiently tell you why there is a white bar down there.
Probably a margin
@KevinB That would require thinking for himself
this would probably be better
html {
  background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
  -moz-background-size: cover;
  -o-background-size: cover;
  background-size: cover;
these are great resources to checkout


I already got it covered
@Cereal Sorry, I just reread the rules "trying to hack hangman."
my bad
1 hour later…
Q: How to group array javascript array?

Hanif PermanaI have a json structure like this ? [ { "element": "Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini menerangkan bahwa :\r", "type": "text" }, { "type": "table", "data": "Nama\t:\t[nama_lengkap]\r" }, { "type": "table", "data": "Binti\t:\t[nama...

3 hours later…
Q: How to wrap quotes in a div in JavaScript

Tony ScialoGiven the below string, what is the best way to wrap the quotes in a div? let someString = 'This is some string. \" Wow what a cool string.\" It would be cool if I could wrap the quotes in a div. \" Yeah that would be cool. \" Wish I knew how' So the outputed string would look like: 'This is ...

Naruto and front-end deving for the weekend. I think I scored a sweet gig by accident :)
@Cereal yea and they max your cpu.
no clue
@OvieTrix Naruto's a loser.
grumbling to self about meddling kids and their foxes
@MadaraUchiha, Naruto is my favorite I just started Shippuden on ep 9.
Oho, so you don't even know who I am yet :)
You will learn, young one. You will learn.
wtf, can Jon skeet be my new father?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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