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is anyone alive?
@Dave I'll take a look for you :)
what is data[9] to start out with?
do a console.log() on it
you are doing for (i in Array) {, but that code is meant for an object ;)
do for (i=0;i<array_data.length;i++) {
you know what... I was off, but it looks like you already have an answer :)
1 hour later…
Worry Is An Enemy of Learning....But Learning is a Mother of Life
Good Morning
OH... MY... GOD...
The New Boston is worse than dbz...
a video tutorial for a simple 2 lines of code >_<
hello everyone
hello :)
Why doesn't #world_list contain all the contents in it?
It just seems to be 0px tall unless I do position: absolute;
Q: Have to hardcode Array values when using PHP arrays in JS

KeithsoulasaIn the code below , i'm only able to get PHP arrays in javascript to work when I hard code the value . Is this the only way to get it to work, or is their a way to copy the entire PHP array into Javacript . Right now I'm tempted to just create a function chart() for each set of PHP array values. ...

2 hours later…
A: Dynamically remove rows in DOM table

IsaacThanks for your help. I tried following your suggestion, but the if statement seems to be getting ignored. Here's what I have now: function filter(){ if (document.getElementById("public").checked) { var nodes = document.body.getElementsByTagName('tr') ...

same issue for me..someone could help..?
A: Dynamically remove rows in DOM table

IsaacThanks for your help. I tried following your suggestion, but the if statement seems to be getting ignored. Here's what I have now: function filter(){ if (document.getElementById("public").checked) { var nodes = document.body.getElementsByTagName('tr') ...

@Satheesh No idea, but no reason to spam it :)
Problem with browser.
@Satheesh var node= nodes[1];? Replace the 1 with the iterator?
(in your case, z or i)
Haha Zirak maybe a bit :P
@AndersMetnik He just did...everything wrong
He said he wanted the last word when he wanted the first, he expected the use of "jquery or javascript" (because jquery is obviously a language superior to js sent from the gods of logic and reason), and he just didn't make any sense
@Zirak Yeah i realize that, still looks overkill :P
Q: open source level editor for HTML5 platform game?

Lai Yu-HsuanA natty GUI editor is very helpful to create level map. I want to use some open-source choices rather than build my own one from scratch. I found Tiled Map Editor but it doesn't fit platform game. ps. Though I'm building HTML5 game, I don't have to use a HTML5 level editor as long as it can outp...

Zirak You don't touch jquery-mobile at all do ya?
have some serious issues with size of googlemaps in jquerymobile/jquery-plugin.
Anyone have anyone in here tried playing with it?
That would be an accurate prediction
@Zirak no hope yet..the first row is always removed despite of the condn check
Let me demonstrate with a quick example:
@Raynos doesn't surprise me, that's the problem with your approach of little modules doing their job, it works fine, but it's a pain to get started up. Boilerplates are a way to get started right away, that's why I made ncore-boilerplate back then :p
!!>var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3]; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i +=1) { console.log(arr[i]); }
@Zirak undefined Logged: 0, 1, 2, 3
!!>var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3]; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i +=1) { console.log(arr[1]); }
@Zirak undefined Logged: 1, 1, 1, 1
Do you see the problem? If you want to start with the second element, then just:
!!>var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3]; for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i +=1) { console.log(arr[i]); }
@Zirak undefined Logged: 1, 2, 3
!!> [0,2,3,4].forEach( console.log );
@FlorianMargaine undefined Logged: 0, 0, [0,2,3,4], 2, 1, [0,2,3,4], 3, 2, [0,2,3,4], 4, 3, [0,2,3,4]
I get "TypeError: Illegal invocation" in console
I fake a console object
ah, get it
it calls all the arguments every time
I mean, it logs*
ah yeah, hehe
element, index, array
it's a shame it doesn't work in console :(
Lookey lookey, you got 7 stars!
@Zirak my code if (document.getElementById("private").checked) {
var nodes = document.getElementById("Univtable").getElementsByTagName('tr')
for(var i=0; i <univArray.length; i++ ) {
var node= nodes[i];
if (univArray[i].ownership != "private")
And still not removed. Impressive. I couldn't get away with a masturbation joke
yeah I'm impressed, I thought it'd get me banned + message deleted
@Satheesh And you said you wanted to skip the first, so in the beginning of the for loop, instead of setting i to 0, set it to 1
where can I buy this t shirt?
Just make order it from somewhere, where you can decide the print yourself :)
Florian ever played with googlemap?
I need to get the map to fullscreen, but when I set it to %s it doesn't appear at all. Some issue with height afaik.
How to get around this, you know? :)
(it's in collaboration with jquery+mobile)
no idea, sorry
but the api docs are really good, you should see on the reference
@BeNdErR Ah. Too expensive for a girl
or, even better, you can draw the design by yourself, go to qwertee.com, upload, get voted and then buy your tee for 10$!
@zirak tried all possibilities..still not working..fetches wrong records always..
is there a way you could parallelise a javascript program :P
@FlorianMargaine thanks, it says I might need to disable the ajax, and shows how to do it in a a href link. But I use $.mobile.changePage how can I in this page disable ajax? :)
nvm $.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false; :P
Hi , I have the situation that i need to show popup coming from showSmartLoginDialog() inside fancybox . Is it possible ? kindly advice
answered his first answer in ages
do another one:
Holy cow. I have no idea.
Me neither :-/
Why do you select the same element so many times?
You're querying map_canvas three times.
DOM operation = slow
avoid them as much as you can
if you can't, cache as much as you can
hello @OctavianDamiean o/
Yo. o/
so use $('#mapmode'). instead of document.getElementById("map_canvas").? :)
ofc with mapmode / map_canvas in both ;)
Nah, first of all try to select in only once. If you need continued access on that element then cache it.
var tehElementz = $('#tehelementz');
    var canvas = document.getElementById("map_canvas");
like that? :)
canvas has width and height properties
    width: $(window).width(),
    height: $(window).height();
@Esailija hugs
But doesn't really fix my problem :P
But thanks for the code optimization/correction :)
@Esailija It complains about the ";" after height() is that correct to remove it?
it is correct to remove it
@Esailija is just a noob doing syntax errors
I am very tired for some reason
the day isn't starting for me
Sleep deprived?
well earlier this week yes, but I slept at least 8 hours last night
The weather is killing me. :(
raining here all week \o
yeah I know the feeling, WAY TO HOT!
Too hot? Nah, the damn rain and the atmospheric pressure are killing me. Especially the atmospheric pressure due to my sinusitis ...
There's no better feeling than to wake up with a headache ... best way to start a day.
0 wind, 25 degrees with decent hígh humidity :/
@FlorianMargaine NOT dubstep!
Worst ever music for that.
worst music for everything ;)
Q: Redis data structure for networking site

Manish SapkalI am developing a social networking website, and in this website I am giving friend suggesstion, friend list, mutual friends list (between logged in user and another user). I am doing all this very well in SQL. I have following tables in MS SQL 2008. CountryMaster (CountryID (Pk), CountryName) ...

flag for migration to dba.SE pls
you have to consider if that's well received there either
like you wouldn't migrate "how to calculate 4+2" to math.stackexcahnge
Migration Rule #1: Don't migrate crap!
Learned it the hard way.
it's totally for dba.se there
asking for help to structure some redis datas
anyone of you did ever use "executeSql" function for sqlite database in js?
wish someone could help me:
@AndersMetnik put the question's link in another chat message
like this
Q: How to fullscreen googlemaps with jqueryplugin

Anders MetnikAs you see on the below picture, the map only shows up in upper left corner, It is possible to drag it around on the whole screen, but it will jump back to that square and only be displayed there. So I'm wondering how I can fix this? Below the picture You'll find my html, a list of plugins, and...

it makes a nice box this way :)
and we see the title etc right away.
Hi anyone knows about smartlogin magento jquery plugin
128 questions/47 answers... SO = google?
@FlorianMargaine thanks for reply I checked on google with my requirement. Seems not able to find
@FlorianMargaine okay will just spam/try it out :)
hmmf didnt work
Or was it just for me it didn't work?
not working :(
remove the ?rq=1
Q: How can I display a full screen google map with jQuery Mobile?

ShahjalalThe following code displays strange output. I should see a full screen mobile map. But for some reason it shows on just a portion of the screen. I am using jquery.ui.map for mapping. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Page</title> <meta name=...

see? :)
Q: How to fullscreen googlemaps with jqueryplugin

Anders MetnikAs you see on the below picture, the map only shows up in upper left corner, It is possible to drag it around on the whole screen, but it will jump back to that square and only be displayed there. So I'm wondering how I can fix this? Below the picture You'll find my html, a list of plugins, and...

There we go
it's the same for images btw
and for youtube videos? same?
youtube videos too, yep
and gist too
Rofl trolling ftw
jQuery is like the matrix; It's everything, and it's nothing. Everything in that it can do pretty much everything you'd ever need, and nothing in that it's nothing more than javascript. — Jamiec 1 min ago
it's a shame we can't downvote comments ;(
yeah indeed
mmm given this code:

function test(value){
this.val = value;

var xxx = new test("testVal");

what's the TYPE difference between:
abc = xxx.val and xxx.val ?
i'm trying to pass arguments in a sqlite query: the function accepts abc but discards xxx.val
and with discards i mean throws this error:

undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'xxx.val')
hmm might be totally wrong, but when you do it like that isn't xxx.val a reference to the value, and not the value itself?
It's definitely my best estimate with very limited js knowledge ;)
@BeNdErR there's no difference, you must be doing something else wrong
mmm i can't understand where
using abc will make everything work
while using xxx.val gives error
@ToyHunter You're not OOP enough ;) JS is object to its core: a function is an object. You're probably coming from a half-assed OOP language :-) — Florian Margaine 8 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine It's javascript that is misleading imho. A function usually isn't an object.
Was very hard for me to grasp early aswell but you did help a lot with explainations :)
so, http://jsfiddle.net/22gZ3/84/

where i'm doing something wrong :O
like that the code works, but if I move itemOrderArray inside the query (ie itemOrderArray.group_id instead of gr_id) it throws me that error
the alert is there only for debug purposes. it prints every value, and they're printed correctly so it's not a variable value problem.
@AndersMetnik what do you mean by "usually"? :)
if you've programmed in js/python/ruby where function are first class objects, js is the usual behavior :p
(and I'm sure there are other languages like this)
hai frniends iam new to stack chat..
welcome :)
Q: Should the not-an-answer flag description be clarified?

EsailijaChecking the moderator tools this morning I see 60 not-an-answer flags out of which only a several I could agree with. The rest were just bad answers, wrong answers or lazy answers. The way I understand from experience, is that an answer is not-an-answer if the contents of the post cannot be int...

anybody tell me tha how can acces a json located remotely( cross domain) from our html file using javascript
use your magic wand, it should help.
@FlorianMargaine C and its variants, java, android ;)
yeah, "classical oop", not "real oop"
@FlorianMargaine If that's how you describe them, fair enough :)
and js is a variant of C btw :x
C has no object also
android is just java
so much wrong in just 5 words :p
C++, C#, java
android is just java as jquery is just js ?
@GNi33 o/
@AndersMetnik no, not even close
android is just the OS
the android apps are written in java
there is an android sdk
hm, yeah, it's kinda like a java library
my bad
Heheh :P
android is just an os
android sdk is just java as jquery is just js
or maybe it has some C++ in it, dunno
it does :)
it was more because of "android is just java" ;)
That i said as jquery is just js ;)
Hi guys
wanted help over jquery mobile
someone could help ??
Metaquestions ("can someone help with ...") are bad, ask an actual question or, if it's nothing trivial, post a link to your question on SO
@AndersMetnik Technically speaking Android is just Java. :D
is there any easier way out for handling ajax calls in jquery mobile to add them in the hash ?
rather than adding it manually to the hash and making ajax calls on the hash change ?
@OctavianDamiean Just like technical speaking jquery is just js
But it's a simplification of what really goes on behind the curtains.
@AndersMetnik actually, the sdk is rather an executable, so not really jquery to js
@OctavianDamiean uh, no
@ThiefMaster - When u talking about meta
android is just C at its core
it applies to SO
I'm not talking about meta.so
and in chat room u will be talking casually
@FlorianMargaine Well, comes down how much you want to break the down into.
and thats the sole reason y SO added chat
android is just a linux distribution :p
But yea, at its core it is a Linux kernel with a special Java VM.
A metaquestion is a question such as "is someone familiar with xxx" instead of "i have problem yyy with xxx, ..."
for example, "wanted help over jquery mobile" is not useful at all without mentioning what the actual issue is
jesus all this because of saying that functions is a misleading word to use for objects
@ThiefMaster - is this a post ??
@AndersMetnik :D
that's the js chat magic :]
Its kind of fun, but i really need help with that danm gmaps :-/
hu, yeah
gtfo then.
@ThiefMaster - So could ya help me with jquery mob ?
I'm not familiar with it, so no.
tel me
asking another meta question
and hoping to get some help? :p
But you can probably use $.ajax() if you don't need history/hash stuff
I do need it
but i dont have multiple pages
the content is to build on the clientside
@GreatarJun - yes please ?
what exactly i want to do is
that when my ajax calls are made
i want to enable bbq
so that back buttons give out diff states to the customer
@bhuvin Try to break your sentences down to one word a line to be even more efficient when chatting. /rant
@bhuvin Please write you question in 1 chat message instead of spamming the channel and use ctrl+k.
Else go to www.stackoverflow.com and make a question and then link it in here. :)
if you have a real question, ask it on the main site
if you have a small question, ask google
if you just want to rant, come here
ohh well going home to rest the knee injuri, ttyl guys :)
hides from diamond users because he is ignoring the summer of love
Q: nodejs nowjs expressjs socketio easiest way for push notifications

whatfI wanted to implement real time push notification to one of the apps written in RoR. I don't have any experience with nodejs, nowjs, express or socketio. What would be the easiest way to implement the realtime push notification system?

haha awesome!
Forking redefined. :D
Q: Dynamic list-view population - on custom ajax calls in jquery mobile , Handling Back button queries

bhuvinI am having a jquery Mobile page . It has a deep list which has got Category at the parent level, on click it fetches the sub categories and populates them to the list. Now the thing is that in this i have to handle back buttons . I could take care of this using Ben Alman's BBQ but then everythi...

@OctavianDamiean ,@FlorianMargaine , @AndersMetnik could ya help ?
Q: Javascript Code Check - Homework

George LiCan you please check if I written the code correct? Part of my homework, cheers. The task was: • Calculate the user's month of birth as a number where January=0 through to December=11. • Take the string entered • Get the substring being the first three characters • Convert to uppercase ...

Perl variables are fun. my $word;
Hello Mr. Moustache.
    <category name="laughter" />
    <intensity value="4.2" />
Hello mustache brother @Zirak.
real example
<emotion category-set="http://www.w3.org/TR/emotion-voc/xml#everyday-categories"
    <category name="bored" confidence="0.1"/>
    <dimension name="intensity" value="0.1" confidence="0.8"/>
@OctavianDamiean Ahoy there Mr. Poustachio
Wow. I just had a great band-name idea. "Mariguana"; Marijuana with a touch of Iguana
    <!--we want to be accurate; 1.0 just won't do-->
    <category name="arousal" confidence="1.000" />
    <dimension name="intensity" value="1.00000" />
    <reference uri="Octavian Damiean's Moustache" role="triggeredBy" media-type="hairy" />
depends on your mustache
:|D is another kind
:(D is also another kind, just like :)D
There's also :¦D
I once had a :(||{}|)D phase
"How much cock, could a cockblocker block, if a cockblocker could block cock?"
    <category name="pride" confidence="0.4" />
@Zirak Looks forkbomb-ish
A full colony of Mudkips grew in there
@Zirak Better: "How much cock could a cockblocker-cock block, if a cockblocker-cock could block cock?"
!!> "How much cock, could a cockblocker block, if a cockblocker could block cock?".replace( /cock/g, '@1' ).replace( /block/g, '@2' ).replace( /@1/g, 'block' ).replace( /@2/g, 'cock' );
@Zirak "How much block, could a blockcocker cock, if a blockcocker could cock block?"
!!> (function() {while(1) {} })()
@ThiefMaster Maximum execution time exceeded
thiefmaster is way behind on how to hack the bot :P
@Esailija do you have the same bot as zirak?
is it enabled? :p
and no
found something fun this morning
!!> [0,1,2,3,4].forEach( console.log );
I use the old version that brute forcedly replaces any character beyond 0xFF
@FlorianMargaine undefined Logged: 0, 0, [0,1,2,3,4], 1, 1, [0,1,2,3,4], 2, 2, [0,1,2,3,4], 3, 3, [0,1,2,3,4], 4, 4, [0,1,2,3,4]
how does that work ;x
custom function
oh right
yeah, how stupid it would be to do this:
console = {
    log: function() {
        if (this !== console) throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation")
hi, maybe it's a noob question, but an empty input tag value will always be considered as equals to "" by js?
jsfiddle.net/22gZ3/93 or could it be considered as null or undefined in some cases?
It's not null or undefined, it's empty. An input element always has a value
@BeNdErR also use === . you are comparing a string to a string in the first case. the latter two cases don't matter anyways.
ok, so i've never to check if an input value is != undefined && != null before starting to use it's value
!== "" is enough?
You can also just check truthyness anyway
if( $(input).val().length > 0 ) {  // Zirak means just if($(input).val()) { // once it is "" it is falsy
   alert("I HAZZ INPUTZZ");
awesome, thanks :)
Hi all
@rlemon 94?!
@FlorianMargaine yea
11 mins ago, by BeNdErR
http://jsfiddle.net/22gZ3/93/ or could it be considered as null or undefined in some cases?
^ 93
I know I know
old xkcd
!!/urban xkcd
@BeNdErR [xkcd](http://xkcd.urbanup.com/2361183): 1. Saving a few seconds at a long red light via elaborate and questionably legal maneuvers.
2. Having someone call your cell phone to figure out where it is.
3. Calling the Ackermann Function with Graham's Number as the argument just to horrify mathematicians.
4. Instinctively constructing rules for which floor tiles it's okay to step on and then walking funny ever after
....and stolen by 9gag

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