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@rlemon google search for splitevery returns jsperf.com/chunk-vs-splitevery :)
hello everyone
@Raynos hi
do you know how to convert value from million to thousand in javascript?
e.g. I've value like 127,670 then I want to change it to 127.7 thousand
do you know how to do simple maths? :D
function toThousands(number) {
    return "do it now!"
@Raynos it works!! LOL :D
sorry, my brain just get burned
@Raynos :)
@Raynos Not anymore
Morning me gay friends :)
is there an easy way to get the name of the html page in at ? :)
Hello! can any one tell me how can i authonticate user via facebook/twitter using javascript? i am a phonegap developer so need to use javascript to authonticate user via fb/twitter id and if authontication goes true than want to upload some images to server......
@AamirKhan I'm sure that there are post on stackoverflow which already covers this :)
@AndersMetnik i think i would not have came here if i found some thing....first i am searching by myselft than asking some one for help
It looks like you are just asking someone to search for something in a file? How is that a programming problem? How was that useful for 2 people? What is going on? — Esailija 2 mins ago
@Esailija who are you talking too? :)
@Raynos ?! it's Margaine, not Magrange
and what the hell is that?
@AndersMetnik click on the "2 mins ago" link, it points to the comment
@FlorianMargaine :D
its a comment i copy pasted from irc
sounds like an old copy paste from irc
Hey, I have a dumb javascript question, I'm building a chrome extension and I'm logically dividing my program into modules
each module has a 'dialog' variable, and a setDialog function that sets its dialog to a given dialog
I'm trying to figure out how each of the modules can share this functionality in javascript, I'd much rather do it the 'javascript way'
create a "dialog" module that you use in all your other modules
make a dialog module and share that?
@FlorianMargaine Thanks, didn't know that :)
@Raynos when/where?
Q: WP_enqueue_script() loads them always in wp_footer()?

FlowThis is my example code placed in functions.php: function my_init_method() { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', false, array('jquery'), false, false); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-widget', false, array('jquery'), false, false); wp_enqueue_script('jqu...

        <script type="text/javascript"
When something is written like that, is that just hidden global variable src ? or? :)
@FlorianMargaine maybe you know? :D
nvm read it wrong :)
@Neal: You all-caps meta username is eww.
@AndersMetnik html doesn't care about newlines
Hi, everybody!
@FlorianMargaine Well it was just me being a dumbass ;) else thanks
hi @Alnitak
@Alnitak Hello
@FlorianMargaine I was out late again last night - flickr.com/photos/raybellis/7640464432/in/photostream
astronomy is your passion, heh?
is that a dick?
oh no, it's a sword
Q: taglist incorrectly parse Javascript in vim

DeqingI'm using taglist.vim to display functions in vim. It works fine for C++ and C source files, but not very well for Javascript files. What should I do to make the Javascript files parsed correctly?

ah, the darker bit through the middle?
hi, i'm trying to create a form and submit it on click of hyperlink. creation and submission is on click of hyperlink. like this
$("<form action='export.aspx' method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='csv' value='" + csvText + "></input></form>").appendTo('body').submit().remove();
but i can't get csv as querystring param on server
a file form?
i didn't understand term 'file form' , actually i've already a form in body. creating forms dynamically is needed coz some responses/results appear late with ajax requests.
@GNi33 \o
@GNi33 how ya doin?
when will you know if the child is yours?
well, never...
she decided to get an abortion
i don't know how i should feel about this though
oh :|
just think the child wasn't yours and lfie goes on
well, all just feels very weird right now
but you're right
how are you guys doing?
it's wednesday
and friday is last day ever in this company
nice :) excited already?
new home, new job and such
moving out in a week and a half
@Florian @GNi33 Don you have problem chatting personal things in public chat .Sorry to say this . BUt said out of concern
not really
never told any names... so, what's gonna happen
okay .. Its your choice ...
but i understand what you mean
hi all gud eve
A JS-based php interpreter.. why
lol :D
Thanks for understanding @GNi33
bored people are bored :p
@ThiefMaster what the hell?
can anyone help me out in js mouse click :) thanks in advance
it's an excellent experience though
i guess it was interesting developing that thing, but what would you use that for?
i want to display some message when clicked on a rectangle in canvas
here is the fiddle [fiddle]: jsfiddle.net/s8kZs
@GNi33 resume? :x
"I develop PHP in JS"
you're already a very good guy in both languages.
Well that sucks.
hehe, okay.
i don't see any "practical" case though
there isn't
there is
some "phpbin"
does it just convert php into js or does it actually run php in js
it converts php into js
the first sentence is confusing
using a lexer and stuff.
it says "PHP VM"
then it says
This library reads PHP code and transforms it into JavaScript code
so there is just source code conversion, not actual vm or anything
kinda like coffeescript
I'd say PHP ^w the PHP syntax is not as insane as CS :P
I mean like coffeescript, as in transpiler
hello ppl. can anyone help me
see the addEventListener function
and open your console
and click on the canvas
I guess you'll be able to play with that
@Esailija it's rather "read PHP code and execute it right away"
read PHP, and exec the corresponding js function
I mean, it reads PHP, converts it into javascript and javascript's eval does the real work
just like with coffeescript
:4665462             canvas.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
                var x = e.pageX,
                    y = e.pageY;

                console.log( x, y );
            }, false );
@Esailija no, it reads PHP, and knows what js to execute
@FlorianMargaine : i tried but its not workin. can u edit that fiddle
@praveensingh I edited the fiddle... jsfiddle.net/s8kZs/1
open your console, click on the canvas, and see what happens
using google chrome, of course
ah I see now
not sure though, but it's what I understand
the lib is 15k lines
looks like there is a compiler
thanks @FlorianMargaine it works. how can i use it on the rectangle. like it has to display rectangle 1 when clicked on first bar. am newbie. sorry if its a silly doubt
this project is named php.js ... phpjs.org is now just embarrasing
@praveensingh register the coords of your rectangles, and check if the coords of the click are within those
not that it wasn't before lol
oh, that
yeah, the silliest thing I've seen in a long time :D
just the PHP.js file is 15k lines
it's the built file
look in the src/ folder for the source files
the PHP.js file is built after all the files in the src/ folder
so it's "everything"
surprisingly little then
afk miam
though he haven't implemented much of the standard functions yet github.com/niklasvh/php.js/tree/master/src/modules/array
so it's gonna easily go to megabytes
@FlorianMargaine : thanks a lot. u r great
Q: Quaternions - how to limit axis?

Bartosz Is there any possibility to limit quaternions to move only in x & y axis (like in Eulers- yaw and pitch, without rolling)? I's there any equation or something similar to do this? Some example: Movement should behave like this: http://360.art.pl/experimental/1/ But when I build my player o...

@ShyamK :D
@Esailija , @FlorianMargaine , @OctavianDamiean o/
@praveensingh indeed he is :D
@Meenakshi da ????
what did just read ?
@Abhishek hello bro
There is a hackthon by wikipedia probably in this november in Bangalore you coming ?
i will be coming even if my exam dates clash
Hackathon for Wikipedia ? Like fixing their PHP stuff ?
also innovations for there frontend .. which is js and html
Doesn't sound too interesting for me. But it's for a good cause
thats why i am going :D
+ i have an idea aswell
Anyone tried google maps with jquerymobile/phonegap?
All im getting is a blank page?
Not even a blank page, I just get a round thingy in the middle of my main page when calling the mappage :-/
I once tried jquery with mootools, phonegap, prototype.js, _.js, ext.js and google maps
It sucked
@copy sounds like a great idea
@copy It's because you forgot to include H5BP and Bootstrap
@Dennis indeed that must be why :P
hm, i've never seen 3 of the 6 room owners in here... hehe
@Raynos yea that was the perf I set up yesterday :)
@GNi33 heh, same
Hahahah just looked at info - stars, and saw that cookie monster with the delete cookies ?!?! ..
Hilarious :D
the first star is nice ;>
Which you define as the first? :)
the one at the top
freaking shtt i can't pull myself together and do a decent amount of work in this heat :-//
So cookiemonster one ? :)
Yes, everyone should star the cookie monster one
In my opinion, it's the best thing that's ever been posted here
@SomeKittens Its definitely among them :)
I'm a tad bit biased
wadya mean?
I'm the one who posted it*
*unless you're talking about the PHP room`*coughcough*`
Who should get my bounty?
Q: .prop() vs .attr()

NealOk. So jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop(). $(selector).click(function(){ //instead of: this.getAttribute('style'); //do i use: $(this).prop('style'); //or: $(this).attr('style'); }) or in this case do they do the same thing? And if I do have to switch to using pro...

hi ..
Does any one know java here?
@Meenakshi try the Java room
There is no one active there!
So i thouht if anyone here can help me
@SomeKittens lol
Oh look, someone just joined
@Meenakshi java is to javascript as car is to carpet :-P
lol!yes @Neal I understand that
And in other news, cow pies are not pies and road apples are not apples.
I thought if any one know it as their secondary skill
seriously. you'd have more luck in one of the C rooms or Android maybe.
okie ... @rlemon.. Thanks guys .. you guys were very kind to direct me some where
@Meenakshi Sorry if we seemed 'rude' but it gets annoying when people assume Java has anything to do with Javascript (even if you know it does not; coming into the room and asking will set off the buzzers in our heads :P )
@SomeKittens party at the java room ;)
Do I have to import party.beverages.alcoholic.beer?
@RyanKinal You can "save time" by just importing party.beverages.alcoholic.*;
also makes for a much better party
No no no, that's party.beverages.nonalcoholic.milk
Haha ;)
@SomeKittens Truth
Didn't that @Meenakshi need help with java? why aint he in java room then? :P
I used to love finding all these tiny Java things that would save me coding time. Then I discovered Javascript, and it's saved me a LOT of Java coding time.
I wish i could get my googlemaps thingy to work :P
@AndersMetnik she**
@Abhishek Very important fact there ;)
@AndersMetnik ;)
I read an article that claimed highschoolers were using the word "yo" as a gender-neutral pronoun.
I read an article that claimed highschoolers were having lots of sex.
The article reads like it's a bunch of old people misunderstanding what's actually happening.
As much as I enjoy NPR it's not exactly up-to-date with the latest in pop culture.
> The students were asked to fill in the conversation bubble using slang, which was defined as "informal language, the way you talk to your friends, not the way you talk in school."
I mean, they're still playing Bach!
Everyone knows Handel is where it's at.
I finally bought a SublimeText2 license. I feel like a good citizen.
:goes to listen to music for free on Spotify:
@RyanKinal is there any relationship yo and yolo
!!/hang s
@Abhishek Not that I know of
  |   |

@AndersMetnik 3 was already submitted
@AndersMetnik e was already submitted
| |
| O
| |
3, e
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
3, e, r
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
3, e, r, s
@Abhishek That's pretty sweet
!!/hang y
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
3, a, e, r, s
!!/hang i
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
3, a, e, i, r, s
!!/hang o
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
3, a, c, e, i, r, s
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
3, a, c, e, i, n, r, s
!!/hang t
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
3, a, c, e, i, l, n, r, s, t
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
3, a, c, e, i, l, n, r, s, t, y
@AndersMetnik o was already submitted
| |
| \O/
| |
| /
3, a, c, e, i, l, n, o, r, s, t, y
no idea
!!hang p
try it
@SomeKittens Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand hang p
!!/hang p
!!/hang p
@SomeKittens Correct! The phrase is spoilation.
| |

spoilation omg a word :P guess he havnt fixed his random word generator yet ;)
The spoliation of evidence is the intentional or negligent withholding, hiding, altering, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding. Spoliation has two possible consequences: in jurisdictions where the (intentional) act is criminal by statute, it may result in fines and incarceration for the parties who engaged in the spoliation; in jurisdictions where relevant case law precedent has been established, proceedings possibly altered by spoliation may be interpreted under a spoliation inference. The spoliation inference is a negative evidentiary inference that a finder of fact...
it was spoilation not spoliation ?
that's the closest I've got
spoilation - the act of stripping and taking by force
No wonder Zirak likes it
delete please?
he can't delete
its not his word generator
omfg... that's the actual definition
I thought you were making it up
Hahah nope ;)
But you shouldn't think of it as the sexual act stripping, that's not what is meant
I kind of wish I never saw that definition
@RyanKinal This'll make you feel better:
@AndersMetnik And how about "... and taking by force"?
Do you know what war spoils is ?
I'm aware of the term
in general its another word for plundering :)
they came, they conquered, and the grapped everything which was worth something...
But don't ask me to use spoilation in a sentence >;)
The spoliation of the Spartans by the Theban people was a turning point in history.
Spoliation is a word used by Zirak's hangman game.
use `spoliation` in a sentece..
"I am using spoliation in a sentence" ... there
Thx for your participation Robert.
reminded me of all the "participation" awards I have :(
But don't ask me to use spoilation in a sentence >;) <---- Was kind of a contradiction then
ooooh poor little boy. Wanna hug ?
if anyone knows :)
I would prefer a cookie. I skipped breakfast
you know you did.
@rlemon Lunch!
@Zirak nahh... need to let em fatten up a bit first. this would be considered the snack pack
@rlemon Breakfast!
^ breakfast
oooh neat, you used the bot :D Zirak.usefulness += 2
console.log( Zirak.usefulness ); //-712 ;_;
Think im gonna take off from work, can't stand this heat
Please if anyone have experience with PG/JQM with googlemaps. Take a look at my Question:
@AndersMetnik if you post the link of your question as a standalone message (in chat), it will do something pretty, like this
Q: Googlemaps Doesn't show up permanently w/ phonegap/jquerymobile

Anders MetnikI'm trying to implement a google map, in my phonegap application. It just doesn't seem to willingly stay there. If I go back and fourth quickly between the map.jsp and the index.jsp, then I can see glimpses of the map, but that is it. Order of scripts : <script type="text/javascript" sr...

people really see it there.
'Aside: Why bother using document.getElementById, when you already have Jquery $.'
Can I kill him ?
Ding Dong
!!cowsay e=== T=\/ I am Cyborg Cow

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