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@rlemon Dew!
@BeNdErR Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand hang
  |   |

!!/hang l
!!/hang s
  |   |
  |   |
  |   O
l, s
!!/hang r
!!/hang s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
g, l, r, s
!!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, g, l, r, s
@Neal s was already submitted
!!/hang p
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, g, l, p, r, s
!!/hang t
!!/hang o
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, g, l, p, r, s, t
you guys gotta wait here
!!/hang d
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, g, l, o, p, r, s, t
ugh. it's no fun if multiple letters are guessed before we see the reply
@SomeKittens d was already submitted
@Neal n was already submitted
| |
| \O/
| |
d, e, g, l, n, o, p, r, s, t
!!/hang h
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
d, e, g, h, l, n, o, p, r, s, t
!!/hang c
!!/hang a
@rlemon d was already submitted
!!/hang e
@ThiefMaster You people suck. The phrase was volumenometry
| |


| |
| O
  |   |
  |   O
a, man, r, s, t
@Neal e was already submitted
| |
| O
| |
a, e, l, man, r, s, t
!!/hang e
@ThiefMaster e was already submitted
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, l, man, n, r, s, t
!!/hang p
!!/hang t
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, l, man, n, p, r, s, t
!!/hang c
!!/hang y
!!/hang y
@brano88 t was already submitted
@brano88 t was already submitted

| |
| O
| |
a, c, e, l, man, n, p, r, s, t

@Neal y was already submitted
| |
| O
| |
a, c, e, l, man, n, p, r, s, t, y
@ThiefMaster lol
!!/hang d
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, d, e, l, man, n, p, r, s, t, y
!!/hang i
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, l, man, n, p, r, s, t, y
!!/hang out
!!/hang ten
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, l, man, n, out, p, r, s, t, y
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, c, d, e, i, l, man, n, out, p, r, s, t, ten, y
!!/hang radiotransparency
!!/hang o
@brano88 Correct! The phrase is radiotransparency.
  |   |

@Neal `radiotransparency` is longer than the phrase

@Neal `radiotransparency` is longer than the phrase
!!/tell Zirak hang z
  |   |
  |   O
!!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
e, z
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, z
!!/hang t
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, t, z
!!/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, r, t, z
!!/hang w
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, r, t, w, z
!!/hang flutter
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, flutter, r, t, w, z
!!/hang l
ooo off by a letter...
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, e, flutter, l, r, t, w, z
!!/hang i
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, e, flutter, i, l, r, t, w, z
@Zirak where did you get all these words from?
!!/hang o
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, e, flutter, i, l, o, r, t, w, z
!!/hang hottier
!!/hang dottier
@Neal You people suck. The phrase was cottier
| |

Y U GUESS flutter
It sucks, but it's the only one I can find
@Zirak how random... lol. I wonder where they got their list from?
[fabian@localhost ~]$ cat /usr/share/dict/words |grep ^.ottier$
Is this question good enough to be submitted to xkcd's what-if? "According to my extremely limited understanding of String Theory, gravity is weakened when it traverses each dimension, and is thus relatively weak when it reaches the 3 dimensions we call home. What if there are only 3 dimensions? How strong would senior citizens have to be in order to play bridge?"
@copy :-P cheater
!!/define bottier
@Zirak bottier: bottier Personne qui confectionne des chaussures et des bottes sur mesure. (source)
le vut?
I didn't know any of these words. Just though dotty -> dottier -> dottiest, right ?
!!/define dottier
@Zirak dottier: mentally unbalanced. (source)
Hi guys, I have a form that has a few sections, in one of the sections there are two radio buttons, Yes and No. If yes is selected the part of the form below it gets visible, else remains invisible. Now is there some way to make any values of that part of the form be zero or something?
Coz I'm worried if the user'll first click yes, type something and then click no but the values will still be validated
Set their values to 0?
@Zirak Most of them are input fields that take values from 0 to 10
The hidden part of the form, I mean...
And that stops you from setting their values to 0?
there are a few text boxes too...
I can help you get started: <input value=0 />
No, I mean the user first clicks yes, fills the part of the form and then decides against it and clicks no
Then you go over the hidden fields, and set their values to 0
inputElem.value = 0
When the user clicks no, the values in the input fields in that part of the form should reset back to default and not get validated and submitted
Hello everyone! :) Can I ask a question?
Then you go over the now not-hidden fields, and set their value back
they'll be submitted, just check on the server
@HenryHarris sure, ask :)
@HenryHarris You already did strokes long chinese beard
@Zirak But all the elements that get hidden are in a div and the div gets hidden
Or has the question...asked you?
@nitstorm That doesn't make them invisible to js
@FlorianMargaine This might seem really noob... but how do you reply to a a question? I can reply to a comment but not the first question...?
what do you mean?
@HenryHarris You might need some amount of rep in order to reply to questions
On a question someone asks.. there are small like comments right below it.
Maybe :/
yeah, you need enough rep
Yeah. Ok. :) THANKS
at 100 or something you have enough
@Zirak LOL true... so I can't skip and have to mention all the input fields in my JS file
50 for comments, according to zirak's link
Thanks for the help @Zirak :)
:) I have 33. Got to have 100.. :D
50 is enough
i feel stupid right now
maybe someone could point me in the right direction
it's a css-question though:
i got a header-navigation, list-items flaoted left
on hover or active - state, the text should get bold
how do i make that stuff not jump?
i was thinking about fixed width, but then the space between the items would differ
any example ?
i'll set up a quick fiddle
just a real quick one to show you what i mean:

i don't want the links to jump on hover, but they should always have the same space between them in normal state
@GNi33 ^_^ I have the same issue on ninasdesigns.com <-- when you hover over the blocks on the bottom
@GNi33 I don't think there is a solution other than defining the widths yourself. Bold text is bigger than non-bold text
yeah, that's a problem
this thing is for a multi-lang page
alright let me give it a try ?
tried reducing the margin on hover
That doesnt fix anything
@Neal neat on chrome 21
but that's not a really a way, because the width differs over browsers
@GNi33 this is impossible btw
@Neal yeah, i tried that too
@Abhishek I am in Chrome 21
well its satisfactory :D
looks good in chrome, jumps in ie
@GNi33 there is an ugly hack for this though
and i am sure u will dislike it
but may i ?
hehe, yes you may :D
@GNi33 or just set widths: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/2
Rleamon will shoot me for this aswell
and even u will xD
@Abhishek Does it involve JavaScript ?
@Neal did that too, but then the space between items is different
@dievardump have i ever used javascript when css is asked ?
Dunno. I just asked.
but it requires the ugly pseudo element
@GNi33 ehhhh so center it: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/3
@Neal +1
hm, that may be a way, let me try that real quick
No width. It's for a multi langue page
@GNi33 Nice and fancy: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/4 (removed ur silly margins)
@GNi33 and now they are proper menu items: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/6
looks a lil bit ugly but with better color and proper font size
it will do
@Abhishek AHHHH noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
told ya its ugly xD
haha, well, yeah, i'm not gonna do that :D
@GNi33 did u look at my version?
@Neal's version is great
yep, looks nice, i'm just trying that
@GNi33 may i ask ?
@GNi33 shall I show you drop downs as well? (all css)
Why are you doing bold highlights ?
@Neal Shall i show u a pure css presentation ?
@Neal nah, but thank you. got all this stuff in there, it's just that little jumping issue
@Abhishek because the design-team asks me to do so ;)
@GNi33 you need better designers
no, they're pretty fine
and it works out pretty well on the page too
@Neal check this out . dont click yet!
@GNi33 just for fun: hover over services: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/8
i mean dont click inside the presentation i am too lazy to add labels
this is awesome, works like a charm! thank you guys!
Complete correct one: jsfiddle.net/maniator/yjHGW/10 :-)
@GNi33 ^^^^
Now in it's own fiddle: jsfiddle.net/maniator/5PCmY :-)
A: What should I consider to be an invalid password?

Sheik YerboutiAs long as you are sanitizing input correctly I see no reason to block any characters at all. Trailing spaces should probably be cut off though.

downvote please
and @rlemon add a real answer please
@Abhishek hmmm?
although that'll give you some rep in the asp-classic tag :D
@Neal ?
Question's off topic anyway
@Abhishek the " facepalm "?
I need some help, I'm tired of looking at this code, what is wrong with it ?
ahhhhh stop 3ple pinging me
@Neal it pings 3rice when u do so!
oh boy!
@Abhishek what? :-P
// disabled sound card!
:3 lol
@Andredseixas a lot
that facepalm was on myself :-|
What to be exact ?
i get lost in the chat xD totally forget to work
@Andredseixas putting your JavaScript into your HTML, to begin
Well, that anchor is dynamic generated..
I would use events on JS if it was always there..
Event delegation ?
Using a class ?
Can I change the contents of the JS class dynamically receiving data from the server side without losing performance ?
@FlorianMargaine i am very sorry but i made it look microsoftish
of the JS class ?
You said class, I assume you talked about a JS class...
There is not really a class system in JS.
So I don't know what is wrong with the code..
@RyanKinal o/
omg spaghetti carets
I was talking about putting a class on your anchor (like the "anchor" class which is already here) and using Event delegation.
var aPreCadastro = document.getElementById('aPreCadastro');
aPreCadastro.onclick = function() { ....
The contents of the function is dynamic too...
Really dynamic ? what will change ?
Now the anchor is supposed to appear a div that will work like a modal window..
The server will prepare the data to appear inside the modal
Modal.style.zIndex = '999999';
yeah I forgot to remove the '
btw, isn't it a little high ?
But maybe you can stop at 99
Event 50 should be ok
I usually go to 10
Just pressed 9 until I got bored.. I get bored easily...
Maybe 10, but not sure
1 is enough
I thought z-index only went from -100 to 100
but in case I'll need another, I keep 10
@SomeKittens nope, no limit
mixed messages!
Erm.. are you sure ?
So i delete
It's what I learned I don't remember where
Nop they say integer
So surely the max integer
I think it's about 6 to 8 weeks
I'm pretty sure it isn't the zindex that is making my code not work...
Who teached me this ? Maybe I can go and burn his children:(
@Andredseixas yes sure.
Maybe my lack of skills that isn't helping :(
Here be the law of js room: Thou shalt not mix js and html
Well, the exemple you provide has no <div id="divMain"></div>
we won't be able to help you
I pasted wrongly my code. Sorry
@Zirak It is dynamic generated..
Thou shalt see rule #1: Thou shalt not mix js and html
@Andredseixas maybe you shuld launch your function onclick
like onclick="(function cadastro() {})();"
@Zirak still playing LoL?
Never seem that before... Let me try it.
@FlorianMargaine Once in a while, when I have 30 minutes to kill
@Andredseixas Else you will just define the function an not execute it
I picked up Sona, the blue star chick (forgot the name) and Morgana (also sorta forgot the name...you know, the purple assassin one.) I kill three people in a row and they go "wtf?" :D
Support my ass, Sona and blue-star-chick have some kickass offense when they develop
:( I'm sad, this sh-t won't work..
nbow the function is executed
but you have errors
divMain.childNodes[i] is undefined
correct your errors.
(Also, every time you click, you're creating and executing a new function)
... If it wasn't dynamic I would put on the script tag...
Why is it dynamic in the first place?
@Zirak By blue star chick do you mean Soraka?
@Collecter Yes! That one
She's brilliant
@Zirak I will occasionally play her AP carry mid. People do not expect the damage.
@Andredseixas what is dynamic in your function
@Zirak The content that will go inside the modal are structured server-side...
Which part ?
Div ids ?
@Collecter I'm still in junior league and experimenting with builds, so I usually go with the idiot who doesn't know which way is up and slaughter everything. People don't like it when "support" goes mid
inner text, inputs and stuff like that
Support my ass
I will have to read from the database some data and display the active inside that modal
@Andredseixas use Ajax.
@Andredseixas So why do you need the js to be dynamically generated?
It smells like rotten coupling
Because it depends of what data will come from the database
I guess I'll have to ajax all the things
I think he wants to put the content into the JavaScript then create div dynamically
And put content on this div
So why does this has to do with throwing shit into inline js?
Because the anchor is not always there.
@Zirak I really only play with people I kind of know or actual friends, so we do whatever we want. I think there is even an old video on youtube with about 20k views that has a game where we were just messing around in. Uploaded by the opponents of course.
If the user has the permission to see that menu, then the anchor is created.
Event delegation, Ajax call OR display/hide hidden content
@Collecter haha, nice
@Zirak What I was trying to say, is play what is fun, and find people who will let you.
Going to ajax it.. I'll put the code I need on the callback
As said, junior league, random matches, idiots; you know, the internet in all its glory. "lol noob sora y u no support" "You're on the other side of the map..."
By junior league you mean low levels?

I love people who underestimate things. For instance AP gangplank is a thing.
Now I cannot wait to go home, relax and play some league.... Only three hours left...
Fucking fly. Everytime I try to kill it it disappears.
never worry about them again
I'd rather have a laser cannon that automatically targets and zaps them :p
hey :D
@ThiefMaster or if you are the DIY type hacknmod.com/hack/… just s/nurf missile/laser
anyone up for teaching me the math behind a simple 3d to 2d projector? .-.
@dievardump !
/me clicks
@dievardump Firebug doesn't have CTRL+G ! What a pain!
I do believe I just lost internet connection... again -.-
am going to sleep
Can you guys take a look at this fiddle jsfiddle.net/YD7GU and tell me if there's anyway to make the box only push down the box in its column when it's expanded. The only way I could figure out how to do this was reloading the masonry and that causes problems.
I'd suggest making them fixed at their position
position: absolute;
or, change the z-index
the height of each div is interfering with the placement of the other divs, causing the wrap to shift them around
is that what you were looking for?
Yeah that was my only option because I don't want to overlay the expanded content on another box. I really just want it to move the box down underneath it without changing the other columns
but masonry only gives me the option to reload the entire masonry thus shifting them all around instead of just the column
to be honest, I never use libraries... They always add layers that I am not aware of
not just div layers, but other things in the javascript or however the creator decides to do it
you're just not working professionally
because libraries gain you tons of time
and if you know a library, you're aware of the layers it adds.
I code as a hobby
DOM abstraction doesn't gain you tons of time. Unless you need exact browser- and pixel correctness
I like to do things on my own accord. It help me learn how they are done
And most (all?) DOM abstraction libraries have a questionable api
I'd like to say all, but I can't guarantee it :P
@copy pixel is css matters, js is behavior, and you usually want the same behavior on major browsers :) (major including IE7/8, still)
^ completely agree
I never had behavioral problems in any browser
offsetTop is wrong, don't use that. What else does jquery fix ?
I found a nice code snipet that help me understand the 3d to 2d tranformation, rlemon
offsetTop is not wrong
I use that to fix mouse tracking within a set div
@copy jQuery fixes a lot... just as an example, $.fn.text
It fixes a lot if you want a pixel perfect web application
does jquery do anything if you're only using canvas?
it's not about pixel
@Tgwizman if you're using canvas, you already don't care about older browsers :p
@rlemon nice site change ;D

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