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USA is shit. Stop being asses and migrate to nice countries.
Abraham Lincoln Rules!
if you look back at american politics it seems that every new president is just trying to clean up the shit caused by the last.
Q: Remove Node from DOM

watsonNoob question alert! I am working on a basic clock that updates every second, but its not updating because I get Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8. Basically i just need to change the removeChild() at the end of the function to something else, but I don't know what to change it to. I...

and I'm not USA citizen, I'm brazilian! LOL
I'm the only one posting a correct answer, the others didn't even read the question
and nobody notices.
@Florian, got European visa for me?
shouldn't be hard to get
and IMO the shit caused by clinton was not as bad in comparison to the Bush administration (both) - and Obama is trying... but really aside from throwing more money at the economic crisis what can he do?
Not super-easy from what I can tell. But I only tried Ireland so far.
I don't really know then, I'm french so I never bothered with that :p
Come to Canada - we'll let anyone in
he was given how long to clean it up?
Oh, Bush was a complete disaster but I believe the Clintons let a lot of the deregulation and other BS slide through that really effed us up.
They did Balance the budget though. That was nice until about the first ten minutes of Bush.
all democrats want is to let the gays marry, and play the political card
there are two problems in ur code, 1- ur last line, 2- logical error. — Danial 16 secs ago
he's adding this on his own answer :|
@Steve he's trying to clean up a economic mess that has been in motion for 4/5 administrations - Bush had everyone so caught up in the Iraq shit and Osama shit that no one cared that he was plunging the US into an economic crisis. DOHD is a key example of how he got american on board with wasting money for personal (and family, business relations, etc) gain.
department of homeland defense? what? lol
dod or dohs
A: Remove Node from DOM

Danialyou need to remover child according to the css class. which is "time". document.getElementById("timePlace").appendChild(newTimeElem); document.getElementById("timePlace").removeChild(); jQuery, just try the following 2 line of codes instead of your last 2 lines. $('#timePlace').children('.tim...

downvote to oblivion pls
But we basically let the entire executive staff of Goldman-Sachs off the hook after they demonstrably perjured themselves in front of congress. Congress actually ran the investigation. The Justice Department which is under Obama's branch is just sitting on it.
dohd === department of homeland defense - makes sense to me. :P but i'm Canadian so generally acronyms are the letters in the words they are describing.
Man, the Mercurial wiki has some screwed up font-size issues.
@RyanKinal ohh yea... run this line and see if it helps.
var ps = document.getElementsByTagName('p'); [].forEach.call(ps, function(p,i) { p.style.fontSize = i+1*10 + 'px'; });
that won't work
@rlemon Much better!
Man, everybody should use that script
you'll need p.style.fontSize = (i+1) * 10 + 'px'
no it will work
If I remember intro to intro CS
Javascript is a strange beast indeed
how do i get local timezone?
@SomeKittens open your js console and run it
see what happens.
stupid chat does not use paragraph tags
var ps = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); [].forEach.call(ps, function(p,i) { p.style.fontSize = i+1*10 + 'px'; });
var ps = document.getElementsByClassName('messages'); [].forEach.call(ps, function(p,i) { p.style.fontSize = i+1*10 + 'px'; });
alright, so it works, but I still don't understand why i+1 has precedence over 1*10
it doesn't
oh, wait
I get it. First time around, i===0, correct?
3 hours ago, by GNi33
user image
It's one of the best ever
var ps = document.getElementsByClassName('messages'), c = ps.length; [].forEach.call(ps, function(p,i) { console.log(i/c*100);p.style.fontSize = (i/c*100) + 'px'; });​
that one is better
@rlemon Illegal Character, too baaad
@dievardump hit backspace
I commented fontSize before.
window.close(); the best one
Cya guys
i am going to sleep
ABORTION: Romney Was Pro-Choice, Then Not Pro-Choice, Then Pro-Choice Again, Then Pro-Life
@maniator, I forget, I already made those changes...I'm just too lazy to commit.
Who's Romney ? USA candidate ?
Pro-Life = Anti-Abortionist?
Pro-Life can also mean "people have a right to arm". Sounds legit.
@copy Romney flipflopped? Ohnoes!
To those who do not live in the US: what is your (and your culture's) perception of US politics? I'm curious.
I'm definitely pro-arms. Coding without them would suck.
Poland: there are only two parties, our politicians all suck, they should take example from US.
You have only two parties, right?
Technically we have more. De facto, yes. There are actual independents in congress though.
The media pays very little attention to anybody other than the big two.
I dated a polish girl for five years.... bat crap crazy - but if you get em before they pop out a kid they are hot and frisky - once the kids come they let themselves go :P
Well, we have like 20+, all of them trying to be different than others. Leading one (prime minister is from it) was first liberal, then socialistic, then catholic-democratic. Our politics just sucks.
@SomeKittens I'm from Canada - I know a lot about your politics (funny how that doesn't work the other way around with mericans :P) and I think.... to be blunt... you guys are fucked. Sorry but good luck pulling out of this mess (which has been building since ~2000) .
@rlemon if their politics is fucked, I don't want to know how you would call polish :D
@rlemon sigh yep. I realize that. I've pretty much lost hope in the government's ability to secure the future.
and any american who thinks the country is 'too big of a power' to care about the economic crisis can get their head outta their asses and wake up to the stale coffee.
@Killah, we're basically broken. Our two parties don't really realistically represent anybody because they adopt stances based on voters they'd like to attract rather than as a part of some coherent philosophy.
And most of the money (which is what really makes decisions, not votes) comes from corporations
@Killah Goupie Huey (I can speak polish.... just can't spell it)
Citizens United basically killed any power the citizen had.
@ErikReppen Well, our say whatever is attracting the voters before the vote, then just forget about it.
@rlemon you meant "Głupie Chuje" :D
my keyboard doesn't have those keys and I cannot be bothered to learn the alt codes
I think there are only two times one can criticize another's another's language:
1.) When it's interfering with communication
2.) When that person is claiming to be an expert
possible exceptions given for when it's funny
@rlemon Since 2000? Dude, a nation built on property being an equal value to life was never supposed to succeed. No offence to americans, since there are some decent ones, but seriously, people treat poverty as a disease and bitch their asses out because others might benefit from their money; even worse, people they disagree with!
I can criticise anything I want. If you take offence after reading it then you can fuck off and not read it. I'm not holding a gun and saying "LISTEN TO MY OPINION!" :P
@Zirak I was specifically calling out the massive amounts of debts introduced by the last large war america was involved in.
9/11 damages === like 25 million or something
war that was an aftermath === 15 billion or something ridiculous
those numbers are made up - but the real statistic is alarming.
Please don't remind me....
The financial crisis made it more obvious to some, and buried others some more, but I'm astonished America managed to survive as is until now; the society it builds is deeply morally flawed
The cost of the wars actually is in the trillions when you factor everything in.
But the constitution is lolsworthy, since it gives everyone the right to arm themselves against the British threat. Which people use to ward zombies off their farmland.
who benefited from the war? Bush Administration, Bush family, and foreign contractors.... Who funded the war? All other us citizens
Take campaign finance seriously is all I can say.
But don't get too cozy pointing fingers at the US. Corporate hegemony is a global effort. It's happening everywhere.
yes yes it is. I just find the mericans are perticularily bad at ignoring the fact. I don't know if it is because media has blinded you or the old "Arrogance is bliss" mentality
I'm gonna take a break for a while. This stuff depresses me. Let me know when you get back to coding/funny pictures.
/ You will gain money by an immoral \
\ action... in bed.                 /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Media is partly to blame. A culture in which no one wants to 'talk politics' is the secondary issue. SomeKittens is demonstrating another phenomenon. It's depressing.
The media is bullshit. The culture is bullshit. Depression is bullshit. As a matter of fact, if you really look at the great western civilization and way of life, you'll find more bullshit than hay in php. People got away from a "finance bubble", but still refuse to realize they live in a giganto bubble.
There's also a kind of blatant cynicism, like people mocking protesters when they're the only ones actually trying to address the fact that there's a serious problem. Also, we're mostly stupid. We have a lot of really, really, really stupid people in this country. Sadly, they tend to have more kids.
Just some tips from up north: 1) Colour coordinate your money. 2) learn to add u's where applicable. 3) Metric..... don't be the last country to hop aboard. 4) Your gun laws are a joke and the ratio of gun related crimes in the states vs canada will back my point here. Take after your brother to the north and lock down the gun registration laws. Hand guns and automatic weapons are not for hunting. They should be illegal.
Yeah, you go and collect all the shotguns from the rednecks, I dare you :P
"Shotguns make you gay!" - problem solved
You crazy, George! You crazy!
@rlemon 1) Color coordinating it is not necessary, but we should cut the penny and nickel at minimum. 2) No. 3) I like metric, and some engineering firms use it, but right now no one wants to spend the cost associated with switching over. 4) I agree.
Guns, marriage equality, and abortion. They pretty much derail everything, every campaign. Big giant smoke screen with ugly side effects if you refuse to take sides, basically.
I'm curious why programmers are talking about the crisis. We earn approx. $60k-70k a year - the crisis is surely not touching us (cant phrase it correctly, too much coffe, to little sleep ;/).
Q: What is the optimal way for updating different entities in an engine?

BaneWhen I say entities, I usually mean instantiations of various classes in my engine (example class: Engine.Animation, or Engine.Scene). First, the current structure of my engine goes something like this: Engine = {}; //The single engine object that only stores constructor functions, aka classes....

What is this "we" you speak of?
@Zirak programmers
Programmers/developers think about problems and tend to have something vaguely resembling foresight.
I've never signed up for that. I demand a full refund. Send a cheque to "Captain Coathanger the Abortionist".
@ErikReppen may be sure, but our part of the industry will be the last one to "die".
@Collecter dude the Imperial system is dead. it never made sense and was replaced by a more sensible more universal Metric system. The cost in converting it over is not that much considering everything coming out of america already is needed to be in metric for consumer products not in the states
Unless it collapses under the strain of patent-lawsuits.
Also, marking the "crisis" as a finance thing is amusing. Have fun in the future
@ErikReppen yeah, patent system should be rewritten. Like very old code, just press Ctrl+A and hit Delete. It was good when it was invented, but now...
Yeah but farenheight is based on the boiling and freezing points of blood. Probably some dead King's blood. That's way cool.
@Killah your national debt is rising... there is no plan to correct the situation (that looks feesable) and the only solution atm is to borrow more money and try to buy your way outta debt... this has been the philosophy in america for a long time. Problem is you are no longer exporting anything or real value because china does it cheaper and faster. the USA is the entertainment capitol for half the world.
What does the US produce? Media. that is about it...
@ErikReppen why not use Kelvin it makes the most sense
@rlemon I live in Poland. Our national debt is like 40 billion and rising as hell. But I don't care - all polish knows that it can't be saved. I'll just earn as much as possible and retire on some tropical island ;p
@ErikReppen and who cares about blood. mind you temp charts are not related to metric vs imperial mind you.
@rlemon I know the imperial system is dead everywhere but the U.S. I know comparatively it would not cost a lot to switch, but people are stuck in their ways.
@rlemon about Kelvins, you are right ;p
woo double mind you... i must have really wanted you to mind
debtclock.ca we're still only 1/30th of the total us national debt... and we still have hopes and plans on recovering. 40 billion is not that much.
@rlemon what there's no milligrades? That's disappointing.
@rlemon but our politicians are doing nothing. 20 years back, every party that won the votes was doing everything to earn as much as possible, and nothing to make that debt lower.
Anyway, I'm enjoying my holiday time, I think I should stop thinking about my country's politics.
I think the only way out of our situation in the US is new parties that take nothing from corporations and accept capped amounts from individual contributors only. And we have to take local elections more seriously. States still have a lot of power to get in the way of federal BS.
sigh the US is the third largest exporter in the world.
Canada is 11th.
Yeah, find Poland in there ;p
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a governor. Ronald Reagan was president.... 'nuff said.
Ronald Reagan was a pretty good president.
regardless people just like to hate on the US and talk about doom and gloom. We are still the top nation in the world, if the US fell the world economy would fall.
This is a list of countries by net exports. For comparison purposes, some non-sovereign entities are included in this list, but only sovereign territories are ranked. {| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: right" ! Rank ! Country ! Net exports(millions US$) ! % GDP ! Year |- | — || align="left" | ' || 262,000 || — || 2007 |- | 1 || align="left" | || 217,000 || 6.6% || 2010 est. |- | 2 || align="left" | || 199,000 || 3.5% || 2010 est. |- | 3 || align="left" | || 139,400 || 9.4% || 2010 est. |- | 4 || align="left" | || 136,130 || 31.3% || 2010 est. |- | 5 || align="left" | || ...
This is a list of countries by exports, based on the The World Factbook of the CIA. US exports are as reported by the US Department of Commerce. For comparison purposes, some non-sovereign entities are included in this list, but only sovereign territories are ranked. The sums listed include re-exports that constitute the majority of the activity in smaller post-industrial countries. {| class="sortable wikitable" |- bgcolor="#ececec" valign=top ! Rank !! Country !! Exports !! Date of information |- |-class="sortbottom" | — || World || $17,779,000,000,000 || 2011 est. |-class="sortbotto...
@Loktar (heh, your nick sounds like one of the orc's speech from Warcraft 2), US is slowly killing world's economy. Or was, at least my politicians like to say that US is the source of all our problems.
@Loktar that is a incorrect pompous claim that MOST americans will make with NO base to back it up. Please please show me the proof of this. USA is not the "top nation in the world" (how would you describe that? you don't have the most money. you don't have the most people? you don't have the most exports? you have the most popular form of currency... but other countries hold more of it)
@Killah lol thats exactly what its from.
@rlemon Hey! We are 173 :D
The united states has the most powerful military in the world hands down.
@Loktar haha (that was to your prev message)
No the USA has the most nukes and the largest military fund. which is adding to their economical collapse.
I figured :P
China has more troops.
troops are meaningless when we can take them out without leaving the comfort of our living rooms.
@rlemon they can sell the nukes to Russia ;D
China would have a hard time transporting any of them
if a nuke war were to happen it doesn't matter how many the USA has. after the first few are dropped we're all fucked.
maybe Chinas one aircraft carrier could help out ;p.
@rlemon right
Who cares about nukes really, Im not even talking about that
beyond nukes the US military is the most advanced by far.
usa nukes china, so a china parter nukes the us, the us nukes them, someone else nukes the US... well now the us is doomed (and canada and mexico for that matter) and the rest of the world is in nuclear fallout.
@Loktar, now I hope you're being absurd. You should try leaving the country occasionally if you're not.
@ErikReppen at which comment?
the US military is by far the most advanced.
Oh, I thought you meant beyond military in general. Well, that's debatable.
hah no
@Loktar Palestinian troops are best trained (the US navy seals go there for training) and most of your weapons are not designed in the US... rather other countries sell them to you because they realize you will buy them even though you are not actively at war. The US is a super power philosophy is fallacy - maybe was true once... not any more.
just militarily
WHAAAT palestinian troops?
I think you might mean Israeli
lol ok..
wait wait no
their "troops" are terrorists or are considered as such by the US and Israel
i was wrong
you arrogant son of a bitch. wow. "He does not have the same religion as me and has a beard and wears a turban... he is a TERRORIST"
Hey! Stop it right there.
lol the united states considers hezbollah a terrorist organization.
Has nothing to do with religion.
Please don't start religion battle here.
their "troops" are freedom fighters and have been in perpetual war since the birth of their country.
@rlemon dude get off your fucking high horse.
@Loktar says the merican who can't see past his borders.
what was the last thing you did for your country anyway?
same goes for most americans, they sit around and complain
but do nothing.
I did nothing. I don't have to do anything. That is the beauty of canada.
I also don't complain about it.
I love canada and all who are in it. and all who come and help it be what it is... a free nation.
Its funny though you try to bait me into saying something you can disagree with, such as the palistinians but really you are just spewing the same liberal trash you see everywhere else.
You bash the US constantly on this channel and its irritating.
No one says Fuck Canada on a regular basis.
@Loktar no the Palestine was just my brain fart. I was thinking krav maga and related that to the wrong nation.
allow me.
Fuck Canada.
they're not even a real state.
Its just silly because this isnt the first time.
I understand you have strong opinions on the US as do I
but really this isnt the place.
@Loktar no I make a completely valid statement such as the economic crisis, and I provide facts. Then someone comes back and blind rages because they are american and "America is the best! don't even point out where we are not and why we are not"
lol because this isnt a political chat :P
@dievardump haha, good one (and true also)
It's not but programmers talking politics is a hell of a lot more interesting than most people talking politics.
meh it can be idk.
@rlemon What about Stephen Harper?
political debates online are more fun because you can easily have a room with 9 people from 9 different nations. Gives you a good idea as to how the world sits.
yeah it is interesting with people from other countries here.
most people I argue with who are US haters are from the US oddly enough.
@EtiennedeMartel ohh I do not defend Canadian politics. They are dumb and crooked for completely different reasons however. We don't oppress other countries... just ourselves.
@rlemon btw I was irritated at your religious comment lol you didnt let me clarify the US wouldnt train with Palestinian troops ever because the US considers them a terrorist organization
@Loktar sorry the religion comment was a generalization not directed towards you... I had hoped the quotes would outline that - I apologize
nah its cool
I apologize for getting heated
no worries.
just was explaining why I did :P
Im probably obligated to defend the US.. since Im typing this on a government computer
And thats the difference about politicians talking about politics and programmers talking about politics.
it's the internet. The only thing that really irritates me is 1) when people have a difference of opinion on subjective matters and wont admit that it is subjective... (religion, same sex issues, etc) and 2) people who use eval and innerHTML.
oh yeah most of my opinions can be subjective for sure. I love playing devils advocate as well.
On the things we can all be happy about front. Katie Holmes just pwned Scientology last week.
@rlemon Well, same sex issues aren't really subjective.
I'm all up for a good debate... but I can be the first to admit i'm debating an opinion. :P no facts === no possible winner... debating for the sake of debating.
I personally dislike where the US is/has been headed for a while :?
@EtiennedeMartel yes they are and any more comments on the subject will land you in perma-ignore
yeah I dont even get into that stuff really. My thoughts have changed so much over the years.
I used to be really homophobic, it was sad. Then I lived with 5 gay dudes in a period of college
really changed how I feel
And now you sleep with the back to the wall? ;)
What's wrong with innerHTML? It's pretty much de facto spec at this point.
no but I was one of those idiots who would say things like "put them all on an island!"
/me grew up in a small town, raised by fundamental Christians
ugh, fundi christs are horrible
(same for fundi jews, moslems, etc.)
@rlemon Why would they be? Why would anyone think it's okay to restrict the rights of someone because of its sexual orientation?
Id go so far as to say allow polygamy
as long as its consenting adults who the heck cares.
@EtiennedeMartel and your sexual preference is subjective
@Loktar agreed
however the family law courts would be a shit show.
@rlemon Homosexuality is not a choice, if that's what you meant.
yeah that would be crazy
never thought of that actually lol
@EtiennedeMartel I think you and @rlemon share the same view lol
just wires got crossed
@EtiennedeMartel no I meant your sexual preference is about as much a concern to me as your choice of breakfast cereal. And as it should be with everyone else.
Well, this isn't much better.
@EtiennedeMartel assuming it or refrain it is.
Homosexuality can't be genetic, because it'd be selected against.
Where is Matt when you need him.
:( matts gone
other than that, I haven't seen much evidence any way
Wherever he is his 'bin' finger is starting to twitch.
haha yeah
actually I like being able to have more open convos
although I feel like someones watching getting angry
ready to delete all comments
@SomeKittens wtf ?
warning: code question incoming
I have a variable that can be one of a variety of options. Each option has it's own class to
Just figured it out
carry on!
The reason something is or isn't genetic isn't always straightforward.
question pertaining to jquery/javascript and ajax..
The brain reacts to different genders differently: in the case of a homosexual the brain reacts to the same stimuli with the same gender as a 'straight' persons does with the opposite gender. No decision is made to feel this way, and you cannot 'unfeel' this way. According to the media I read on the subject this is the case; Where we cannot find a 'gene' for homosexuality we can for certain say it is not a choice we make. </offtopicstuff>
@gorelative It's asynchronous, use jQuery's success
$.ajax({ }); i read .success() is going to be deprecated, does that mean calling success: function(){ } is deprecated as well?
and now back to code
or strictly $.ajax().success()
Well, I fail at preemptive question answering
If it is deprecated, it would only be a problem if you updated JQuery.
@gorelative just use complete and check the status yourself.
@ErikReppen future stuff will of course use it :)
@gorelative never say jQuery/Javascript - it's Javascript/jQuery!
any hooot, if one didnt want to use complete(), is success: function(){ } and $.ajax().success() one in the same?
@gorelative you're question is probably better answered in an issue towards jQuery not here. we don't make those design decisions. (re: will only one be depreciated)
yea i figured that lemon :)
WTF? Why do they keep changing their nomenclature just to replace it with shorter words? Just make new aliases if you're that lazy.
took me a few to realize who you were.
lol, but jquery chat is teh fail. Its always empty, maybe because kiddies dont know how to use it? Or maybe its such a batshit retarded framework that no body needs to have a chat for it =)
Don't deprecate the whole damn thing.
@ErikReppen because 'fixing' bad design is always better than plopping a few more bandaids on the issue.
@gorelative no I made the room in the hopes it would detour noob jQuery questions / debates here... it didn't
How does replacing method names with new names for the same methods fix bad design?
it didn't because nobody is in there. Gotta jump start it.
@ErikReppen because $.ajax $.getJSON $.get $.post are all shit
theyre all very similar. x2 @rlemon
why have all the confusion? because people cannot read the docs for $.ajax?
$.ajax is all you need (correction, XHR is all you need but in the context of the discussion)
amen brotha, amen.. bad enough youre using jquery to do httpreq
But that's not the topic here. I only use ajax personally. They're changing the handlers. I do agree success is kinda silly and ambiguous but all they're doing is changing its name.
i hope they remove it
complete is the only handler you need
it's complete.. now i'll check what happened while it was processing.
Yeah, well now you'll need 'always' apparently.
abstraction + indirection === failship
i use http headers so ajax can determine success/fail rlemon
Deprecation Notice: The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callbacks will be deprecated in jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal, use jqXHR.done(), jqXHR.fail(), and jqXHR.always() instead.
.then reads the best for me
that way i dont have to pass a value back to a function and then use a conditional statement just to test to make sure it worked.
$.get().then() that's almost like saying it in english
@gorelative - success defined in the options object is just another way to pass those callback handlers on I believe..
yes, if the server returns a http header status code that is defined as successful itll do foo, otherwise itll do bar.
LOL omg to me that means "Ok so designers and crap devs who don't know JS bitched that the abstraction of XHR methods were too confusing when we presented them with the most semantic functions.... so now we'll use a slightly different name....."
success, error are the two ive always used.
jQuery designers just do too much syntax sugar. Few names for one function, few ways to define things...
So yes, I believe it means success is on its way out, but it's just idiotic to rename stuff and deprecate the old ones without 2.0 version change.
i agree @ErikReppen
Yes! My SSD is arriving today!
god... I was starting to have an appreciation... now I just hate jQuery all over again.
SSD is awesome. I don't care that I keep having to delete stuff. It's awesome.
Any suggestions on the linux distro I should use?
@rlemon you know how I feel now ;p
@rlemon tbh this is same bullshit as with node.js
they renamed .kill to .terminate or something
@SomeKittens Debian!
and "death" to "exit"
@SomeKittens Fedora, Archlinux with awesome
Well, I think JQ is being run by something of a 'crew' now. A (heh heh) 'jCrew' if you will.
I've used Ubuntu for a long time, but I don't like Unity. I was thinking Mint.
@SomeKittens if you are masochist, you can try Gentoo :D
Maybe it won't work because it is all commented out? — Neal 59 secs ago
I rock a 60gig SSD and have my os's and applications installed on it (apps I use daily) then a WD black 2TB for files and not-so-much-used applications.
Arch was too complicated for me. I don't have time to install everything manually. After 4 hours of trying to get my Dropbox to work, I gave up.
Honestly, I hate the plug-ins. I might as well just write my own DOM adapter/boilerplater-killer if they're going to do crap tweaks like that.
@SomeKittens Install another GUI, then
@rlemon I got the 60GB too. I'm planning on doing the same thing.
@SomeKittens if it's not a server try Mint, friend uses it and it's pretty easy to do everything
I have 256gb and 60gb
Easy == not 4h to install dropbox ;p
I tried JoliOS. Yikes, that thing was awful.
Mint is built on top of Ubuntu. Why would you like that if you don't like Ubuntu ?
@copy I like Ubuntu. I don't like Unity (their new UI)
@copy go deeper, take Debian (which Ubuntu is based on)
@SomeKittens Then install awesome, xfce, fluxbox, whatever ...
@Killah Debian's software is way too outdated for desktops in my opinion
@copy have you tried sid?
Ubuntu + GNOME3 === win
Most people don't like gnome 3. And xfce is the new gnome 2, just a bit more lightweight
For a window manager, awesome has very few screenshots
So I must try xfce, cuz I'm with the people who don't like GNOME 3
to be fair, I've been too lazy to kill Unity and after a few months of using it I don't mind it at all.
@Killah Nope. Unstable is not supported very well usually
@SomeKittens Because it's simple. The UI is minimal and awesome.
@copy it may be suicide to use unstable on server, but on my laptop it's going fine for ~2 years
@SomeKittens It's awesome, enough said. If you don't like keyboard-based navigation, I can recommend xfce
I prefer keyboard-based
Try awesome
@Killah Yeah, but not a lot of support if you get problems

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