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@dievardump buggy
it looks as if the planks shift
@dievardump NICE
"Anyone wanna check out my MVC?" in my mind somehow transformed to "Anyone wanna come and have guilty BDSM sex with me?"
@Abhishek I'm just speaking about the effect. Not if it's ready for production or not.
lol i am talking about the effect too :-)
@Zirak Ummmmm..... I am not sure how you got there....
You're not fun. I want a new Neal.
@Zirak You have some odd love/hate/pain/pleasure feelings for MVC, don't you?
@RyanKinal :(
Hey dude, you brought that on yourself
That's what MVC said!
@Davinder Shalom. Hola. Hello. Hi.
Oh Omniscient-Deity the memories...no...NOT THE BUNNY MVC!!! NOT THE BUNNY!!!!!
brb switching to LinuX
brb, ice cream
@Zirak Sorry.. ??
@Abhishek The effect can not really be buggy... it's an effect idea. The implementation is.
@Davinder I apologize for @Zirak. He's going through some... odd things right now.
@Abhishek nice. sad we can not select any text :(
but really nice
Can we see the code ?
Why this code view-source:http://jstiles.com/demos/jquery-ajax-demo.php is working whereas http://jsfiddle.net/57n6U/7/ this is not working? The three commented out lines in Fiddle are breaking it. Without them, it is working..
@RyanKinal No prob.. I got confused..
@Davinder So am I, so am I...
@Davinder you try to post a request to a different domain
@dievardump view-source://
My motive To make a POST request with Ajax.. Succeeded. Then to disable & alter the button text.. Not getting it..
@Davinder jsfiddle wraps your code inside a function so the function is not called at all because it's undefined in global scope
@Abhishek No.
@Davinder My best guess would be jQuery version. I think there was a hard-break somewhere in there involving .attr
the actual code is like
function insert_record() {
    //$('#insert_button').button( "option", "value", "Processing" );
        url: 'http://jstiles.com/demos/jquery-ajax-demo.php',
        success: function(response) {
            $('#inserting').text(response);    //$('#insert_button').removeAttr("disabled");

    return false;
@dievardump POST part is working.. the problem is in alter the button text from Insert to processing
A protocol is written as foo:, not foo://. It's just common for URIs for protocols such as http(s), ftp and file to start with //. But for example mailto doesn't use those slashes.
@dievardump btw to make the text selectable its quite easy
just add -browserPrefix-user-select:normal;
@Davinder you have your function in the jQuery onload handler
You can not refer to this function
With a onsubmit
the person will be doing -webkit-user-select:none; to stop selection
@Davinder Also, I don't think you're loading jQueryUI in the Fiddle
@dievardump Oh ok, so should I do it with body on load?
@Davinder 2 possibilities :
- attach your event dynamically with JavaScript
- Not declaring your function in the $(document).ready
@dievardump Yeah, the second one.. I was thinking onsubmit() will take care of that.. :(
@Davinder It will. But attaching events in the HTML is a bad practice
You choose.
@dievardump Oh, ok, so can I use $(document).ready?
2 mins ago, by dievardump
@Davinder 2 possibilities :
- attach your event dynamically with JavaScript
- Not declaring your function in the $(document).ready
Modify the "onLoad" by "No wrap (body)" in the select (top left)
BUT it's still a bad practice
@dievardump done.. checking now..
@dievardump Thanks everybody.. got the thing working now on my local server.. :)
@ThiefMaster why do I get a bunch of declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention now :O
Did you flag closed questions as "low quality? or something similar?
@rlemon wake up
I flagged non answers such as stackoverflow.com/a/2197944/995876
one of them even got deleted and I still got declined
he is declining all my flags
@Esailija How did you flag them?
not an answer, since they just link to other answer
it should be a comment, or close vote as duplicate, or both
@Esailija I always use the other section. It usually gets better results from the Mods.
@Neal: That is actually more likely to get your flags declined if you use that for NAA.
When someone flags as NAA we have a "convert to comment" button which we don't have in case of any other flag reason.
thing is, I have flagged very good for 500 flags straight and suddenly they are all invalid
@Esailija I just blame @casperOne :-P
it's not casperone
can I flag a moderator or something lol
seems stupid that depending on moderator the rules are completely different
I already pinged him. What you could do is post on meta linking to some of the posts and asking for clarification (without calling out the moderator even if you know who it was).
I agree with stackoverflow.com/questions/4771581/… by the way - that's a super-crappy answer that could be downvoted but still an answer to the question, even though the first few words should be removed since they are just noise.
django-invitation is a good choice among the four. ?
how is that an answer
the guy asks for opinions - i.e. a question that needs to be closed. but the answer kind of answers his question (even though it's bad, as i already said)
A: What should be done with "See this answer" answers?

George StockerBefore you flag the answers, see what you can do about getting the question closed. Those answers usually highlight the fact that the question itself is a duplicate. When you flag the answers, but you don't vote to close the question, you're creating more work for moderators. If you want to Do ...

I think that's why some of your flags were declined.
so I should vote for duplicate as well?
If it is a duplicate then yes. I'd deleted a link answer anyway and convert it to a comment - but different mods different ways of handling things.
Meta is the proper place to discuss stuff like that...
I see
hello i was wondering how to trigger an ajax with an event. do i just add .ajax inside my function()?
jQuery? Yes, you call $.ajax(...) in the function you registered for the event.
in jquery'
oh alright thanks
is it mandatory to have the success: fail: cases?
@ThiefMaster Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that that question was closed as an exact duplicate?
When my Product Manager brief me after the beginning of the dev
what is the difference between .load and .ajax?
wouldnt content load result the same as ajax?
I believe .load puts the response into the specified container
Depends on the usage. ajax can do a lot more
Unless I'm remembering wrong because I don't use jQuery ajax
... piece of crap
.load is merely a convenience method using .ajax
just like .get, .post or .getJSON
!!/jquery load
i use .ajax always
Even when jquery isn't loaded?
you can use the other methods if it reduces your code, it's useless not to use them
@Zirak I have a userscript adding .ajax only!
oh sorry its obvius that .ajax works when jquery is loaded
but cool... it seems that you dont like help
so sorry
I like the softpedia quote "IE9 is absolutely mind-blowing!"
@SantiagoElviraRamirez ? sorry if we've been harsh, we didn't mean to
maybe Zirak, but he's an ass anyways.
yeah yeah.
just hop on facebook
dont be offensive dude
peace and love
What's the String method that removes whitespace from both sides of the string?
ES5 tho, not supported by IE7/8
!>> " abc ".trim()
''.trim || (String.prototype.trim = // Use the native method if available, otherwise define a polyfill:
  function () { // trim returns a new string (which replace supports)
    return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF]+|[\s\uFEFF]+$/g,'') // trim the left and right sides of the string
MDN's shim:

if(!String.prototype.trim) {
  String.prototype.trim = function () {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
gotta go
cya guys
@ThiefMaster seems to be waste of time talking to this guy meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/138960/… I give up
Well, this was fun. Banned from chat for 30 minutes because of this: chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/4547808/history
...seriously. the fuck?
Because of what?
That link isn't working for me
Nor for me
> Your face is an ass
Why do you get banned for a compliment ?
Message before that, by Florian: "maybe Zirak, but he's an ass anyways."
Now, I have a nagging suspicion it isn't Florian Margaine...
36 mins ago, by Santiago Elvira Ramirez
dont be offensive dude
Welcome to the internet, big boy.
Welcome to SO JavaScript chat, in specific
i'm sure php and c++ have it "worse":P
I'm assuming it's about the same
It's funny how there's a message to the right, starred 6 times, using the F word and metnioning child murder, but apparently "your face is an ass" is wrong.
tbh if I was moderator I would be too lazy not to just look at the message at face value
so the trick is not to get flagged by idiots in the first place
Good news everyone! We're testing out Kiln/Mercurial for source control at work!
or hope people with enough rep disagree with the flag or something
@Esailija See, that takes the fun factor out of life.
I really want to flag your message now
I disagree with your flag
and star
and the fact that people can get in here with < 1000 rep
@Esailija Disagreed
why do you disagree
1000 takes time
200 or something would be okay
it doesn't take that much time for anyone who isn't a helpless help vampire
no there should be a vote kick button for the chats.
with 200 rep requirement
to get in
@ThiefMaster Some suggestions from your loyal servants here :p
Nooo! Getting 20 rep for future bots is annoying already
yeah I suppose getting rep for new account is harder
I have hard evidence that people only vote according to your already accumulated rep and not your actual answer
though you need 10k rep to see it because it is deleted
"I have photographic evidence. But whenever you look at them, they disappear"
Let's push my luck
!!/urban fap
@Zirak fap: The onomatopoeic representation of masturbation. Often used to suggest that something is attractive.
god I hate PHP
Who doesn't?
Q: Any Scoreloop/OpenFeint (now Gree) services for HTML5/JavaScript games?

Jason L.I'm currently planning on building a HTML5/JavaScript game for the various platforms (Browser, iOS, Android, and WinMo7). I, obviously, would like there to be simple multiplayer (1v1, asynch), leaderboards, etc. Finding a service that provides this for native applications is easy (Scoreloop, Gre...

I feel classy. Use 8=D as prompt prefix.
@rlemon I think the few things I like about PHP are just Stockholm Syndrome
@Esailija People with less than 1000 rep can also not be "helpless vampires"... I think :s
well, it's not that. 20 rep basically means that anyone can instantly come here without using the site at all
I think that 20's a pretty low bar
Set it at 200 or so but allow 20+ to join private rooms upon invite (for help with answers)
I think what really keeps PHP alive for the masses is the high amount of crappy, often free, shared hosting providers.
That way you can help those who deserve it and avoid "code pl0x"
Invite system. 200+ free invites, 200- with invite?
Good luck trying to host python, ruby, node etc. there... And no, CGI is not a solution.
@ThiefMaster It's the ease of setting _AMP servers
it's not easy at all
node server
rails start
I think there's big need for a cheaper version of something like heroku in europa and other countries that don't have low latency to the US. People using such a service are much more likely to see how great all those other languages are.
Of course $random_webdesigner cannot just hack a few lines of ""code"" for a guestbook like that since he can't upload anything without using Git.. but keeping the web a bit cleaner isn't such a bad idea.
If you're technically experienced, just go for VPS
Unfortunately e.g. Mozilla are working against that with their "everyone should become a webmaster" stuff...
@copy: 99% of those using shared hosting wouldn't be able to properly configure a VPS with root where they need to update stuff.
@ThiefMaster Who cares ? There are enough bad websites already now
Possibly something VPS-like: The hosting company manages stuff, but you have a webinterface where you can modify the webserver config in a safe way
I smell a startup! Someone call Paul Graham!
Then they could easily use mod_wsgi etc. without hacks but still wouldn't have to mess around with configure, makefiles, gcc, package managers, the shell, etc.
If you let the hosting company manage, then they need to be decent with updates
Could be automated for most stuff.
Not just updates, but downgrades as well
Q: HTML5 game obfuscation

RustamHTML5 games really have open source. Is there a way to make them like swf-file? How to hide game algorithm? What do you think about Firefox JavaScript Deobfuscator Plugin and obfuscation?

@Feeds why?
I like how he things that you can't see the code of flash games
Although they run in your browser
It's not like there are dozens of decompilers
Deobfuscated code is still horribly to read.
well obfuscated javascript is very hard to read
It depends on how much you want it hidden. I've yet to see something which can't be eventually read by a user.
closure compiler advanced mode can rename object references even
Deobfuscated code is annoying, but if you really want to read it, you can, especially if you know the end-result (the program's output)
Yes, if their local machine can read it via a browser, I'd expect the user to be able to find a way as well
I don't understand how is this any different from decompiling
It's not just the browser; you can decompile .swf and .jar files. Hell, you can decompile C binaries.
No wait
Either or
wow, did not realize that, Zirak
you send completely unreadable js file for the browser to execute, what's the difference from sending unreadable jar or swf, or hell, exe
without deobfuscatin/decompiling/disassemblign they are all unreadable
They're readable. I've used Hex editors in the past, and I'm sure we're all able to decipher some parts of obfuscated code.
yeah but are you able to read them to the extent of extracting some game algorithm
It's a huge layer of false security; the very definition of security by obscurity
Probably not
but looking at the answer If you want to protect your source, don't write it in HTML/Javascript?
it would be just as readable with java or flash
> < Su-Shee> DrCurl and MrWget, the new horror story of a two faced man, written by the internet.
What's SO's reputation cap?
Daily? 200 for upvotes. Eternally? Chuck Norris.
I thought so too. But mine says 210
SO's internal mechanisms record "day" differently than your time zone does
I know
So why'd you ask? To brag?
Or it wasn't all from upvotes
It just turned midnight a while back
Ah, right
Accepted answer
I am such an idiot. seriously
2 hours trying to figure out how to get something happen in constant time in C++
@Zirak s/Chuck Norris/Jon Skeet/
then realized . URGH just use setTimeout and call C++ function :-/
There was some article somewhere, where 800kb of js was turned into 50kb with advanced mode
@Esailija do you have the url?
@Esailija Advanced mode?
Is that like enhance in the TV shows?
nope, it was some google article boasting the benefits over yahoo minifier
We are adding so many API to javascript , webGL , webAudio , canvas , etc etc ,etc
wont that bloat javascript ?
I am trying to find it though
@Abhishek localStorage
js needs a require instead of a gianormous stdlib, and ES6 doesn't help with bloat on language-side
@user973810 webStorage
@user973810 eh ?
Includes sessionStorage
gurr thats not my point
i am wondering wont JS have the same effect like PHP did ?
It's not even close yet
JS can't become as shitty as PHP since you'll never have whatever.js urls with full url-to-filesystem mapping :p
keep on adding api's i mean i was reading the webGL implementation in chromium , and now reading webAudio .. its kinda keeping up adding stuff.
And in node you don't have everything in the global namespace but have to import it and even then it's not global.
People love the new stuff in JS.
@ThiefMaster That wouldn't that hard to set up in node.
why not suggest an

use WebGL;
Possible, but in PHP it's that way by default
or something like that ? a dynamic module loader load if u want or dont load atall ?
3 mins ago, by Zirak
js needs a require instead of a gianormous stdlib, and ES6 doesn't help with bloat on language-side
@Zirak exactly
@ThiefMaster True. What gets me about PHP is that everything ends up including this gigantic setup and teardown that happens everytime the page is accessed. (Of course there's caching, but still, it seems wasteful.)
Google #20 will be Yahoo CEO... Yahoo's developers won't sleep anymore (entrepreneur.com/blog/223723)
@user973810 yo dude i am reading how javascript works itself in v8
from 810kb to 38kb
for past 3 months now and i have a very low but understanding of what will happen if u keep on adding API's
you can bet that the 38kb version is pretty well obfuscated as well :D
@Esailija lol
nah its perfectly readable
for the machine.
jQuery is 32kb / 247kb
@Esailija jQuery should be -1kb
@Abhishek Negative space? I'm using that EVERYWHERE!
@SomeKittens facepalm
"The page will actually arrive before the request"
try that in your console.
you will get the answer ^_^ what i mean by -1
@Abhishek I'm quite sure he's being sarcastic.
Undefined Object Sarcasm
anyways i am going to sleep // i probably need it
Me too. Night!
There are some names that, when seen in the commit history, I cringe at
what are some good ajax tutorials to post to php?
(added to prevent wall of text) gist.github.com/3086939
Well, maybe not good, but shrug
@Zirak I like that.
i still dont get how to retrieve values from mysql database
@LeTruffle You won't be doing that with AJAX. You'll want to use PHP to do the db call, and AJAX to call the PHP
how do i convert the values from php to javascript?
@LeTruffle Doing CRUD on a database doesn't go in http's domain. You send a request to the server, which queries the db, which outputs it back to the client.
Reason #37 #perl is awesome: Just had a 20 minutes discussion about Tao.
@LeTruffle JSON should work
@RyanKinal You were right. Taoism is brilliant.
thank you, im still having trouble how to stack all the divs when retrieving the results from php
Octogod: I love you
=> Expand
Octogod: what, right now?
=> Simplify
Octogod: Okay. This is pretty public though
=> Penis
I love Octogod. Maybe one day he'll be ready for the outside world.
@Alnitak whenever I get into by reference arguments in javascript from now on I can link this :D stackoverflow.com/a/11512527/995876
ha :)
I forgot.. what is the close reason for these type of questions stackoverflow.com/q/11512814/995876
not constructive?
I'd go for "not a real question" - i.e. "overly broad"
Q: Display title and description in this awful slider script

DianaAgain in this same theme, I'm having some hard time on displaying the attachment title and description in sliders. Slider script: http://pastebin.com/sBffdqtw Thanks for any help.

hi i want to convert htmltable of thousands rows into downloadable csv
Q: What would be the problems with using a singleton design pattern for my engine?

BaneI'm desiging an HTML5 2D game engine in Javascript, and currently, I use the singleton pattern. There is only one global object in the namespace called simply Engine. All other objects are instantiated through this one, for example: var scene = new Engine.Scene(); var renderer = new Engine.Rend...

Can anyone help really quick with a simple Wordpress question?

How do you have multiple dropdowns that require each other?

Ex. If you pick the year 2011 category but pick a category with no posts in it, it should show no posts - instead it shows the 2011 posts.
Good luck.
@jjpd Oh, there was a slight error there. Updated the gist.
thankyou! @KGZM do you have a version better than that coz it doesn't handle rows in var output = "";
$('td').each(function(index, elem) {
output = output + ',' + elem.text()
}); code
How would you delimit rows?
i think it is ok with ;, it can be changed at any time with the time
<strike>with the time</strike>
@jjpd You mean rows don't need to be separately delimited?
they need to
With what?
; as delimiter
terminator(;) as rows separater
Wait, have an error there, whoops, hehe. I didn't test that.
@KGZM thanks! i got idea. let me try. thanks for your cooperation

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