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Q: Optimizing isometric drawing function

hustlerincI need help optimizing my Draw(); function to draw only what is visible in the viewport. Currently I'm drawing the whole Map array in a diamond shape. How can I make my function store only what is visible? Here is an image explaining it better: Black tiles are X axis, White tiles Y axis. Green ...

3 hours later…
RT @mikebelshe: Twitter throws its hat behind SPDY in the HTTP/2.0 standardization process: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2012JulSep/0250.html
hi does anyone know how I can add an attack animation to a canvas ? I have the animation by a setInterval function with event handlers, but idk how to make an attack animation! help please o:
What sounds the most interesting?
"The no framework approach to writing node.js applications"
can anyone help me with an html5 animation problem :/
wth man! were u the one that downvoted me zirak. lol I amtrying so hard :\
No, but I did closevote. I try hard too, but your questions are incredibly broad and vague.
@Abhishek it's an interesting notion
@Abhishek we can talk about how I build applications if you want
@Abhishek why use the buffer on C level ?
I would have to explain a lot for it to not be so broad :/ I just wanted psuedocode or ideas :(
Animation is such a gigantic subject, your questions sound like "hey, how do I build a forum?"
I understand how to animate but like
if(swingTimer < 10) {
ctx.translate(playerX + 55, playerY - 20);
ctx.drawImage(sword, playerX + 55, playerY + 10);

} is what i am doing, when u press spacebar timer gets set to 0
but when i press spacebar it disappears O:
(it being the sword)
That's a much more specific question...
even when I have rotate set to zero
my bad zirak
Post something like that, and you might even get answers
okay, thanks
@Raynos well i am doing audio processing
its a native wrapper / binding for ffmpeg
@Abhishek there should be a library for that
there isnt :P
all the current modules of ffmpeg use the ffmpeg executable
which is a great option but not as flexible and fast as a pure c++ binding can
i see
well in that case
go ask people that know the node internals :p
haha already found it though
I am still confused amongst the libraries js and C++ part . here is what it does so far .

Take buffer from JS -> Decode in C++ -> Return Array buffer in floating point values at the desired sample rate.

Take Array Buffer from JS -> Encode in C++ -> Return buffer in form of mp3 frames .

Take Buffer from JS -> Transcode in C++ -> Return Buffer in frames.
Please stop spamming
sorry.. not spamming
was trying the interaction of the chat room
ah, this is so refreshing. Got stuck with some poorly designed module, so I just C-x h C-w (Emacs for mark-whole-buffer and kill-region.) Let the fun commence
can you make a div hide without it scaling vertically? Like if I have a div that covers the left half of the screen, can I make it hide to the left side without it losing it's height as it hides?
You mean, by shrinking its width?
Right. Like in this example. I need the two panels to hide without shrinking their height. jsfiddle.net
can you create a div{overflow:hidden} as the container?
Yeah, you'll need to actually save the fiddle :P
Linking to the homepage does squat
sorry spacing out lol jsfiddle.net/wK5CC
Just animate the width to 0
ohhhhhhh thx!
@Zirak +1
dont use .hide()
oh man my error was so retarded zirak @_@
but now that i fixed it my fly is the throwing the sword it looks awesome haha
it's sort of a combination of height->0, width->0 and opacity->0, and finally set display:none
@PolluxKhafra transform it to translate it to x+=50%
and apply opacity:0; while it happens
on parent put overflow:hidden;
you have just me a super cool css animation
optionally with css 3 u can also add a 3d spin but oh thats an overkill
and after this animation is done put display:none; using javascript
Or you just shrink the width
@Abhishek Right this works like I need jsfiddle.net/wK5CC/1
@Zirak shrinking width will compress the content :o
so u will have to use a gutter :-(
I don't think he cares
No its like a curtain for a website. So you click to open and reveal the homepage. No content in them.
oh then u dont (XD)
okay, freenode ##javascript doesn't seem excited by the idea, but what about using Lisp as a data format, like JSON or XML or YAML?
Syntax is super easy to learn (there's hardly any of it), it's aesthetically aligned, not technical or daunting, and bitch easy to parse
@PolluxKhafra jsfiddle.net/wK5CC/2
use chrome / safari
hw accelrated animations ftw!
@Abhishek sick!
@PolluxKhafra hingnikar.com <- my blog .. jst the loading animation though
sad thing is IE 8/9 wont support these super cool effects :-/
It seems like a nice idea: pastie.org/4259078
Hello @abhishek
Hi @Abhishek
how are you?
am fine , how are you doing ?
doing good :)
where are u from?
ok. I am from baroda, Gujarat
Wow thats a cool place (y)
Are you .net developer?
yes... :)
i know .net but never played much with it , for me c++ and JS are the most i know
I have question regarding facebook integration...
I have one form in my application when user click on the submit form.. then I want to show facebook connect popup with facebook username and password...
it wont need username and password if facebook recognizes the machine
you will just need to register and app
at facebook for it
and then hyperlink that in the submit form ,
I registerd application..
also manage a database.
for ur application which merges facebook ids to your id (I hope u make some sort of id and data table )
I am not an fb expert but googling will help for sure!
I have join page and when user submit the "Join" button I want show popup of facebook to connect and allow our application.
Just hyperlink the page registered with facebook app as the landing
I added Iframe with source facebook.com/dialog/oauth/…
An error occurred with LocalDevelopment. Please try again later.
Ask it out on stackoverflow.com
and tag it as facebook and facebookapps
retry it
check it.
now it working..
was url issue
I want to show in a popup.. mean when user submit our webapplication form it directly shows the FB popup with mention in above link.
@Abhishek get it.!
@Zirak sounds cool, but how about array?
@LiangliangZheng (array 0 1 2)
It'll be stinky for arrays of large objects, though
@Zirak what?
is that what it looks like .
-scared- you mean javascript can actually malfunction a cpu
If I understand correctly, the CPU mishandles some memory block assignments, and this causes it to freeze
those people are fucking einstiens
for discovering that
That's what people mean by hackers.
somebody wanna see this , rant /critique
a website from my friend . lordrevs.my3gb.com
i would rate it F- , though
lol. If that page isn't a solid real-world example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, I don't know what is.
i lawl'd so hard when i saw it
Hey, we should be careful! He's been programming for over a year; he can totally h@x0r us
> This site is not intended for the average newbie. This site is made for those who have sought beyond the complicated arts of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), and may even hold value to those of you who have mastered the concepts of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or even something as big as intermediate JS (JavaScript).
Just over a year and now he froze RAM! Oh man what are U?
@FlorianMargaine God he is using marquee thats badass
That page's source truly is a masterpiece
I don't understand half of it :-(
alright i better go and finish my modules .. see ya // and then i can work on tapeer :D :D
@phpGeek hey there :D
bye you ;)
:-o ?
You wanted to go, right?
i am going idle :P in here and diving in eclipse CDT :-/ the place where javascript developers lose there temper in matter or milliseconds.
right @Abhishek
by the way
you said
you know about Javascript C++
no. i am writing module for Nodejs in C++
Oh goodness
I have a question buddy
whats that ?
In a social networking project we need to implement chat inside site
users who are logged in can chat in the app with their friends who are added them
:-) okay.
Do you think I should go with Ajax or Node will be enough??
Node will be more then enough :-)
Do I need anything else beside Node.js
yep, you need socket.io and a session system
^ and something for static content delivery like the app itself but i guess you will be doing that via something else
I've heard about socket.io and saw example about it, but not session system
is it another module for Node.js
socket.io can handle sessions internally
but you will have to find a way of registering socket.io's session with the user session on your website.
a database maybe ?
How are "ajax" and node equivalent entities? You don't decide between rice and steak
@Zirak I think from ajax he meant php / asp.net based XHR Polling or Comet solution
@Abhishek YES.
or you meant APE ? // this is ajax based realtime solution. though i would recommend nodejs
You can use xhr and node just fine
Last thing
@Zirak A beginner cant see that usually , and i think phpGeek is fairly new to nodejs
> "Yer momma so fat she overflows the stack!"
Is there a way to combine NODE.js css with the site itself? I mean embed it in the web app
I'm totally new in Node.js
o_O ? wait what ???? CSS - Cascading Style Sheets ?
And eager to learn and discover more
yeah, for template of the chat.
you can just make a simple page like html
   <!-- Add your stylesheets and javascripts here -->
"Can"? How else? It's not like you can decide to use html, css and js. You have to.
And node doesn't have anything to do with css. css is on the client, node is the server; node at most will serve css files.
Node.JS is really odd I think. I have not grasped it well till now.
@phpGeek have you got any experience in C++ ?
somehow, not very much.
okay ..
well node.js is low - level a bit like Cpp
but understands javascript.
I've created a chat application with node.js but I could access it just via cmd
it allows you to handle stuff at lower level , you can handle sockets of data and send / receive packets.
@phpGeek Thats good!
without sessions
session is basically some sort of authentication , you can add something like say a cookie
Everyone can chat in the app.
which has an encrypted value.
on the client side.
now when u get the http request from the client ( the first tiem he visits the website )
you can read that cookie value and match it with those in your database ,
I know what is session MAN! I just cant relate it with NODE and I think thats because I'm newbie in NODE
to identify the user.
pls any one can help me,that how to apply custom fonts for sencha touch 2
aw ninja'd @Ritesh
@Abhishek, seems simple and robust
@phpGeek It indeed is , node will take time to make sense but once it does it will make more sense
I need to apply MyStyle-Condensed.ttf font for sencha touch 2
Is there a way to get in touch with you ;)
@phpGeek I usually spend time in here for most of the day ( in all time zones )
Man of the night, morning... good
oops the other link was too high level
bye for now @Abhishek
see ya here
@phpGeek have fun and good luck (y)
what does (y) part mean?
facebook - thumbsup
fair enough, bye.
@FlorianMargaine you free today ?
I'll see by the end of the day, i'll try
but not sure
okay :-) nvm
i need somebody to lend me a hand with this modules js part
its kinda left behind of the C++ black magic lol
i have got one link fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator .Here we need to upload the MyStyle-Condensed.ttf ,so that we will get many otf,ttf which is equalivalent fonts.....etc fonts for that.But in sencha touch 2 it takes the default font
Dear god sencha touch is html5
u can use css there son
yes i have applied to css but it takes default font
@Abhishek whaddya mean?
@Zirak ,can you help me for sencha touch2
@FlorianMargaine The ffmpeg module i am writing it in C++
so why do you need help in the js part?
but i don't want to check arguments and validity of them in C++ so i am just writing functions in C++
javascript is much better for them :-)
i want somebody to write the js part of the module. lol
why are you checking them?
to avoid segmentation faults ?
if the developer got'em wrong, it's his fault
he'll see it's not working once he gets seg faults
:-? hmm
makes life easy btw.
yeah don't worry about that
in js we can do foo(BUFFER,{ async:true });
@Ritesh Imagine the biggest pile of shit. Now add some more. Now imagine that shit is filled with contorted, lifeless limbs, all lost any human semblance long ago. That's how I feel about any Sencha product.
and then add more stuff to second parameter (the defaults) but you are correct :-)
present a doc with what you can use as arguments
and just let this.
if the dev can't read, then let him get his seg faults
okay then ^_^
and btw @Abhishek this is what I'm working on github.com/Ralt/tartempion
what is it ?
> Yet another web framework.
@octavian Damiean pls help me ,how to apply custom fonts for sencha touch 2
as @Zirak said, for tapeer
@Ritesh Stop annoying people. You asked your question, if someone wants to help you, they will.
@FlorianMargaine oh kewl :D :D
@Ritesh Interesting behavior. Why did you think that I'd be interested?
@OctavianDamiean en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distress_signal perhaps unrecognized format of them.
btw @Ritesh my girlfriend read this chat and found this out for you -_- , dear god stackoverflow.com/questions/11481964/…
do you even see your own question ?
ah, congrats on getting back together with your gf.
• • • — — — • • •
I'd prefer such messages then.
This is just awesome. Typed "Goodbye Cruel World", selected it, M-x morse-region: --./---/---/-../-.../-.--/. -.-./.-./..-/./.-.. .--/---/.-./.-../-..
Emacs, what can't you do?
Make coffee.
I'm pretty sure there's a plugin for that
It can wish you a happy birthday and write a short poem, dedicated to you!
Vim is macho and all, but Emacs is much, much more.
Hey guys, any help with this one, it's driving me crazy...
Why would anyone select the window object with jQuery?
I mean it is a global and always there in a browser.
what do you mean select window object
$window = $(window);
that's not a selector, it just wraps window with jQuery object
so you can use .width, .on etc
Well, yea I meant wrapping it.
$(window).on( "load", fn )
instead of window.onload = function(){}
doesn't like that
or $(window).on("beforeunload", fn )
allow multiple beforeunload handlers
still doesn't like that
wow ok then ;<
I guess you have same problem with document
and document.body
and document.body.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.children[3].firstChild.nextSib‌​ling.nextSibling
No. that looks perfectly legit.
rolls eyes the DOM isn't very horrible if your html isn't very horrible.
Collections are incredible.
that's not so horrible html
I mean you can't look at that code and say the html is bad since it's just 4 levels deep
squints eyes to find invisible html
it could be <body><header><hgroup><h2>etc
that's already 3 levels deep
Your implication was "the DOM is a horrible beast". Which is true at an implementation level, but it's not so horrible
no my implication was that every element is just as global as document or window
Yeah, see, you can do that digging, but you can also use smarter traversal methods (like NodeLists or collections)
wonders why he's (I'm? what person are these sentences in?) getting into a DOM debate. considers a chocolate option. chooses chocolate
it's not a DOM debate man :P
read up
doesn't like it
is going to get a sandwich from Subway
can't stop speaking of himself in third person
asks @OctavianDamiean to bring him one too
informs @Zirak that the shipping will probably take about two weeks
is sad
You know, the more I participate in irc discussions, the more I remember why a lot of people left irc
close as too localized, the op wants me to find a solution for invalid html lol stackoverflow.com/q/11490616/995876
One day I will be able to see what is funny in that
It's where the usually cocky people meat up to be cocky infront of everyone else
Creates an echo chamber of cockiness
@zirak are you talking of irc ?
Yes; been hanging around in some freenode channels. #perl seems to be the most intelligent
the most intelligent = the most cocky?
They have discussions, actual discussions. Where they exchange opinions. It's incredible.
Gotta see this.
The channel is usually dead, but when it's not, I get to learn a lot

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