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That's pretty stupid, though
-5? don't whine :p
looks like Prototype needs a shim to make it ES5 aware and re-attach all of its functions as non-enumerable...
some idiot gave me 120 rep through serial upvotes which were obviously reversed the day later so I started that day with -120
mornin fellas
I don't really care about the rep, it's just stupid that because someone got banned or rage-quitted the system loses some info.
Well, if their contribution to your rep was based on their opinion and their opinion no longer carries any weight here..
Why doesn't it carry any weight? Their questions/answers remain
I flagged but if he edits I will get declne :D
If you vote for presidency and then die from a monstrous toaster accident, your vote doesn't get shredded
@Zirak It's more like if you endorse a candidate with your own reputation and then turn out to be a serial killer your endorsement doesn't mean much.
@Esailija: he already deleted it
No it's not. That'd be the case of sock-poppetry of fraud.
yeah, thankfully
which caused your flag to be marked as helpful.
i need a js video gallery
something like that ^^
"Illegal" votes should be thrown away, but perfectly legal one should stay in the system.
@hanleyhansen you trying to make a OUYA front end?
@hanleyhansen How does it work?
@hanleyhansen I need a pet leech, coat hanger a mime and 3 toasts. Trade?
@hanleyhansen make one
well the OUYA front end has only been seen in their kickstarter video..
@Loktar no i just like their layout
@Zirak woah having an abortion?
@hanleyhansen its easy to do though
put all of the videos in a UL
@Loktar The best kind!
@KGZM i want it to scroll the videos horizontally no scrolling up and down
@Loktar its not that hard bro :o
CSS 3 can handle it (x
@Abhishek oh I know
@Zirak i got everything but the coat hanger
I was joking about OUYA mostly
@hanleyhansen You're worthless
I could do that in my sleep! (not really just trying to sound badass)
@hanleyhansen write a custom scroll plugin or use iScroll-4 , will also give u awesome touch support.
yeah coat hanger is the most important part
i'm a PHP developer!!
@hanleyhansen They extincted with dinosour
and the truth comes out
you are a fossil ?
@Abhishek i'll look into that. thank you.
Q: Shorten Time Return Function

Andrew PeacockI have this function which returns the time that a Tweet was created based on the created_at value that comes when a timeline is pulled. I also check whether or not the tweet was created more than 2 hours ago, and if it was, have an action execute. I was wondering, is there a way that this code c...

@rlemon lol wtf
For a while now I wanted to go into a store, buy a pregnancy test and come back after 10 minutes, to buy a coat-hanger
whaaaaa??? :P
@Zirak that would be amazing
what an awesome prank actually
youd have to make a mini scene initially, so they remember you for when you go back to get the hanger
@Zirak you are a female ?
no but thats even better!
like hes having his gf check
because shes too embarrassed or something
"Yeah she was too nervous to come in so I told her id get it"
@Loktar You mean, shiver like mad, look terrified, knock things over and hastily apologize and overall be completely miserable? Done
@Abhishek Interested? wink
"umm yeah can I just get one coat hanger from the pack? I wont be needing all of them"
Everybody wants a piece of the moustache.
@Zirak sure ! wink wink LOL
or you go into the store with the girl and buy some condoms... make her go back in a few minutes later and buy some pins. two weeks later go back and buy some baby stuff.
@Zirak exactly lol, if you pulled that off and recorded it, it would be amazing
@rlemon lol
*wasnt this javascript room or all of us are still in hangover?
you don't want to be in my wolfpack?
what that means o_O ?
Not Supported Natively Please add symbols
@Abhishek <--- still hungover... or, rather, swungover
@rlemon you're crazy with your ascii things
!!/urban wolfpack
@Zirak wolfpack: A group of friends who consider themselves different from the norm but are bound to each other because of their unique qualities.
@dievardump they entertain the masses and keep the peace.
@rlemon i wanna be a part bt lol
sometimes this room makes me feel weird...
i love this room
@GNi33 one day youll get hair in that weird feeling place too!
and your voice will get deeper.
oh, sweet
nah, it's just weird reading ongoing discussions about JS Arrays, then opening the page about half an hour later and watching Zirak go crazy again :)
ah, it's nice here...
It's allright, come play with the bunny...
I joined the room and a freaking rabbit is staring at me
Does "interval = setTimeout(MudaHora, 1000);" have memory leak ?
All by itself? Nope
Hm.. weird, I'll have to check my code again. Something is leaking memory.
Not that
I put to test my website and let it run over night to see if it is doing something wrong.
And when it started the memory usage of chrome.exe*32 was using 32mb and today it is using 1.8gb
Thanks JSChat. I have now some kind of Rabbitphobia.
Damn. What a scary creature is that.
that reminds me of Hartley Hare - very creepy character from kids TV back in the early 70s - youtube.com/watch?v=hMdBh09zP8U
feels slightly proud
Why have I imagined you'd say that @Zirak ?
has anyone used pure.js?
I usually don't like to unveil creations before I half-assed finished them (especially since I probably won't finish this one), but this made me laugh:
> Octogod, what is the meaning of life?
First, one must discover at what point CPR becomes Necrophilia
@RyanKinal for you :P
@rlemon Thanks?
you appreciate the heavy metal no?
no one else seems too :<
hey guys, quick question. i have an AJAX request to get the contents of a text file on the server. how do i then pass this string along to a JavaScript function? if i sound dumb it's because i've never done web development of any kind before :-/
what is AJAX? (I know I want to know if you do)
surely that would be AJAT ?
Yes, I certainly do. It's not exactly what I'm looking for this morning, but thanks anyway :-)
trolls be trolling
Current listening:
any clues chaps?
I have many many clues
I want to know where you stand before I start
how do you mean/
@cherryduck It does really depend on how you're doing your AJAX
gist: xhr for dummies, 2012-07-11 14:58:06Z
  So, you want to send a motherfucking XMLHttpRequest (XHR, or commonly and
falsly known as AJAX.) Too bad, just ran out of motherfucking XMLHttpRequests;
but I still have one regular.
  XHR is not magic. It does not autofuckinmagically send things the way you
want them do be sent. It does not do the thinking for you. It just sends an Http

  You get a hold on such a prime beast like this:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

  It's different in IE6-. But I don't give a fuck about IE6. If you do, then
google it.
  Congrats, you're on your way to AwesomeVille. Step 1, getting the car,
complete. Bitchin ride. I heard the flames make it go faster. Your car's smart,
though, so just tell it how and where to go, otherwise known as Step 10:

xhr.open( method, url );

  Your car knows how to GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS and PUT. No, you don't
need to know all of them (you fucking well should), but usually just GET or
POST will do.
  Here, I wrote the coordinates down for you:

xhr.open( 'GET', 'awesome.ville' );

(See "Tonsil A: open" for more rants, if I can be fucked to write it. Why not
Appendix? I wanted an original unnecessary organ.)

  Here's the part where you set up the gear. Your ride needs pimpin. Luckily,
it has event handlers. The most important one you'll care about is
`readystatechange`. You can skip this step, also known as Step 11:

xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    //when xhr.readyState === 4, it was received by the server
	if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
	    //do shit, preferabbly call a callback or some other crap
		//xhr.status has the status code. I bet you didn't see that coming.
		//xhr.responseText includes the raw response
		//xhr.responseXML is a DOM object if you requested an XML doc

  And a very crucial point: Gas. It's important to know if you run on diesel or
not. Luckily, we have request headers, in the glorious step 100:

xhr.setRequestHeader( headerName, headerValue );
//or, hardcoded to nearly every fucking need your pathetic ass will ever
// encounter:
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );

  Now, ride, motherfucker! Ride into the horizon, Step 101!


  Say what? You wanna sent data to the server? ...Fine. Ruin my analogy.
  If you've ever taken the time to get up from your smelly sofa and actually
look at how HTTP reuqest bodies look, then you'll know they look like this:


  And every key and every value are, of course, URI encoded.
  Here's a stupid example:
xhr.send( 'tifa\'sBoobs=huge&your%20mother=insulted' );

  Which translated to, surprise, `tifasBoobs=huge` and `your mother=insulted`.

  In conclusion:
//step 1
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
//step 10
xhr.open( method, url );
//step 11
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { ... };
//step 100
xhr.setRequestHeader( ..., ... );
//repeat step 100 until obtained all secret desires
//step 101
xhr.send( optionalEncodedData );

  Here are some motherfucking references:

* http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/AJAX/Getting_Started (note: XHR support was added in IE7, the first section lies)
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/using_xmlhttprequest
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest#HTTP_request
Answer @rlemon's questions... you'll get a better answer.
compliments of @Zirak
Whoever wrote that is a comical genius.
(Also, I really wish the gist onebox was... smaller)
yea would be nice
but ohh well... this room generally get polluted with crap code.. so a well written article on XHR can stay
@YouTube when i'm playing from a playlist why would you add a 3:45 second ad in the mix?? you suck!
@rlemon I like that more than Imperium
@Amaan both are awesome :P
Of course :p
any guys want to give a rookie some tips?
"don't eat yellow snow"
cheers rlemon, i've given that pasted text a read and it actually makes sense, many thanks
"don't run with scissors"
@Chris find a new hobby. programming is not fun.
Don't run over your mother with a 40 foot long hedgehog
@rlemon yes it is!
Don't run over your mother with a 50 foot long hedgehog
Using the Stylish browser extension: .content .ob-gist pre { max-height: 200px; }
I have many advice. Care for something in particular?
the 40 foot one gets jealous?
im 19 i love programming
...I expect to hate it after placement year lol
ok, then:
I'm 92 I love hookers
1. don't use new Array()
2. don't use new Object()
@Chris I am 19
3. Don't use for .. in on an array
am placed and am loving programming at my job :P
@Chris Don't be afraid to break things and make mistakes.
4. never ever ever use MSIE 6 or target your content for it...
prepare for a life of coffee, stress, changing scopes, sleepless nights, and being alienated by women and friends. all of this for a undeserved feeling of self importance and arrogance. I love being a programmer
5. learn how to writequestions properly...
y u no learned the englishes
...jeez ur not such a nice guy lol
(long day, was already fixing it...)
6. learn how towrite answers properly
@Chris who ?
@rlemon erm what ?
@Chris to be fair, that is a very poorly written question. It's asking the earth, but giving no context as to what you've tried, or how capable you are
ok sorry it was a quick question. sorry
generally this site is for programming problems not conceptual answers based on an Idea. Please give it your best attempt and bring back what you have hacked together and we can help you work from there. — rlemon 12 secs ago
Am going to Play Age Of Empires II wanna fight vegemite ?
and go read that paypal developer documentation
@Chris Don't write "quick questions." Do full research on each one. I find that I answer my own question through pre-asking research more often then I end up asking.
@Chris we really are nice people and will be helpful once you have given it your best shot - don't be afraid to show us how badly that attempt sucks... we need to know where you stand (skill wise) and how much to show you or where to push you for learning.
thanks :)
also - ask some time when I haven't hit my rep cap ;-)
3rd year of uni done quite alot of java
not much web dev though
@Chris 3rd year @ 19
u in england ???
I can't help but slightly headbob while listening to this (i'm getting strange looks from co workers)
20 northern ireland
We're good people. But only with people worth it :-) (not skill wise, just "not help vampire")
@Chris .. good luck with ur website :D :D
have created a custom xbox controller site
I am Mike
on the site i have various different options to customize controller
Does anyone have any idea why this would work:
function gotoSearch() {
var searchTerm = document.getElementById('search_box_id').value;
return false;

While this does not?

function gotoSearch() {
var searchTerm = document.getElementById('search_box_id').value;
// debugger;
return false;
From the Myers family
@user973810 define "works"
i now want to integrate a paypal button within this from that takes all information from form to checkout but the paypal website only lets me integrate pre made buttons with set variables price etc...
ok, works: functions, use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ
I have that function set with onsubmit="return gotoSearch();" on a particular form. I want it to redirect to the search url, not submit the form.
why do people write inline JS
are you too lazy to separate your code?
because they are too afraid
probably because w3shools comes up so high on Google :(
I hope to god you get a horribly spaghetti code mess one day to maintain from someone else
And the one with the debugger submits, while the other does not.
right, so that one doesn't work - that makes more sense
your debugger line is preventing the return false, so it does the default action
+1 for nice answer!
programming by coincidence is never a good idea... it really helps when you understand the code you are writing for debugging purposes
yes the imporatnt thing is the purpose
But returning false is what I want if the location.href is going to apply.
dont forget about me guys :(
who are you?
well, as soon as you set location.href the page should be replaced with the new URL
maybe it's a parse time issue instead?
Except that the form submission proceeds and the client will go to the action of the form, unless you return false. That's how I understand it. The weird thing is that it's not working that way.
@Abhishek sorry yea 20 just started placement. are you?
as soon as you overwrite location.href the following code should get ignored
@MikeMyers im chris..
(except for .onunload handlers)
wow I am Mike
@chris I am Mike tell me what\s
@Alnitak that's not true, you can overwrite location.href in an onsubmit handler and it will still go to the form action unless you return false.
your problem?
it will? news to me...
@user973810 What?
Why would that happen?
@user973810 reference or citation for that?
@Alnitak news: USA has positioned all its global navy forces in the gulf region and is preparing for the major offense on Iran!
Because the submit code finishes, then does its thing. setting location.href in the meantime doesn't change it.
@user973810 I think you're wrong
@Chris Am 19
and got a job thanks to voscast
@Alnitak I think he is right. At least the last location change overrides others
location.href = "http://stackoverflow.com"; location.href = "http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/";
Actually, I'm stupid as well. Code execution continues fine after a location.href change.
oh alright, then - I had believed that code execution terminated immediately after a location.href change.
@Abhishek How'd you get the job?
It depends on how quick the site loads and the time between two changes
It's flaky, but it can work. I wouldn't count on it.
But JS execution does not get killed immediately
So this is my problem.
that's worth knowing - I don't recall seeing this documented anywhere
@user973810 but that's by the by - in your first post, which one does result in the submit happening, and which results in the redirect?
@copy exactly, you can throw an alert in after location.href= whatever, and you'll get redirected. I guess my real problem is that the return false isn't stopping the original submission somehow.
I would expect the latter one (with // debugger) to be the one that redirects
@Alnitak the one that includes debugger; follows location.href, the other does not. I suspect the lag induced by putting debuggerin there gives the browser enough time that the location.href holds.
any1 can help me about the HTML5
@Abhishek cool where is that. i got one at Liberty IT
I also wouldn't count on it being cross-browser...the w3c isn't very helpful: "Must define the term navigate"
This is turning into a shit show. I think I'll have to define a key press event on the textbox and a click event on the search button. Gah!
The horrors!
@user973810 what are you actually trying to do?
I have a form whose action is on the http protocol, but IE bitches when you search from the https site, so I want to redirect to the search page through js so IE won't complain.
so why do you care about debugger ?
@Amaan well i dk i was writing android / iOS apps for the company on contract for bout half an year. Then they probably decided to hire me full time :-)
I don't. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the return false not stopping the submit, but putting in debugger made the problem go away.
hlw ....
@MikeMyers you see it?
It does appear to be that calling debugger; is slowing the browser down enough that the location.href call works. If I replace debugger with for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {;}, the location.href url takes effect too.
Q: Integrating html form with paypal

ChrisI have created a website for the sale of custom xbox controllers. On the site I have form which you can select and customize different parts of the controller via drop down boxes, radio buttons etc... My question is, is there some way in which i can link the information from the input methods di...

anyone can help will get a discounted controller ;p
...That's not a good question
I thought we went over this
See, at StackOverflow, there is such a thing as a dumb question, despite what your 4th grade teacher told you.
ffs how is it not?
not 4th grade
P2 im from uk :)
@SomeKittens i also changed the question
cv pls stackoverflow.com/q/11508463/995876 .. 6k asking how to dynamically set object key? lol
@Chris rlemon explained it quite well.
@Esailija To be fair, the dude's top tag is java
Followed by ruby -_-
Oh chrome changed the shit looking media player awesome!
@RyanKinal I hope you are implying some kind of mental inability instead of saying that it's ok since he has not gained the rep from javascript
I would never imply such a thing! Java and Ruby are perfectly valid technologies!
@RyanKinal maximum parsing time exceeded . What do you wanna say ryan ?
SyntaxError: unexpected token "valid" after Ruby
Look, all I'm saying is that Java and Ruby are at least as logical as, say, ASP.NET.
@RyanKinal Sure, if valid === turing_complete
:ahem: </sarcasm>
:See the terminology section below for information regarding inconsistent use of the terms assembly and assembler. Assembly language is a low-level programming language for computers, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and other programmable devices in which each statement corresponds to a single machine language instruction. An assembly language is specific to a certain computer architecture, in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which generally are portable to multiple systems. Assembly language programs are converted into executable machine code by a utility program r...
Does that language worth learning ?
What you say?
I say yes :-)
but see no point in learning it other then knowledge
and understanding of computers , i doubt any real world condition is coded in ASM anymore
Yeah... I did a bit in college.
It's useful if you want to do reverse engineering or write exploits
@RyanKinal How was your experience?
It's about as close to the metal as you can get
@copy well then i will go learn it :-)
@Amaan It was interesting. Didn't do anything terribly complicated with it. Just enough to understand the concept.
@SomeKittens Not really. There was a time when people had to write stuff by looking up the opcodes in printed tables
....Am I thinking of machine language again?
I always get those two confused
Not Assembly specifically, even VM byte-code gives you tons of knowledge on internals.
I sometimes h@x0r flash games by changing memory values of the flash VM
I did a couple exercises in college where I actually had to write out the binary that would result from particular instructions.
THAT was kinda crazy -_-
ouch, sounds horrible
I don't remember a damn thing about it, and it was soooo easy to get wrong
I wish my college was that cool :-/ :-/
My college was so cool that it's closing its computer science program for lack of interest
@RyanKinal sigh Such is the fate of CS programs that dare to be difficult (read: good/not Java)
I'm not sure it was all that difficult. It's just that it's a more Education centered college. As in, future teachers.
That, and biology.
... and there was some drama amongst the CS professors.
Yeah... the best prof they had was disallowed from teaching higher level classes.
That was kind of the nail in the coffin.
@FlorianMargaine that looks incredibly stupid :D
@RyanKinal atleast u had practical stuff in college :P
Another nice thing about having a CS division with only one Prof: that doesn't happen
@FlorianMargaine iterators is badass. test-server is sweet. The rest is just modularization of routil
Actually, a CS department with one prof is usually the result of drama.
Nah, this is the result of being a small liberal-arts college 15 min from RIT
Fair enough
In case you don't recall, I'm speaking of SUNY Geneseo here
I have a cousin-in-law that graduated from their teaching program
Anyone wanna check out my MVC (php)? ^_^
@Neal Nerd-talk for BDSM?
@Zirak wha?

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