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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

It won't be very hard to make it IE compatible; I just don't care enough.
@Zirak Why is it annoying?
Whenever I do it, I just feel like I shouldn't have to do it. So no real reason.
I think that's a pretty good definition of annoying.
One day, when all servers are running Node, maybe you won't have to.
But writing it once correctly was fun. I got to use array methods. I just don't wanna do it again.
How will that improve the IE problem?
If everybody talks JS then serialisation becomes easier. JSON is already 80% of the way there.
@Zirak JSON.stringify?
Pure url serialization. Not doing a json=serializedJSON
@Zirak Yeah, I know that.
See urlstringify, I think it's the method right above the xhr one I linked to above
Why not just do the JSON thing?
Because urls aren't JSON
JSON is a string. URLs contain strings.
I'm pretty sure you know how HTTP requests look like; since it's xhr, I needed to emulate that.
And as said, I don't expect json=serializedJSON; but to transform {foo:'bar'} into foo=bar
Okay, I get you now.
No, I don't get you. You're still serialising non-strings.
And shouldn't you use encodeURIComponent on the key as well as the value?
And the point of urlstringify is to take an object and transform it into something a GET or POST request will understand
@Zirak Oh, yeah, missed that bit.
So it's all specific to your chat bot's spec?
No. The IO object can be taken out and used wherever you wished; it was not designed with the bot in mind
Well, that's half a lie; IO.in and IO.out are special. But nevermind.
["events", "preventDefault", "register", "unregister", "fire", "xhr", "jsonp", "urlstringify", "loadScript", "decodehtmlEntities", "in", "out"]
Pretty arbitrary, really.
urlstringify({foo: [1,2,3]}); // 'foo=1&foo=2&foo=3'
Have you never looked at how GET or POST requests send data?
@adscriven That doesn't make much sense.
That's how forms do it
@copy I'm not sure that's relevant.
It's not a form.
And that matters because?
I'm just wondering about the advantage over JSON, that's all.
I'm not sure I understand.
Or maybe there was never meant to be one. I don't know. Just trying to figure out what it's all about.
You mean the advantage of JSON in general?
Of course there is one.
Less overhead compared to XML.
No, it's just that @Zirak said that urlstringify was general purpose. I'm just trying to get a feel for it.
Well of course it is general. :)
It just takes objects and transforms them to a valid URL string.
I'll have to try it out. I'm a kinesthetic learner.
I just don't like the thought of parsing those foos back into an array.
@adscriven It makes sense for a general purpose library
No need to change server functions and you can emulate form submits
Although the format sucks
please help me with this
That's not really a question for Stack Overflow in my opinion.
... thinking ...
It is a question for Server Fault if anything and it is probably already answered over there.
I think ... you're right.
Trust me, I'm from the internet.
The user says that he could not comprehend the other solutions/answers and apply them to his problem.
@copy Okay, yeah, it makes sense. I guess I've never had to emulate a form.
uhm, why is there a hamster in a kimono?
@Zirak It's horrible.
It's stupid
Internets was once made for documents
And porn
Porn is a documentary
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