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so top:50%;margin-top: -200px; is bad? :P
it's my favorite trick :(
lets try the fix.
fucking right on!
@Esailija answer my Q
free rep
check my answer, I'll edit in 20 secs
wasn't that lolsy
.thumbnais > li, .thumbnail.vcard {
		height: 180px;
that is what I applied
	.socail-links li > a > img{
		-moz-transition: ease-in all .1s;
		-webkit-transition: ease-in all .1s;
		-ms-transition: ease-in all .1s;
		-o-transition: ease-in all .1s;
		transition: ease-in all .1s;
	.socail-links {
		margin-right: 24px;
	.socail-links li {
		height: 32px;
		width: 32px;
	.socail-links li > a > img {
		height: 24px;
		width: 24px;
		margin: 4px;
	.socail-links li:hover > a > img {
		height: 32px;
		width: 32px;
		margin: 0px;
spice up your social icons like a bauce
Bootstrap has some weird approaches to CSS. Not sure why they felt the need implement their own version of clearfix for instance but that caused us a few problems.
I miss French Internet Network :(
@Neal, +1
@Neal, how do you guys do images, anyhow?
o nm
missed the button :)
@dievardump when did they turn that off anyway?
Oldie but goodie
Anywho, given an array of bools, what's the fastest way to return a value based on how many of them are true?
@ErikReppen sorry ?
That French network they had.
There. Is. No, Magic. Method. There's no superboosted function fueled by the piss of dragons for your incredibly specific case of use. Why do people expect there will be? Just loop over it.
@ErikReppen Oh no, I'm right now in Canada. And Internet here is Mafia
@jamesson [true, false, true].reduce(function(k, a) { return k + a; })
function thisArrayHasHowManyTrueValues(arr) {
     var i = 0;
     arr.forEach(function(e) {
         if( e === true ) {
     return i;
@Zirak, So I'm ignorant, so sue me
[true, ,true, false, 0, "", false, true].reduce(function(k, a) { return k + a; })
Don't mix list types
Don't assume he wont
Or [true, false, true].reduce(function(k, a) { return k + !!a; })
Why wouldn't I? Validating the data is outside the scope of the problem. That might already be happening for all we know.
No I'll yell at you because you're hoping for a mystical silver spoon to descend from the sky and solve all your problems. Stop and think for a second...why on earth would there be such a spoon for something only you and possibly 4 other people would use?
@rlemon, cmon I can't be that bad
@Zirak, you imply that I have any idea what other people would use
> what's the fastest way to return a value based on how many of them are true?
I choose to ignore the part about "array of bools" :P
[true, ,true, false, 0, "", false, true].filter(function(val) { return val === true; }).length
nice ^
gives up
You are just mad at my awesome functional style
@dievardump, sexay
Have I angered Zirak? Noooo... flees
Just do this: Next time you're thinking "is there", ask yourself "should there".
Does maintaining the original order of the array matter?
@jamesson just paste in a URL, it will imagify it for you
@Zirak, but then I dont get to see sexy new things :(. Kidding, will do as you suggest
@ErikReppen, not at all
@copy What about an array of 1 items?
!!>[true].reduce(function ( ac, item ) { return ac + !!item; });
Well filter is new so might not work in older browsers.
@Zirak true
GN all
!!> [true].reduce(function ( ac, item ) { return ac + !!item; }, 0);
@copy 1
@FlorianMargaine u can watch the repo now :D i am not commiting my buggy code yet but tomorrw u shall get the awsomeness!
his answer is useless because everyone knows id selector is faster
lol ok fuck my life the op accepted it :D
@jamesson I would do boolArr.join('').split('false').length to instagrab true length.
@ErikReppen, sweet ty
should always use initial parameter with .reduce
That would definitely be faster than a hand-rolled filter function on IE8 or lower.
!!> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].reduce(function(a,b){return a.concat(b);},[]);
@Esailija Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].reduce(function(a,b){return a.concat(b);},[]);
@Esailija [object Array] [1,2,3,4,5,6]
@Esailija [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Oh wait a minute that's totally wrong. The trues would stick together.
oh, now you work?
@ErikReppen, you mean what you wrote?
Yeah, it's wrong.
@jamesson boolArr.join('_').split('false').split(/_+/);
That would do it.
That's awful
([true, ,true, false, 0, "", false, true].join('').match(/true/g) || []).length
@copy, but - short!
!!> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].reduce(function(a,b){return a.concat(b);});
@adscriven [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Ick. No still wrong.
Trailing '_' would give you extra array elements
@jamesson still wrong.
@ErikReppen (boolAr.join('').match(/true/g) || []).length
How about dievardump's?
Are you guaranteed to have boolean objects in the array? Or can you have other types of objects.
But use the filter one, with an Array.filter shim
@raynjamin: all bools
No, use reduce with reduce shim
@dievardump Yeah, I was trying to avoid a more than one character matching operation
character type I mean.
@copy why reduce an not filter ?
@copy then it's no longer native code. He wants fast.
(just asking)
String to regex match might be fastest.
@ErikReppen If he wants fast, then for-loop
@copy, so for loop is actually faster than all of these?
@dievardump Well, I'd say reduce is faster than filter because it does not create a new array
@jamesson (untested) But it should be
seriously... fast...
I'm sure it's not even 10ms with thousand entries in an array
I wouldn't guess a loop with logic on every iteration would be faster than a couple native method calls but the only way to know is to test it. But regEx can also get heavy if you don't keep it simple.
@dievardump, yea my thoughts too
@copy sure he does not want to keep the first array ?
@rlemon seems I have to clear my cache again ;D
Yeah, iterating an array of bools is a pretty lightweight thing to do.
lol prolly - i had to close my browser to see the changes
stupid chrome and it's uber cache
@dievardump: hows that? Why would the first array get destroyed?
@dievardump Reduce does not destroy. I'm not really argumenting for fast, both filter and reduce are the elegant way to do this, so whatever
@copy I'm asking because i don't know how it works. I'm not "fighting for filter" just asking how does reduce work. Sorry
(''+arrayofbool).split('t').length - 1
^ good one
@jamesson ('_'+boolArray.join('')+'_').split('_false_').length

That's how I'd do it.
No idea how efficient.
Its 8 elements I dont think efficiency is a big deal frankly :)
@jamesson so maybe clean code, and the one with _false_ is, for me, not. Array.reduce or Array.filter are the best methods.
Then I would just while loop it. For simple iterations and economy of code. while is great.
Oh right.
var i = boolArr.length,
cnt = 0;
while(i--){ if(boolArr[i]){ cnt++; }
To count false just put ! in front of boolArr[i]; That's also a little bit easier to understand for the next guy.
can anyone help with html5 question? stackoverflow.com/questions/11477412/…
@jamesson and of course add the curly bracket I forgot at the end. That's the basic javascript nerd iterator. Caching the length value actually helps perf a lot in really long loops.
Yeah, I think I'd .filter that.
He'd need a normalizer for IE8- which is fine. It's only 8 elements. I thought he was asking for 'fast' because he had a spectacular array of bools or something.
@ErikReppen, its not for web
Then you probably have filter.
@ErikReppen, no, but similar
I will try filter just to remember filter :)
Anything recent would probably have filter. That and a length check should do it.
Sorry for the mess guys, wip, but - why does this jsfiddle.net/donovandigital/3A5sg/7 return undefined?
@jamesson In the Bank()-constructor the werePlayed variable is never assigned anywhere
@RaphaelR, sure it is
@RaphaelR, right after clips, is it not?
Not really... you wrote this: var werePlayed = [false,false,false,false,false,false,false]
But you actually want this: clips.werePlayed = [false,false,false,false,false,false,false]
(clips instead of this, it's late you know)
Actually I think I want this.wereplayed, but I guess they are the same - ty
no problem!
@ErikReppen how can you be sure it's yucky decision, there are tradeoffs with these kinds of things
what if the alternative was much yuckier? Like making it java
@CAM you're in the JavaScript room
@rlemon Bro, any idea why the Little-XHR GitHub page isn't available?
I'm mostly sure because the amount of effort on es-discuss that's gone into rectifing the problem.
what have they come up with so far
@OctavianDamiean because github is a botch and i havent rebuilt pushed it
It's already in the new spec. I can't even remember the syntax
that creates a bound function in coffeescript
you can already do it with .bind
JSP loading the js files in text/html format .. (i am a beginner in jsp , i am doing anything wrong ? ) I listed the mime type on web.xml .. not sure if anyone else faced this issue ..
Yeah they're doing something similar in JS.
it's still a bitch to bind many functions for each instance of an object
even with =>
and it doesn't change that the bound function is a hack
What I hate about it is that it's impossible to google =>
quotes don't help there?
Your search - "=>" - did not match any documents.
hey , I have a simple jQuery question , but can't figure it out, I want to animate , and expand the height to 552px everytime , this works , but I can't find the alternate word to 'toggle' that will expand everytime
{ 'height': 'toggle' }, 'slow'
At least perl has perldoc. Ah, perl. You're weird.
Yeah, it just thought I was trying to find out about comparison operators when I coupled it with 'javascript'
Why cannot they simply do it like this.. if a function was found in an object's prototype and not the object itself, then the this value for that function call is always the object
Not sure why they didn't want to. Trying to look up a writeup on it.
basically when you reference a function from an object and it's gotten from its prototype, the language returns a bound function for that object automatically
with proper optimizations of course
just throwing it out there, Im sure there are complications
but im basically saying that having to manually do this is a bitch and not a solution even with coffeescriptey syntax
@OctavianDamiean yo I need to address all of the bugs in the code before anything else :P there is a heafty list.
@Esailija next step for the work website :P produce a static site generator in php with an admin interface which will allow the boss to manage the site without knowing how to code :P
Alright, maybe a stupid question. Let's say I've cloned a project on GitHub, fixed something, pushed it to my fork and then offered a pull request. Is there an option not to create a new issue when offering a pull request?
will be fun :P i like getting paid for webdesign... .almost feels like stealing.
@rlemon awesome
webdesign is pretty much like stealing yes
@OctavianDamiean no clue bro
I'm also explicitly referencing the issue number in the commit message for GitHub's super special commit-to-issue mapping thingy but it still creates a new issue ...
@OctavianDamiean new work website prototype rlemon.github.com/dryermaster.com-prototype
Ouh, fancy!
stopped reading at "outer function's this as we'd hope" :c
that's so stupid statement it makes me cry
Yeah, I liked this writeup better: css.dzone.com/articles/javascript-fat-city
Seems kind a dumb to not have a name option though. I do find it helpful for debug, for instance to pass (function withName(){}) rather than just an anon for callbacks and the like.
Crockford got really obnoxious towards the end of that article. I'm not sure why he chose JS as his pet language when he seems to hate a lot of its more powerful features.
Still having issues:/ It wont display the badge when I get an alert. Any help?:)
Where do you get alerts from in this call:

chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: alerts});
@iHawk should that be unread rather than alerts?
:( Still doesnt work
Okay, narrowed down the issue
Should work
Why doesnt it:(
Try passing 'getAlerts();' as getAlerts
Figured it out... I needed to do {text: '' + unread} <..<
Ick. Type-strict JS is obnoxious.
None of the DOM API methods that actually insert that number into the HTML would care that it was a number rather than a string.
@iHawk but seriously, try to avoid passing functions as strings. When methods let you do that it means they're using eval under the Hood and that can be a performance downer if there's enough of it going on. It also has potential to make your code more vulnerable to tomFoolery.
But it works:(
In these cases I don't see a security ish but Eval actually creates additional instances of the JS parser in browsers.
If whatever this is uses V8 it would do that too.
Hmm, so how would I avoid using '' + unread?
That's fine.
I'm talking about passing 'getAlert();' rather than getAlert
For the onload?
In setInterval. But also the onload.
if i replace 'getAlert();' with getAlert will it work?
Yes. Functions in JS are like anything else you can pass around.
Oksy, thank you:)
Although onload you would probably want function(){ <nonstring version of your onload handler> }
You can't really pass a function being called but you can pass a function definition that fires the function you want with the args you want.
Yeah thats a little over my head;p
Basically your handing a function to something else that calls it later.
function(){} is just defining a nameless funtion. getAlert('myArg') is a function being called.
So if you wanted an arg for getAlert you would have to wrap it in a function that fires it with that arg. but you don't need an arg for that one so you can just pass getAlert.
Ah. Thank you so much!
No prob. First class functions are weird at first but really powerful.
Q: Userscript to provide quick access to canonical questions when voting to close duplicates

mgorvenServerFault often gets off-topic questions which are closed as duplicates of a canonical question, such as capacity planning or I've been hacked. I've favourited those canonical questions for quick access, but whenever I encounter such an off-topic question I have to open my profile, go to the fa...

Hmm. Good updating interval for an alert system?

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