Bootstrap has some weird approaches to CSS. Not sure why they felt the need implement their own version of clearfix for instance but that caused us a few problems.
There. Is. No, Magic. Method. There's no superboosted function fueled by the piss of dragons for your incredibly specific case of use. Why do people expect there will be? Just loop over it.
No I'll yell at you because you're hoping for a mystical silver spoon to descend from the sky and solve all your problems. Stop and think for a second...why on earth would there be such a spoon for something only you and possibly 4 other people would use?
I wouldn't guess a loop with logic on every iteration would be faster than a couple native method calls but the only way to know is to test it. But regEx can also get heavy if you don't keep it simple.
@jamesson and of course add the curly bracket I forgot at the end. That's the basic javascript nerd iterator. Caching the length value actually helps perf a lot in really long loops.
He'd need a normalizer for IE8- which is fine. It's only 8 elements. I thought he was asking for 'fast' because he had a spectacular array of bools or something.
JSP loading the js files in text/html format .. (i am a beginner in jsp , i am doing anything wrong ? ) I listed the mime type on web.xml .. not sure if anyone else faced this issue ..
hey , I have a simple jQuery question , but can't figure it out, I want to animate , and expand the height to 552px everytime , this works , but I can't find the alternate word to 'toggle' that will expand everytime
Why cannot they simply do it like this.. if a function was found in an object's prototype and not the object itself, then the this value for that function call is always the object
basically when you reference a function from an object and it's gotten from its prototype, the language returns a bound function for that object automatically
with proper optimizations of course
just throwing it out there, Im sure there are complications
but im basically saying that having to manually do this is a bitch and not a solution even with coffeescriptey syntax
@OctavianDamiean yo I need to address all of the bugs in the code before anything else :P there is a heafty list.
@Esailija next step for the work website :P produce a static site generator in php with an admin interface which will allow the boss to manage the site without knowing how to code :P
Alright, maybe a stupid question. Let's say I've cloned a project on GitHub, fixed something, pushed it to my fork and then offered a pull request. Is there an option not to create a new issue when offering a pull request?
I'm also explicitly referencing the issue number in the commit message for GitHub's super special commit-to-issue mapping thingy but it still creates a new issue ...
Seems kind a dumb to not have a name option though. I do find it helpful for debug, for instance to pass (function withName(){}) rather than just an anon for callbacks and the like.
Crockford got really obnoxious towards the end of that article. I'm not sure why he chose JS as his pet language when he seems to hate a lot of its more powerful features.
@iHawk but seriously, try to avoid passing functions as strings. When methods let you do that it means they're using eval under the Hood and that can be a performance downer if there's enough of it going on. It also has potential to make your code more vulnerable to tomFoolery.
function(){} is just defining a nameless funtion. getAlert('myArg') is a function being called.
So if you wanted an arg for getAlert you would have to wrap it in a function that fires it with that arg. but you don't need an arg for that one so you can just pass getAlert.
ServerFault often gets off-topic questions which are closed as duplicates of a canonical question, such as capacity planning or I've been hacked. I've favourited those canonical questions for quick access, but whenever I encounter such an off-topic question I have to open my profile, go to the fa...