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4:54 AM
I think I take back what I said about parcel
... at least with webpack I could fix stuff lmao.
Literally can't import css... literally only lets me specify tags and no class names after I spent 20 minutes configuring it... css imported as a module is something I'm not willing to give up... I might have to go back to webpack...
webpack is to bundlers what vim is to editors
@IsaacPak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@IsaacPak fair enough. I like vim. I figured it out anyway... You have to import from the root directory before it looks in folders just because lol
so literally you have to create a garbage file in the src directory (or whatever your root is) then all imports from your style directory will be found because it just works.
@IsaacPak I still can't tell if this is an insult or a compliment lol
to vim
or webpack
3 hours later…
7:58 AM
AI is giving me headaches
3 hours later…
11:01 AM
@Zee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Zee Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Hi, sorry I flagged my first post, can you delete it? I pressed enter by mistake.

Hey guys, I'm using a PouchDB to add items to a database, only problem is my table overflows when the page is resized (so it's not responsive). I want to hide certain fields from my table when the page is resized to a certain point using media queries. When I add

.hideonresize {
display: none;

it just hides the headers on the table, but not the content generated by the database itself. Anyone know how I can hide this content on resize?
2 hours later…
12:57 PM
can you flag your on post?
1:31 PM
how can I perform a domain search for all email addresses with javascritp?
for example *@company.com
1:47 PM
should I use DNS or MX records?
2:20 PM
@Nerva neither. You have a couple different options. If you just need a basic search use theHarvester.
I just wanted something similar to hunter.io but that I can use with node and that does diepend on their company
3:17 PM
@DavidKamer Haha sorry bout that. I wasn't aware of the full conversation and just spinning off of this line. I am a huge fan of both webpack and vim. They are the swiss knives in development. I hope that analogy is a little more clear :)
2 hours later…
Quite impressive, isn't it?
Might be worth flagging
Problem solved then
5:35 PM
Hey peeps, does anyone know why Node is giving me an error TypeError: "listener" argument must be a functionwhen calling https.requestwith a url as a first argument, as documented here: nodejs.org/api/…?
The exact call looks like this:
let req = https.request(url, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
@bigblind Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
how are you importing https
@bigblind Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KevinB: const https = require('https');
and you don't have https in your package json?
5:43 PM
It's a native NodeJS module
but lemme check
but there's also a npm module that coulda been mistakenly installed
just want to make sure you're actually using the native module before digging deeper
I don't have it directly. Looking for any package that might have it installed as a dep
i don't see a reason that wouldn't work
callback is optional
5:55 PM
@bigblind Are you sure you are on Node 11?
At least the docs for Node 9 indicate a different signature: nodejs.org/docs/latest-v9.x/api/…
So if you run node --version in your console and see 9 or less, that is most likely the problem.
The method you are using seems to have been introduced in Node 10 so you might have to update.
Version 10.9.0 to be precise :o
Ah, I think this might be the issue
6:12 PM
Welcome! Glad, I could help :)
6:27 PM
G'day :)
2 hours later…
8:25 PM
8:55 PM
just finished my first component: https://github.com/tkwant/react-stepper-wizard

Do you have improvments?
2 hours later…
10:53 PM
hi everyone, I recently published the last version of my npm package, scroll-utility
if you need to do scroll in a website, feel free to use it.
Any star in github is welcome, thanks :)

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