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I'm now using a
and I've never been more unhappy
whose idea was this
haven't you heard, trackpads are the new cool.
trackpads are the old cool
can you pitch, swipe, and, zoom
what are we gonna have next, wireless punch card readers
I can do that on this ridiculous mouse
Apple's 'magic mouse' is already too much of a trackpad for me
now it's broken and I've had to go full trackpad
I'll pitch this trackpad into the rubbish bin
suck it up dude! programmers in India have to code on their cell phones.
using that swipe keyboard
programmers in india have to complete dozens of contracts in programming languages they don't even know
programmers in India have to make youtube videos about programming
that's why they do such a great job. i'd like to see you program in a language you don't know.
jk :)
I do all the time
it's called Javascript and to be fair, it's infinite and unknowable
interestingly enough js makes it easier to learn other languages. at least for me.
@forresthopkinsa do you mess with 3d printers?
Is there a way to do this effect with css?

`-` means hidden
1. ---------------------
2. --------sti---------
3. -------estin------
4. ------testing----
@JBis you mean replace the character?
or typing it out?
@DavidKamer No. The div is hidden and expands from the center outwords
@JBis so each is a div?
@DavidKamer No, the entire thing is one div with multiple elements inside
@JBis "elements"?
so each letter is a different container/element?
No. Testing was just an example. Its just a regular div with text and other stuff inside.
@JBis then you could just animate and set delays
@DavidKamer Yeah, how
hold on
@KendallFrey this looks promising
there is probably a better way to do this with "n" variables in css, but I'm working on the bad way to do it
yeah use clip-path if you can, but it seemed convoluted to me when I tried it
that's what came to mind first for me. you can manage the animation duration and what not from the same rule
but then change delay by class
but you could probably use "nth-child" somehow
and maybe css vars or something
@DavidKamer Its not just test. Sorry my example was bad. Its a full element with background, flex, etc. Not just a word I can divide up. And it would be a nightmare to split up into 50+ divs, css'ing them to display properly, then animating them.
@JBis yeah you'd need to create a rule based on the child number at that point
or if it is based on user interaction you'll need to use JS
@JBis you could also write some JS to generate the CSS based on your situation using a more complex algorithm
@DavidKamer oy. that would be a lot of generation. One sec...
@KendallFrey fuck. Not supported in safari
are there any real reasons to use ES6? I feel that other than consts, lets, and promises, then the rest is all sugarcoating.
@bluninja1234 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@bluninja1234 is there any real reason not to use C?
or Assembly?
Why not write it in binary? lol
or just write it in binary
nb4 lol
@bluninja1234 const, let, and promises are half of what was added lol
also look at arrays
mapping and other functional loops can be optimized in the future by browsers
or in node
where as a for loop... well it pretty much does a certain thing
@KendallFrey webkit it is!
You know its real because they hit ctr+I before typing Apple
and inconsistent capitalization of Apple-id
and informations
and so we was
btw informations is at the bottom and middle left
hmm look to the left where it says "enable desktop notification"s
@JBis "Your Apple" you know someone high was eating an apple when they read this and probably freaked out lol
@Rick do you have any experience with NLP?
I feel ML and NLP are sorta of the same thing
@DavidKamer why
@DavidKamer @KendallFrey Got the animation!
@Rick I'm trying to find phrases or words that are negative or positive (not neutral)
@JBis nice! How did you do it?
took me 20min to figure out how to make a rectangle with clip-path lol
@JBis yikes that works poorly on mobile lol
well you're probably doing it wrong. positive and negative words are context sensative.
@DavidKamer jsfiddle does, not the animation
@Rick haven't even started. I'm thinking phrases like "poorly"
Words I mean
@JBis yeah that's what I was saying lol
Heres the better version
that would still not work. you need to create a word cloud based on statistical averages of the context.
I'm gonna ask and answer on so
prob gonna get a much of down votes, but worth a shot
@Rick yeah that's what I was thinking. I mean if you're talking about stocks I guess poorly would be non biased (as in positiv
@Rick but I'm looking for something that flags words as positive/negative
So like a dictionary that flags adjectives or something
That has json data or an API or something
you are going to need to breakdown sentences into adj, nouns, ect.. it's a lot of work. And it's mostly statistics. I don't recommend attempting anything for production. just use a dictionary of curse words
I am sure they exist somewhere.
@Rick It's something that will be done server side and controlled. It's probably not as bad as it sounds
no one works on NLP except for big O companies. You probably just need a simple filter.
A: CSS Animation to expand div from center outwards

JBisUse clip-path and CSS animations. Note: On Safari and other browsers the prefix -webkit is needed The first keyframe has the 4 points at the center on the X axis but in their final (maximum) place's on the Y axis. This allows us to only animate the X axis. The second keyframe moves the 4 po...

@Rick no I need NLP lol. I don't want to say what I'm doing, but it definitely needs NLP lol
@JBis nothing is happening for me
@DavidKamer Check the answer on the question, I added support.
that moment when someone on Facebook is actually promoting crack lol
dear god don't post anything anti-crack or you'll get pwned by the crack sjw's lol
@DavidKamer Take a look here--> Some other cool ways
A: CSS Animation to expand div from center outwards

Temani Afifhere is an easier way without clip-path .animation{ width: 0%; margin:auto; display:flex; justify-content: center; white-space:nowrap; font-size: 50px; padding: 25px 0; background: black; color: white; overflow:hidden; transition:0.5s all; } body:hover .ani...

literally having a conversation with a guy about someone who stole his 5 dollars lol... wow facebook is such a waste of time lol
well end of story: ended up pissing everyone off and then giving the guy 5 dollars in some sort of ironic weird flex... wow facebook. Have a good night everyone
2 hours later…
@DavidKamer you gave some random guy on Facebook $5...?
@JBis DavidKamer is afk.
@CapricaSix What would happen if you went AFK? Deadlock bitch.
Hi! has somebody store img into a database (mongoDB) ? how should it be the structure of that collection and how I upload a img from an API ?
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@JBis yeah, idk why except I felt awkward because he was really dogging on some guy like I should know what he was talking about lol. I even thought for a second that he was talking about me because it was so awkward so I was just like, "merry christmas man lol, you probably need it if 5 dollars made you talk this much to a stranger about some guy stealing from you"
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez databases aren't really for storing images
@JBis I have one component in my application that is over a 1000 lines...
@DavidKamer I know databases aren't really for storing images but that just an exercise.
and it's not a "god object"
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez probably could store it as a blob or something
let me check something
Is react/redux worth learning?
@OvieAdese react definitely, redux maybe less so
@OvieAdese I would say both are, because once you understand redux you'll understand how to use npm packages even when they kind of suck to implement...
redux is also useful even though people don't always like the syntax
@KevinB It's like you wait for me to say something that isn't on the script of dev holiness or something lol
@OvieAdese if you want to understand how states move (or change) parent to children components or even the one-data-way, you must learn redux (I think so).
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez has to be under 16mb I think
Q: how to insert blob data in mongodb,is there any additaional software required

NAVNEET MATHPALI have just installed mongodb on my system, I wanted to know if it was possible to insert blob data in mongodb. What is the procedure and if any other softwares is required for this ?

Q: convert image into blob using javascript

caxieyou110I use promise to download an image and get the image data like: promise.downloadFile().then(function(image){ //do something }); I have got the image, which is like: <img name="imageXXX" crossorigin="" src="/images/grass.jpg"> how can I convert the image into a blob? (Sim...

@DavidKamer and if i want to load a file upper than 16mb I need to use something call gridFS.
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez idk, but you could store have a mongodb document that points to other documents containing those blobs and assemble them or something like that I assume
sorry but I d
dont get afk ?
@DavidKamer, I thought you just install a npm and just define it in the program what do you mean lol
@DavidKamer English is not my first language so
@VíctorVíctorRamosJiménez afk means "away from keyboard", it means that he isn't in chat right now so it might be a while before he replies
ready to get your mind blown:
bak = "back at keyboard" but "bak" could also be "back" as in "back at keyboard"
mind blown XD
@OvieAdese I mean implementation, not adding the package lol
1 hour later…
can anybody help me with this question
Q: service worker notificationclick event doesn't focus or open my website in tab

SandroI use FCM push notification in my website and I want user can come into my website when He or She clicks on the push notification. Please notes that The user may be in other app or in other browser tab and I want when he/she gets fcm notification He'll be able to come into my website by a click o...

I have Switch case Having 2 key and for those key I have value. For Example:

function greet(value1,value2){
case 1,1: return "Hello";
case 1,2: return "Bye";
case 2,1: return "Holla";
case 2,2: return "see you";

In my case It's giving value for some cases while for other cases it's failing I have somewhat 15 to 20 cases like this. This is a short example of it.
Like for:

//Prints Hello
//Prints Hello (While it should print Holla)
Any examples or projects for using class keyword for node.js
@Pete Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@SharvinShah please use switch appropriately lol. You are abusing the flexibility that JavaScript offers.
Do you really know what happens if you evaluate 1,1 as an expression?
try to evaluate those 1,1, 1,2, 2,1 and 2,2
Yes I got the answer it should be value1 + ',' + value2 and some for the cases
NVIDIA used neural network + ML to map data from recorded video's into graphical video: youtube.com/watch?v=ayPqjPekn7g
imagine the possibilities (or better worded: "abuse") for the porn industry 😀
@KarelG that's cool
you can read the published article too.
@BartekBanachewicz I love me some JS, but I also like how intentionally hacky this graph is
I'd like to think that would have practical applications for a game, but it wouldn't make much sense unless position were irrelevant, and you just needed to provide fake scenery
Maybe for program to help driving simulations
it is very interesting for CAD/BIM industry
architects can use an existing layout to fit a new building/area project in a CAD tool (that supports BIM)
it would require a lot of footage
I think this works particularly well because of existing google map photos
but if you wanted to apply this to say, an extension of a building, you'd need lots of photos of the current building
lots of footage? just drive around the area of your new project
or just record with a drone
@KamilSolecki I have to say I am sort of grudginly agreeing
I still think there needs to be an arrow going from the ML community to that rainbow
maybe two arrows are the answer
Every time I watch or read something from Evan I start thinking
like e.g. how type inference is still lacking if you can't dynamically infer record types
f = {
    a: 42

g = view f a + 1
I am not aware of any statically typed language that can make this work
except, of course
> Type Inference for Records in a Natural Extension of ML
Btw, when in doubt, Alon Mor: youtube.com/watch?v=RiJMwKdFJTI
@BartekBanachewicz why "view" and not "get" ?
ML uses a lot resolvers btw
so those tools comes with meta-interpreters
How is everyone doing?
veri gud
Its a lamp peak season how could I not be happy
lamp peak season?
higher sales during dark december + christmas / newyear nearby?
people do christmas cleaning and realize they need them lamps new, and now
oooh we are having visitors but the lamps are old/ugly/dirty. NEED ONE NOW!
Hey. I've followed the instructions in the above link. However my phone which is on the same LAN gets 'unreachable host' yet my laptop can reach it (where I serve it)
Any ideas?
i assume the server is on your own laptop (that you have used to reach it)
Just ng serve -host <ip>
do you know that your laptop has a firewall?
expose your ng server to the network
but be aware that it has security implications
@KarelG whatever really
you can make it unreadable :P
g = dig f a + 1
g = open f with key a + 1
If I'm looking at es5 compatabilitv for IE11 am I right to conclude I don't need an es5-shim to support IE11 if I'm going use the es6-shim despite what is suggested here in the installation suggestion? I don't want to load too much libraries.
es5-shim is for IE8
IE9+ runs ES5
Anyone implemented vuejs in WordPress ? -> stackoverflow.com/questions/53629647/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, okay, thanks!
@rene did you check "show obsolete platforms"?
it shows IE8+
did you have heard of what Microsoft is planning to do with Edge?
@KarelG no, I didn't, obviously ;)
@KarelG yes, I did
chromium is taking over the web. I am afraid of its dominance though.
not sure if I linked it earlier: windowscentral.com/…
yeah, there will be little to chose from, at least for the general public
@KarelG welp, Edge had a good run.. how long has it been active? A whole 3 years?
And Microsoft is finally making a web browser that doesn't start with the letter "E".. alright..
Chakra was/is ... a fairly good engine
never heard of it
@KarelG well, you can make anything unreadable but that's besides the point
☹ u so serious
cuz im watching the Elm talk and making myself angry
I picked up a book on the laws of gravity. I couldn't put it down.
also I have a test that runs fine when ran from bash.exe and fails 50% under cmd.exe
50% is better than 0%.. ship it!
I don't like that kind of inconsistency
@Neil it's a test
Why does ESLint require me to add a comma after the LAST item in an object?
Is it necessary?
hello to all of the folks here
@Lisandro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
hello lisandro
@KarelG But it is not harmfull either right?
with a , at the end? no
I believe the reason for that is to be future proof, so that when someone adds a new line, he/she wouldn't forget to add a , beforehand
Oh yeah! Make sense.
Thanks @KarelG
@Lisandro yo
how is everyone coming along with the advent of code?
@Neil slowly
I didn't have much time yesterday :(
there's always this weekend I suppose
full agenda :S
you mean you have something better to do with your time than solve programming problems?!
well, I'm solving hardware problems
they're also fun
@Neil yes!
1 hour later…
hmm, interesting
I've just learned that -fomit-frame-pointer is turned on by default with -O2
I am using regexr.com
to check an expression which is Jan 01 2018.

I would like to detect only the 01 in the above date
I tried with this pattern but it also matched the 2018. here is the pattern

ddOnly = ddmmyyValue.match(/\d{2}/gi);
\d{2} space would work?
i believe yes
If I have an iframe from a different domain
I'm trying to, within the iframe (I am the iframe), to access my own localStorage
But I'm getting a DOMException
What gives?
I haven't tried to access window.top.localStorage, just my own window.localStorage
@KendallFrey Why so vague? just do (?<Jan )01(?= 2018)
not dynamic Neil.
localstorage is buggy last I tried it mainly on iOS. Might be better now. maybe a bug
@KarelG he said he wanted to detect 01 :P
@MadaraUchiha a DOMException? Are you sure that you do not get a security error? LocalStorage follows the sop principles.
*you did not got
not sure if you have birds in your city but this $30 kit converts it back to a regular scooter ebay.com/itm/…
of course only buy it legally from police departments
never heard of ... xiaomi scooters o.O
is it not a phone brand?
have you heard of bird.co or limebikes?
yes they do a lot
the logo of limebikes reminds me of something
oh you are in belgium
basically its scooters just thrown on the ground which people can ride using an app in the city
they have them in most all major cities now in US
Not sure what they do with scooters in the snow
oh limebike is available in Brussels here.
ride one sometime they are lots of fun
I am thinking of buying an electric scooter now after riding them
Thing is, I don't live in city. I just work in a big building in a city. But my house is at countryside. I doubt that i can use lime to there :P
@KarelG Looks like it's because I was testing over a data URI
The host didn't have a real domain
or just using a regular electric scooter
Well, I don't really care, the real world scenario won't be a data URI anyway.
@KarelG as you may know they are operating in a grey area. In fact my city banned them at least temporarily.
@WilliamA why is it banned?
it is just a service? Or are they worried about not having the right driving license?
my guess because the law actually bans scooters from riding on side walks but we have no bike lines in our city. The law requires helmets but nobody every wore them. Lastly they were literally everywhere
@KarelG Would you say that an electric scooter should ride on the sidewalk? Or on the road?
Assuming of course, there are no bike lanes
my University is going to miss them for sure if they don't come back
its funny the website lists our city as having them even though they are all confiscated
@MadaraUchiha the walkers say road. The scooterers say sidewalk.
I am in the sidewalk camp
electric scooters should be on the road if their speeds exceed 15 to 10 miles per hour. Otherwise, they can use the sidewalk.
yeah these scooters definitely don't go over 15mph
I think its like 12
the average human can run 10 to 15 mph. That's the basis of my assessment.
it does not seem reasonable to put pedestrian speeds on the road.
I have been in cities where bikes are supposed to be ridden on the road
so why the exception for scooter
but that city had decent bike lines so I am cool wit hit
@MadaraUchiha on the road like how it is regulated in my country? there are three categories: road / bicycle paths / sidewalk (pedestrian). Motorized two wheels that moves by walking speed belongs to the sidewalk. Faster than that -> use bicycle paths. If there are no bicycle paths, then you must use the road.
I like the scooters but if you are as heavy as I am you can't really carry anything on that and been under the 200 pound capacity
speed pedelecs (= electric bicycles going faster than 25km/h) needs to be registered and obtain a license plate.
@WilliamA bikes can achieve high speeds. They should be on the road, at least legally. You don't need to enforce it, where a soft rule will suffice. Since bikes can also be ridden casually.
because that is classified as a moped
I remember the gas-powered mopeds as a kid. Those things went so far on a gallon of gas and were hell of fun.
do you know those pocket motorbikes?
I've seen them. but they seem strange
your talking about the small ones, that look like they are for kids but adults use them
there's this problem in Italy where children are using motorbikes
Like children of 8 years old
Someone somewhere decided to "trick" the police by telling them that the motorbike is actually broken and is being used like a bicycle, and the police bought the story.. and now every kid is on the streets with a "broken" motorbike
road warriors. they are preparing for mad max end times
@TinyGiant Whaddya think of the scroll animation on the first page? Gonna add an image soon but the animation looks cool I think.
@Neil how fast can they go
I mean its not like an 8 year old can afford one
so the parents/relative must think its acceptable
I remember when I was 8 I would moped to my friend's house and his mom was always wearing a bathing suit. Is that Normal to always be wearing a bathing suit around the house?
@Rick well, these are forbidden for use on public roads
@WilliamA a regular one has a 50cc and can reach 40km/h easily
I have heard of models that has 100cc engines in it. They go much faster
suburbia really fucked me up.
@Rick It would appear you grew up in a porno
my grandmother was a lifeguard and had a pool so it was basically the same for my mom+mom's bro
too many board blond mom with big boobs, and too many kids looking for a good time.
I remember 10 scandals in high schools. All of which involved a teacher sleeping with a student, or later getting married after they graduated.
ironic that it happens more frequently in USA where you are prudish about the f word and some breasts on screen.
I thought soo too. but I might have been raised in a bubble. I think the OC has a reputation
I realized that I lived in a bubble that when I moved up north for a while. However, before that, I thought it was normal.
I had a friend who was banging this milf, she bought him a Mustang! It was a 27,000 dollar car! However, to be fair he did look like brad pit. He also introduced me to the movies, human centipede and boondock saints.
lol human centipede
that was a f*ed up movie
ya, that's why it was cool.
My family was poor in comparison to the people around us.
how do you fake out an ETIMEDOUT error?
what do you mean by fake?
i'm doing something like: post.on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
trying to get Nock to recreate the error
in nock you can do: .replyWithError({code: 'ETIMEDOUT'}), but that's not actually an instanceof Error
so you want to simulate the actual error or just dub it. like you're doing in your example
dub it would be fine
just use the connect-timeout middle wear to simulate
set a global timeout time and just use it in app.use(timeout)
var connectTimeout = require('connect-timeout');

var timeout = connectTimeout({ time: 10000 });
var longTimeout = connectTimeout({ time: 45000 });

app.use(timeout); // you can set a global timeout value
app.get('/some/route', longTimeout, yourHandler);
also, your code might be wrong its err.message.code
Ok but I can't answer any of them
I believe err.code also works
you could write your own middle wear to simulate it. Just seem like you have to take some things into consideration. like multiple requests over the same socket etc
or you could set the req.connection.setTimeout in ms to trip it.
but that's for connection timeout not request timeout
> “Disclaimer: test and measure! when it comes to concurrency, nobody has idea what they’re doing”
Note to self: Plug in the extra sata cables before you assemble your ITX build :(
i.sstatic.net/SENFb.jpg There's a 2700X and 2070 buried in this tiny case lol
And 2 platter drives
you plan on sliding into a parallel world with that thing.
Plan on sliding into BF5
It stays over 60fps with everything ultra 1080 and RTX on... But won't quite stay stable at 1440
It's your call if you want crisp graphics
or eye candy graphics ;)
@LuckyKleinschmidt AA should help with scaling 1080 -> 1440 no?
@LuckyKleinschmidt Is the 2070 OC'd ?

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