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new work computer is a mac
macbook with secondary imac screen
waayyy outside of my comfort zone
Sitting in class
it is boring
2 hours later…
Would anyone be able to point me in a good starting direction for promises?
I've already looked at:
but I'm still not grasping it.
is there something in particular you're trying to do or is it just for learning sake?
@david Learning sake
do you know how callbacks work?
@david yes
This is what you mean, right..?
what aren't you grasping?
about promises?
Mostly the syntax. I understand how and when they are used, I'm just having trouble understanding how they are written. If that makes sense..
have you used the array map method before?
@demonhunter24 take a look at this and see if it helps: jsfiddle.net/vdqmx4zg
those are 3 ways of printing messages after a delay
the first is the way you need to do it with callbacks
the second is with promises, but using them badly so it ends up just like callbacks
the third way is what happens once you start chaining promises
this chaining is very similar to array mapping. just like you can do [1, 2, 3].map(x => x+1).map(x => x*2)
1 hour later…
Could anyone assist me with a "onmouseover" event please
I used a for loop to generate 100 paragraph elements (different colour squares), I am trying to use onmouseover to remove the squares, but everything I've tried has been unsuccessful.. any advice?
newP is the variable responsible for generating the squares (for (i=0; i < 100; i++){
var newP = document.createElement("p");), when I use "newP.onmouseover = ""; or newp.onmouseover.remove;" nothing happens
you have to give onmouseover a function
put your code in a jsfiddle or something to show the issue
kk thank you. I'm very new to JS, i'll figure out JSfiddle now
does not generate the boxes in JSfiddle unfortunately
link it anyway, i can fix it
I'm reading a book Eloquent JavaScript at Chapter 11 and one function is really bugging me, is it possible to ask about it's working here ?
@DanishALI Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
getting it now
Thanks I'm trying to figure out the best way to put the question here, as I'm ready I'll put it here
@DanishALI you can ask whatever you want, but the room is pretty quiet about this time so it's possible noone will answer
how can I share a piece of code, I mean I don't wanna paste it here it will look dirty
you can post it here, just make sure you click the 'fixed font' message that appears to the right of the text box after you've pasted but before you hit send
or put it in a site like jsfiddle
I removed the onmouseover event
Any chances anyone here has read Eloquent JavaScript book by Marijn Heverbeke
Thanks a ton, David!
it's very important to note that i changed your vars to consts
if you leave them as vars you run into a variable scoping issue where it will only remove the last box
if you're learning you should probably try to stick to const + let so you don't run into closure issues before you're ready
I see, thank you. I need to review and grasp it now
much appreciated
Well if someone could take a look at this code and tell me how 2nd function get's it parameters at runtime: eloquentjavascript.net/11_async.html#c_HejJcHo3dj
Sorry I mean inner function
@DanishALI you mean how it gets nest, content, source and callback?
yes these parameter
this is bugging me
you might wanna take a look at crow-tech.js
something else passes those in
eloquentjavascript.net/code/crow-tech.js this is the other file which is linked to this code
I mean I could call the wrapper function with (name, handle) but how can I provide the callback and other parameters
Class network in this file has the linked defineRequestType
the arguments get passed in on line 82 of that linked file
@KevinB Turns out Amazon had my EC2 cloud in some sort of network isolation. I wasn't crazy. That's why RDP was not working; it wasn't on the Internet, but AWS Console did not reflect this..... ugh...... thanks anyways!
the handler comes from line 77, it grabs it from types
and the function itself is added to types on line 50
is there any fix so that var could be used instead of const? (after you're done with Danish Ali of course), I tried with var and got a "node was not found" error
i think the author of this book needs to look up the definition of eloquent
on line 50 you have attached name with handler right
and handler could be any function the user may pass in
unreal how fast you are, David
next thing the author does is call defineRequestType which is supposed to take two arguments (name, handler)
and at this point the handler that author passes is (name, content, source, callback)
and the definition
now my question is user passed only handler
wait wait wait sorry , let me reread this
I'm sorry I had a mistake I'll be back after I read it again
Thanks David I got it!
I ran a test code in SandBox and it's working
Is it possible to make react-native app to be updated by play store? Currently I am using CodePush but it seems like not that much automated.
hey David, is it possible to use "this" to remove the boxes with variables?
yes, ideally you would make each box its own 'component' and handle it there
what exactly do you mean by component?
'component' is just a concept
it's a higher level wrapper around an element
i'm going home now
thanks again mate :)
anyone on?
In redux the state is not getting updated instantly. I need to refresh the page and then only the state gets updated why so?
What is wrong is there anything wrong in reducer or action ?
import { SAVE_MESSAGES } from './types';

export const saveMessages = (messages) => ({
    type: SAVE_MESSAGES,
    payload: { messages }

const initialState = {
    author: '',
    message: '',
    messages: []

export default function (state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case SAVE_MESSAGES:
            return {
                messages: [...state.messages, ...action.payload.messages]
1 hour later…
@Allenph Nope, go on. :)
greetings you wayward troglodytes
how does thou?
I have a function f1(){
problem is they get called asynchronously
whats wrong with that?
I want f4() to happen after f3() to happen after f2()
const checking = bool => true
ok cool
why not wrap them all in promises and then make a then chain?
never used async
1 message moved to Trash can
@55Cancri Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
would like to use promisses
async f1(){
await f2()
await f3()
await f4()
that should make asynchronous things synchronous
why not promises?
f4 will wait for f3, f3 will wait for f2, etc
async await is promises under the hood
the issue with promises is the nesting
even with then/catch
well also need the code to be compatible with IE 11 :p
most code is written and read from the top of the file to the bottom
but when you introduce new Promise or then().catch(), the code must be nested eternally within a series of .then() statements or callback functions
so outdated and difficult to read. Async await is a godsend
@Ekin Pong.
the man, the legend: madara
but it wont work in ie 11
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama
breathing, are you using react
or webpack?
@55Cancri I'm not Scott Sterling :)
just simple js with .net app
@55Cancri Not accurate. You can have a portion with "raw" promises, and a portion with async/await.
function delay(ms) { // not async
  return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));

async function whatever() {
  await delay(1000); // works, even though delay isn't marked async. Returning a Promise is enough
yes the new Promise part is the only part wrong with that above statement
@55Cancri Also, not synchronous. Sequential
It's still asynchronous, it won't block the main thread.
as expected from the great madara
@Breathing We use async/await in production and we support IE11.
breathing, you can use babel polyfill
@55Cancri Just the polyfill wouldn't help you, but yes.
You can use Babel, or TypeScript.
babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator and es6-promise
@55Cancri That still wouldn't work in IE11. I don't think they have Promises, or generators
Just use present-env
that seems like a lot of heck for a little optimization
oh interesting
present-env was not enough for me yesterday
i had to add the transform async to generator
when deploying lambda with async await with serverless
@55Cancri That just means that your env was not defined correctly.
You tell it what browsers you're interested in, and it knows what kinds of transformation it needs.
oh, i didn't know browser specification was needed
If you tell it you want IE11, it will transform, although you might still need something like the babel polyfill, or regenerator runtime.
@55Cancri The whole point of preset-env is that you tell it the "env" and it knows what's the minimal transformations needed.
i assumed if you supplied nothing, it would transform it to work on all
@55Cancri Well, there is a default, but "all" is a bit strong. Would you expect it to work in IE6?
i think the least common denominator
as long as i get to write in modern syntax, i dont care what it converts it to
the more the better i say!
was promise a part of ES2015?
i believe so
@Breathing Yes.
So why not IE 11 supports it?
@Breathing Because IE11 is a shitty browser?
madara where did you become proficient in typescript?
That Microsoft would love nothing more than get rid of in a shower of napalm, but can't, because it's so integrated into the operating system, that removing it would require an almost full rewrite?
trying to define every type but its cumbersome
@55Cancri No. On the fly at work.
any recommended sources?
I thought IE 11 could handle everything from es2015
@55Cancri You don't need to define every type. TypeScript is fairly good at inferring.
@Breathing Pfft, no.
i still have quite a bit of learning then
IE11 can barely handle everything from ES5.
i assume interfaces for were necessary for every file
@Breathing they did not work a lot on the javascript engine because they did not bother with it. They started working on chakra engine because of the new "style" that came with Windows 10.
@Breathing We support IE11 because it's a significant portion of our userbase. But we have analytics and trust me, the moment it drops below the "significant" threshold it is gone.
same here :P
Now I'm wondering how much do adblocks skew our analytics and make the IE portion look larger.
tbf, they abused their dominance on the OS market though. A lot people buys pc but are not tech savy or developing skills to use it. They were just using it for browsing and reading emails.
@KarelG That's not the abuse part however.
So when they boot up their pc, they only see IE as a browser. Nothing is told about other browser. The EU fined them and forced them to give customers an option to choose from multiple browsers
The abuse part was them trying to wrest control over the standards by blatantly and deliberately ignoring everyone else, and making sure that if you write for IE, you'd be hard pressed to write for anything else.
That went away with Win10
Microsoft was just being smart. I can't blame them for that
@Neil That's not being smart. That's being an asshole, and a detriment for the whole advancement of the whole industry for at least a decade.
I doubt they did it because their final goal was "being an asshole"
the advancement started when Google came with chrome.
@Neil No, their goal was control.
they saw early on that they could dominate browsers if they did so, and so they did
@MadaraUchiha What business doesn't want control over the market?
ironically to bring attention to their search engine and fetching user data which is "frowned upon" lately
@Neil charity
@Neil 1. A business that doesn't want to be fined millions and sometimes billions over monopoly by regulators.
It doesn't seem like a "being an asshole" thing as much as it is a "no shit" thing
2. They didn't just do it for the browser market. They did it for every market.
@MadaraUchiha Most of that came out because of that move by the way
Embrace Extend Extinguish has an actual Wikipedia entry.
Nobody thought to regulate that until then
^ is true actually
If google gets a chance to make everyone's browser Chrome, the only reason they wouldn't is for the PR factor
but make no mistake, that would be a calculated decision, and one having nothing to do with "being nice" as much as looking after their own business
@Neil Google aren't much better than the old Microsoft.
now EU is confident enough to prevent monopoly or market abuse via dominance.
Apple got fined again recently AFAIK.
even if the fine is "peanuts" for them, it still hurts
My point was not to expect businesses to look after the interests of the people in general. Their number one priority has been and always will be its own business
If you want regulation, the government needs to step in
@Neil There's a difference between looking toward your own interest and what Microsoft did in my opinion.
Despite every company every looking at their own interests, none of the tech companies did what Microsoft did back then.
honestly, the only difference between a company like EA, hated for microtransactions and loot boxes and one like Rockstar with generally high PR is the importance they give to their own image to the public
@Neil When a company gives millions to charity, do you care whether it's because they get tax benefits for it?
but I wouldn't doubt for a minute that if they could remove 50 dollars from the checking accounts of every American with a monthly salary and have them be grateful for it, they would in a heartbeat
If them worrying about PR would cause them to have better practices towards their userbase, good.
Microsoft did not, and they suffered for it the moment a compelling alternative came along, in whatever market they had "absolute" control over.
IE used to have 98% market dominance.
@MadaraUchiha No, I don't care. They do it because of the tax benefits primarily
Windows had 99.8% market dominance in home PCs
The system was setup to encourage that, and rightfully so.
well I never said Microsoft didn't make a mistake
They did what they thought was in their best interests, and they dominated the market as a consequence, for better or for worse
In the scheme of things, maybe it wasn't in their best interests as it turns out
@Neil For a time. But everyone knew that there would be a reckoning. You can't blatantly be the bad guy for years and be surprised when people are happy when you fall.
@MadaraUchiha It was their choice
I don't blame anyone for being happy at the change
@Neil Yes, and their choice ruined it for everyone else for a decade.
So you can't blame the general population of being crossed with them.
Again, you expect Microsoft to do something which is against their best interest, not gonna happen
@Neil No, that's not what I expect.
I expected Microsoft to try to innovate, continually improve themselves and their products to increase their revenue.
But they saw a shortcut, and that shortcut may have gotten them more profit on the short term. But it ended up (rather predictably in fact) almost completely driving them into the ground.
I think you think too highly of Microsoft :P
I don't put that much stock into any company
@MadaraUchiha particulars have that benefit too
Even Google lately has seemed to be dissolving its previous dedication towards "optional data sharing"
I expect in 5 years time, Chrome will start reminidng you when it starts up that synching is off and to click anywhere in 30 seconds time to activate it
innovation does not exist if you, as a company, have monopoly or in duopoly with another one
there has been power problems in my country because my government failed to regulate the market 20 years ago until 5 years ago
now, we are trying to find solutions because some nuclear sits got shut down. one of the solutions is to get a power boat, fueled with oil to generate power
I've seen that sort of thing happen in America
The US postal service once drove other companies out of business
they acted like a business, but they had the benefits of no taxes to boost sales
the result was a postal service that was very lethargic for many years
fortunately they're now their own company, so that's no longer the case
we have one company for deliver letters though, 50% is in hands of the gov
that is because it is a result of a law enforcement. In trade for the monopoly, they have to deliver to every nooks in our country, even if it is a remote house, deep in a forest.

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