Would anyone be able to point me in a good starting direction for promises?
I've already looked at: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises and: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise but I'm still not grasping it.
Could anyone assist me with a "onmouseover" event please
I used a for loop to generate 100 paragraph elements (different colour squares), I am trying to use onmouseover to remove the squares, but everything I've tried has been unsuccessful.. any advice?
newP is the variable responsible for generating the squares (for (i=0; i < 100; i++){ var newP = document.createElement("p");), when I use "newP.onmouseover = ""; or newp.onmouseover.remove;" nothing happens
@DanishALI Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
you can post it here, just make sure you click the 'fixed font' message that appears to the right of the text box after you've pasted but before you hit send
@KevinB Turns out Amazon had my EC2 cloud in some sort of network isolation. I wasn't crazy. That's why RDP was not working; it wasn't on the Internet, but AWS Console did not reflect this..... ugh...... thanks anyways!
is there any fix so that var could be used instead of const? (after you're done with Danish Ali of course), I tried with var and got a "node was not found" error
function delay(ms) { // not async
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
async function whatever() {
await delay(1000); // works, even though delay isn't marked async. Returning a Promise is enough
That Microsoft would love nothing more than get rid of in a shower of napalm, but can't, because it's so integrated into the operating system, that removing it would require an almost full rewrite?
@Breathing they did not work a lot on the javascript engine because they did not bother with it. They started working on chakra engine because of the new "style" that came with Windows 10.
@Breathing We support IE11 because it's a significant portion of our userbase. But we have analytics and trust me, the moment it drops below the "significant" threshold it is gone.
tbf, they abused their dominance on the OS market though. A lot people buys pc but are not tech savy or developing skills to use it. They were just using it for browsing and reading emails.
So when they boot up their pc, they only see IE as a browser. Nothing is told about other browser. The EU fined them and forced them to give customers an option to choose from multiple browsers
The abuse part was them trying to wrest control over the standards by blatantly and deliberately ignoring everyone else, and making sure that if you write for IE, you'd be hard pressed to write for anything else.
My point was not to expect businesses to look after the interests of the people in general. Their number one priority has been and always will be its own business
If you want regulation, the government needs to step in
honestly, the only difference between a company like EA, hated for microtransactions and loot boxes and one like Rockstar with generally high PR is the importance they give to their own image to the public
but I wouldn't doubt for a minute that if they could remove 50 dollars from the checking accounts of every American with a monthly salary and have them be grateful for it, they would in a heartbeat
@Neil For a time. But everyone knew that there would be a reckoning. You can't blatantly be the bad guy for years and be surprised when people are happy when you fall.
I expected Microsoft to try to innovate, continually improve themselves and their products to increase their revenue.
But they saw a shortcut, and that shortcut may have gotten them more profit on the short term. But it ended up (rather predictably in fact) almost completely driving them into the ground.
Even Google lately has seemed to be dissolving its previous dedication towards "optional data sharing"
I expect in 5 years time, Chrome will start reminidng you when it starts up that synching is off and to click anywhere in 30 seconds time to activate it
there has been power problems in my country because my government failed to regulate the market 20 years ago until 5 years ago
now, we are trying to find solutions because some nuclear sits got shut down. one of the solutions is to get a power boat, fueled with oil to generate power
we have one company for deliver letters though, 50% is in hands of the gov
that is because it is a result of a law enforcement. In trade for the monopoly, they have to deliver to every nooks in our country, even if it is a remote house, deep in a forest.