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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

attempt 1
oh, wait
i didn't setup the abort action group
What's the worst that could happen :P
abort test!
my clipped engines are burning eachother up
dont think this thing is makign it to space
it's making it to space
just not mun
and time to go back home, at least i get a star on this pilot
i need stronger first stage engines
hmm.. i'm coming home with 20 science, enough for bigger engines, go figure
man, now I gotta start a new vanilla KSP play
the new skins are great
new version is in orbit and ready to trasnfer... stage 2 is a little overengineered
5160 d/v to burn
i botched the landing
the part is what is left of stage 2
service bay doors to the rescue
almost forgot to eva and get the data
remembered at 90km
Kevin, you're using far?
lander on mk2
orbiter is just an mk2 capsul with room for 2 kerbals
gonna leave it in space and take the lander down and back up
leave in orbit for future missions
it's below the orbiter so that i can get this kind of shape easier
test launch
This guy really didn't like my Safari browser:
.. funny thing is: it actually WAS the latest version of the browser
My point is: why would you completely restrict someones access to your site if they aren't using the browser you want them to use?
more than likely they are just using a feature detection script
I have a quick question about object pooling. Is this jsfiddle.net/willRF/f04hakeo/1 better than this jsfiddle.net/willRF/cez1rnmb/6 ?
@rlemon I am sure most browsers are at least capable of displaying the basic content of the page (text / images)
this lander sucks
needs a reaction wheel
@KevinB The plane physics in KSP are so unrealistic (and awkward to control) - do you agree?
i mean
they work fine for me
unrealistic? no idea, not a pilot
docking this thing back on my return vessel is a nightmare
no reaction wheels and the rcs isn't balanced
You'd think that jumping out a plane at 1000 meters above the ground would mean certain death for the Kerbal, instead they just bounce off the ground.
i mean, that's not plane physics
As for the plane...
..flying into a building results in the plane disintegrating into nothingness - and the building slowly sinks into the ground
yeah, i mean
that's a detail that isn't important to the game
tis not a building destruction simulator
1 hour later…
Hello everyone. I am designing a rest api for a web application. I am sent the status code of every api request as part of the response body and not response header. Is it okay to do this?
@Gunjan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
How should I overcome the perceived fatigue when learning programming or reading programming books for some time?
yo sup guys, been a while
is it possible to do something like
const DefaultExport, { namedExport1, namedExport2 } = require("./aModule")
in NodeJS?
just like in webpack
Looks like it isn't
@ZhengquanBai find something you enjoy instead of programming maybe.
I'm literally seeking ways to cheat my mind as if programming is addictive and relaxing as lying in bed doing nothing.
What is the most easiest and simplest shortest path algorithm to learn?
@Newbie123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Hello, has anyone used Docker to deploy apps? Say, I've got a Node app working on localhost. If I deploy it on Heroku, or AWS, I will have to manually configure the environment like Nginx, Websocket because each environment is different from my local machine. Will Docker save me time from that?
Hi all, I have confusion with client and server side. I have created user schema now I want to store users details like name, email, password in database and I want to display those details on client side how can I do that ? Do I need to make a api endpoint eg: api/users and then do I have to make a GET request (i.e display all users) and POST request( i.e to add user). Is this implementation correct ?
@funjoker sounds correct to me. What confusion?
@funjoker You... want to display the password on the client side?
@Frondor you mean es6 modules?
@Newbie123 Try to find shortest path using simple BFS
what you have is similar to let a, b = 1. It runs, but it sets a to undefined and b to 1. You could also have const a = 1, b = 2
@towc It will be undefined , you do it like this let a=1,b=1
read until the end of the line
@towc Nope, I'm talking about commonJS / Node
Can anyone answer this question?
@umarbilal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Q: Browser Compatibility issue while using Webrtc and Socket.io

umarbilalI am using webrtc, socket.io and laravel-echo-server in a realtime chat application. Audio+TextMessages+CanvasSharing. It's working fine on Firefox browser but not working on Chrome to Chrome and Firefox to Chrome. I am ended up with this. Finding no solution at all. When the second user answers ...

Q: Test axios Actions creators with action creators in the response body

Lutaaya Huzaifah IdrisAm trying to test an action which first makes a request to the server to fetch data, after fetching data, in the response body there's another Action creator dispatched to fetch another data. While writing the actions tests, the tests don't cover the action creators part. This is my action crea...

@lucahuy So I will create an api endpoint such as api/users so in server.js app.post(/api/users) and app.get('/api/users') and on client side I will use axios.get and axios.post to get data and add data from client side am I right ?
@MadaraUchiha So I will create an api endpoint such as api/users so in server.js app.post(/api/users) and app.get('/api/users') and on client side I will use axios.get and axios.post to get data and add data from client side am I right ?
Hey guys, I've got an issue with my JS code... It does what it should, but it looks pathetic. It's easy to read, well commented and well documented. How can I make it look more ninja-like?
How can I make it look more ninja-like define ninja like
@SurajRao You know, like cool and complex, but not complicated... I wrote 700 lines of JS last night, but it just looked so pathetic. It's too clean
1 hour later…
Could some one with YouTube Data API experience look in to this question please?

@user1941537 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@JamesBaloyi jsfuck.com
Hello everyone
Q: Web worker setup in Angular 7.0.1

Mr_GreenI am trying to do web-worker setup in my existing Angular 7.0.1 project (medium scale project). I did the setup after going through the following links: Web workers setup for Angular 4 app Webpack config change for Angular 6+ app - library and related article Here are my changes in each file:...

^ Any help?
Can I ask, is it good practice to include break; in switch statements, or leave them? I've come from a programming background and in them languages you break;
Just wondered what the go to way was for javascript.
I've seen it with and without
it means different things with/without
without break you have fall through statements.
It means it wont hit any more, such as default? If you include it.
switch( true ) {
	case( true ) :
		console.log('without break, the next case will be checked')
	case( true ) :
	case( true ) :
		console.log('and resume normality')
run that
Thanks, that explains it.
Can someone please help me in creating model schema in mongodb where each array object has user1, user2, and conversations
Conversation will have messages and author for each message
So basiclly each array element will be an object which has user1, user2, conversation and inside conversation(it is array) will hold all messages object
To give you some idea about how the data should look like
saddest convo ever..
@Zirak why would the size of an array ever be less than or equal to negative one
I'm getting a really weird response with an api using fetch. It works fine with testing tools llike httpie
I'm getting an error with any get request to "https://api.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/price"
or any of their api endpoints
It just returns ok: false, status: 0
I think they've done something to block javascript entirely, but I didn't even know that was possible. I don't plan to use it for anyone buy myself... kind of bs that they'd block it
I've tried a number of things, but here is my most recent attempt:
        mode: 'no-cors'
I'm not even trying to handle the JSON, because it's giving me some weird error that is usually syntax related..
I have no problems using python to get to it but I really don't want to use python for this
I get cors errors
@rlemon did you put 'no-cors'?
what do you think that does?
Disables requests from other domains?
oh wait
@MadaraUchiha are indexes in arrays which are not assigned a value iterated over or are they skipped in methods like foreach? Are indexes in flux in a sparse array?
@Rick Fairly easy to test that.
@rlemon oh wait lol, yeah it gives me a cors error too then
!!> const x = [1]; x[10] = 2; console.log(x); x.forEach(el => console.log('el', el))
@MadaraUchiha uncaught exception: Exception: too many items
@MadaraUchiha "undefined" Logged: [1,"undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","und‌​efined","undefined","undefined",2],"el",1,"el",2
@DavidKamer there is no way to override on the client if the server doesn't respond with the proper headers.
@rlemon huh, why would it work with every other language and tool?
can't I specify: Access-Control-Allow-Origin? But I'm having trouble with how to do that
@DavidKamer Because it's a security feature.
It's not a great security feature mind you
But it's a security feature.
@MadaraUchiha is there a way around it so I don't have to screw around with python in a js project. It's for an electron app... I REALLY don't want to screw around with another language just to get a ticker up
I'm actually surprised that Electron has that limitation.
So you have two options
If you have control over the target server, you can add the appropriate cross-domain headers
you can disable web-security in electron
Or you can do that. ^
because you control the launching of the chromium container
Don't you have access to node modules though?
you do
Will you get a CORS error even if you went through the 'http' module?
So I am confusion.
hi confusion, I am rlemon.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
  webPreferences: {
    webSecurity: false
but this should do it
huh. I wanted React to handle it on its own though
so disable web security
So basically I'm making a react application that is packaged to electron. How do I do that?
you do it just how you're doing it. you can run the react app AND your own local server in electron
or just disable web security
I tried disabling web security and it isn't working
chromium-browser --args --disable-web-security
do what I suggested
set it as a option in your BrowserWindow instance
I think I'm just going to make a proxy that takes requests and puts them through python
or find a different api
It's not worth making the whole application "less secure"
I finally agree with Torvalds that security professionals are just... a bad word... lol
what is less secure? do you allow them to look up arbitrary urls?
@rlemon no, but I'm sure that it will trigger some kind of flag if I put it in my portfolio that will attempt to make me look like an idiot... It's just not worth having github tell everyone that my application is dangerous or whatever they'll eventually do
uhh, I don't think that will be the case. but okay. a proxy is no more secure than disabling security then forcing them into a sandbox of accepted urls
@rlemon yep but the internet TSA won't flag that
I'm being grumpy I apologize. Thank you for the help
do you know they'll flag the webSecurity flag?
Hi everyone, can anyone help me with a recommendation for a good IDE to start playing around with JS? something that will shout at me when Im doing stuff that I should and etc.
@Green any editor that supports a linter plugin
but I'll jump in and suggest Sublime Text or vscode
those are popular
@rlemon I'm sure they will at some point. I really have no trust in their ability to determine real threats from necessary work-a-rounds.
cool. with sublime i'm fummiler, so just to add linter plugin?
@DavidKamer if you are so sure they'll figure out that flag, what is making you so sure they won't figure out your proxy?
thanks @rlemon
@Green yea, grab eslint and find a set of rules you like
@Green vscode
i will take a look in both. @KendallFrey
a last one, can you also recommend for a nice source to learn some basic stiff for guys with experience in other programming languages
@rlemon I'm not worried that someone will actually think it's malicious. I think that eventually they'll go through and flag anything that disables browser security as having a "vulnerability" or "potentially malicious" because that is what they do to make us feel safe. They don't actually help with anything 99% of the time because they usually don't understand it, but they sure to make us feel safe by not letting toothpaste on to that plane! I might do what you said,
W3 school is nice, but I feel its a bit to shallow. and I did also a course in Pluralsite that was "OK"
but I'm honestly too angry about having to do that to actually continue working on this project right now. Once again, I apologize for showing my frustration here. Thank you for the help @rlemon and @MadaraUchiha
@Green Have you checked out MDN
@DavidKamer sure, do what ever you want. but it would be silly to think they'll go for X and not for Y. if you're constantly worried about what they 'might' do, you'll never get anywhere.
@rlemon this is true...
@TylerH no, from a quck google I see it has to do with Mozzila. which is a good sign(:
@Green It's one of the more reliable sources of documentation and tutorials for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (and other stuff, too)
is there any way i could avoid Alt codes through REgex/
@TylerH but they don't even have w3 in their name. how reliable can they really be? hrmm?
Great. I will take a look! I find the documentation a bit confusing in places like forums and SO when people want to get thing done and mixing JQuery solutions with pure JS and such...so i m trying to say , thanks. good tip(:
english is left to right, your smileys are upside down
I guess the fact that my mother tongue is right to left have to do with it
@rlemon oh you
@Zirak you need to update those links
Hmm how easy is it to (partially) recover a mongodb database that is seemingly "corrupt"? One of our main server racks literary failed and corrupted the harddrives as well as the backup. (And yes we didn't have relevant off-site backups).
@paul23 as easy/hard as it is to recover any data. I doubt the fact that it's mongodb is relevant
Are any of you interested in cylindrical or toroidal arrays?
Well I have recovered the actual datasets, however the mongodb format is broken. Thus it doesn't recognize the data itself (it recognizes the tables, however it also considers the tables to be empty). Do I have to manually go through all data or does mongodb have some built in recovery functions?
generally to avoid mongo errors you must replace everything with a real db.
/s, but also not /s
@rlemon I think I'll probably just test with web security disabled through a flag and use the https module in electron. I didn't quite get what you guys were referring to when you said the http module could do cors, but that'll be the best way to handle it imo. Thanks for the help
@DavidKamer servers don't care about cors headers. only clients.
@rlemon I assume I can use https in electron just like an node instance, but haven't tested yet.
Is that even necessary? Why can't I just use the http module directly?
you can only use node modules via remote context.
oh boy, that's awesome lol
@rlemon do you have a link to the documentation on this?
I mean within the browser process. you can do whatever you'd normally do for anything not on the 'client' in this context.
also apparently there is nodeIntigration flag?
idk. it's been a while since I used electron
Any help with webworker configuration in Angular? stackoverflow.com/q/53100379/1577396
@Rick "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@Rick "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
!!>const x=[2007,3,3,2007, 2,3000,5,7000];b=[];x.forEach(a=>{b[a]=(b[a]|0)+1});b.forEach(x=>console.log(x))‌​‌​;
@Rick "undefined" Logged: 1,2,1,2,1,1
@MadaraUchiha ^
@LuckyKleinschmidt No IRL man. This is for a project. I've spent over $500, and she hasn't spent $1.00
but I'm out of money now, so i'll have to ask her
@MadaraUchiha so it does skip them is there an explanation for this?
does the underlying array structure only point to the next value in the array, like a linked list?
@Rick You still on that?
Just use an object, or a map.
Array is the wrong structure for what you're attempting to do.
I am just trying to understand the underlying mechanics of it. it has it's usefulness
did you read the docs?
because it is all explained there.
did not find a satisfactory explanation explaining this behavior
> forEach() executes the provided callback once for each element present in the array in ascending order. It is not invoked for index properties that have been deleted or are uninitialized (i.e. on sparse arrays).
I know, so does it skip those indexes and go to the next value
or does it still iterate over those indexes
> It is not invoked for index properties that have been deleted or are uninitialized (i.e. on sparse arrays).
Can someone direct me to a resource or tutorial or something that can show me how to get the es6 features of Vue working in Visual Studio 2015? @rlemon, I tried that link you sent me yesterday, but I couldn't get it to work.
what does that mean, does it mean there is a pointer to the next value.
it means the callback isn't executed on empty values
so there are still iterated just no callback
that would be implementation
Hey another beginner question.First, thanks on the advises, already set up my nodejs and my IDE. but I still a bit confused about document and DOM elements. Can I Mock a "document" in JS?
@rlemon that answer is not a very satisfying answer.
Or it is only relevant inside an HTML page
@Rick Go read the V8 source code?
@Green mostly.
you can mock it on the node side of life, but it only has limited use cases
mm ok, I will try to be more clear, I am writing an addon to mozzila as a project for learning JS
@KendallFrey where would I look for that, in the assembler
To install the addon every time locally is hectic and make the CD process very slow
so how should I test my code outside of the browser?
they should auto update, even when in dev mode
you can alter that interval
don't quote me tho, that's an assumption about updates and a quick google.
I use chrome, and only have written chrome extensions.
I develop to the little brother
(don't ask me why, i'm to deep inside) and TB doesn't got this cute features
@rlemon k, got you. thanks any way though
didn't thunderbird stop receiving updates years ago
i stopped using it because it wouldn't support my outlook inbox anymore
It still does
but the documentation is really OLD.
and the community is kind of sleepy as well...since the new Firefox came out most of the features just stopped working than I thought it would be a nice project to fix some and to learn JS on the way
Q: How do I get this JavaScript Variable?

Moritz Klug<script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#new-btn').click(function () {(async function getText () { const {value: text} = await swal({ input: 'textarea', inputPlaceholder: 'Type your message here...', showCancelButton: true }); if (text) { ...

seeing people who are "new to javascript" using async/await and destructuring scares me
So I am guessing everyone's Halloween was uneventful
Statistically speaking, it's exceedingly unlikely that everyone had an uneventful Halloween
keen observation. I didn't realize Canadians celebrated Halloween.
Statistically, there is a 90% chance @rlemon went as himself on Holloween.
can you see if your own posts get flagged?
man is this place dead. I guess when all the Google employees walked out they must have forgotten to log out of SO.
@KevinB Wow !!!!
Regex question: what would be the regex to match all style="..." groups in this example? asdfas style="height: 400px;" asdf asasdfas style="width: 4as00px;" asdf as
trying this: (style="\w")
what is the problem with that one? (except that it matches one word?)
... anyway, I guess this could work (style="[^"]+")
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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