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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

so the normalization needs to be done manually
man what a PITA
hr.open( method, new URL(url), capture );
I don't have that luxury but thanks :)
what luxury?
the third parameter is not capture BTW
@rlemon using URL
@Knu yea, my brain merged xhr and event listeners.
@Knu why not?
It's for a cross-browser library.
so polyfill it.
only IE11 is being silly
I think a polyfill is appropriate there.
Nah the goal is to have the less dependencies possible.
so note it and let the people who don't target ie11 to not include it
covering .. is being completist on my part
I am probably trying too hard
meh, my suggestion for easy (and pretty much native) support would be to just use URL, and polyfill it for IE11 if you want to support IE11
no 'dependency', include the polyfill yourself.
remove it once you wanna stop IE11 support
Again THE feature of the library is being a no brainer drop-in cross-browser library so that's not possible.
To give you an example it should run fine on IE5
nothing should run on IE5, because no one cares about IE5
But I agree it's the most elegant and shortest solution.
that's like saying "guys, my app is windows 3.1 compatible"
If you are passing me https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/./javascript you should be considered a smartass, correct?
dunno, asking your opinion
seems like dynamic url construction using relative path would be very brittle
If you don't know of a reason, neither do I
What does that have to do with relative pathing?
Oh, does that actually get converted? If so, by whom?
k, let's take an example you would request something using a base (that comes from a whitelist on the server) and then instead of concatenating the path correctly you use .
seems idiotic to me :)
if it's meant to serve actual urls, do what the URL spec does
and what browsers do
@BadgerCat feliz cumpleaños bestie!!!
don't assume the intelligence of your users, that never bodes well
@rlemon yup, I know but covering useless . is over the top to me
I mean when it's in the middle of the path
Q: Can . (period) be part of the path part of an URL?

MoffeIs the following URL valid? http://www.example.com/module.php/lib/lib.php According to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1738 section the hpath element of an URL can not contain a . (priod). There is in the above case a . after "module" which is not allowed according to RFC1738. Am I reading the ...

that's fine. that's just my suggestion
follow the spec / standard
@SterlingArcher I wasn't clear enough OFC I am talking about ./
Relative pathing in a URL?
In React, what is the difference between a React.SFC and a React.PureComponent?
google stateless vs pure
small poll, ever had a base URL for the request url which wasn't always the smallest common denominator? e.g. for a given base example.com/v3/API/ would you for example use a ../../v2/API/users/ relative path for that one endpoint that wasn't updated?
In short I am wondering whether I should just not allow .. because it's just never justified and wouldn't be recommended.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @KamilSolecki @DenysSéguret @SomeGuy @JohnValdetine @SterlingArcher Thanks baes <3
Have you created Skynet yet? @BadgerCat
> If buffer is a double-dot path segment, shorten url’s path, and then if neither c is U+002F (/), nor url is special and c is U+005C (), append the empty string to url’s path.
@Knu yes
@SterlingArcher no
Just making sure. All those learning machines it's only a matter of time :D
Those mountains are waiting for John.
@BadgerCat Happy Birthday, lady
@ndugger thanks <3
You bet, badger could run the Numbers and tell you when you gonna get hit buy a bus @SterlingArcher
I can do that without the Numbers but its gonna cost
I have an area chart in C3js and I'm trying to make it so I can double click on the background of the chart and fire an event that tells me where I clicked.
Do these charts use canvas?
I bet They do
Hook up to the canvas and calculate
Just remember that the mouse pos you get in event will be in relationship to window, not the canvas, so you gotta calculate it If you want the canvas Based position
No, they don't.
dahell was that last episode of IASIP :/
where charlie stays at the bar alone and does a bunch of weird stuff
have to say, I'm not liking season 13
12 was pretty great
I have like 6 seasons to catch up on
@Hypersapien are They one big svg group or Nah?
I don't think they are. I think there is a number of different groups.
Actually, I found my answer.
@Hypersapien what was it?
I found a way that will let me insert events as the chart is being created
Actually, I already had it but couldn't figure out why it wasn't working in the second chart I tried it in and realised I had it outside a function when it should have been inside
1 message moved to Trash can
"you can give answers only, instead of explaining"
just no
why @rlemon
because, no
it's not even asking for help, you're asking for people to do the work for you.
I'm gonna match where I'm wrong
show what you've attempted, and what is going wrong, and your expected inputs -> outputs.
or anything, what you started off with was a work request
for all digits different = 10*9*8*7 = 5040,
for two digits same = 6*10*9*8 = 4320,
for three digits same = 4*10*9 = 360,
for all digits same = 10
total = 9730 but total should be 10000
leading zeros are allowed
and what code have you written to solve this?
I am not coding. I just need it for different purpose
can u please tell me which one is wrong and where am I wrong
sounds like an academic excercise
Why are you multiplying the numbers?
no. I can't believe I can't solve such a basic combinatorics problem. ugh and u people thinking as if I am some school kid asking for homework
@TravisWhite to get the answer. sorry I couldn't understand
well because that's what it appears to be, and you started out asking for 'answers but not explanations' which is gonna set off red flags for anyone
but now that I've cleared it, could u plz tell me whats wrong with my answers
I'd solve it with code, and since you aren't coding, that doesn't really help you
well I got it myself. I am missing the numbers with two pairs of 2 digits same like 1414, 1144 etc.
how did you get it yourself?
@RahulJain Do you know how to code?
Then you are probably better of on mathematics stack exchange chat
We, coders, dont like doing peoples job, but we take pleasure in explaining and teaching
Did he leave?
We also take pleasure in goofing off on interesting problems when we're supposed to be working.
wondering, anyone knows why there's no do..for loop?
what would it look like?
What do you mean? Make sure you do the loop at least once before checking?
do {
} for ([initialization]; [condition]; [final-expression])
@Knu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Because the for loop can instantiate a variable which might be needed in the body.
and what purpose would that solve?
î what he said
what he said is true in regular for loops
it's ambiguous in yours
and remains true for do..for too
so what purpose would that solve?
well you can't achieve that using a do..while
but you can with a for(;;)
yeah right using let, ternaries and useless assignation
that's really dirty
no thanks
so again, what does this solve? give me an actual usage case where you think this syntax would be required
4 mins ago, by Hypersapien
Because the for loop can instantiate a variable which might be needed in the body.
that's it
if do..while is useful so is do..for
okay, well that doesn't answer my question, but okay. I've lost interest
What could do..for do that do..while couldn't?
do..while isn't all that useful in modern JS code either...
and the answer is the same to what for can do that while cannot
Define its own variable to iterate through.
there must a reason dating back to C
you can define arbitrary blocks to encapsulate any variables you wanna keep 'local'. not that it would be any prettier than a do..whatever
I think you cannot use break in the do.
scratch that it seems it's allowed
I know you are a dark theme guy
yea, unsupported largely right now tho - and still requires the dev to do that work themselves.
although I'm glad it's a consideration now
I just want a color space api
meaning what?
I have never heard of a color space API before
right now working with colours means breaking them up and doing all your own shit
less / scss has some stuff to work with colours. but not much
native css should be able to handle that imo
so like default palettes?
I think I understand yeah that makes sense
I wouldn't go that far
darken( var, % )
would be a great start
but that wouldn't necessarily fix the dark theme isssue
no, but it would make them easier to author
really a site is going to have to custom code for a dark theme if you want support
because there are 2 many hard coded colors
unlesss you want an invert type effect
which invert effects are the worst in my opinino
you can't feasible make the background black unless you change the font color
what if one text is orange
or dark blue
or some image
apple and a lot of site uses images for text
color: green !important !important !important;
which is wrong
it has become a de facto standard
sure its wrong appple doesn't care
there laughing all the way to the bank
i haven't seen many sites do that recently
outside of logos
its better with web fonts for sure
it's easy enough now to make adaptive text
what about canvas for text
I've seen that recently
I've used canvas to determine text.
what do I do if I want rainbow text?
It used to not be possible go figure it is now
it's always been possible
not always a long time sure
depends on what you mean by rainbow. each letter being a diff colour is (basically) always possible
gradient is like ie9+
hah. i remember having to double up text to be able to create the illusion of a drop shadow
such stupid
yeah I remember what kevin is saying
images and tables for rounded corners
Oh god
now days we can create drop shadows with css but no one does because it's ugly
yeah and round corners are rarely used also
might for just a slight effect
rounded corners are everywhere
they're just very small radius
yeah that is what I mena
But we can create icons in pure css or even svg if we want
there is a billion ways tto create round corners todya
border-radius is the only one that matters
:before, :after, css backgrounds, border-raduis
but like, the designers we had back then always wanted everything to look like it came out of photoshop with gradients and shadows and cool edges and shit
border-radius is the most common sure
if you're using anything but border-radius, you're wrong
while i wanted it to be plain text so that it can be indexed
so i had to jump through hoops to make things "look" like they wanted it to while keeping it searchable
now it's easy
The glory that is the css calc() function. 10 years ago devs would murder someone to get ahold of that.
i've never used calc
calc, variables, pseudo content, all good additions.
I mean, terrible additions. but great because I use them
haven't used vars either, but that's just because sass
pseudo content is a neat concept, but i haven't had much need for it
@Hypersapien we did have it pretty much with CSS expressions
css expressions are also terrible
well they are effectively dead
from a purist standpoint, why in the hell would my style definitions ever need conditional logic? anywhere?
css is too powerful
but, given that it is, I'll abuse it
it simplified the syntax you needed to learn
stop trying to do shit in css that should be done in js :P
CSS has to many syntaxes now I would argue
I am having to create a reverse Dvorak in Microsoft keyboard layout creator
because I hard coded Dvorak using ShapKeys
which means nobody else can use this computer
uhm... there's this new icon in chrome that has the tooltip "Customize and control Google Chrome", i suspect it's really just the "There's an update pending" icon considering that's the first thing that shows up when i click it. What is the purpose of that
Why wouldn't they instead just display the "there's an update available" icon that they used to have
you know about the auto log in wit hchrome now right?
great feature
okay I have no idea what you are talking about then
thought it might have to do wit that
it's directly to the right of that icon
mine has an arrow saying to updat
It's the same icon as the "There's an update available" icon, only it's not green.
yeah mines green
it's black
I have none of this
if i click on it to expand it, there's a green update available icon in the dropdown
what chrome version are you using?
Version 72.0.3590.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit)
nothing is the same
is it chrome, chromium, firefox or something else?
I assume but don't know for sure if the version numbers are the same between canary and regular chrome
what they did was they replaced the icon for the settings button with the update icon
but didn't change the title of the button or the color like they did in previous versions
and i had just never actually seen the title of the button prior
another case of someone I want to lightly stab from a distance:
sent to the students' mailing list
which has sound notifications on by default
it is common to ask about clarifications in the mailing list, but this guy apparently didn't even read the assignment before asking questions
then this guy in the programming lectures who seems to keep thinking that you can forego all good style, as long as you write meaningful comments
var values = Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; });
and this other one that today shouted "can't you simplify that" in a specific problem showcasing a generic solving pattern
-> facebook
then this other douche who keeps the tap water running in the apartment because he/she can't be bothered to turn it off
london is full of num-nuts
is every big city like that?
I'd imagine american big cities are actually worse, but it's probably just because I watch too many movies
@KevinB are you saying london is not big?
every city
bratislava had much fewer num-nuts
even down to the 4 way stop sign communities have people in them
I used to be able to go multiple days without considering punching someone. Tbf, I had no clue what most people were saying, and I didn't interact with teenagers
people in turin are just a bit cruel, but I can't think of more than a couple of num-nuts I met there, even if I interacted heavily with teenagers, and spoke the language
but turin only has ~900k people
still big compared to bratislava, but not huge
rome has num-nuts
oxford had more than turin/bratislava, but not enough to be a thing i'd think about
the quantity of people just increases the likelihood you'll encounter someone you will consider to be an asshat. It says nothing about the general population of people other than the number of them.
@KevinB I think there might be more correlations than that
there isn't.
@KevinB what makes you say that?
people will be people.
don't overanalyze it
it's worthless
I think there's a good chance the stress and centralized systems of cities make every person in it more likely to be a num-nut
if you pull the lever more times, you'll increase the odds of winning (or encountering problematic people)
they exist in every size population center
but just remember the old saying. if you encounter one or two jerks in a day, they're probably just jerks. if everyone you encounter is a jerk, you're the jerk.
@rlemon I remember you saying that
Got a small question. This line works perfectly fine in desktop browsers:


But it doesn't work in mobile browsers. At least, not in Chrome on Android. Does anyone know why this might be?
Asking because I don't think I've got a browser console available to me on Android Chrome. Otherwise I could at least debug
Never mind. Chrome remote debugging saved the day :)
why not document.getElementById(id).remove()
@SterlingArcher just finished watching the trilogy
it seems clear that sam was the real hero of the story now. Frodo sat around prentending to do stuff, and sam saved the day more times than the rest of the characters
read the books
theoden was an asshat in the last movie as well
the movies are only like half of the story
also, afaiu, gollhum was a bipolar 500+ yo hobbit that resisted the ring's will to be brought back to sauron. Even without the ring or apparently any medication, he can heal from heavy wounds almost immediately
maybe raw fish is good for you
@rlemon I'm considering it
honestly, the movies didn't catch my attention that much. They were interesting, and I definitely see how they're a classic (actually, are they a classic?), but I'm not going to be like "oh, if only i were gandalf" or similar
I still love the universe that tolkien created, with the politics, races, magic, and all
which is also why game of thrones is really nice
and why the foundation cycle books were so good
I think the word I'm looking for is "fiction"
but I don't care as much about the adventures as I do about the implication of arbitrary changes from the rules of our universe
"there's this kind of magic" → "an order of wizards is created, there are wizard politics, someone tries to take all the power with magic, everyone is affected"
"humanity survived for billions more years" → "spread throughout the galaxy, science is top notch, there are politics, the politics create situations" (foundation cycle)
it seems pretty mad to me that the lotr series has magic, but in all those ages, nobody discovered electricity
I like to think of electricity as this civilization's twist
which eventually leads to feasible computers, which lead to so many interesting implications
is that still fiction? What's the name for the kind of thing I'm interested in?
but for example, I didn't enjoy "the expanse" tv series, where humanity is spread throughout the solar system. It creates some interesting politics, but maybe I didn't find it realistic, or not used enough?
I'm not sure
maybe it's not what I enjoy
maybe it does need some adventure which actually feels like adventure
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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