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Q: find which link caused route to change

Dwight SchruteThe application uses angularjs. I have a navigation bar which opens pages and also another UI which also opens the same pages(same links). I am using $locationChangeStart to toggle open the sub-menu in the navbar when I open a page from the other UI. When I open the same page from the from the...

what does event have in it
@KendallFrey You helped with this:

But I wanted to ask: how can I deal with rows that are added later?
@demonhunter24 look up event delegation. basically you add the click handler to the parent element and then use event.target
should be quite a few resources online
or just add the click handler to every new row you add
This is sloppy, but it works:
@ex080 you can do it with css
True, but I liked the style :P It was my first tag :)
@ShrekOverflow do u like allstar
it's the intro to the shrek movies
2 hours later…
coursera.org/degrees/master-of-computer-science-asu @SomeGuy I know you aren't in college and experimenting but god damn this is such a great thing to see 😃
@ex080 Well he must obviously. His name contains "Shrek"
@Neil lol
@AbhishekPandey \o
How can I setup a real time ajax loader, from 0% to 100% it show realtime processing
I have found one for Uploading process
but I could not find for GET
@AbhishekPandey what do you mean by realtime processing?
All the visual effects you see to let you, the user, know that you're waiting for the server is entirely artificial
the request gets sent, and when it's done, the callback will be called. EZPZ
@Neil So How I gonna show user that 50% has been completed?
@Neil I need to write a trick?
an Illusion
@AbhishekPandey yep :)
There's a reason why most wait animations are loops
you generally don't have any feedback on how long it will take
But that's not to say you can't, but it involves a solution using web sockets
Hi there. Anyone knows why I get this error ? imgur.com/a/w887JVQ I try to install composer-cli for hyper ledger on macOS
@Thewise Maybe you should ask the guy that made it
@Thewise Did you google most of the first error message? "pre-built binaries not found for grpc"?
My 2c says it's some old library and it's not compat with node 10, maybe only with lts
@BenFortune Is there something significative inside ? I find nothing interesting in the release note. Just a better newer V8 ?
Something weird to consider. There're about 8 new major Chrome versions a year. Given that current stable is 70, in about 3.5 years it'd pass the version 100 mark
I tried LTS 8.12 version of node
same error @zirak
@DenysSéguret There aren't any significant updates nowadays
As in API changes
You'll probably have to go through all the major semver PRs to find specifics
@Thewise Again, did you google it?
Yes, if I try to install node-gyp with npm it works. but then running again the composer-cli script it clears states this: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/node-report/.node-gyp'
And I ran it with sudo
Hello guys, how can i add a pin icon on a polygon svg element center?
--unsafe-perm=true --allow-root I added this
solved it :D
oh no
thanks @BenFortune
May the gods be merciful with us come judgement day
@Zirak Heh. You wish.
btw, uchiha madara will be revived in boruto another time :P
@Thewise For real?
How is it? Is it any good? Worth watching?
@MadaraUchiha nah, just messing here. Though ,I would love to see him revived as a good guy this time
so far it reached the point where Boruto can summon snakes
Q: How can i add a pin (marker) icon on svg element polygon?

John ValdetineI have a SVG Map that contains cities and their districts. You can look one of them below. I want to add a pin icon (https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/33/33622.svg) on the center of district. (you can see a text (district's name) middle of district. I want to put over the text) <g id="Hakkari...

@Thewise I still maintain that everyone just dreamed that they won against Madara, and are safely tucked away in the eternal sleep :)
why isn't map a methode of the array?
!!tell DenysSéguret why
@DenysSéguret because you touch yourself at night
too easy
I don't really see how that's an explanation though
I didn't make this, it's probably not about JS originally.
@DenysSéguret je ne sais pas
or maybe the author didn't even bother to implement the functions and just wrote the supposed result
@Neoares :s/se/sais
googled it
it worked
oh fuck, such power
@DenysSéguret That's not the interesting question though
The interesting question is what's the identity value for that reduce function.
identity value?
Hey, can anyone tell me whether or not I can use MS Acess instead of MySQL in a node project
@JacobSchneider What does google say?
IDK what to look for tbh
"nodejs ms access" ?
@JacobSchneider Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they never stopped to consider whether or not they should.
@MadaraUchiha What are you on about???
I wouldn't pick MS Access or MySQL for most new projects
But if it's a choice between the two, definitely MySQL.
What would you use?
@MadaraUchiha mysql is very usable with node
BTW I had to access MDB files in node... that's not an option I'd do again willingly
@DenysSéguret MariaDB at the very least
So is it possible to use Access in node?
is there an API that I can use?
Dunno. I directly parsed mdb files... t'was easier
How much are we willing to bet that googling "nodejs ms access" gives you a result?
all I get is an accdb file
probably nothin
Or going to the npm package list and searching "access"?
@JacobSchneider You were already asked to Google, and was already told what to Google.
Please give that a try before continuing to ask about it.,
@Neil thank you bud
duckduckgo even inlined that for me, showing both the link to the package and example code
sweet thanks
step 1. learn Russian
how can I specify the text inside a text area using a html tag?
like value for inputs
I tried value and text, they don't work :P
you put it inside: <textarea>the value</textarea>
@AbhishekPandey np
can't it be done with a html tag?
it will reduce the complexity of my little problem
@Neoares That is what you want, is it not?
the what
I want to know if there's a tag that sets the value of the textarea
like <input value="asd"/>
you mean an attribute?
I think there's an innerHTML attribute, but I'm not sure and I'm too busy learning russian to check
huh, I heard a ping from somewhere. Can't find it now
@towc how do I ping people?
@JacobSchneider you just did
@towc okay cool
@towc is this annoying?
alright, found it. Someone pinged me in an external random room, and the notification didn't show up
@JacobSchneider very
@towc okay I'll stop
@JacobSchneider are you serious?
capricasix test
Have a node application in vsts, need to make it up and running in azure, how to proceed ?
I was nagged for this: but google exists
JK I wouldn't know
google will work
thank you so much
Maybe one day google will make it big
Seems handy so far
I had an MS access document in accdb format and none of the packages I tried worked, so I'll just be sticking with a basic MySQL node implementation
Well, if you had the choice to start with, why try to use MS Access ?
Legacy, migration, data extraction, another program uses it and you need to talk to it, another program uses it and you want to replace it, ...
because that's what MS Access is for and I already had it installed
and I didn't know SQL
Why does TypeScript complain here?
function f<T extends boolean>(x: T): T extends true ? string : number {
  if (x) {
    return 42;
  } else {
    return '42';
You can do strange things in TS...
(never tried TS)
value dependent types ?
@DenysSéguret conditional types
and... "extends" to check a value ?
@DenysSéguret That's mostly normal form with generics in most languages out there
@MadaraUchiha no: you check types, not values
@DenysSéguret true is a type here
The only value assignable to that type is the value true
TypeScript has literal types.
This is to support common JS patterns like string enums
function (x: 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz') {
  switch (x) {
    case 'foo': ...
Does that mean x must be statically valued ?
@DenysSéguret Yes
You can't pass an arbitrary string into that function
You have to pass either exactly 'foo', exactly 'bar' or exactly 'baz'
`` <g id="Merkez" transform="translate(13.500000, 14.300000)">
<polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="165.426368 49.7 132.439942 23.7 116.446524 0.7 101.452694 24.7 85.459276 51.7 40.4777869 37.7 24.4843686 37.7 27.4831345 84.7 12.4893048 117.7 0.494241053 128.7 20.486014 139.7 35.4798437 136.7 93.4559852 157.7 111.448581 122.7 172.423488 87.7 164.426779 81.7 154.430893 57.7"></polygon>
<g id="MER" transform="translate(78.000000, 84.000000)" font-size="7" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
It's a relatively common pattern in JS, (e.g. see the Google Analytics API), so it's well supported.
guys how can i add <use id="22" xlink:href="#icon" x="-15" y="-40" /> after last g element?
@MadaraUchiha and only call f(true) or f(false) in your function, which makes it kind of a macro
with Jquery.
@DenysSéguret You're right on the first part. How does that make it a macro?
It's a function that accepts a boolean, the generic there is purely for the sake of the conditional return type.
I wouldn't normally write this function like that
I'd write something like
function f(x: boolean) {
  if (x) { return 42; }
  return '42';
In the generated JS code, you just have '42' or 42 ?
TypeScript would figure out the number | string return type all on its own.
Are TS generics resolved statically (at compile time) or dynamically ?
@DenysSéguret The generics (or types, really) aren't emitted to the JS runtime
All of TypeScript's type voodoo is in compile time.
So you just have '42' or 42 in the generated JS ?
The emitted code would be exactly
function f(x) {
  if (x) {
    return 42;
  } else {
    return '42';
so not what I expected
What'd you expect?
if x is statically known to be true, why not just have 42?
If you still have the return '42' in the code, it breaks the declaration which resolved the return type as number
In rust you would declare two functions without condition, one for the type true and one for the type false
@DenysSéguret TypeScript has overloading that does something similar
But conditional types are supposed to be a stronger version of that
The first example I gave (which errors out), I would expect to correctly infer the type number when I pass true, and string when I pass false.
And how would it statically accept to have your return '42' in the body when x is statically verified to be true ? It means it has to statically check that the execution can only goes to that branch ? This doesn't seem possible in the general case
@DenysSéguret It knows at the callsite
The return type of the function is arg extends true ? number : string
So later, when you pass arg, it can statistically determine if it's number or string.
This I understand, but how does it check the body is compatible with the computed type ?
@DenysSéguret That's what closure compiler and uglifyjs try to do
@DenysSéguret Supposedly, if (x) should convince it that T extends true is true, therefore only number can be returned in that branch.
And the other branch (since it's in else or since the last expression of the branch is return), corresponds to the other side of the ternary, so must return string.
It can already do that, normally
let x = Math.random() > .5;

if (x === true) {
  // type of x here is literal true, not boolean
  console.log(x === false); // compile error, type 'true' is not assignable to type 'false'
@DenysSéguret Ah, I understand what you're asking, no, it doesn't know to that extent.
It only knows at the callsite, or with a self invoked function.
@MadaraUchiha If it statically knows the branch, that last step seems easy (but the first one is impressive for me)
@DenysSéguret It doesn't track all the calls of the function though
it could simplify it to ()=>42
@DenysSéguret Right
But it doesn't try to do that.
It doesn't try to track all of the callsites, see that it's only ever called with true, and simplify it to that extent.
(Even when it's safe to do so)
I was in the wrong chat! jesus! It took me 3 days to find out that its a fake one
Q: how can I use materialize-css with vue.js?
@MadaraUchiha now I'm interested in TS... Can you please ping me when you find out if and how your f function works ?
0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 // true or false :P ?
@DenysSéguret It would appear that type inference is somehow messed up here
If I make a cast, it works.
@KamilKiełczewski everybody here knows the basics of IEEE754 (and it's not specific of JS)
@MadaraUchiha How do you cast ?
Copy the link, freaking SO chat...
ouch... heavy cast
And... this is strange
Those days I write in rust, js and java every days. Formatting strings is the worst to remember:
    // Go
    fmt.printf("doing %#v", str);

    // Java
    System.out.println("doing \"%s\"", str);

    // Rust
    debug!("doing {:?}", str);

    // JS
    console.log(`doing "${str}"`);
when is it appropriate to use forEach. Is there a standard, if not I am perfectly fine with that. The reason I ask is that a lot of people are advocating to use map everywhere even when you don't want an array copy back
use forEach if you don't need the result. Don't listen those people
cool, nice to get confirmation on that thx
(of course you should listen for me who's a total random stranger on the net)
you got a monkey, it's pretty well known you have to be successful to obtain a monkey.
you have 200 thou points so your reputation is solid
I've still the monkey? Damn I thought I had changed my picture
@Rick you can get that from asking questions.
@rlemon let him think I have a solid reputation please. Who knows, he may be a recruiter in disguise
@DenysSéguret Are you sure? I am 98,8873% sure Rick is not a recruiter.
I am a bot and this action has been performed automatically.
what difference does that make? whether you ask a lot or answer a lot, either way, you attain a lot of knowledge or you give out a lot of knowledge. still solid.
@KamilSolecki I'm sure of nothing. But don't you usually find your next boss in (mainly off-topic) developer chats ?
@KamilSolecki you are 98,000 % sure.
@Rick I've seen guys with a 30k+ reputation and only questions... and their last questions didn't make me think they were knowledgeable.
the people who say there are no dumb questions don't spend enough time on StackOverflow
<g id="Merkez" transform="translate(13.500000, 14.300000)">
  <polygon id="Shape" stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#9FB4B7" fill-rule="nonzero" points="165.426368 49.7 132.439942 23.7 116.446524 0.7 101.452694 24.7 85.459276 51.7 40.4777869 37.7 24.4843686 37.7 27.4831345 84.7 12.4893048 117.7 0.494241053 128.7 20.486014 139.7 35.4798437 136.7 93.4559852 157.7 111.448581 122.7 172.423488 87.7 164.426779 81.7 154.430893 57.7"></polygon>
  <g id="MER" transform="translate(78.000000, 84.000000)" font-size="7" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
There is people with huge rep who just asked very basic questions
Especially those back in the day
@Rick If you're a 30k with 1000 JS questions and still ask things like "why am I getting TypeError: foo.bar is not defined", I don't think you've spent your time effectively becoming more knowledgeable.
And yes, those exist.
Wow! I cant write with code tag.
chat formatting isn't the same as main
multi-line formatting needs fixed-font
@JohnValdetine ftfy
@JohnValdetine holy crap you were so close from being John Valentine but you missed it damn
hahaha yes :=)
Well, sort of
Guys, i want to ask something.
well, how do you all feel about the merits of the answer?
I want to add <use xlink:href="#icon" x="-15" y="-40" /> after 2nd <g> tag
@Rick Which answer?
how can i add qith Jquery ?
or Javascript
`<g id="MER" transform="translate(78.000000, 84.000000)" font-size="7" font-family="Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica" fill="#000000" font-weight="bold">
<use xlink:href="#icon" x="-15" y="-40" />
like this.
"when is it appropriate to use forEach. Is there a standard, if not I am perfectly fine with that. The reason I ask is that a lot of people are advocating to use map everywhere even when you don't want an array copy back"
"use forEach if you don't need the result.
Don't listen those people"
1. forEach makes it clear you're not interested in the result => it's more readable
2. forEach doesn't allocate a new array
anybody help me ? :)
@DenysSéguret I agree with all of these points.
it isn't often I need to use a .forEach vs for..of, but I have no problem with using it properly.
use the iteration methods that make sense for the task
@Rick I don't like "Don't listen to those people", but they are wrong.
Why .map() and not .filter() then? They both iterate the entire array.
.reduce all the things \o/
Yeah, for that matter

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