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but the quality of life will be improved
wow thanks for this website
@rlemon OK. Thanks.
no, it won't.
no mood swings, no hunger pains. more energy
health !== quality of life
health is vital to the quality of life.
I don't know how feeling miserable can ever improve the quality of your life.
eating things with sugar doesn't make you feel miserable.
sugar makes u feel good
sugar rush
diabetes is all I need to say
not necessarily
Maybe I just have a sweet tooth
@ex080 I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure they busted that myth.
@Rick you do know the body requires sugar in some forms, right?
there are way more people who consume sugar and don't have diabetes than there are people who consume sugar and do.
@rlemon which one sugar rush?
@ex080 'sugar high'/'sugar rush' etc.
not all sugars taste sweet
ya, but that's not the sugar we are talking about. and for all intensive purposes, we don't need it.
how is not needing it relevant?
ketones is when the body burns fat for energy.
OK so we are all talking about sucrose
@Rick intents and purposes* and you say over reaching statements but "really not what I meant" a lot.
sugar is not good for you and if your an adult you don't need it.
*in excess
that is incorrect. we need glucose
not at all
@rlemon I don't like how you spin my statements to something completely different.
what have I spun?
you knew I was talking about sugar and carbs, and sugar that you consume. I never talked about glucose.
glucose is sugar. and we metabolise it from carbs (mostly)
you make overly broad statements that aren't entirely true and then claim we're wrong when we dispute them.
but if you mean something other than "your body does not need sugar", you should say something other than "your body does not need sugar". There is no spin there.
cut "sugar" from your diet, go ahead, have fun. saying we'll get diabetes if we don't? that's absurd. saying our quality of life will be worse if we don't? also absurd. body doesn't need it? that's just flat out wrong, you need it from somewhere. You can of course get enough of it without consuming sugary foods.
the whole conversation was about sugar and consumption not how our biology metabolize energy at the cellular level
you're just moving the bar
the whole conversation was "What do you think about diet X"
You can get diabetes from taking in too much sugar, but if you aren't specifically genetically succeptible you need a shitton, over a reaaaaaly long period of time to have a chance
the conversation was about a diet. but it was mostly just advice.
it was going fine, until you took it to the xtreme with cut all sugar carbs will kill you
don't make false statement and people won't call you out on them
@KevinB you're a cool guy, just trying to pass along some good advice. that's all it was.
the advice was just directed at you, by the way, everyone else can suck down as much sugar as they want.
Brotha please, I'm on like 800% recommended sugar intake today
What was that wierd indian guy website thingy?
In my React app, I'm rendering an <a> tag without an href attribute. When you do this, it does not include standard "user agent stylesheet" CSS like cursor: pointer;. I'm unable to add the href attribute with a "dummy" value like href="" or href="#" because it has navigation impacts. Any way to deal with this without define CSS manually?
@SomeGuy has it bookmarked
pretty sure
@im1dermike make it a button
@im1dermike css, or wrap it in another element that gets said styling by default.
CSS targets an anchor not a button
anchors without hrefs don't go anywhere. they don't make sense.
that's in an ideal world ofc. in your solution, just make a new css rule
a { cursor: pointer; }
<button><a></a></button> would be an ugly solution
considering you'd need css to disable the button default css
at which point you might as well just use css to fix it
I just like to be an idealist. anchors take you places, buttons do actions. use them for their intended results, not how they style by default.
$(document).keypress(function skipscreen(e){
    var i = 0;
    var deffered = $.Deferred();

    if (e.which == 13) {
        switch (i) {
            case 0:
    return deffered.promise();
@KevinB wtf you got that from
my codebase
"codebase" is the name of a database i used to have to deal with
Q: Function not defined, using keypress and promises (jquery)

Hugo NicaiseI've posted a few days ago already about my Jquery learning, and today I'm learning the promises. I'm facing a problem I can't resolve. My console is saying that "skipscreen" is not defined, line 19. I can't figure this out. Thanks to y'all ! $(document).keypress(function skipscreen(e){ ...

op finally left a comment explaining what he's trying to do
@Barmar When I press enter, I want to execute case 0:, then exit the function and execute the .done function — Hugo Nicaise 4 mins ago
basically.... way overcomplicationg what he's trying to do
doesn't need a switch, doesn't need a promise,
doesn't need a named function,
Needs more jQuery
(for meetings from home) I've tried a few headsets and just keep hating them. I think I need to buy like a streaming mic and use that on my desk. Good idea?
If so. Pls suggest cheap mic lol
I prefer just using an old pair of apple headphones. haha
I never really understood the point of headsets. Are the mics exceptionally better or something?
i don't use either
@twiz Don't join my meetings please.
The mics on headsets are at least near your face haha. Headphone mic sitting against your chest because you're in a chair sounds like shit
Not really sure what you mean. I don't know if its the best sound, but no one has ever complained.
Anyone create a website as a resume?
Or anything like that?
no not really
i used to have a personal site that people could land on that was linked to on my profiles, but that was about as far as i went with it
it was more of a blog than a resume
now it just redirects to my so profile
@KevinB Did you find that useful?
It's my first time using npm, i'm wondering do i need to install it inside the htdocs or lower?? Should it be accessable from browser or not?
I mean the package.json file
@Loktar I am only 30mins into this but I am definitely going to stick this out and see if I can get good at it. You can do SO much with this thing the options are overbearing haha
Track pad aim is what I expected. Super difficult at first but going to have way more precision than sticks
I have a dumb question.
    let shipmentsByDay = getShipmentsFromFile(filePath); // returns objects

    for (var i = 0; i < shipmentsByDay.length; i++) {
        for (const shipment in shipmentsByDay[i]) {
in this case, shipment is evaluating to 0
vanilla javascript (Node, but doesn't really matter)
any idea why?
because it's the index
obviously, yes
shipmentsByDay is an array
did you mean shipment OF shipmentsByDay instead of in?
shipmentsByDay is an array of arrays
basically I want to iterate explicitly by number through shipmentsByDay, then just iterate through everything in the element below
it sounds like you're not expecting the index, you're expecting the entry
in which case you need to use 'of' instead of 'in'
I'll try that
that works, I'm dumb, you are god
mostly a C# guy, learning lots of newer JS stuff
thanks for the help
@JBis eh, funnily enough it received quite a lot of traffic... but ultimately no it wasn't at all useful. I shut it down after not updating it for 3 years
so how exactly does that work? does in basically just toString the contents, whereas of gives you the contents?
i posted a few jquery things on it
What grabbed the most traffic was a small guide on image preloading
anyways - thanks!
@Codeman 'in' is the original, it essentially iterates the keys of an object. 'of' is new, and it essentially iterates the values of an object
you can think of arrays as being objects where the key is the index and the value is the value
so ['a', 'b', 'c'] is very very similar to {0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c', length: 3}
(of doesn't actually iterate values of an object, it iterates over an 'iterator', which is anything that implements [Symbol.iterator]. Which arrays do.)
and objects don't... so I was wrong when i said that of iterates over values of an object...
!!>Object.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function*(){ yield Object.entries(this); }; console.log([...{a:5, b:7}])
@david "ReferenceError: Symbol is not defined"
okay :(
@KevinB ah. Interesting. Thanks for input :)
Why isn't this working? Def something stupid
@KendallFrey Picked this up today. Might restore.
ehhhhm, what is it?
1930s RF signal generator. Paper capacitors, vacuum tubes and all.
At least I think. I'm pretty sure its prewar from what I found on the interwebs.
Never mind
it was safari being stupid :(
Oh. I guess its 41.
@Allenph .toEnglish()?
@JBis It make 'lectricity wavy for u.
oooh waves XD
Is this legal?
<div class="format_select">
            <button onclick="format_selector(this.innerText); this.setAttribute('selected','true')">mp3</button>
            <button onclick="format_selector(this.innerText); this.setAttribute('selected','true')">mp4</button>
@JBis It make 'lectricity wavy 4 u.
.format_select button [selected="true"] {
display : none;
oh remove the space between button and [
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
does anyone know how this error happens?
@OvieAdese Because you are outputting the HTML body before you are outputting headers, which is not allowed.
That may be a confusing concept for you if you're new (which it seems like you are) I can explain more if you need, but Google first.
Plenty of results come from that error in Google.

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