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@KendallFrey ok so any law that isn't about how the federal government operates, or guaranteeing a freedom is generally an intentional misuse of the commerce clause by the federal government
the commerce clause is part of one amendment that says the feds can intervene when an issue effects the commerce between two or more states.
and instead of it being used to stop things like the "War of Toledo" as it was originally intended to do, it's used to micromanage states
The way I see it, if 50 people can agree on a mutually beneficial legal system, so can 50 states, or 50 countries.
@KendallFrey I mean the USSR could "agree" but how many people where happy about it?
Did the people agree to it, though?
smaller countries aren't happy by coincidence
@KendallFrey but that's where it gets really really fuzzy
Seems to me the legal system was not mutually agreed upon by all parties
@KendallFrey seems to me that the current US system wasn't agreed to by everyone
so with Utilitarianism...
The closer to the source that the rules are made, the more good for everyone
Well, I think it's still a majority decision
or at least far more than Soviet Russia
@KendallFrey Does it matter? When is 50% happiness a good thing?
what in the world is 50% happiness
@KendallFrey poutine, but only half a bowl.
I mean if California was allowed to decide 99% of their own politcal issues that they didn't like when trump was elected, then:
@rlemon hrm
You'd have, say 70% are very liberal in a state. if they decided 99% of their own policies in their state, how happy would they be about their political actualization?
@DavidKamer In that case (and in any case where agreement is not forthcoming) I can certainly see the benefits of secession
(If secession would mean agreement within the new jurisdiction)
@KendallFrey ok, but that makes those guaranteed freedoms we all agreed on less stable internationally and locally
@DavidKamer But that's explicitly in the case where there isn't agreement
@KendallFrey So here is my question: 70% of people in a region are liberal. 99% of their law is decided locally. How could you best calculate their political happiness with this information?
!!>.99 * .70
@DavidKamer 0.693
@DavidKamer I have no idea what I'm being asked to calculate
It's utilitarian math lol
idc about utlilitarian math, I want real math
ok, so say it was 50% of the laws that were decided locally
still 70% liberal
!!>.5 * .7
@DavidKamer 0.35
how the fuck do you even measure law
That's 35% happiness guranteed!
*political happiness
but not good compared to 69% political happiness guranteed
@KendallFrey percent of the law you directly agree with
According to what I understand you're doing, each person is 100% their own political opinion, so if each person decides 100% of their own laws, everyone is 100% happy, which makes no sense
because y'know murderers and rapists and shit
@KendallFrey I don't think that's right. I don't think you can divide it down to one person like that without removing the problem space entirely
@DavidKamer Why not, though?
@KendallFrey I'm not saying that at all. Because this is a conversation about law systems, not a purely mathematical discussion with a continuous graph
I'm defining limits
or call it "so happy they're crazy"
I'm confused
And I assume the limit would be somewhere near your minimal amount of people you have to interact with to live
@KendallFrey so what is political decision to you?
More confused
that's ok
@KendallFrey so do you think you can quantify the number of laws you agree with?
either passively or actively?
I don't know of any meaningful way to do so
@KendallFrey say a person went through each law and decided if they liked it or not, are you following so far (there's more to explain this)?
So basically counting each numbered statute as 1 unit of law?
@KendallFrey no, but I'll explain the next part if you understand what I mean... well sort of but I'm making a critical assumption, but this is the basic logic
so say I am (even though that isn't realistic) say I am counting it that way in a perfect world or maybe even in like a class room setting or microcosm of some sort
counting it which way?
@KendallFrey Do you agree that most people who participate in politics pejoratively agree with one side as an authority? Like we usually assume that if you are pro-abortion, then you're probably for some sort of gun control, correct?
I'd agree that's an emergent result due to the political climate, but I'm not convinced it's a priori.
@KendallFrey it's very very basic. number of laws you agree with..
@KendallFrey OK, that's fine
@DavidKamer The system I proposed?
@KendallFrey so I'm saying would a person who was pro-abortion be happier in an area that is pro-abortion over an area that was anti-abortion?
so would they be happier if they could have an abortion over not being able to have one if they were proabortion?
If that area was protected by law, possibly
if you mean specifically "political happiness" then probably
But I don't see why "political happiness" should be a goal
@KendallFrey ok, so you're saying that in a situation where a law is formed, the person that wants the law a certain way that they are more pleased when the law is the way they want it?
Also I don't think I've ever heard of someone being "pro-abortion"
@DavidKamer I think that's a tautology
I mean for me this is so simple and basic-law-of-natureish that I'm having a hard time breaking it down anymore than that
@KendallFrey ok, pro-choice. I get it confused
@KendallFrey OK, so last thing I'm going to try to express here: people vote because they want to be governed in a certain way, correct or not correct? and if not correct, then how is it incorrect in your opinion?
I think it's easily possible for a person with an urge to kill to still be happier in a jurisdiction that prohibits killing.
@DavidKamer Correct
@KendallFrey ok, but that makes more assumptions about a very specific circumstance than I think we should get into for an overall view of society
@KendallFrey good, ok, then I can say this:
the larger percentage I can effect change on, the more my vote counts, and thus the more likely I am to have greater overall laws effecting me
and mathematically this means that the higher percentage of laws I decide locally, the more I'm likely to have a higher percentage of laws I agree to that govern me
so say 70% in an area are liberal and agree on a set of ideas
What if what you want is an agreement beyond just your local area?
say they can decide 99% of their laws locally
@KendallFrey what if the opinion changes later?
To me, federal and international law are just scaled up versions of the general concept of a legal system
so that to me is beyond scope if you believe in change
@DavidKamer Then you vote differently?
@KendallFrey ok, but what if one state really disagrees on something?
@KendallFrey right and be unhappy for a long period of time?
@DavidKamer Then I think they should be able to withdraw from the agreement
I mean murder is one thing, but these edge cases
@KendallFrey right but how do you maintain a system that protects a basic legal system for all the areas without making the population miserable?
@DavidKamer Not having widely applicable law doesn't solve that problem
@KendallFrey I don't think that has much to do with the argument I'm making either against or for
@DavidKamer The keyword there is "basic". It should be something that is strongly agreed upon.
but I could just be misunderstanding
@KendallFrey ok, but who agrees on that?
On what?
So my point is only to say that no matter your political leaning, it's in your interest to have more say locally
Something that's likely to have broad agreement would be a murder law, or a theft law
@KendallFrey on what should be done nationally/internationally
@KendallFrey I agree
@DavidKamer My point was, what if your political leaning includes cooperation with a larger jurisdiction?
@KendallFrey then you're probably evil to some extent
I want murder legislation to be international law
it means, more precisely, that you believe in subjugation
@KendallFrey who defines murder?
Because this gives me peace of mind when I travel beyond the borders of my home country
because as far as I can tell that could be abortion in some locations
@DavidKamer The members of the jurisdiction
If agreement is not reached on abortion, leave that up to regional law
@KendallFrey ok, so one country says "Murder is only murder when it's not a foreigner"
so you don't really solve anything, do you?
Well, an international agreement would solve that
The agreement would obviously not stop at "murder is prohibited", it would have to specify what counts as murder
@KendallFrey ok, so where does it stop?
Where does what stop?
if you decide the definition and the law for them, where does anything ever stop and when do you respect the country's sovereignty?
because one day there will be another Hitler whether we like it or not
I think anti-murder laws should overrule a country's sovereignty
and when that happens will "you can't murder" stop them and when it doesn't, how easy will it be to turn that into "you have to murder"
However, if most countries don't agree with me on this, I think it's better to not have any agreement in place, rather than a poor one
@KendallFrey so what happens when Russia uses that as an excuse to invade Ukraine?
so basically how do you plan to enforce it without a centralized dictatorship of some sort?
Presumably the other nations involved in the agreement would come to Ukraine's defense
because if you just respect local customs you'd probably be okay either way
The same way you enforce local law. By appointing officials to enforce them.
@KendallFrey so now we have world war 3 because of a murdered tourist...
international law to the rescue!
oh wait
we did that BEFORE international law
@DavidKamer I can't imagine how that would follow
@KendallFrey look up how WWI started
You referring to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
@KendallFrey yeah, one person being murdered lead to World War 1
That's a gross oversimplification
so making an international law just makes it a legal war
@KendallFrey because the person was "important"?
I never claimed international law would somehow permit war in the case of a single violation
I think this is distracting, and I'd just reference you to the Saudi journalist and all of the prisoners of DRNK that make international headlines all the time
@KendallFrey well how would it be enforced?
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
The same way you enforce local law. By appointing officials to enforce them.
because I don't think anyone wants international police and if you do it's a bad idea
@KendallFrey so you are advocating international police?
I guess so
@KendallFrey that's terrible and something like 80% of the planet would be in outright revolt
very rough estimation, but I guarentee it
I'm not suggesting international police with the same powers as regional police
If 80% of the planet disagree with me, I'm happy to go the democratic route
@KendallFrey so basically you're saying that local police should act on international law?
why would you bring someone in from China to enforce laws in the US when it's an agreed to law?
@DavidKamer 80% of the chat rooms can't agree on all the rules, but we all follow a simpler set of larger rules dictated by SO
seems like a waste of time and money,
@DavidKamer That's not at all what I was saying, but I'm also not saying that's not a good idea
@DavidKamer Why would you bring in police to your home if it's been burgled?
@KendallFrey well I can tell you it's a bad idea and that's why the people in charge (who know much more than both of us) form interpol forces of local effected countries and not imperialistic invasion forces.
@KendallFrey I feel like that is slippery slope
@DavidKamer I never suggested anything like "imperialistic invasion forces"
@rlemon I think this proves my point to an extent. We're all happier for it
@DavidKamer Funny, I think it also proves my point
no, I think it makes Kendalls point.
@KendallFrey but if a US police officer was enforcing murder law in China, that's what they would call it
if it overlaps, great. everyone wins
@DavidKamer Even if they agreed to it in the first place?
@rlemon, @KendallFrey I don't think we're even having an argument. I respect both of you
arguments don't have to be disrespectful
@KendallFrey my point is, why would you need to bring someone in from another country if your country agrees with it?
@rlemon to be honest, I'm not arguing against some international law. I'm just arguing that it always has to be enforced by local authorities. This is a well established fact
sure. I'm just saying that on a smaller scale we can see it (mostly) working out. also that if you're both trying to convince eachother of an opinion, it is, by definition, an argument.
@DavidKamer For the same reason you "need" to bring in the FBI for major criminal investigation in your city, even though the city agrees with federal law
otherwise it's in the form of "peacekeepers" and that never works (I'm sure there is a case where it did, but that's not the point)
so far, it's been a respectful and civil one
which I'm very happy about
@KendallFrey we bring in the FBI for what reason?
or multiple reasons, but what are they?
Even if the FBI agents live in your city, there still needs to be some interaction on the larger scale
@DavidKamer idk, I'm not a cop
@rlemon fair enough. :D
@KendallFrey ok, I'll tell you:
One: money and resources
Two: Interstate crimes
so interpol is used as a coalition of countries national police forces, under the authority of the local national police of that country
That seems appropriate an efficient for the most part
@KendallFrey what if I told you that if interpol did anything else then earth would be one country
However, there will inevitably need to be cases where national police mix
@KendallFrey yeah, I mean national police work together to enforce international law
or even national laws that are mutual
So the question is, to what extent is it worth it to work together
heck they even extradite for things that aren't illegal in their country if there is a treaty in place.
@KendallFrey which would be nation to nation, correct?
I think so
it is
for the most part. Sometimes it's a large group signing a treaty together, but any country can opt out
so it's effectively a choice by that country
We can probably agree that foreign national police cannot enter a country to enforce crime without the consent of the local national police
but here's my issue: we have countries so we can get what we want locally and govern ourselves
@KendallFrey yes absolutely
That's the same reason we have any level of governance
@KendallFrey well yea, but why should it be on a national level for large countries?
Like Russia and China are great examples of large countries that are totalitarian
Some things should be national, some international, some regional, some municipal
both are large countries
the larger the country, the more generic the laws need to be
@KendallFrey my only argument is that, if you belong to a community (the only people who vote in that area), then you are generally happier when you can make more choices more locally
"generic" is maybe the wrong word
@KendallFrey I see what you're saying tho
@DavidKamer Maybe you are. What if I'm happier by working together with a large number of people?
you mean the more "square-peg-in-a-round-hole" they need to be
sort of, I guess
@KendallFrey are they equally as happy?
If we are in agreement, I would think so
@KendallFrey ok, so what stops you from both making laws that are very similar?
or even standardizing your laws together as we do in the US
The same thing that stops a community of 100 people from each making personal laws that are similar
@KendallFrey right, but how is that geographically applicable?
it's mutually beneficial to work directly together
are you saying 200 people in two seperate cities or the same city
The same can apply to the international scale
@KendallFrey I don't think so. I don't pretend to know what is needed in Colombia
Hey JS Family, can someone lend a quick helping hand with an issue I am facing right now with npm. It's driving me nuts! stackoverflow.com/questions/52901696/…
I was thinking a primitive tribe that's developing law, but really any group of 100 people
@DavidKamer I do. A prohibition on murder.
@KendallFrey do you also want to define it for them?
Well yeah that would be included
@KendallFrey ok, what if they say no?
Then I'm disappointed, and we go our separate ways
I feel slightly less safe
@KendallFrey right, but you're not saying that you want to invade them?
then what's the point of not letting them decide it themselves?
do you think they're too stupid?
(I don't mean that in an insulting way, I'm just being concise)
It's like a legal contract. Both parties agree on something, and they put protections in place in case the other is to change their mind
@Rahul github.com/npm/npm/issues/18448 see if anything in here helps
@KendallFrey ok, but why wouldn't they do it themselves if it's the best way to do it?
in general
if they come up with it themselves, would they be more likely to enforce it?
It's in our mutual best interest to both enforce the law, no?
@rlemon Thanks for the link @rlemon but I have gone through it already.
then I'm out of ideas, sorry. my npm goto is google the error code and hope to hell someone on github has a workaround that works for me :/
@KendallFrey they might not think so if they feel like they're only doing it because your country has superior force. People are rebellious by nature, and if they don't feel like it's their choice then a significant number of the population will undermine it just because it doesn't feel like a choice
Well that's outside the scope of a mutual agreement, I'd think
@rlemon @rlemon Why's npm so hard :|
because it isn't great software
@KendallFrey a mutual agreement might be something different to two different cultures. You should look into how Chinese people handle conflict.
anyway, if you make them sign an agreement (by approaching them first) then you might do more harm than good
there are exceptions like genocide that I agree need to be international law
People like to genocide for some reason and it needs to be international law under threat of invasion
basically international law is used to decide when it's okay to enforce a law through war
any other international laws are really just suggestions
@rlemon do you use yarn?
no, they're both trash
npm is the trash I almost know
wow lol trash is strong lol
I actually laughed when I read that
npm does have a lot of weird and arbitrary implementation details
That deserved a star
Anybody in here know about react router 4?
@ChristopherMellor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
import 'enumerable-ts'

const query = Enumerable.range(1, 100).takeLast(3)

for (const value of query) {

// 98
// 99
// 100
What's neat about that is it outputs those values without ever creating an array in memory
@Rick two lol
@ChristopherMellor I know enough
@PatrickRoberts that is pretty neat. What's that import syntax?
huh. Would that work with most libraries. like import 'react'?
Yeah after installing it using npm, yarn, or some other package manager
wow, you have taught me something awesome today lol. I don't code/look at code 24/7 like my betters, so I appreciate it when I'm taught something like that. Thank you @PatrickRoberts
Glad to hear that!
Also after considering your comment, I feel like I do spend time programming almost 24/7 these days...
@PatrickRoberts there's nothing wrong with that. I spend way too much time watching youtube videos and no one is better for it.
It's really addiction at this point. I wish I was addicted to coding tbh
At work it's mostly C and C#, but in my spare time it's mostly JavaScript
@PatrickRoberts I mostly do JavaScript all the time. I don't really have a need for C or C# rn, but I do want to make a game in Unity and I will need to do C# for that...
At work I write firmware for embedded systems, and the C# is for desktop applications that communicate with those embedded systems usually using either USB serial or TCP/IP
@PatrickRoberts that sounds like measuring fly farts lol
I don't follow
basically sounds really tedious lol
oh, I actually really enjoy working with low-level software. Learning about how microcontrollers interact on the hardware level with peripherals is really interesting to me.
@PatrickRoberts I'd actually probably prefer doing something like that, but that's not what the remote/freelancer game is about. "they" (I realize how paranoid that sounds) have for some reason decided you should only work on firmware if you clock in 9-5
tbh, I think you're the one doing the real work
My company has really flexible hours. With a few minor restrictions, basically all they care is that I get in 80 hours every two weeks at reasonable hours of the day
@PatrickRoberts they make you show up to a place though?
well yeah when you deal with embedded systems that tends to be a requirement for testing setups, etc. :P
it's like a 12 minute drive though
@PatrickRoberts yeah, I guess it depends on how it all works in a given situation lol.
I'm sure there is a way that they could let you do it remotely and have like one "IT guy" at the office
at an engineering firm, they don't have time to deal with someone that "just does IT"
no I meant that basically anything needed to be in person for is probably as simple as plugging things in lol
I spend a fair amount of time soldering PCBs to fix hardware issues, using oscilloscopes and multimeters at the office for debugging devices when the software debugger isn't sufficient for determining the problem, and several other things that require my physical presence. That's just not an option, really.
so basically I'm imagining a screen and a ticket system and a guy waiting for you to tell him to restart/plugin something. One phone call a week with each engineer and 5 grand a year less for every employee to pay for the new guy. Now you don't have hours and instead can just get your work done in however long it takes (it'll be less than 40 hours a week)
@PatrickRoberts oh, yeah, definitely not an option for that stuff
that's what I meant by measuring fly farts lol.
and yeah we do have TeamViewer and Skype, but that's usually for assisting clients with issues regarding our products when they're out in the field
That's computer engineer work. Not my cup of tea to be entirely honest.
I'm curious what made you say "I'd actually probably prefer doing something like that" then
@PatrickRoberts I was thinking you were designing drivers or something like that. Like taking something already made, like a router, and then updating and/or maintaining the firmware
or taking a chipset and then designing firmware for a specific task
like what companies do when they have a set of boards they want to tailor to use as something more specific from it's previous use case
that type of stuff.
well we actually have two departments at our company that encompass embedded systems, the electrical engineers and the software engineers. Even though all the software engineers (myself included) have electrical engineering degrees, they focus on writing applications and firmware, while the EEs focus on the stuff you just said
see I'd think it would be the opposite for some reason
maybe that's why the security of our infrastructure (routers etc) is a flaming dumpster fire.
EEs know about 12 things relevant to software engineering (totally a made up number)
wait maybe I misread what you said. The EEs design the PCBs and figure out what hardware is needed for the client specifications. After the boards are fabricated, the SEs write the firmware for them to do the thing
@PatrickRoberts yeah, that sounds correct. EEs shouldn't be designing software
if they are god help us
I worked at an Engineering school and had EE student technicians (fourth year) under my "command"
one of the EEs actually likes to tinker with firmware sometimes, but he acknowledges it's not his specialty
@PatrickRoberts yeah... don't let any of that code get to production lol
but see if you're acting partly as an EE then you would need to be at the "shop" or whatever you guys call it.
I mean I guess if you're doing hardware debugging too, but I'd still think 60-70% could be done at home
I'm a big advocate for remote work. I like the whole "put your money where your mouth is" part of it too when it comes to the whole climate change debate. I don't want to hear a single person who believes in climate change say that a software guy should have to commute... ever...
Well one of the really interesting projects I worked on this year required me to write an SWD programmer for STM32 microcontrollers that ran on an LPC board controlling the test fixture. I think that's the most time I ever spent using an oscilloscope to debug software. Had to check the signal responses from the STM32 over the wire to find out if it was understanding the signals it was being sent, and if the data timing was correct.
@PatrickRoberts yeah you need to be there for stuff like that... Unless you had appropriate network enabled test equipment. A single setup at the beginning of the week and boom you're ready to go.
I don't know if there is anything out there that does that, but I'm sure that you'd have the skills to use some JS and C to design something like that
Writing all the software to make that possible for each project would sure be eating a lot of hours that could be spent just coming in and doing the work like normal. I'm pretty sure that would be wasting money, not saving it.
electronics.stackexchange.com/q/391098/76672 btw, here was a self-answered question I did for the SWD programmer. Funnily enough, writing the question was what helped me figure out the answer.
yeah I really don't know how feasible making a general purpose tool for that is as I've never personally used one
to be entirely honest a lot of embedded systems complication seems self imposed to begin with lol
embedded Java is a good example of how something so complicated can be forced into a standard
It seems that a lot of the problems are due to a lack of standardization, but I'm the first to admit that I have very limited knowledge on the realities of the field
but if you're doing something where it's basically an analogue signal converted to digital, that's where it would get complicated
heh, that's pretty trivial since most microcontrollers have a built-in ADC peripheral.
You just have to connect it to a proper voltage divider to get the range you want
@PatrickRoberts I was just about to say that it wouldn't be an issue as long as there was some sort of standard way of dealing with it lol
well this was a great chat, and it's cool to see a computer engineer likes writing stuff in JavaScript! I've got to got to sleep. Have a wonderful night/day whatever it is for you!!
take care
5 hours later…
Oh, a silent morning it is.
I know who would like a discussion
I knew It.
So I debated a while yesterday and wondered what's your input about auto wiring - good or bad?
I do see the general backdraw that people hold against it, sure, but is it really that harmful?
for an example - take configs and their respective models
anyone used azure at all ?
@KamilSolecki The real questions are a. can you still test your code, and b. is the flow and object graph still easily understood
The first is easy to reason about. If all of your dependees are declared openly (in the constructor, or in method arguments), then it is easily testable.
Since the hardest part of a test is construction the portion of the world you want to test.
The second one is more subtle, and has to do with the API of the auto-wiring and how your code looks afterwards
Is there a place where the object graph can be seen? Is that place accessible from the app's entrypoint?
Good day
1 hour later…
Does anyone know how I can get the URL of a youtube video? like not a link to the youtube website, but a link to an actual media file?
right click on the video
"copy embedded code"
You'll get an iframe code snippet that u can embed in your html
That's not quite what I'm after
I'm trying to find a way to get the URL of the video without any fancy youtube HTML around it, so I can build a custom player
not quite sure then !
i don't think youtube will provide videos in any format directly , that can be used in a HTML5 player
are you sugesting they have their own video codecs that mp4s avis and the lot are converted into?
okay, I saw that you can get the youtube website source (ctrl+u) and using find, look for url= and tag=\\u0026 and in between is the URL of the video in different resolutions, simply decode the url and voila, but I get a 403 error
not sure what format youtube uses
I just had a look, youtube stores files offline in .exo format?
but i don't think it exposes an API , using which , you can have a link such as somevideo.mp4
or .ogg
@JacobSchneider I'm fairly sure it's not that easy.
Otherwise, YouTube would lose a lot of revenue to people wanting to do exactly what you want to do.
then how do youtube to MP3 converters work?
unless they have a contract with youtube, which they wouldn't for the reason you just mentioned, they have to extract the video somehow
I had a look through the HTML code and I can see a <video> tag but the URL is all weird
its a blob uri
can I work with that?
putting blob:https://www.youtube.com/b22508eb-e381-4bd9-a4a3-70317e679c6d into postman gives back an error
Reading a bit on blob urls, there has to be some way of retrieving the data of a blob?
There's a lot of work that goes into it
2 hours later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum you might like that ^
@Meredith you know any C++
Rick its a little tacky to ping someone that has'nt said anything
lots of rooms have rules against it
that's a rule
well I resend the request
i end up opening chat in incognito for reasons like that
incognito how does that help
you still need to log in
Rick try it
you can still see chat
which is the goal for me most of the time
I don't always leave comments
when will brwosers support decorators

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